Bleed to consume another day - A cyberpunk world
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The year is 2112 in a world slightly different from ours, a world suffering through some climate change and a lot of social strife. The world is dominated by many megacorperations, technology has penetrated every nook and cranny of the planet, there has been a fair amount of ecological collapse and everyone and everything is depressing. Fun.
The many megacorporations of the world have grown to rival the power of most nations, and many of them have struck their tendrils into as many facets of life as possible. The power of the corporations run deep, even penetrating the culture of the world. For instance, the Pacifican Megacorporation IIT (International Information Technology) owns many residential neighborhoods around the world, produces smartphones, owns many automobile companies, runs fashion companies, creates movies and entertainment, manages restaurant chains, sells produce, controls much of their own production chain and rules a few governments. Due to compatibility issues and discounts for long term customers, people are often bound to a megacorporation if they are wealthy enough to purchase their goods or work for them.
This creates strong loyalty between the corporation and their consumer, which has slowly changed the culture of much of the developed world. Brand loyalty is an extremely powerful force, with many people feeling compelled to defend their brand and feel loyal to them. Often, riots occur in parts of cities that are not controlled by megacorps between the consumers of rival brands, egged on by the upper management of the mega corporations. Of course, there are many people who think they are too good for falling into the corporate loyalty traps, and they are stuck using sub par technology and living sub par lives compared to their corporate consuming counterparts. Small businesses are almost impossible to start up, and if they get successful enough a hostile takeover sometimes occurs.
IIT is the world's largest megacorperation, followed by the Russian Ohara Group (which completely controls the country), the Japanese Omasu Conglomerate and Chiheisen, PRISM (another Pacifican megacorperation), the Japanese-Korean company Pi, the British Royal Holdings, the Midlantic conglomerate Alvarado-Emenheiser (AEC), the American company Dot and lastly the French pyramid scheme l' éclat.
Most countries in this world are extremally corrupt, more or less being held together by corporate money. Generally, states are dominated by multiple megacorps, but typically one reigns supreme over the other, controlling the majority of the government or having the highest percentage of consumers. Of course, there are many rivals to the corporate world order, as theocracies, communist states and ecological socialist republics attempt to thwart their power, citing the damage that they have done to the world.