Map Thread XIX

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What if we combined the idea of Ephraim Ben Raphael's Tzedek, Tzedek, Tridof and jcw3's Israel + Nazi Germany ISOTed to a virgin earth scenario into one?

I present to you; Israelis, Palestinians, and Germans, Oh My! (God help us all)


That'll be a fun one. Keep it coming!

in which Europe has a Hong Xiuquan-type figure in the 11th century who ruins everything.

this TL isn't fully thought out yet it's just something i sketched out at 3 am last night after seeing a post about a united Christendom led by the Second Coming on /r/ck2.

bonus map of religions:

This is interesting. I assume that the revival of Germanic Polytheism is Because CKII. Because I very much doubt it would occur otherwise.

Was a horse made Emperor at some point? :winkytongue:
It's been thousands of years since organized civilization existed, when a young farmer named Joseph would stumble upon a strange metal cave, containing hundreds of papers, documents, and books. The young man would teach himself to read, and found great hope in what these books and papers taught him, and so he decided it would be for the best to spread their teachings across the world.
A century later, and his descendants and their follows have spread far and wide, slowly mapping out the land they live on.
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This is actually really awesome.

As a Mormon, this gets my seal of approval.
@mdc_1957 - you have piqued my interest. I will peruse your DA account for more.

Thanks! I’m thinking of having the return to the RDNA-verse be more than just a one-off.

I love this so much. I hate how possible to avoid WWI (et. al.) would have been had those three just had a more unified familial childhood.

I get you. Though granted, the major POD happens much further back, with the circumstances behind the rise of the ITTL Windsors being somewhat different.

In addition, the unification of the two dynasties in the RDNA-verse stems from the fall of the Russian Empire during the “Terror” of the 1920s to the nascent Collectivists.
Not that this isn't cool and all, but how did China become part of the "free world" in the 1880s?
ITTL, the US and her allies (Germany, republican Greece, and the Republican Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, all of which were formed due to American aid and intervention in the Revolutions of 1848) intervened heavily during the Taiping Rebellion on the side of the Qing. Later, in the 1860s, the US significantly increased its (friendly) presence in China. Much later, and thanks to a more forward-thinking Empress Dowager Cixi and the advent of the child-emperor Tongzhi, the Qing became a constitutional monarchy that still had some significant power left in the monarchy, as a way to ensure the Great Qing would never collapse. China is the least free of the four main Free powers (others being the US, the Republic of Brazil, and the German Empire), but it's a major improvement over OTL.

That's a bit condensed, and I left out quite a few details for simplicity's sake, so if you want a better explanation you'll find it here. Also, the timeline is a bit of an optimistic take on American and world politics (at the current point in the TL, 1881, America has abolished slavery and segregation, is redeeming the South by ridding it of its racism in a much more extreme and radical form of Reconstruction, had an African-American president, and is working with, not against, the American Indians), so it may not all be the most realistic.
I never had any real idea for a full scenario or timeline of this beyond just a simple map of it, making it more of a proposal rather than an actual project.

But, I guess I wouldn't mind cooking up a 20 years or 120 years later sequel.
I mean, just making an ISOT that is literally countries copy-pasted into a new world map and leaving it at that is bad form.
This is technically an old map from 2015, but I suppose it still holds up pretty well. Once more, this is set in the RDNA-verse. The original can be found here.

The map in question more specifically explores the New Austrian Duchy of Kuba, which remained in Spanish hands for much longer. The result being a peculiar version of Cuba that's at once recognizable and different, including a dynamic reminiscent of our world's Quebec. But in addition to further experimenting with map-making techniques, however, it's also an opportunity to polish and update some bits of the RDNA-verse itself, such as with the names of certain territories and parts of the backstory. All while incorporating some real historical and cultural nods in some of the details.

And as a little bit of an easter egg, the text has a certain annotated note scribbled on it. Take a guess who it is.


The Duchy of Kuba

An introduction to Kuba.

The Duchy of Kuba (Ducado de Cuba, Herzogtum Kuba) is an autonomous realm in the Royal Dominion of New Austria. Named after a term from the long-extinct Taino natives, the island is situated in the Caribbean, with the Crown Provinces to the west and the New Austrian protectorate of Hispaniola to the east, with the American Federation’s States and Territories surrounding the rest of it. Kubanos/Kubaners however are also unique compared to their mainland brethren in their predominantly Spanish culture and heritage. An enduring legacy of their rather distinct past.

Discovered by Spanish explorers in the 1500s, the island soon became one of the first European territories in the New World. But even as settlers and conquistadors made headways into the Americas, it soon began to set its toll on the Crown in Madrid, which would become one of the reasons behind the decision to delegate rule over “New Spain” to the Austrian Habsburgs in 1554 and formally pass sovereignty of what was by then “New Austria” to them in 1611. As a compromise, Spain held on to Kuba. Many of the remaining Spanish colonists left from the mainland were “enticed,” willingly or otherwise to relocate, which further helped guarantee the colony’s survival.

Thus for a time, what was called the Governorate of Cuba served as a crucial waypoint and mercantile hub between Spain and the burgeoning Viceroyalties in South America. As the 17th Century ended however, the colony’s growing rivalries with New Austria could no longer be ignored. By 1700, the island, for all its budding plantations and ports had also become more dependent on trade and food with its much larger neighbor. Coupled with the growing clout of what would later become Gran Patagonia and Spain’s own weakening position in Europe, it increasingly made sense to cede Kuba to sympathetic powers and keep British and American interests at bay, as much as the local Audiencia begrudgingly acknowledged it. With the Treaty of Seville in 1726, a new era began for the colony as it was absorbed as New Austrian territory.

Much was made to guarantee the loyalty of – and order in – the newly christened Barony of Kuba, from preserving the local hacienderos and granting noble titles for landed families to generally allowing Kubans to run some of its own affairs. But as generations passed, it wasn’t unknown for the fierce competition between local trading companies and those newly arrived from Mitteleuropa or the mainland to turn cutthroat. Nor were accounts of bitter disputes over religious, cultural and social differences unheard of, especially involving the infamous Sugar Cane Question and the decision to permanently outlaw the use of slaves all across New Austria in 1793. But despite the tensions, mutual respect and fire-forged solidarity prevailed. The island’s growing integration into the intricate Habsburg system granted its people much prosperity, while Kuban regiments served with distinction in fending off raiders from the American Federation and even fighting in Kalifornien during the War of the Western Frontier.

The simmering disputes between the Kubans and the mainland, however, never went away, which not even the plebiscite and Imperial Decree elevating the island to a Duchy in 1884 could quench. Ultimately, it boiled over in the wake of the Terror. Amidst a collapsing economy and a mass influx of refugees in the 1920s as well as disgruntled figures promising a new path from the chaos, it all culminated in 1928 with what‘s now called the Kuban Insurrection. New Austrian forces, at that point stretched to near-breaking point in both evacuating the crumbling Austro-Hungarian Crownlands and keeping some semblance of order close to home, were forced to rely on local resistance and hacienderos to stop the self-proclaimed Gaudillo-Kommandants from assuming full control. It wasn’t until 1931 and the breakdown of diplomatic efforts that the Habsburg Throne-in-Exile reluctantly approved a full military response to aid the besieged loyalists, resulting in a grueling campaign that cost the lives of many even as it undermined the rebellion’s support. As the last of the ringleaders surrendered in 1933, heated debates arose over the fate of the devastated island, resulting in the Carriedo Compromise the following year. In exchange for armed protection, mutual aid and equal representation in the Reichstag, the Duchy was granted near complete autonomy, for all intents and purposes a country separate from yet remaining part of the R.D.N.A. This arrangement helped Kuba prosper over the 20th Century and continues to this day.

Contemporary Kuba.

Now under the ruling Montalban y Bergener line, in fealty to the Habsburg Throne-in-Exile, Kuba in the present is both a showcase of New Austria’s diversity and a success in its own right. From Havana’s historic and restored center to the famed plantations and picturesque beaches found across the island, this thriving, if stubbornly independent piece of the Caribbean has much to offer.

Its history and cultural heritage, for good or ill remain ever present, which is most evident in the people. Although some of the population claim lineage to Mitteleuropan settlers, African slaves or Spanish refugees fleeing the Terror, the majority, full-blood or otherwise still traces its descent in one form or another to the original colonists and conquistadors, whose arrival is celebrated in lavish fiestas. Indeed, most Kubans continue to speak a form of Español that is unique to the Duchy thanks to its incorporation of Deutsche and other influences, in contrast to Gran Patagonia and the remaining Free Nations that make up Hispanoamérica. This extends as well to its Spanish-derived dances and music, which have reached even the ballrooms of Neu Wien.

The island realm’s economy meanwhile continues to showcase just how far it’s come since the worst days of the Terror and Kuban Insurrection. Generations of modernization have helped make its factories and plantations among the most state-of-the-art in the Caribbean. Kuban cigars, sugar and fabrics are exported across the New World, and are especially popular among in the A.F. States of Florida and the Bahamas. And though traditional, albeit updated competition between the various hacienderos and companies continues to this day, all find a mutual foe in keeping “der Americanos” from getting too ambitious in expanding. These have contributed to standards of living comparable with much of the Crown Provinces and leaps above the ruin brought about by failed revolution.

In fact, one could say with pride that despite old grievances, the bonds between Kubans and “mainland” New Austrians are stronger than ever. Long considered a “half- sibling” realm, Kuba is firmly represented in the Reichstag and maintains a fair say in running the R.D.N.A., with local nobles and commoners alike having risen to powerful positions in government. While as part of the Carriedo Compromise and in return for the Duchy’s continuing loyalty to the Throne-in-Exile, it hosts a number of military bases for some of the Reichswehr-Honvédség’s most distinguished regiments and fleets as well as some of New Austria’s vital defenses. All these, with the consent of its over 18 million inhabitants, helping keep the specter of the Collectivist Internationale and other would-be adversaries at bay while guaranteeing the island’s continuing prosperity.

There is little reason to suspect then, short of global war or massive “Red” incursion that this state of affairs will falter in the near future. Welcome news indeed for tourist and local alike.

P.S. I pray Kuba appreciates that my people did this rather than that Amerikaner. - Fraulein F.

- “The Knowledgeable Traveller’s Guide to North America.” Royal Dominion of New Austria. 2023 Edition. English Edition.

in which Europe has a Hong Xiuquan-type figure in the 11th century who ruins everything.

this TL isn't fully thought out yet it's just something i sketched out at 3 am last night after seeing a post about a united Christendom led by the Second Coming on /r/ck2.

bonus map of religions

I really dig this idea! Is the religious map meant to be modern?
Texas oui oui.

The naval battle of Campeche of 1843, was a turning point for the republic of Texas. During the battle the Mexican navy accidentally fired upon of french ship carrying a diplomatic envoy, killing several on board.

This outraged the french public who demanded revenge, which led to the growing unpopular king Louis Philippe declaring war against mexico. The war was swift and Mexico would up surrendering. With Mexico's surrender came many vulture, Britian didn't want French domination of the region, but could not directluy intervene since the naval commnaders at the battle of Campeche were british. American president John Tyler wanted to annex Texas but the French were not going to acdept the annexation of a nation they now declared was in their sphere of influence, despite Texan protests.

In the end the Peace of Paris of 1845 would set out the new borders of North America.


Would recognise Texan and Yucatan Independence.
Would cede all lands claimed by Texas to Texas.
Would Cede all lands claimed by Yucatan to Yucatan.
Would cede all lands north of the old imperial province of Sonora to Texas.
Would pay 100 million Francs to France and a additional 60 million Francs to Texas and a additional 30 million Francs to Yucatan.


Would cede all lands north of the 37th degree parallel to the USA in return for 100 million Francs, The Indian Territory south of the 37th degree parallel and minor western portions of Arkansas and Louisiana.
Would never cede their sovereignty to any other nation.
Would abolish slavery. (A clause inserted into the treaty by Britain)
Would lease Galveston bay and San Diego bay to France Until December 31st 1945.


Would lease Campeche bay to France Until December 31st 1945.

All in all everyone but Mexico was somewhat happy at the situation. The British while unhappy at the increased influence of France in the region managed to sow what they hoped was discontent they could use later on. The French managed to secure the first step in their plans to come the regions hegemon, Louis Philip was able to use this victory to abdicate the throne to his grandson Louis Philip II, thus saving the Orleanist monarchy from the revolution of 1848. The USA was happy that it had secured better access to the Pacific via San Francisco harbour. Texas was happy that it had secured it's independence and was now debt free, but at the same time did not like the end of slavery and the dominance of the French in their economy.

Immediately after the treaty was signed many slave owners left Texas, fearing the loss of their property, returning to the US. This would lead to the eventual rise the Tejano as a major political force in the country. After the election of 1847, violence broke out as the Spanish Tejano party narrowly triumphed of the English Texan party, after it gained the votes of now free Blacks. This led to French intervention securing Tejano rule. This would lead to the exodus of many English Americans but were replaced by Blacks fleeing slavery, French Creoles and Cajuns seeking a better life in a country that did not oppress them because of their colour and/or religion. Over time The Anglo/Spanish rivalry was replaced by the Franco/Spanish rivalry, as the French speaking population increased due to the large waves of migration from the USA, Canada and Belgium, the Spanish speaking population couldn't keep up. This led to French speakers dominating the countries politics. And as French became the dominant culture in Texas, more and more immigrants from Europe like Germans and Italians would end up assimilating into it.

The late 19th century saw the start of one of the largest movement of people in world history, the end of Slavery in the US in 1878 after a brutal civil war would mark the start of the great migration. From 1880 to 1930 6 million African Americans left the rural Southern United States for Texas, mostly settling in the industrialising Gulf Coast. Another 6 million Italians moved to Texas, with them settling around the country, but mostly concentrating on the Gulf and Pacific coast provinces. Finally 2 million Chinese entered the nation, primarily men who worked as labourers on infrastructure projects, but later many ended up staying and started importing women as China itself would collapse into anarchy after the fall of the Qing dynasty. Finally 8 millions people came to Texas from Russia, around 2 million were Jews and 4 million were poles and the rest were other ethnic groups from the Empire, millions of other came from Latin America, Iberia, the Balkans, Germany, Japan and the Caribbean. Texas population rose form 3 million in 1880 to 50 million in 1930.

Texas was always second to the USA as the number 1 immigration destination for Europeans and ended up receiving "Catholic and other undesirables" but still let in more people than the USA.

The 20th Century was peaceful one for Texas, as the world went from one massive crisis to another, the Texans stayed out and reaped massive profits from trade. Texas's stability during these times often attracted millions of people. In 1930, Texas for the first time would implement a large scale immigration policy for everyone, rather than Spanish speakers. Rather than quota's on nations, Texas enacted individual points system wanting the brightest the world had to offer. Their were clauses forgoing the system for some countries like France and Belgium whose people were considered "culturally desirable for the nation".

By the start of the 21 century Texas is a World leader in Technology, Medicine and finance and a regular member of the league of nations peace councils.

Population: 198 million
GDP: 7 trillion
GDP per capita: £35000

Miscellaneous facts:
Nation with largest Jewish population - 13.2 million people
Nation with third most people who have been to space - 211 people, USA 398, Russia 400.
Nation with most Women who have been to space - 59 out of 66 women who have been to space are Texan, 3 nations have 1 woman who has been to space Russia, America and Britain, 2 nations have had 2 women go to space French and China.
Nation with most privately owned super yachts.
Nation with most Olympic Golds (611) and Bronzes (821). Second in Silver (511) behind Russia (522).
Nation with most world cup final appearance - 7 appearances, 2 wins 5 losses.
Nation would oldest active written constitution - since 1851.
Nation with most diplomatic missions - Texas is the only nation to have diplomatic mission with all 311 members of the league of nations. And only nation with diplomatic ties with Formosa, despite the protests of the Chinese league.

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Though granted, the major POD happens much further back, with the circumstances behind the rise of the ITTL Windsors being somewhat different.
I only noticed that after the fact when I went to your DA page to read more. I was confused at what “New Austria” would be if most of Europe was now communist. It’s certainly an interesting idea in its own right!
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