Seems,like the tl is going on a path like otlwith only difference in details.
War of Austrian Succession: Otl.
7 yrs war: Otl.
French Revolution: Otl.
War of Three Emperors: Taiping Rebellion.
Popular Wars: Revolutions of 1848.
Great Jihad: Sepoy Mutiny
Great American War: American Civil War.
German and Italian Unification: Otl.
Pandoric War:WW1
20s Plague: Spanish Flu
Romulan Italy: Fascist Italy.
Howmuch of is it deliberate and how much of it is due to French revolution spreading liberal ideas and nationalism,like otl.
Would you add the French Revolution if began it now?
Was the French revolution a relic of the Original POD being in 1760s instead of 1720s?
Because I dont think a French revolution is inevitable with a 1720s POD.
Was it added to make Nationalism and Social Equality toxic to make way for Societism?