if I can add some constructive disorder to this arrangement you have: Unlike the British Industrial Revolution, the folks made impoverished and immiserated in the process of a laissez faire industrial developmental model would either leave to the hills beyond borders to avoid the strains of industrial living, or stick around and agitate, so I'd imagine there's some instability in Song China. As China's market grows, you would also see chaos across the Silk Road as demand for goods increase, and volumes of trade increase: It would actually be very interesting to see railroads develop as a means of getting goods across Central Asia faster. On that note, the fortunes of folks on China's peripheries ranges from 'fucked' to 'not yet fucked': Either they are useful in gathering the resources to fuel the market, or China subsidizes a competitor group who will. Slavery in Southeast Asia would probably increase as a knock-on effect as well as low level constant warfare in the neighboring regions of Zomia. Depending on how China does it, the increasing efficiency of their direct trade links would likely siphon resources from elsewhere, particularly the Indian Ocean routes, resulting in instability there.
I'm liking your thoughts so far
Here is what I've made so far.
Steppe nomads have, for the most part, settled into organized chiefdoms with the majority of Mongolia being unified due to import of chinese goods and the organization of agricultural reform as a result of steel coming from the Song.
In place of Laos, there is a MASSIVE kongsi, with similarities being derived by the VOC and BEIC (basically being used to trade with china, cambodia, siam, etc.) and to have a direct control of slave labor, with connections being materialized in concessions isolated in central Cambodia to connect to this state. This entire affair has decentralized burma, laos, and northern Siam, and as a result has placed extraordinary stress on Indochina, with the resurgence of Viet rebels and the collapse of any actual contender to Chinese influence.
For future plans, I plan on having the Cumans as essentially a national silk road due to their massive benefit from it's existance and practical neutral stance. Chinese kongsi would conscribe the construction of the Silk Road Railway (named in china as Tianguo Lu aka Heavenly Road) Which would result in the formation of more localized tribal communities settling down as well as the Cumans having effective state society. Essentially, the Cumans are to act in a similar niche to the Golden horde with the development of pony expresses towards eastern europe due to influence and mandates from China towards Cumania.
This in turn would bring something of Chinese industrialization to the Rus' principalities, as instead of Western europe developing something similar to Chinese technology, Eastern Europe does. This would result in a drastic shift of the west to the east with the earlier surge of industrialization. Europe's hit of the Black Plague would be somewhat less due to no Genghis, however would still exist in part to maritime trade between China and Arabia and Cumania, however more emphasis on Maritime trade. This would result in Eastern Europe to be even MORE stronger in comparison to the West, and, due to no Mongols, Kiev still would remain a major city, and there could even be development of a Don-Volga canal system mandated by the Rus' principalities.
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