Map of the Fortnight: Topic thread


Sorry about not posting this when the voting ended several days ago; I believe I had a terrible cold at the time and found myself relatively unable to post as a result, and then I just managed to forget about it until now.

Anyway, the voting for MoF 23: Welcome to the DMZ has ended! And the winner is:


Zauberfloete's map provided a detailed overview of a very different Europe, showing a much reduced NATO and a Cold War that continues to this day. The detail put into the map and into the history behind it earned this entry its victory. Well done, Zauberfloete!

Now, onto the issue of MoF 24: Nothing Lasts Forever, the competition has only three entries at present, and the first two entries by demonkangaroo and Duma of Houston have been rejected pending changes, leaving us with only Jman's entry at present. There are only a few days left in the competition, so I advise you all to get map-making!


I was just about to post my mao when I accindentally clicked back and undone all my typing... Ill try again tommorow if the the contest hasn't ended.


Is it alright if I updated my entry in the latest MoF? I got the idea for it (and subsequently posted it) at around 2:00 am :eek:

Provided you do it before the deadline that's absolutely fine.

I'm considering starting a new MoF discussion thread just so I can put a list of rules in the first post, mainly because I get so many people asking me whether they can make changes to their entries.
Provided you do it before the deadline that's absolutely fine.

I'm considering starting a new MoF discussion thread just so I can put a list of rules in the first post, mainly because I get so many people asking me whether they can make changes to their entries.

Sounds good to me. We also need to boost the profile of the MOF's. The Green/Gold discussion got 300 voters and our highest voter turnout has been in the 70's.

Map Idea: 5 minutes to midnightShow a world on the brink of destruction.


Sounds good to me. We also need to boost the profile of the MOF's. The Green/Gold discussion got 300 voters and our highest voter turnout has been in the 70's.

I could do a short article for the newspaper? It probably wouldn't gather a huge amount of attention, but every little helps!

Map Idea: 5 minutes to midnightShow a world on the brink of destruction.

That could work, but we'd need more details on what exactly that meant, and it's likely to turn out a lot like the "I Am Become Death" challenge.

Back in June I suggested six different map challenges inspired by other people's suggestions. The sixth suggestion was "I Am Become Death", which became the challenge for MoF 18, but the five other suggestions were still good ideas, I think, and some were somewhat popular at the time, so I'm reposting them here:

Pastures New

Design a map of an artificially created landmass any time from 1880 to 2200. The landmass may be manmade, constructed by or with the help of alien intervention, or created by accident by either of the above or by force of nature. Magically created or unexplained landmasses are not allowed.

First Nationstates

Indigenous American tribes advance technologically faster than they did in our timeline and the formation of organized states is more widespread. Show the civilizations of the new world at the time that they are discovered by Europe or some point afterwards, or make a map during or after Europe's subsequent conquest of the New World. Maps of a decolonized New World are allowed. Maps may be anywhere from 1250 to the present day.

Off With The Old

Create a map showing the spread of a religion, religious sect or spirituality founded in the New World (by natives or by settlers), or the world upon its foundation, or its effects on the world (or a region, or a specific state etc.). Maps may be anywhere from 1250 to 1900 (for old timey goodness).

The Un-tied States of America

After independence the free colonies - due to infighting, overlapping claims and cultural differences - are unable to maintain a union between themselves, and instead go their separate ways as sovereign states. Create a map showing the situation not less than thirty years later. Maps may be from any time between 1650 and 1900. Note: The colonization of America and the war(s?) of independence need not have gone as they did IOTL, nor do the colonies in question need to be on the East Coast of North America.

The Enemy of My Enemy

Instead of WWII having capitalist and socialist countries fight against fascist countries, this world has the fascists and the capitalists team up against the socialists. The Allies win WWII, but are horrified to find that the vacuum of power is being filled by their former allies the fascists. Exhausted and wartorn, neither side wants to risk another conflict, and a Cold War between the capitalists and the fascists sets in. Create a map showing the situation prior to, during or after this world's WWII, or during or after this world's Cold War. Maps can be from 1920 to the present day. Note: Countries that were capitalist, fascist or socialist in our timeline need not be in this one.​

EDIT: Also, I'm sure some of you remember the map duel that was scheduled between LSCatilina and Ares96 some time ago in order to find the final winner of MoF 21: VOX POPULI. Well, with my posting of this discussion thread for the duel in progress the fight has finally begun in earnest. Who will finally win, however, remains to be seen.
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Out of Context: the Turtledove cut-and-paste, but with actual creativity! Create a WWII equivalent with African nations! Or a United States in the Middle East? How about a *Pelopennisian War between SE Asian trader states? Try to create equivalents to OTL wars, allianced, religious wars or nations - only in some totally alien portion of the globe!

Far Sarmatia - with PODs after the fall of Rome in the west, and the area of OTLs Soviet Union as your canvas, create an "east" to Christian Europe as different from OTL as your imagination can take you. Can also have future-maps!

Many-colored Mars - a future map! Show the various nations of future terraformed Mars (For the sake of discussion, assuming no "singularity", but can be ASB, as long as only moderately so - rayguns and antigravity OK, martian wizards no).

Your Own ISOT - send any little nation or part of a larger one, as long as the total is less than 20 millions, from 2010 to anywhere in the period 1800-1900. Show the world 50 years after the arrival.

Through a Glass Pretty Darn Grimy - show the ideal world of the year 2010 - as seen by a person of the year 1900. (Might do it with a person from the year 1800 instead, but there would be a much smaller pool of people with a good notion of the world's geography)

Persiawank! (Shia Persia, that is - PODs after the mid-1500s).

The World's Workshop - with PODs after 1600, show some of the changes in1840 in a world where some other nation is as industrially dominant as OTL England was in 1840.

I could do a short article for the newspaper? It probably wouldn't gather a huge amount of attention, but every little helps!

Why does a forum need a newspaper? I think if we just do a thread in NPC to raise awareness, and maybe ask the mods to sticky the latest challenge and latest poll, that might raise the profile.

EDIT: I have another idea. In a couple of the early MOF's in the OP I did links to resources/information that would be useful for the contestants. Maybe if that process is continued it may inspire more people to join in.
I'm interested in knowing the situation in Hawaii on the latest map in MOF 24, Ephraim :D

Kauai and Oahu are Russian, the major city marked on the map is the descendent of Fort Elisabeth. At one point Russia had annexed all the Hawaiian islands (in 1872) but a local nationalist movement (the members of which were majority Chinese, Korean, and Japanese workers on Russian pineapple plantations) eventually convinced an increasingly liberal Duma to hold a plebscite for independence in 1965 (albiet some of that convincing included IRA style bombs). Only Kauai and Oahu voted to remain Russian (really Alaskan). The Hawaiian Monarchy was resurrected by a slim margin to be symbolic rulers. Russia/Alaska still maintains considerable economic influence over the country.

And yes I did make all that up as soon as I saw your question.:D
What about a MoF that shows a map of any region of the world in 1800-1900-2000s, but none of the nations featured must be from OTL. Instead, the map of the region must be filled with countries that didn't develop in OTL, with the OTL nations having gone extint long ago.


Right, as you may have noticed the entries thread for the new MoF isn't up yet, and neither is the voting thread for the current MoF. This is due to a few different reasons:

1. I don't have a popular and suitable map challenge to run for the next MoF.

2. There were problems with the current MoF and the exact definition of what a significant change in government or organisation means, leading to a few entries being unsuitable. It seems heartless to merely dismiss these entries, though, so I'd like to give those people time to improve their entries.

3. I've been having a few ideas for the reorganisation of the MoF contest and the way it will be set up in terms of different threads.

The effect of this decision is as follows, in big, bold writing so you can't miss it:

The MoF is technically on hiatus for one week.
This is the week beginning Monday the 18th of October and ending Sunday the 24th.

Existing entries to MoF 24 may be edited during this time and entrants with entries that still do not meet the challenge criteria will receive a PM advising them to edit it.


The MoF contest will resume as normal after this time, with MoF 25 beginning on Monday the 25th alongside the voting thread for MoF 24.

After this week is up I will likely submit a new MoF main thread, with any rules and procedures laid out in the opening post (don't worry, there won't be many), alongside a quick explanation of what different MoF threads are to be used for.

I should note that you should keep discussing and suggesting map challenges as one will be needed for MoF 25 when it starts.
Right, as you may have noticed the entries thread for the new MoF isn't up yet, and neither is the voting thread for the current MoF. This is due to a few different reasons:

1. I don't have a popular and suitable map challenge to run for the next MoF.

2. There were problems with the current MoF and the exact definition of what a significant change in government or organisation means, leading to a few entries being unsuitable. It seems heartless to merely dismiss these entries, though, so I'd like to give those people time to improve their entries.

3. I've been having a few ideas for the reorganisation of the MoF contest and the way it will be set up in terms of different threads.

The effect of this decision is as follows, in big, bold writing so you can't miss it:

The MoF is technically on hiatus for one week.
This is the week beginning Monday the 18th of October and ending Sunday the 24th.

Existing entries to MoF 24 may be edited during this time and entrants with entries that still do not meet the challenge criteria will receive a PM advising them to edit it.


The MoF contest will resume as normal after this time, with MoF 25 beginning on Monday the 25th alongside the voting thread for MoF 24.

After this week is up I will likely submit a new MoF main thread, with any rules and procedures laid out in the opening post (don't worry, there won't be many), alongside a quick explanation of what different MoF threads are to be used for.

I should note that you should keep discussing and suggesting map challenges as one will be needed for MoF 25 when it starts.

Will there be discussion of these changes in rules and procedures before hand? If you need someone to bounce ideas of you can always PM me. Things have settled into a new routine now with work and family, and I'd love to take a more active part in the MOF's again:)
I edited my entry to adjust the name of one of the candidates, after having it pointed out to me by subversivepanda that I had used the name of a dead male Taiwanese politician for my future female Democratic Party candidate. I decided to just make up a name, which hopefully this time isn't a male name or clash with anyone that already exists.


Will there be discussion of these changes in rules and procedures before hand? If you need someone to bounce ideas of you can always PM me. Things have settled into a new routine now with work and family, and I'd love to take a more active part in the MOF's again:)

Ah, that's very good to know. Chances are I might hand over the MoF to you for a couple of weeks every now and then when I need to take a break from things.

As for the changes, in retrospect the only major changes I'm thinking of making is to repost the main/discussion thread, and to post people's maps as part of the opening post in voting threads. Otherwise things will be basically exactly the same.