Map of the Fortnight: Topic thread

Ah, that's very good to know. Chances are I might hand over the MoF to you for a couple of weeks every now and then when I need to take a break from things.

As for the changes, in retrospect the only major changes I'm thinking of making is to repost the main/discussion thread, and to post people's maps as part of the opening post in voting threads. Otherwise things will be basically exactly the same.

Maybe if we alternate posting the MOF's? Say I do one and then you do the other?

Also I think stickying the MOF's and voting threads would be a good idea, but we'd have to PM the mods about that. With the resurgence of MOF with number 25 I'll post a nice thread in NPC to help spread the word. I have an idea about MOF 25, but I'll PM you about it.
Suggestion for the next MOF;

Upset Contender-
A map of a civil war or the result of a civil war in which a third party that was unsuccesful in OTL does much better (but doens't necessarily win). For instance a map of the english civil war in which the clubmen form an organized alternative to the Royalists and Parlimentarians, or a map of Algeria where the Armed Islamic Group managed to carve out an Islamist state.
Alternate Switzerlands (either a different take on OTLs Switzerland or an analog somewhere else on the planet)
If at First You Don't Succeed: US loses American revolution, but tries and again and wins (at least partially) in the 1820s.

After the Fall: the (at least more-or-less) Global Empire has fallen apart. Show the successor states.

Let's Get Depressing! Create a world in which either the Soviet Union, a successor state to the Third Reich, or the Mega-Japanese empire pass as the top Good Guys

Russians, Russians Everywhere: create a Russian state or at least a Russian-run colonial state in an odd location, as far-out as you wish sans invoking ASB or going into space.

Balkanization: with a POD after 1800, split either Europe or the Middle East, or both, into as many states as possible.

Russians, Russians Everywhere: create a Russian state or at least a Russian-run colonial state in an odd location, as far-out as you wish sans invoking ASB or going into space.

If they are the good guys, then I don't even want to know who the bad guys are... :eek:
Let's Get Depressing! Create a world in which either the Soviet Union, a successor state to the Third Reich, or the Mega-Japanese empire pass as the top Good Guys

Ooh, I like this one! I love creating horribly dystopian scenarios. How ASB can this be?


Maybe if we alternate posting the MOF's? Say I do one and then you do the other?

Also I think stickying the MOF's and voting threads would be a good idea, but we'd have to PM the mods about that. With the resurgence of MOF with number 25 I'll post a nice thread in NPC to help spread the word. I have an idea about MOF 25, but I'll PM you about it.

I'll PM a mod about stickying the threads; it's definitely a good idea. I'll think about alternating MoFs, but I'll hold off on a decision until the contest get going again, I think.

Let's Get Depressing! Create a world in which either the Soviet Union, a successor state to the Third Reich, or the Mega-Japanese empire pass as the top Good Guys

I rather like this idea. I'd probably include fascist Italy and communist China, though. Alternatively we could make the challenge more wide ranging, and let it apply to any hardline communist or fascist country, even countries that weren't fascist or communist in OTL.


Working off the "Let's Get Depressing!" idea me and Scarecrow have come up with this "wildcard" challenge:


Without straying too far into ASB territory, make a map depicting a depressing and dystopian world. It may be a sparse, post-apocalyptic wasteland, or a world of oppressive, impersonal authority.

The map may show anything, from the few remaining human settlements, to a detailed map of planned "labour redistribution". The map may depict Earth or a region of it, it may depict another planet, or even a region of the galaxy.​

Basically it's a deliberately vague "make a map set in a horrible, dystopian future" challenge. The hope is it'll allow a wide range of maps from a wide range of map makers to help reinvigorate the contest. Thoughts?


If you fellows don't express an any opinion or preference, then I shall go with my suggestion of "To Salted Earth, Through Burning Sky" when the contest resumes on Monday.
I think you quoted the wrong one... :D

Anyhoo, they don't have to be as bad as their OTL originals, either through early divergence or mellowing...


Yeah probably, but if that's the worse thing that happens to me this week, I'll consider myself very lucky.
If you fellows don't express an any opinion or preference, then I shall go with my suggestion of "To Salted Earth, Through Burning Sky" when the contest resumes on Monday.

I think "The Enemy of My Enemy" is slightly better than that one, but you and Scarecrow seem to have your minds made up. Maybe it can be MoF 26?


I think "The Enemy of My Enemy" is slightly better than that one, but you and Scarecrow seem to have your minds made up. Maybe it can be MoF 26?

That sounds like a good idea to me. What do other people think of having "The Enemy of My Enemy" as MoF 26?

Oh, and here's the challenge suggestion in question, just so you don't have to trawl through the last few pages to find it:

Krall said:
The Enemy of My Enemy

Instead of WWII having capitalist and socialist countries fight against fascist countries, this world has the fascists and the capitalists team up against the socialists. The Allies win WWII, but are horrified to find that the vacuum of power is being filled by their former allies the fascists. Exhausted and wartorn, neither side wants to risk another conflict, and a Cold War between the capitalists and the fascists sets in. Create a map showing the situation prior to, during or after this world's WWII, or during or after this world's Cold War. Maps can be from 1920 to the present day. Note: Countries that were capitalist, fascist or socialist in our timeline need not be in this one.​
Might be a bit late to the party, but I liked "Five Minutes to Midnight" from a couple pages back. The idea was to show the world right before it ended. :cool: Even if it's not MoF 26 I might do it.