Manifest Destiny; United States of North America


World in 1900​

Point of Divergence: Nader Shah retains his health and military genius.

World Powers by 1900:

French Empire

Head of state: Napoleon V
Government: Constitutionally absolute monarchy

Russian Empire

Head of state: Paul II
Government: Absolute monarchy

United States of America

Head of state: President Theodore Roosevelt
Government: Federal republic

Qing Empire

Head of state: Emperor Tongzhi
Government: Absolute monarchy

Empire of Persia

Head of state: Nader II Afsharid
Government: Absolute monarchy

Kingdom of Poland

Head of state: Jerzy Poniatowski
Government: Parliamentarian monarchy
United States' Presidents since 1789 to 1857

George Washington
Chief Executive of the Seventeen Colonies (April 28, 1789 - April 30, 1789)
President of the United States (April 30, 1789 - March 4, 1797)

Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States by Howard Chandler Christy.
On September 17, 1787 representatives of Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, Rhode Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Eastern Quebec signed the Constitution of the United States of America.


Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States (1801-1809).
He bought Louisiana Colony from the Napoleonian Empire on 1803. His actions following Battle of Boston effected in the expansion of the professional standing army of the United States.


Battle of Boston. (1804)
United States' cooperation with the French Empire, impressment of the American citizens to the Royal Navy and several border incidents effected in a naval engagement near Boston. As a result, United States' Navy was utterly destroyed while small detachment of the RN sailors landed near Boston before being attacked by local militias.


Battle of Trafalgar (October 21, 1805) was a crushing victory of the Franco-Spanish forces that created economic recession in Great Britain due to expansion of naval expedintures and fear of an expected invasion.


James Madison, Fourth President of the United States (1809-1817).
Known for the attack on British colonies in northern America.


USS Constitution defeats HMS Guerriere in the opening moves of the Second American Revolutionary War. (1812)


James Monroe, Fifth President of the United States (1817-1825)
He led the country during American-Spanish war (1821-1823) [part of the Second War of Spanish Succession between France and Spain].
Coined term "Manifest Destiny" as a slogan for American expansionist policies.
He purchased British possessions on the Western Coast (1824)


John C. Calhoun, Sixth President of the United States (1825-1833).
He supervised the creation of a strong federal government, expansion of the United States Army and United States Navy, system of internal taxation system. He passed national reforms to strenghten infrastructure and gave his support towards creation of the federal, inter-state rail transportation system.


Andrew Jackson, hero of the Second American Revolutionary War, Seventh President of the United States (1833-1841)
Known for paying back national debt and support for the Manifest Destiny.


Matthew C. Perry, Eighth President of the United States (1841-1849)
Known for the American-Mexican War of 1845-1848.


John Tyler, Ninth President of the United States (1849-1857).
Known for the Central American War (1851-1853) which enlarged United States.

Haast's Eagle and Moa

Sir Richard Owen (1804 - 1892), English biologist and paleontologist with a Moa remains.
Sir Richard Owen participated in the rescue of last Moa birds from imminent death at the hands of hunter through paying in both money and food for live animals. He is known from the establishment of the London Moa Zoological Garden. He later moved part of the population to the United States due to growing interest of tropical and rare animals.


Moa (1901) by Heinrich Harder


Charlie Douglas (1840 - 1916)
Scottish explorer who found two Haast's eagles in Landsborough River valley and sold them to Richard Owen.


Haast's eagle and Moa (1911)​
American Destiny Church
"American Destiny Church was the most influential religious community in the whole 19th century on the US soil. It gave Americans mission to expand Anglo-Saxon Protestant civilization upon the continent, fueled expansionist desire of the young Republic, attempted to convert whole population of North America and teach them values of liberty, freedom, brotherhood and work."


James Ethan (1744-1821), founder of the American Destiny Church (at 1778). His inspirational speeches gained thousands followers to the Church.


Fort Destiny, located in central Louisiana Territory was operated by the American Destiny Church since 1791
ADC pastors promoted communal farming as means of maximizing output and began converting Native Americans to further expand community.


Joseph Ethan, seventh son of James Ethan. (1798-1879) with his wife Joanne Todd.
Joseph Ethan established Nauvoo on 1824 in the territory of California.
Following Gold Rush of 1836, ADC became extremely wealthy and was able to fund construction of various missions and towns across the Northern Hemisphere.


Owen Brown (1771-1856) - son of John Brown, an early convert to the American Destiny Church. His father would later move his family to the Fort Destiny. On 1806 Owen Brown settled in Oregon.


John Brown (1800-1901) - Founder of New Lebanon in Oregon and New Zion in California. Known for his case in the Supreme Court of the United States where he defended right to liberty and advocated radical abolitionism. Failed assasination attempt on his life has led to the major riots undertaken by ADC across the Southern slave states.


Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey (1804-1892) - French-American photographer and painter. He assisted in the construction of the Nauvoo Kingdom Hall (1851-1853)

Pastor Abraham Lincoln (1809-1895) - nicknamed as "The Tower of Zion" due to his unusual height of 214 centimeters. Established many African American congregations across the South during "The Southern Crusade" (1869-1871). Founded Fort Jerusalem and the Gates of Nehemiah.


Pastor Robert Todd Lincoln (1843-1926), son of Abraham Lincoln. Established Fort Josiah on Alaska.​
The Dutch have everything from Australia to the Philippines?

Following the end of Napoleonic Wars Great Britain lost almost all of its colonial possesions. Australia was then ceded to the Dutch together with Southern African colonies. Phillippines were lost to the Dutch invasion during the Second War of Spanish Succession.

Southern African colonies gained an autonomy during Crisis of 1849 when economical crisis struck Western Europe and caused Dutch economy to nearly fall. Fearing colonial tax revolt similar tot he Thirteen Colonies, government increased importance of a self-rule in the colony.

Currently South Africa is a country that still practices slavery (in the form of a very badly paid labour with severe punishments towards Blacks who do not have signed work agreement), heavy discriminatory, ruled by the wealthy white elite.
This seems very much like my Madness timeline but with the evil parts removed. lol

Well, I was impressed by your great TL and decided to make something about united, not dissolved United States. I hope that you'll not find this project a violation of your rights as an author.
@Napoleon53 Also, the American Destiny Church is by no means similar to the American Fundamentalist Church. Maybe in the name only. Destinies advocate expansion of the United States but are actively helping to enfranchise blacks, protect Native Americans from OTL atrocities, want to peacefully assimilate them into multicultural society sharing common religion but maintaining their cultural ancestry (only if not contradicting basic church principles). Instead of hating immigrants and Slavs, they embrance them fully into the "godly family of a Free Nation under God".
You know what really makes me happy? That Persia. Really like this so far.

ATL Afsharid Persia saw enormous expansion and few dozens years of relative peace. Middle East, Iran, Afghanistan and northern India experienced baby boom and rapid expansion of a middle class. So, Empire of Persia is recognized as a developing country with respectable level of literacy, strong military and growing economy. Napoleon's dynasty role in keeping peace among their allies paid off.