Map Thread XXII


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Query: does anyone remember a map, by @What am I doing (I think) showing a Byzantine empire which includes Russia facing off against a Franco-Spanish empire, which was either colored white or a very light color on the map? I thought I had it in my "Great Maps by other people" collection, but I lost a lot of files in a computer crash last summer and no longer seem to have it.
Query: does anyone remember a map, by @What am I doing (I think) showing a Byzantine empire which includes Russia facing off against a Franco-Spanish empire, which was either colored white or a very light color on the map? I thought I had it in my "Great Maps by other people" collection, but I lost a lot of files in a computer crash last summer and no longer seem to have it.
You have my condolences, I only have the maps on my DeviantART account now and not the extensive plethora of my own WIPs and other folks maps that I saved for posterity (like every map you ever made, RoyalPsychos, AltReality, rvbomalley, etc) so I know what that gut punch feeling of losing a collection is like. I intend to make maps again when I don't have a kiddo to parent but it is a bit sad that I can't start from the timeline ideas that I have trouble remembering the particulars of now.... I dread thinking of recalling them even further in my future than now ; _;
Query: does anyone remember a map, by @What am I doing (I think) showing a Byzantine empire which includes Russia facing off against a Franco-Spanish empire, which was either colored white or a very light color on the map? I thought I had it in my "Great Maps by other people" collection, but I lost a lot of files in a computer crash last summer and no longer seem to have it.
I guess this one:
Old World at the end of the Medieval Period, loosely inspired by a Crusader Kings game plus another idea.

What if China successfully beat the steppe nomads and prevented the formation of the Mongol Empire, replacing it as the dominant world power of the 13th century.

The Song Dynasty was in a downward spiral, losing ground to the up and coming Jin in the north. The Jin gave rise to a new dynasty that was able to unify China and also acquire horse warfare expertise. Due to the increased raiding activity of the yet-unified Mongols, China determined to secure the northern border using several strategies, at first using one similar to Emperor Wu's of the 1st century in his successful pacification of the Xiongnu, which was the model of the new Western Expeditions.

The idea was to control centers of commerce and supply, blocking any wealth-generating areas from providing tribute to the nomads. The nomads, cut off from external supply would be weak enough to face down with newly formed Chinese mobile cavalry-based armies. And then, the pacified steppe lands would be colonized by loyal populations bringing in cattle and sheep to create a new pasture economic model that would feature fewer horses, and thus less military potential.

The Chinese border expansion policy took them into the Tarim Basin, and from there into Central Asia, where China came to dominate most of the Silk Road.

However, there were issues finding people willing to emigrate from the Chinese mainland into non-agricultural lifestyle of cattle herding, so China began a policy of accepting foreign settlers from Europe and Persia which were engaged in numerous conflicts along religious lines and thus generated plenty of refugees and captives.

Meanwhile outside of China, Egypt has given rise to a new Jewish faith, only militantly evangelical like Christianity and Islam, following their founder prophet and Messiah who took the name "Kurosh" (referring to Cyrus the Great who biblically liberated the Jews from Babylon). This new Misraic Empire overthrew the Arabo-Muslim rulers of the region, liberating Africa and Iberia, also re-establishing the Kingdom of Israel. In the West, many Muslims were forced to convert, while in the East, Muslims rallied around Persia. In line with the religious shift, there is also a re-alignment of linguistic priority, as Egypt and Africa officiate a resumption of pre-Arabic Coptic, Berber, Andalusian, and Hebrew language in the administration of their respective regions.

In Egypt proper, new construction projects overhaul the urban design of the Nile settlements and improvements to agriculture, trade, and manufacturing result in an economic boom, making Egypt the most economically prosperous place on Earth.

Ironically, defeating their Arab rivals allowed the Romans and Persians to recover and bounce back to new heights.

In Europe, the Holy Roman Empire never managed to finish expanding into Germany, remaining a primarily Franco-Italian production. As a result, Polabia became a powerful catholic kingdom east of the Elbe.

The Hungarians never migrated, so Pannonia is Wallachian/Romanian. Bulgarians and other Slavs have become very important parts of the Roman Empire, though there is still a separate independent kingdom of Bulgars which resists Hellenization.

Is there any place on the internet where i can find a comprehensive map of the world in 1962 all the way down to each countries' administrative divisions and the subdivisions within them?
Crossposting from the MOTF thread. Comments, questions, anything is welcome!
Prince-Président Bonaparte: Third Time as a Comedy


So I don't really have the time to do a full write-up, but I decided to play with the scenario a bit and have a descendant of Napoleon rule France... as a duly elected President. Admittedly, the recent election helped put this idea on my head, particularly noting there was a MP elected from a "Bonapartist Central Committee". And this ultimately evolved from that idea.

I also found it amusing to put forward this Bonaparte (which, to make sure it fulfills the contest rules, represents an ATL direct descendant of Napoleon) as the most left-wing candidate, adopting some more socialist (or rather, cooperativist) ideals against the Republican Front, that would be a more classical liberal coalition, and a Legitimist hard-right to go along with it because... why not?

Anyway, just wanted a small, fun scenario, and try again a color scheme more based on pink, blue and purple, since that's a combination that went rather well in a recent map I did. I don't think this one looks as nice, but I still enjoy it quite a bit.​
Does anybody have any rescources on how to make animated maps? By that, I mean to show unit movements in a map aswell as frontlines shifting. I assume that the only way is to simply make a map and edit it thousands of times (just like a normal animation), but mabe there's a program that makes it easier.