Looking for an old crosstime science fiction story.

Hello, I am looking for an alternate history that I saw online years ago. The basic premise is that our world comes into crosstime contact with a world where Alexander the Great lived longer. The one detail of the story that I recall is that the US felt threatened enough by this "Hellenic Superstate" that it sent an 80 megaton H-Bomb through a portal as a "first strike." If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would be grateful. Thanks.


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Hello, I am looking for an alternate history that I saw online years ago. The basic premise is that our world comes into crosstime contact with a world where Alexander the Great lived longer. The one detail of the story that I recall is that the US felt threatened enough by this "Hellenic Superstate" that it sent an 80 megaton H-Bomb through a portal as a "first strike." If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would be grateful. Thanks.
Could be the Merchant Princess series by Charlie Stross. The final installment of the first series has a cross-time nuclear strike (essentially carpet nuking the eastern seaboard with a 'big one' to make sure nobody survives). I'm not sure about the hellenic part - IIRC, the ATL had a late roman POD.