Map Thread VIII

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Only about 1/8 of Italy is that crazy. The rest is just made up of slightly smaller states than OTL, based on trade, with most affiliated with the Dual Monarchy. Germany, OTOH, is semi-centralized around an Emperor in *Saxony.

That's good, I guess. Better than the whole of Italy resembling the Rhineland.

I'm assuming the Papal domains are rather smaller than OTL?
You in England? Sunset was at 3:53 in London today........exactly an hour after you posted. :D

No, I'm in Sweden. I'm unsure about the exact time of sunset, but I do know that it was almost down when I entered the house at a few minutes to 3 (our time, an hour after UT). It did not get dark until a while later, though, and that's what I estimated.
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