welcome to 1950! now with 50% more batshit insanity!
El lore dump:
Kingdom of Italy:
stayed neutral in WW2, jointly invaded Greece and Yugoslavia with Bulgaria in 1940. is currently regretting this decision thanks to those pesky Balkan partisans
Sanitized States of America:
Under the rule of the strange, authoritarian, and esoteric American National Sanitation Party since taking power in 1932. the ANSP Banned same race relations on the grounds that people of mixed race were genetically and physically superior, Creating coercive programs to encourage its citizens to reproduce with citizens of a different ethnic or racial grouping. To encourage amalgamation, family planning services, stipends and tax incentives were offered. However, violators of the same race relationship ban received jail time and heavy fines, and occasionally for repeat offences, execution
The SSA would invade and set up puppet regimes in the various central american states during the late 30's, annexing huge swathes of territory in the process.
The SSA would declare war on Japan in early 1941 after a “scientific” panel (no actual scientists were involved) came to the dubious conclusion that children of northern european/east asian parents were the most superior, leading ANSP officials to formulate war plans to seize "ethnically asian land". the grueling war with the land of the rising sun would end in 1947, with a massive body count, mass deployment of chemical weapons by both sides, and the occupation of the Japanese islands and former colonies.
French Democratic Peoples Republic:
D-Day and the storming of normandy never happened due to the lack of american involvement, though the British and Free French would eventually manage to mount a smaller than OTL invasion of Western France, before their advance got bogged down and slowed to a crawl. Franco-British and soviet forces eventually met on the river Seine in the spring of 1946. the soviet union would eventually form a puppet government in the french lands it controlled (to the chagrine of the West French), which would join the ranks of its many other puppet states.
Dutch East Indies: "liberated" by the wallies. while de jure part of the dutch government in exile, de facto the islands are under occupation by the british military, desperately trying to combate the tide of the anti colonial insurgency.
The British refused to partition India after it was discovered the Muslim League was receiving heavy Soviet funding. however, the leaders of the Muslim League refused to become part of "a hinduist dominated state", and unilaterally declared independence in 1949, sparking off civil war in the subcontinent.