Map Thread XX

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New Holland, officially the Federation of New Holland, is a nation in South America, which mainly speaks in Dutch. The Country was originally a colony of the Portuguese, however in 1630, the Dutch would invade and capture the Northern colonies. Wars soon follow between the Dutch and Portuguese up until the 1650s, when both sides made an agreement to split the colony into two, with the Dutch taking the northern regions of Brazil and the Portuguese taking the southern regions. The Dutch would soon allow immigration from other countries, mainly the Germans, Belgians, Scandinavians, Irish, as well as some British and French immigrants. The Dutch would also see the slave trade of capture Africans increase, as well as wars for land from the Aboriginals. The Dutch would also see several Indians from their holdings in India move to the colony for developing several cities and roads. Following Dutch handover of new Netherlands, several settlers in the colony would leave to New Holland, hoping to remain under Dutch juridiction. In 1795, The Dutch would be invaded and conquer by Napoleon. With Britain occupying most of the Netherlands colonies, the governors of New Holland decide to declare independence. New Holland would later be recognize by the Dutch, British and French after the Napoleonic Wars. New Holland and the Empire of Brazil would soon grow a rivalry, resulting in several small wars and border clash as both nations has begun settling in the Amazon, at the expense of the Native Americans living there. In 1836, New Holland became one of the last nations in the Americas to abolish the slave trade. in 1870, New Holland, after pressure from the United States, and a Constitutional crisis, abolish slavery. During the early 20th Century, they would began trading with the British, French, and Americans. During WW1, New Holland remain pro-entente and eventually join the war in 1917. The nation was hit hard in the great depression and eventually join WW2 in 1943. in the aftermath of the war, New Holland became close allies with the Americans and Dutch and their anti-communist stance. In the 1970s, New Holland would grant rights to its Black, Indian, and Aboriginal populations, and begun allowing Non-Europeans to immigrate to them. New Holland today is the 3rd Richest nation in Latin America and a hotspot for tourism, although it still suffer from Corruption and the War on Drugs.
I'm gonna be honest, I don't know why you guys upvoted my map. It's not very good and the lore as I learn is unrealistic. It's a very low-quality map.
All Roads Lead to Muspuwte
The Muspuwte Ascendancy circa 62Kyr BP

Long before Ur or Göbekli Tepe, civilization rose on the Sundaland plain. Cities rose from the coastal deltas and inland plains, and trade networks bound together far distant peoples. Within the span of a few millennia of climatic calm, bronze-clad warriors marched the streets of cities of a scale that would not be seen for 50 millennia thereafter. 62,000 years before the present date, the greatest and most powerful of those cities was Muspuwte. Dense networks of trade all converged on this equatorial city of ritual kings. Copper flowed from Sde Kelb, and Tin from the mines of Fo’ro, and in Muspuwte alone they were made into bronze, and flowed out into the world hereafter. The work of these city was done by a great network of slaves, the half-human Hobbits, Bawlebs, and Ubags of the Sahulian fringe. The warriors of Muspuwte raided these distant lands for captives and sent them through the great slave ports of Gwleyr and Mistfitthirs, from wherein they journeyed upriver to Muspuwte. Primitive agriculture blossomed on the Sundaland plain, and to supplement it great fishing fleets sailed from Wampt, Lwawets, and Tilpsold, all to feed the increasingly specialized industries of Muspuwte. The great number of remains under the ceremonial pyramids of Muspuwte evince their commonplace practice of human (or half-human) sacrifice, all done so as to feed the inerrant Sun’s appetites. In religious matters, Muspuwte was only surpassed by Dy’aus, mountain of the Gods, whose foothills were wreathed by priests, whose steadfast belief kept the Ascendancy healthy.

It took one century, more or less, for Muspuwte to fall. A cold snap in the global climate, coupled with some local drying, caused seven years of bad harvests. The great fleets of Wampt, Lwawets and Tilpsold had grown too bold, and as they began to run out of fish, they ceased paying tribute to Muspuwte. Armies marched to the coasts to seize what they could, but the treasury grew empty, and the city began to starve. Muspuwte was wracked by fire, by riots, and by hunger, and as it died, so did the ascendancy. Bronze tools ceased to be made, agriculture fell out of practice. Ships broke, and the tools to repair them were not made. Two million humans had lived in Sundaland at its peak. Within a century, the number had been reduced tenfold, and the survivors reduced to a primitive existence. The push of mankind into the Sahulian fringe would continue gradually, but no civilization to rival Muspuwte would rise again on the Sundaland plain.
I'm reposting my MOTF here.
surprisingly, little to none. I fiddled with the game files to allow for migration to colonies, and a higher assimilation rate.
Wait, vanilla Vicky doesn’t allow that?! NO WONDER. How did I never notice this? How does that make any sense? People migrated to colonies all the time. Forget this arbitrary new world/old world distinction they use; I’m fixing that…
Some maps of Rochester, NY in an alternate timeline.

The first is a timelapse of the city's alternate municipal expansion. IOTL there were fierce debates over the city limits in the 1920s and city planners proposed the wholesale annexation of the suburbs of Brighton and Irondequoit. These proposals were defeated by local opposition and a dispute that Rochester's Republican machine had with the state legislature through the decade. In 1926 the state passed a law by referendum that granted home rule to all towns, effectively freezing all city boundaries in place.

The second is an alternate transit map of the city. IOTL Rochester built a subway in the bed of the old Erie Canal and operated electrified light rail and freight lines from 1927 to 1956. Chronically low ridership and low freight fares made it difficult to turn a profit and many locals considered it a "white elephant" for the city. The city council considered a number of expansion proposals to improve the line but was reluctant to spend the money as it would primarily benefit suburban residents. State highway grants in the 1950s presented a much cheaper alternative to the city council, which opted to abandon the subway. ITTL, the city council expands the subway eastward in the 1940s, feeling no such reluctance since the extensions would now be within city limits. The "inner loop" of interstate 490 is never constructed, which has several other consequences, the most notable of which is that the Rochester Institute of Technology retains its campus in the city center instead of being bulldozed and relocating to the outer suburbs. After the oil crisis in the 1970s, the city secures federal funds to extend the subway to the University of Rochester along the now-abandoned tracks of the Erie Railroad, which were previously electrified for commuter rail.

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Wait, vanilla Vicky doesn’t allow that?! NO WONDER. How did I never notice this? How does that make any sense? People migrated to colonies all the time. Forget this arbitrary new world/old world distinction they use; I’m fixing that…
Actually they do, that's what the game calls "Colonial migration", it's just that some places aren't attractive so they don't go there just like OTL
Actually they do, that's what the game calls "Colonial migration", it's just that some places aren't attractive so they don't go there just like OTL
^ that. I just messed with the attraction factors. If you have a colony in the americas, and you're american, your pops will migrate there. But not if its in Asia/Europe/Africa. That's why I fiddled with the files.

But I did get Hokkaido to be like 90% Mexican legit in an older run.
Small Work in Progress, it's a map of that mess of a TL I'm working on. January 68 map. The pinks are part of the Commonwealth, India is its own alliance in order to have more power to negociate with the big Japanese player. Japan and the US didn't go to war, as Admiral Yamamoto "coup-ed" the Army with US backing (there are trade agreements accross the Pacific over oil among other things). Moscow, Abyssinia and Madagascar don't have governments anymore, each for their own reasons.


Feel free to ask anything.
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Pre-Contact Linguistic Map: Africa​

Using this colour scheme: Linguistic Colour Scheme, TEV (Version 2.4) by TomislavAddai on DeviantArt and this as base map: Q-BAM Province Map by Drex by TomislavAddai on DeviantArt

What the map shows: distribution of language families throughout Africa prior to more recent waves of expansion, such as Semitic languages throughout North Africa, Indo-European languages in North and South Africa, expansion of Mandé languages in west Africa, Nilotic languages into East Africa and further waves of Bantu migration into Kenya, Tanzania and southern Africa.
Small Work in Progress, it's a map of that mess of a TL I'm working on. January 68 map. The pinks are part of the Commonwealth, India is its own alliance in order to have more power to negociate with the big Japanese player. Japan and the US didn't go to war, as Admiral Yamamoto "coup-ed" the Army with US backing (there are trade agreements accross the Pacific over oil among other things). Moscow, Abyssinia and Madagascar don't have governments anymore, each for their own reasons.

View attachment 655143
Feel free to ask anything.
What happened with Kashmir and Bengal?
What happened with Kashmir and Bengal?
The Pakistan/Bharat border was codified in a series of long agreements, it was just the final boundary they ended up agreeing on.
Bengal was pretty similar, they just ended up agreeing on the Western border (the relationships between the states of the Indian subcontinent are much less tense since they were given a lot of time to agree on every inch of soil, codifying the rights of minorities, you even have talks of unification, think of it like an early EU).
The Eastern border is a different story: the Queen of Burma is very keen on expansion, and she's been attempting to enlarge heir country, first by attacking Thailand when they were under pressure from the Japanese (the little Japanese area is a canal in the Kra isthmus). The weird area from Northeast India is a sort of mini-India, with a military government that is mostly focused on making sure the Burmese don't invade

(Please point it out if it sucks, I'm not knowledgeable in those areas)
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I posted this on its correspondent thread a while ago, but I recently fixed some minor things, and here it is:

Mid-1885 QBAM (OTL):


Disclaimer: some borders are approximate (specially sub-saharan Africa), and I can't guarantee 100% their accuracy.
View attachment 654964

The Dawn of a New Era

The 19th Century has been full of surprises, from the rise of the Peruvian Empire, to the victory of the Confederacy in the Civil War, all the way to the Italian Unification in 1853. All these achievements, howevers, were like specks of dust compared to the greatest event of the 20th Century so far: the founding of the Organization of Latin Nations.

The OLN was founded in 1902 by Emperor Fernando I de Veracruz, in one of his last acts before his death. Succeeding him is Eliza de Veracruz, his granddaughter, who set forth to stabilize the Empire, and ensure it will stand the test of time. In 1903 most of Latin America had joined the OLN, and by 1904 all Romance-speaking nations had become part of it. The existance of the OLN was a cause of concern for the German and English nations, especially given the Germans still wished to take back Alsace and Lorraine, which had been 'stolen' from them in 1896 by the Franco-Peruvians.

The late 19th Century was characterized by large waves of immigration, the greatest example being Peruvian East Asia. Within these provinces one may find a variety of people from all across the world, from the Chinese native to them, to the Peruvians of the Andes, the Hispanics of Iberia, Britons of England, and even Romanians and Serbians, all of them looking for a better life in the Empire. These waves were so great [1] that the Chinese were forced to either assimilate, of flee to the Qing-controlled territories, leading to the creation of a 'League of Southern Provinces' within the Qing, intent on expelling the Peruvians.

At large, the world is headed towards a great war, as the animosity between the French, Germans, British and Russians is growing more and more. At the same time, the Americans are looking for a way to reclaim their lands, and given that an Anglo-Saxon League is in the works between the British and Germans, they may find it.
Why is the Duchy of Bukovina shown with its own subdivision and not the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria?
I posted this on its correspondent thread a while ago, but I recently fixed some minor things, and here it is:

Mid-1885 QBAM (OTL):


Disclaimer: some borders are approximate (specially sub-saharan Africa), and I can't guarantee 100% their accuracy.
What's the grey blob between Venezuela and Brazil?
The Medians. The Achaemenids. The Selucids. The Parthians. The Sassanids. The Samarids. The Ghurids. The Rahnemids. The Askarids. The Safavids. The Khurasanis. The Gharibanids. The Imperial State. The Sublime Republic.

There has seldom been a period in history where the world has not feared a power which resided in between the Aegean Sea and the Indus. The modern day is no exception, as the Sublime Republic of Iranshahr, with its population of 425 million, GDP of 17 trillion, and a sphere of influence stretching from Iberia to the far Eastern regions of Turkestan is certainly a nation more than capable of rivaling the other great powers of the United States and China.

Iran, officially known as Iranshahr, is one of the largest nations in the world by many metrics, occupying much of the middle east, from the Adriatic Sea to the eastern edge of Afghanistan. It controls everything from the vast deserts of Arabia and Persia, to the titanic mountains of the Karakoram and Caucasus, and the forests of Serbia to the steppe of Seyhun. Iran is certainly home to many natural wonders. The country is one of the world’s most diverse, with many people groups from all walks of life residing in its borders, speaking many different languages and following many different faiths.

So, let us visit this mighty and grand nation.

Dropbox link to the description:

Google drive link in case that does not work (limited quality):

Google sheet link to the Confederates:
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