Map Thread XVIII

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On June 4 2019 North America is turned upside down,

the Our Fair Country (OFC) US and New England by Kanan, the Hail Brittania (HB) Canada, Texas and Bahamas by Leinad, the A Shining Valley (ASV) California and part of Eureka by Platina, the New Albion by Mekul

and the Superior State from Toixstory's map are ISOT to OTL earth

The OFC's US oversea territory in Guam, Panama and Antarctica as well as the fleets in port or in the Countries' Exclusive economic zone are ISOT along, everything beyond isn't. the current US still exist in the form of Hawaii, American Samoa, Northern Mariana as well as the deployed Navy and oversea bases and embassies. Newfoundland and Labrador are still IRL (because they are separate from the Hail Brittania Canada).

Some thoughts:

-Because of the different railroads and roads and infrastructure, transcontinentaltravel is extremely hard, and with the OFC USA controlling the Panama for the time being it won't quickly be made easier.
-While the OFC New England is rather self sufficient in power generation and doesn't need as much quebec hydroelectricity as IRL, the lack of gas import from canada will hurt it.
-Maduro is sweating a lot now that Cuba is a conservative US state
-the OTL US government in Hawaii will be surprised to receive russian speaking communication from Alaska
-The OFC US will really want to get a land link with its exclaved south-western states, hopefully there won't be a war with Texas in the confusion
-The Southern OFC Hispanophone state are rather well integrated and likely won't want to secede, ASV California will jump the ship immediately, will the OFC US allow them (they do claim all of the Republic of California after all, contrary to ours)
-Intra-Timeline cooperation will likely be stornger than pre ISOT geopolitical alignement, mostly from the confusion and the cultural difference, New England may very well be more willing to cooperate with the US than with the Hail Brittania Canada or our Britain, despite being aligned with them prior to the ISOT
-This OFC US will become more involved in the carribean than our US, possible clash with the Hail Brittania Bahamas, allied with Canada?
-Small Superior is isolated and likely has a lot of tourists from various part of its TL's US, i guess it's the most likely state to join the US willingly
-Part of the (already smaller than IRL's) American fleet that was deployed wasn't brought along, the ASV california has large part of its TL's large pacific fleet in los angeles, but the IRL American fleet is still the largest in the world and has all its SSBNs.
-Mexico lost large parts of its territory and is really weakened, New Albion is likely the state that handle the immediate aftermath of the ISOT the best.
-the Colorado is shared between 4 countries and it would be a huge mess especially in the Gran Lago.
-The OFC US has many nukes, and may be the only North American country with some, although there may be some stationed in the HB Canada.
-Nobody knows which US that small uninhabited part of Arizona belongs to.

Population of the Countries (or what's left of them)
ASV California+Part of eureka, about 19-19.5 millions
HB Texas: ~37 Millions
HB Canada+Bahamas: 29.4 Millions
OFC New England: ~25.5 Millions
OFC USA: ~248 Millions
Superior: 300,000
New Albion: 40-45 Millions

What do you think will happen?
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So, as part of my ongoing work for the one big map, I'm making smaller maps of each region, as I finish them. An idea popped into my head for a mini-series of short-lived post-WWI states that are the products of a weird alternate Versailles.


A Right Reasonable Compromise
I. The Federal Republic of Greater Silesia

After the end of the Great War, a new map of Europe had to be drawn. As the delegates of all involved powers gathered in Amsterdam, it was already clear that certain matters would cause more trouble than others. The merging of "German-Austria" into Germany after the collapse of Austria-Hungary the year before, as well as the rise of the Kingdom of Poland to the position of preeminent minor Central Power made the already difficult balancing of interests even more complicated. This increase of German power had to be checked in some way, to please the French, and simply carving off large portions of Silesia and Prussia to grant to Poland would (even if Berlin would accept) merely be shuffling land, industry and population from one Central Power to another - the latter of which was already feasting on the corpse of the Russian Empire; the Polish eagle flew in Minsk, and at the time of the armistice, 50,000 Polish troops were camped just outside of Kiev.

The proposal for a "Greater Czechoslovak Federation", popular with the French, had to be scrapped when, after the Second Defenestration of Prague, the Czech Soviet Republic emerged from the settling dust. It was Vittorio Emanuele Orlando's idea, dubbed "a right reasonable compromise" by David Lloyd George, that eventually came to the fore. The idea was simple - Germany would temporarily lose significant areas, which would be carved off as their own states, but be able to reintegrate them after various periods of time (between 5 and 25 years); this would allow the other powers a period in which to rest easy and rebuild without the threat of a strengthened Germany, without permanently crippling the country. The German Confederation would be revived, and a rump German Empire would be at its head.

And thus was born the Federal Republic of Greater Silesia, a nation of roughly 4 million carved from the pre-war territories of Germany and Austria-Hungary. Broadly agreed to be the most successful of the "Amsterdam states", it avoided many of the internal conflicts that plagued the others - partly because the most devoted Polish separatists had already broken off to join the Kingdom of Poland, and partly due to the use of the policies of Austria-Hungary. Without the weight of total war and starvation, these proved rather capable in defusing tensions. In Amsterdam, the Federal Republic of Greater Silesia (in German: Bundesrepublik Großschlesien) was given a lifetime of 15 years: in 1935 a plebiscite would be held, to determine whether the country would survive or reintegrate into Germany. By the time that date came, however, the republic was dead and buried.

In the winter of 1930, elections to the Schlesienrat (Council of Silesia) were held. The previous government, a coalition of centrist parties and the SPS (Sozialdemokratische Partei Schlesiens; Social-Democrat Party of Silesia), lost its majority as socialist parties gained a larger share of the vote than ever before. When the SPS declined coalition talks for a new, expanded coalition in favor of opening negotiations with the LSPS (Linkssozialistische Partei Schlesiens; Left-Socialist Party of Silesia) and RFS (Rote Front Schlesien; Red Front of Silesia), it seemed like Greater Silesia would now be facing a political crisis in addition to the ongoing economic one.

When the former government resigned, and the only possible replacement seemed to be a left-wing minority government, the parliament in Breslau was stormed by a force of army men and paramilitary forces. Numerous socialist parliamentarians were arrested, and martial law was declared under a "temporary military government". An international crisis erupted immediately, as the FSRD (Freie Sozialistische Republik Deutschland; Free Socialist Republic of Germany) demanded the formation of a legally-elected cabinet. With the socialists of Greater Silesia rapidly organizing under the SZKS (Sozialistisches Zentralkomitee Schlesien; Socialist Central Committee of Silesia), the situation escalated rapidly.

Under SZKS direction, the Wehrtruppe Schlesiens (Silesian Defense Force; WS) was infiltrated by agitators; in many cases an easy feat, as a large portion of the WS had been recruited in the heavily industrialized Upper Silesia. While only a minority agreed to join an uprising against the military regime, before long most units agreed to not defend it - they would declare neutrality, or simply go elsewhere if the worst came to pass.

On February 19th, the FSRD ultimatum to the Breslau government ran out. On February 21st, troops of the RVA (Rote Volksarmee; Red People's Army) entered Breslau. The city offered no resistance - by this point, the few pockets of resistance offered by loyalist WS troops were already collapsing in the face of overwhelming odds and the realization that they were alone. In the words of Jürgen Schlimm, an RVA infantryman and later writer: "We are slowed primarily by the need to parade in every town and city. The people are ecstatic, and we would surely evoke their anger if we merely passed through without letting them have their fun". While the RVA swept into Greater Silesia from the northwest, the SZKS-led uprisings in Ratibor, Gleiwits, Königshütte, Kattowitz and Oppeln quickly gained control of the southeast. In the southwest, Königinhof and Olmütz were briefly occupied by Czech soldiers, but these withdrew once local socialists had mobilized militias and taken control of the administration.

The precise date of the death of the Federal Republic of Greater Silesia varies - some list it was February 27th, when RVA and SZKS-revolutionaries met in Neisse. Others use March 1st, the day of the joint declaration of FSRD foreign minister Heinrich Brandler and SZKS chairwoman Josephine Schmidt, where the military government was declared deposed and joint administration of Greater Silesia was announced. Others list the latest date, April 17th. The day before, a plebiscite was held; 89.7% voted in favor of reunification. On the 17th of April, the Silesian Parliament passed the Wiedervereinigungsgesetz (Reunification Law), and only three hours later the Wiedereingliederungsvertrag (Reintegration Treaty) was signed, formally ending the Federal Republic of Greater Silesia.
A map of Germany and its colonies, protectorates, and states in personal union in 1925 (the result of a Brest-Litovsk style treaty against France--but almost no territory taken from Japan, Britain, or Portugal, and in fact Japan keeps Qingdao). More "independent" client states like Ukraine, Romania, and Finland not shown.
1. Germany proper
2. Kingdom of Flanders-Wallonia
3. Kingdom of Poland
4. Kingdom of Lithuania
5. United Baltic Duchy
6. Crimea
7. Republic of Rhodes
8. Kingdom of Morocco
9. Togoland
10. Kamerun
11. Tchad
12. Gabon
13. Mittelkongo
14. Ubangi-Shari
15. Kongo
16. Katanga
17. Tanganyika
18. Sudwestafrika
19. Union of Indochina
20. Kwangchow
21. Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, and Palau
22. New Guinea
23. Samoa
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Very interesting. I've seen swapping things like GDP, but never gun ownership. What other statistics do you have in store?

Looking at the current lineup, the next statistics in line are gun violence per nation, personal income tax rate, and (the stupidest of them all by far, which I mainly chose so I could give it an awful pun for a name) national pear production. I'm open to suggestions as well.

That certainly is interesting, some current-Bosnia located state with a colonial empire is something, is the world warmer than ours?

The world's about as warm as ours is, though it was far colder until comparatively recently- TTL, the world was still in the last phases of recovering from the Ice Age during the era of the Roman Empire-analogue.

what's up with the mediteranean sea, did some alt atlantropa happen? did the ice ages fuck up with the gibraltar strait?

The Mediterranean is lower because of the nuclear-induced Ice Age screwing with the straits, yes. The closest thing there's been to an alt-Atlantropa is Syria trying to build artificial islands in the eastern Mediterranean.

It's kinda sad most of the world speaks english, also how the F did scott survive so well? Scotland has some important submarine base and radar/military instalations IRL and would likely be as nuked if not more as any other part of britain.

If it makes you feel any better, TTL's "English" has a thick Scottish accent and millennia of linguistic evolution behind it, so it would be practically unintelligible to a visitor from OTL. As for the issue of Scotland itself surviving, it depends on whether you prefer the Watsonian or the Doylist explanation. The Watsonian explanation is that Scotland did get nuked as well, but not as extensively as England, which also fell apart much more violently in the aftermath. As a result, there was a notably higher surviving Scottish population which would eventually go on to repopulate Britain. On the other hand, the Doylist explanation is that it's already ASB as is, given that everything is analogous to OTL, and you're not supposed to think about it that much.

Also could someone explain to me the link with gun ownership? I don't get it.

Swapping nations based off of gun ownership statistics was how I determined which nations would be analogous to which- I just took the list and reversed it, then based the nation swaps off of that.
A commission I made for a friend; in a world where Sultan Abdülaziz's reign ends with great success (1861 to 1900 in TTL), this surviving Ottoman Empire continues to exist into the 21st century as a semi-centralised state with a strong Islamic identity, though a secular Ottoman identity survives as a tool used by the powers-that-be to wrangle the non-Islamic citizens of this expansive state. The success of this policy is largely predicated on the economic security of the state, and with the astronomic growth of the 20th century behind Constantinople (driven by the Balkan industries and Arabic oil), it seems the upcoming century will be one heavily influenced by the Sublime Porte.

Capital - Constantinople (Istanbul) - Population: 24,939,000
Total Population - 408,254,000 (including Egypt, Tunisia, and Serbia)
Area - 9,337,463 km2 (43.7 people/km2)
GDP (nominal) - $4.791 trillion
GDP (PPP) Per Capita - $15,446

Ottoman Asia
- Population: 188,985,000
Ottoman Africa - Population: 111,715,000
Ottoman Europe (Rumelia) - Population: 107,554,000

Sultan and Caliph - Mehmed VI (since 1980)
Grand Vizier - Mütercim Ahmed Pasha (since 1994)
Sheik ul-Islam - Mehmed Yusufzâde Efendi (since 1969)

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