Just read some of the footnotes and I've got to ask; what's up with the Croatian settlers?
Bolivia makes me happy
Just read some of the footnotes and I've got to ask; what's up with the Croatian settlers?
Well, I think I know which map I'm voting for now.Crossposting from MOTF 206: Goodbye Lenin...
What’s the pod? That’s some very convergent borders in Latam , Middle East and Africa
An map for an upcoming TL of mine. Date is 2019, POD is 1793.
What’s the pod? That’s some very convergent borders in Latam , Middle East and Africa
Napoleon gets affected to the Rhine instead of ToulonWhat’s the pod? That’s some very convergent borders in Latam , Middle East and Africa
Eastern Promised Land Pt 2 - The Romanov Cold War. Details here: https://www.deviantart.com/ynot1989/art/Eastern-Promised-Land-1950-814973017
Eastern Promised Land Pt 2 - The Romanov Cold War.
Side story of Al-Angalia (Name taken from an old timeline).Mecca OTL Friday, 9th August ISOT to 8th June 632 AD. ASB provide 10 years worth of food, water and fuel to feed the city.
So what is the land by china? is it islands or part of the mainland?So you all know those maps that depict multiple ways to jokingly divide a country?
Well I wanted to make one of those, so I took one of my older maps, and did just that.
So I humbly present, six ways to divide the Ryukyan Empire on the year of its division.
Various port cities and Islands that Ryukyu managed to acquire for themselves.So what is the land by china? is it islands or part of the mainland?
Crossposting from MOTF 206: Goodbye Lenin
Given that the in-universe writeup is contained within the image, the OOC context for this entry was that I've recently been researching the history of Romania under Nicolae Ceaușescu, and the various eccentric, megalomaniacal and totalitarian actions taken by that regime that dwarf that of North Korea. As such, I began to wonder what would have happened if that regime survived its OTL collapse and lived on to the present day. In this timeline, Ceaușescu does not only stack the Securitate with fanatical loyalists, but also works to ensure the loyalty of the army throughout the 1970s and 80s. As the Soviet Union collapses, a coup by Soviet hardliners in 1989 sees a crackdown on dissent in the Eastern Bloc, and as much of Eastern Europe descends into violence, protests never break out in Romania as Ceaușescu maintains his stranglehold on power. As the rest of the Eastern Bloc - including the Soviet Union - crumbles under its own weight, Romania is left as the last socialist nation in Europe. With his power secure, Ceaușescu embarks on ever more ambitious projects, including the continuation of his OTL project of systematisation that saw vast swathes of historic Bucharest destroyed to make way for a grand avenue and enormous palace in his honour. The Ceaușescu cult of personality continues, so that after Nicolae's eventual death in 1998, he is still revered as the Eternal Leader. While his son Valentin assumes the presidency (his heir presumptive, Nicu, died from his alcoholism in 1996 as in OTL), the real power lies with the faceless men behind the throne, who continue to cultivate the cult of personality to lend the regime its legitimacy. While ordinary Romanians can barely keep the lights on, more and more parts of the capital are rebuilt in totalitarian style, while vast resources are directed towards its military, especially its nuclear arsenal. Romania in 2019 is a rogue state, totalitarian and isolated, yet small numbers of tourists continue to visit the country. I envisaged this map as part of a brochure given to English-speaking tourists, designed to extol the virtues of the state. Instead, simply by consulting an OTL map, the signs of totalitarianism run rampant lie on the page, and simply reading the names of the locations is enough to express the dictatorial horror of the regime.
Click each image to see the larger version.
Awesome use of 1950s TIME maps style, always wanted to try a similar style.
Wrong thread?Hey, for those of you paying attention to Historiae Mutetur - I claim the decade from 430 to 439.