Map Thread XXI

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I decide to make another (X) countries map, this time with Italy and there are 30 of them. This is also based on FederalRepublic map of 12 Italies, so check his map out.

A1: Kingdom of Italy: During the first year of the Great War, Italians remained neutral despite their alliance with the central powers. Both the Entente and Central Powers would try to stray Italy to join their side of the conflict. The Austrians, not wanting a third front in the alps, would reluctantly agree to give the majority Italian area of Trentino to Italy. This finally persuaded the Italians to join the conflict on the Central Powers, launching an invasion of France, including a seaborne invasion of Corsica and Tunisia, and fighting British forces near Egypt. The Italians were able to push into France a bit but were eventually forced to create trenches like the rest of the western front. German and Austro-Hungarian forces would arrive at the Italian front, and by early 1919 they were able to push them into Marseille. Having already captured Paris, they would force the French and later the rest of the Entente to surrender.

A2: Holy State of Italy: The rise of nationalism in Italy would see the hope of many for a unified Italian state. However one of the primary opponents to this was the Pope and the Papal state, who was against unification. However, following the 1846 papal conclave, a more liberal pope took power, who believe that the Papal state should unify Italy. Even after the 1848 revolution (Which did not affect Rome in this TL), he continued to champion this position. With the Austrians and French attempting to divide the small Italian states into their influences, they were instead driven towards the Papal States, which would soon unite with these states and form the Holy State of Italy, with only the Kingdom of Sardinia remaining independent.

A3: New Roman Empire: The British defeat at Dunkirk was a disaster, most of its soldiers trapped at Dunkirk were either killed or captured by the Germans. This ultimately forced the pro-peace faction of the British conservatives to replace Churchill and forced the British government to make peace with the Germans. The Italians meanwhile, seeing the disaster at Dunkirk, launch an invasion of France and British Somaliland much earlier. The British later made peace with the Italians, not wanting to continue the conflict and only really lose Somaliland to the Italians. In 1948, Mussolini and Umberto II declared the formation of the New Roman Empire, which was just the same Italy as before but with a new name. This new Rome however would face many difficulties, with rebellions in their colonies and Greece, It also didn’t help that Mussolini's death in 1956 sparked a succession crisis on who should be the next duce of the Romans. By 1977, a large-scale rebellion would overthrow the fascist government, ending the New Roman Empire.

A4: People’s Socialist Republic of Italy: (This map was inspired by Command and Conquer: Red Alert), The Great War ended with a victory for the Central Powers. Italy was in shambles, having joined the Entente in 1915. With the country in chaos, communism became popular across the country, and in 1920 a communist revolution overthrew the monarchy, which would flee to Sardinia, and establish the People’s Socialist Republic of Italy. This new Italy would ally with the Soviet Union, and join the Communist International. Germany would avoid being taken over by the Nazi party, possibly because Hitler in 1920 mysteriously disappeared, and would remain under the unstable Weimar Republic. In 1943, the Soviets would launch an all-out invasion of Europe with Italy and other states allied with the Soviets joining in their invasion. The Italians would do pretty well, occupying parts of Southern France, Austria and Sardinia, but eventually, their forces would be pushed back by the allies. In 1947 the country was invaded by the allies, where the communist government was deposed, followed by the Soviets surrendering in 1949.

A5: (Borgia Dynasty) Italian Kingdom: (Based on the Alternate Historian video on the topic) Pope Alexander VI never dies after his dinner in 1503, and remains the pope of the catholic church. Alexander would continue to launch reforms in the church, while also expanding the Borgia rule throughout Italy. Even after Alexander's death, the Borgia family continue to press their influence on the Papal states. Cesare thanks to the Papal states remaining pro-Borgia, was able to consolidate more power in the duchy of Romagna, expanding more land in Italy and successfully invading Tuscany, and conquering it as well as other parts of Northern Italy. Cesare and the Borgia would also be able to play off the Spanish and French and would be able to convince them to hand over several states in Italy. By 1616, the Borgia had united all of Italy and declared the Italian Kingdom. The Italian Kingdom would become a major power in Europe, often allying with either the Spanish or French depending on the date. However by the late 18th and early 19th century, the Italian Kingdom would decline, with the Borgia dynasty growing more corrupt and weaker, and the Italians often fighting losing wars against each other. In 1864, the king of Italy died without an heir, thus leading to the Italian War of Succession between Italy and severely weakening Italy. Following the war, in 1875, the monarchy would be abolished after a short revolution and a republic was established.

B1: (Ravennan) Roman Empire: Stilicho successfully repels the Barbarians from crossing into the Rhine, and as such would never be executed. Emperor Constantius III was also able to survive instead of dying 7 months into his reign and with the Romans not having to deal with the Germanics migrating from the Rhine, would give the Western Roman Empire some time to rebuild its army and would allow the Western Roman Empire, now known as the Ravennan Empire, to barely survive the 5th century, although they would still face attacks and raids from the Barbarians and would also abandon Britannia and some parts of the Rhines. The Eastern Roman Empire would not be so lucky and with the Germanics not migrating into the west, they instead drove into the East, eventually seeing the fall of Constantinople in 488, ending the Eastern Roman Empire. The Ravennan Empire for the next two centuries would make attempts to retake its old eastern provinces, however, they were only really able to retake Illyria and parts of Western Greece. The Ravennan Empire would face political and economic issues in the 8th and 9th centuries, which saw the Empire balkanizing into new kingdoms. By 876 AD, the Roman Empire would completely collapse.

B2: New Tuscany (Nuova Toscana): Based on Dom-Bul New Tuscany map, Following the Thorton expedition into Cayenne, Ferdinando I authorize the creation of a colony in Guiana, leading to the formation of the colony of New Tuscany. Italians across the peninsula, though mostly from Tuscany, would immigrate to the colony. The colony would also import Slaves from Africa for the newly established plantations for the colony economy. After Napoleon invaded Tuscany, the colony would come under Portuguese occupation in Brazil but would be given back to Tuscany in the Treaty of Paris. The colony would then come under the control of the newly unified Italy. By this point, Nationalism would become popular in the colony, with the main goal of breaking off from Italy. New Tuscany would get involved in the First World War, furthering the cause of independence. After the March on Rome by Mussolini and his subsequent rise to power, New Tuscany decides to use the opportunity to declare Independence from Italy. Although Italy would not recognize this until 1949. New Tuscany for the rest of the 20th century remains a largely unknown country to the rest of the Western World other than Italy, which is where most of their tourist comes from.

B3: Venetian Republic: Venice performs much better in their war against the Ottomans, and comes out winning in the end. Venice, while still being challenged by the Spanish and Portuguese, would remain an economic powerhouse in the Mediterranian sea, and would continue to keep control of Cyprus as well as gain control of Sevastapool in the aftermath of the war with the Ottomans. Venice's dominance wouldn’t last forever, as their control over Cyprus and Sevastapool would be lost and the country becoming more focused on mainland Italian politics. In 1871, Venice, alongside several other Italian states, would come together and form the Kingdom of Italy

B4: Kingdom of Southern Italy: (Based on AHH video on the subject) Following the end of WW2, Italy was in shambles and faced several issues from the battlefields and Mussolini. Italy's problems would soon exacerbate with the 1948 election, which saw the Socialist-Communist party win a narrowly won election. This causes a crisis across Europe with disputes over the election occurring and the Soviets and Americans unsure of what to do. Ultimately it was decided to split the country into two, with the southern part becoming an ally to the West. They would also reinstate the monarch power, bringing Umberto II back to the throne. Italy remains tense throughout the Cold War although violence would never occur. Even after the cold war ended, Italy remain divided, as there was already a cultural divide in Italy before 1948 and Northern Italy was much more functional than the rest of the Eastern Bloc.

B5: Aitalian Empire: Alexander the Great doesn't die at 32 and instead continue to lead the Macedonian Empire. He looks west and launches a campaign to conquer the Italian peninsula. With Rome still being small minor power and with the rest of Italy divided, they would be easily conquered by Macedonia. Following Alexander's death in 292 BC, his empire would still collapse, and the Italian province would come under the control of one of Alexander's generals, forming the Aitalian Empire. The Aitalians would conquer the coast of Southern Gaul and the Balearic Islands. The Aitalians for the next century would face constant skirmish with the Gauls and by 74 BC their empire had largely broken off or was conquered by the Gauls.

C1: Emirate of Sicily: The Byzantine army would fail to cross the strait of Messina, reassuring the independence of the Emirate of Sicily. The Sicilians would launch a successful counter-invasion on the Byzantines, conquering most of Southern Italy by the 1040s. With a Muslim power now close to the Vatican, this caused much panic in the Catholic church, and the peninsula would become embroiled in a conflict between the Papal States and the Emirate of Sicily. The Papal state would come out on top in the end, and the Sicilians lost most of their holding on the mainland. The Sicilians would lose most of their power following their conflict with the Papal states, and by 1525, would be conquered by a Muslim power in North Africa.

C2: Federation of Mediterranea: The collapse of Globalism and the UN, as well as climate change becoming worse, would spark an international crisis and the collapse of most nations. Italy would be one of them, largely falling into warlords like the rest of Europe. In 2142, a Mediterraneanist would come to power in Rome and unite the warring states into the Federation of Mediterranea, whose goal is to unite all of the Mediterranean nations together. Mediterranea would conquer Catalonia and northern Morroco however their efforts for uniting the Mediterranea would never come to be.

C3: People’s Italian Republic: The US and the West are much weaker in this timeline, making a lot more incompetent decisions during the cold war. Italy's Years of Lead would see the Far-Left gain influence in Italian politics. As the US slowly return to its isolationist stance, Italy would see the rise of Communism in the country, with Communism becoming the major party in Italy. In 1986, a referendum officially reform Italy into the Peoples Italian Republic. The Sicilians were against this and a result voted to succeed from Italy. Italy is now a major member of the Warsaw Pact.

C4: Veiian Empire: The Etruscans led by Veii destroy the Romans in the Roman-Etruscans. Veii would become the most powerful city-state in Italy, and thus slowly but swiftly annexes its neighbouring cities. Veii would go on to unite mainland Italy and would go to war and win against the Carthaginians. The Veiian Empire would soon expand across the Mediterranean sea, though they were never able to conquer Carthage. Eventually Germanic and Celtic intrusion and political instability cause the Empire to fall apart.

C5: Free State of Sicily: The Atomic bomb is never created though Japan still surrenders around the same time in WW2. The Cold War is much tenser with neither the Soviets nor Americans having nukes, eventually sparking World War 3. The Soviets and the Warsaw Pact would quickly invade Western Europe, with Soviet troops able to cross into Italy. The Sicilians not wanting to come under Soviet occupation as they continue to march towards the south quickly declare Independence from mainland Italy, even taking some land across the Strait of Messina. Even after the Soviets were defeated following the war, the Sicilians chose to remain independent but gave up the small amount of land they took near the Strait of Messina. Even in the 21st century, Siciliy remains independent although the Italians are still hoping for Sicily to one day reunite with the rest of the country.

D1: (In case anyone is wondering this is an inverse of Caesar Legion from Fallout: NV) Washington Patriots: The Culture of the 1980s never faded, and the Cold War continues into the 21st century. Europe would unite into one country but would soon go to war with the Soviets in 2060. In 2067 the Great War occurs when nuclear weapons were launched across the world, ending civilization as we know it. Italy would be affected by the war and the following centuries would see the country become home to tribes and city-states. In 2267, Sico Maestri, later renaming himself Washington, after travelling across Italy for missionary work, would end up reading a book on the history of the US. Inspired by it, he became determined to unite Europe under a regime similar to the old United States. During his missionary work, he would be able to take over a tribe and form the Washington Patriots. Thanks to many of his generals were able to reunite Italy. His dream of uniting Europe was cut short after being defeated by the New French Empire, collapsing into a civil war.

D2: Roman Republic: Brutus and the Liberator's man are victorious in the Battle of Phillipi, with Octavian being killed in the process, and are able to take Rome from the Triumverate. The liberators would launch several constitutional reforms in order to prevent the rise of another Pompeius or Ceasar, although the populace would be against these changes as they see it as the elite attempting to regain their old power. Constant infighting between the Liberators would occur. The Roman Republic would never see a Pax Romana and instead a long decline eventually resulting in the collapse of the Roman Republic into multiple new states, with only the Roman heartland remaining.

D3: Union of Latin States: Following the Great War, Pan-Latninsm would become popular across the Romance-speaking world in Europe. Italy, France, Spain and Portugal would come closer together, eventually forming a federation known as The Union of Latin States. The Latins hoped to expand into other areas in Europe that had a Romance-speaking population. They couldn’t invade Belgium as they wanted to keep good relations with Britain. Instead, they invaded Switzerland. This was a bad idea as the Swiss prove to be harder to conquer. The Latin Union would eventually come out winning, albeit in a pyrrhic victory. Due to internal issues the Union of Latin States eventually dissolve in 1953.

D4: Kingdom of the Ostrogoths: The Ostrogoths are able to resist Justinian's attempt to re-conquering the Italian peninsula. With the Byzantines much more weaken thanks to their failed invasion, the Ostrogoths quickly take over all of Southern Italy, effectively uniting the peninsula. The Ostrogoths for the next centuries continue to run Italy but would see themselves become subjugated to the Franks by the 7th century. By 722 the Ostrogoths would lose complete power in Italy and be replaced by the Franks.

D5: Kingdom of Etaliya: The Black Death kills around 70% or 80% of Europe's population, resulting in chaos across the continent and allowing the various Muslim powers who were able to deal with the plague much better to take advantage of the situation. In Italy Turks and Tunisians would migrate into the continent, intermarrying with the surviving local Italians and seeing them convert to Islam. In 1511, with most of Italy now under several Muslim states, they would come together and unite into the Kingdom of Etaliya. The Etaliyans would become of the most powerful countries in Europe, however, after losing several conflicts over the years, a republican-like revolution occur in 1932, overthrowing the monarchy.

E1: Kingdom of Italy (Fascist): Italian-German relations are much strained, especially after the Anschluss. As a result Italy never forms the Axis alongside Germany and remain neutral throughout the entirety of World War 2. Thanks to not Italian involvement in the war, the Western Allies are stronger although the Germans also have more troops to spare without the North African front. The Allies still come out victorious in the end but hold strained relations with Italy. During the Cold War, Italy remain officially neutral though it did favour the US fearing the Soviets could support a communist movement in the country. Following Mussolini's death in 1957, the country was in turmoil over who to be their new leader, although they were able to find someone that was able to keep the status quo. Following his death in 1983, the country would hold its first Democratic elections and would see the Fascist power lose power.

E2: European Federation State of Italy: The formation of the EU would see the rise of European Federalist movements across the continent. Italy would be no different with Pro-Federalist parties being elected. In 2037 the Treaty of Amsterdam would see the creation of the European Federation and in 2044, Italy would become an official member of the new country, becoming a state. The European Federation remains one of the most powerful countries on Earth.

E3: Federation of New Sardinia: Humans by the 22nd century would travel across the planets in the Solr System, with Mars becoming one of the many colonies Earth holds. The Italians would find their own colony known as New Sardinia. Technological advancement would allow Mars to become fully terraform by the 27th century, and with this would see the rise of Martian Nationalist groups calling for independence from Earth. New Sardinia was no different and in 2689 a revolution occur which would see New Sardinia gaining independence from Italy. The New Sardanians would become the Switzerland of Mars, choosing to remain neutral in Martian geopolitics or the chaos across the Solar System.

E4: Kingdom of the Lombards: Authari is able to marry a Frankish princess and as a result was able to prevent hostilities between the Franks and the Lombards. The Lombards are able to secure their rule in Italy from the Byzantines and thanks to Authari reforms are able to make sure the kingdom remain stable. The Lombards continue to face problems for the next few centuries before finally collapsing into several new states in 1102.

E5: Kingdom of Italy (Napoleonic): Napoleon never invades Russia and is able to secure French dominance across Europe. The Kingdom of Italy, a state in personal union with France has already been established. Following Napoleon's death, the rise of Italian nationalism would sweep the country, with many hoping for the creation of an Italian Republic state separate from France. Thanks to Napoleon's successor being a lot weaker, the Revolution of 1854 would occur as well as another coalition launch against France. The revolution and coalition is successful and would see the fall of the Kingdom of Italy.

F1: (Based on one of FederalRepublic 12 Italiese) Kingdom of Krass: Sometime around the mid-5th century, a group of Slavs would migrate into the alpine region and the Italian peninsula, establishing the Kingdom of Krass. The Krassians would successfully fend off the Ostrogoths, certifying Slavic control over Northern Italy. The Krass rule over Northern Italy would be short however as the Byzantiums would eventually conquer them in 771 AD.

F2: Empire of the Italians: France never annexes Corsica and thus Napoleon is born on the island that is still controlled by Genoa. During the 1780s, chaos erupted across Europe as some form of early nationalism become popular across Italy and Germany. Napoleon would climb up the ranks, eventually launching a coup against a newly formed Italian Republic, and declaring the Empire of the Italians and himself as emperor. A coalition was launched by various European powers against the revolutionary states, leading to Italy invading France, and successfully conquering its southern coast. The Italians would then invade and annex Catalonia from Spain as well as Tunisia and Libya from the Ottomans. The Empire's reign was short following the death of Napoleon in 1823, leading to a new coalition ending the Empire.

F3: (Based on the book Fatherland) Italian Social Republic: D-Day is a massive failure for the allies causing the US for some reason to leave the European front and focus only on the pacific front. This allows the Germans to push the allies out of mainland Italy and assert German control over the peninsula. The Germans are also able to push the Soviets out of Moscow, and somehow convince the British to make peace with them. German control in Europe is still very weak, especially in Italy with a lot more people being less than happy that Mussolini is still in charge. Germany remains very weak during the war and Hitler's death in 1965 proves that the Nazi's control in the country was weakening. In 1967 Germany withdrew from Italy, leading to a revolution overthrowing the Italian Social Republic.

F4: (Based on the Atlantropa Articles by Cody) Romana State: The project of Atlantropa prevent WW2 from occurring although it still leads to Germany becoming the dominant country in Europe. By the mid-21st century, almost a century after the project started, the Mediterranean would be largely drained. However, turns out it was a bad idea as the soil was too salty to grow anything. This ultimately cause the collapse of order across Europe, and Italy would see the rise of the Romana State, a fascist state based on Mussolini Italy. The Romanans would become hyper-isolationist, distrusting any foreigners. Most of the population lives on the coast as most of Italy's former coastal cities have largely been abandoned thanks to Atlantropa.

F5: (Set in the same Universe as B4) Socialist Republic of North Italy: Following the crisis of the 1948 election, the Northern Italians voted to split the country with the north becoming a Communist country. The Penisula remains tense throughout the cold war with Northern Italy becoming a part of the Warsaw Pact. Even after the Warsaw Pact collapse and the fall of the iron curtain, The Northern Italians were able to survive, though they did launch several internal reforms. Italy still remains divided to this day and the future of reunification remains uncertain.
Godly. I wonder if I ever posted my map of a Lombard Italian HRE with an anti-Magyar Great Wall.
A preview of what I'm currently working on related to my Restored Republic rewrite

I've done a couple versions of this scenario in the past but I was never quite happy with them so here's yet another attempt at a culturally and linguistically diverse modern Britain diverging in the early medieval era:

The art for the Kingdom of Scotland makes me wonder if anyone on here has made a crown or coat of arms with thistles instead of Fleur de Lys or used Celtic knots or crosses on a crown. I suppose those would require a certain level of skill though, so realistically countries wouldn’t be using them in early periods, when they were mostly using crosses or two bars of colors on their flags. Splendid choice of flag for Denmark. Obvious in a way, but that is just because it fits so well. I see that there is the usual lions as royal figured for a lot of countries here (also makes me wonder if anyone has down a cost of arms with the red and yellow loins of Wales, Scotland, and England all together) but there is a good collection of birds here as well. Do you see these costs of arms and the animals over the crowns as being the official, never changing ones in the way monarchies do these days? Or do they change based upon the private symbols and backgrounds of the monarch?
Oddly enough this all seems to lead to the French being more powerful than in our world. Who knew Canada was so important to keeping the French laid low? Honestly, I initially thought Britain looked a little too small given the premise, but then I saw the alliance/influence map and understood. The informal empire is oft neglected.

I was going to say that's a lot of foreign conquest dynasties, but their definition of "foreign" would probably be different than ours, given that Korea and Japan etc. wound up as part of China/the Sinitic Union.

Also a bit curious about what is going on in the rest of the world. The few hints are fascinating.


Speaking of large British Empires, here's Cecil Rhodes's wishlist.

View attachment 793885

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Should we take the lack of Dominion colors to mean he wanted countries to be moved back into colony status? Surprised you don’t have an extra color for his own personal dominions across Africa. Do you you recall the book or website where you found the info for his desires?
Oddly enough this all seems to lead to the French being more powerful than in our world. Who knew Canada was so important to keeping the French laid low? Honestly, I initially thought Britain looked a little too small given the premise, but then I saw the alliance/influence map and understood. The informal empire is oft neglected.

I was going to say that's a lot of foreign conquest dynasties, but their definition of "foreign" would probably be different than ours, given that Korea and Japan etc. wound up as part of China/the Sinitic Union.

Also a bit curious about what is going on in the rest of the world. The few hints are fascinating.


Speaking of large British Empires, here's Cecil Rhodes's wishlist.

View attachment 793885

View attachment 793888
Wow, he really wanted the world huh?
View attachment 793895

I decide to make another (X) countries map, this time with Italy and there are 30 of them. This is also based on FederalRepublic map of 12 Italies, so check his map out.

I always love the (X) countries maps, and this is amazingly done.

The Ravennan Empire is pretty interesting in the Germans invading the East and the very fall of the Eastern Empire instead, along with the Ravennan Empire also falls at a later point.

I got a great kick out of the Washington Patriots Italy, thank you for that.

The Empire of the Italians with Napoleon is also would be a fun timeline to read more about.
Should we take the lack of Dominion colors to mean he wanted countries to be moved back into colony status?
Surprised you don’t have an extra color for his own personal dominions across Africa.
I was trying to keep it simple and, in my defense, he did say something about creating an imperial parliament.
Do you you recall the book or website where you found the info for his desires?
This is a copy of his first will, where he goes on about the merits of this idea. ( This was oddly made before he became rich or powerful, later he would change it to more reasonable things like scholarships.
That's........a lot of union jacks.
Yeah... no kidding.
Wow, he really wanted the world huh?
Or at least the foundation of a global leviathan.
It's Rhomania as in Rome, which Byzantium was. Romania probably also comes from Rome.
Thank you, calling 'Rhomania' and alternate name for Greece caused my piss to immediatedly boil over. It's Rome! They were Romans!

Also: easy way of distinguishing between Romania and Rhomanía is that the emphasis is on the second syllable (the a) in the former and the last (the i) in the latter.
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