Look to the West Volume VIII: The Bear and the Basilisk

It did say Carolina is a trust territory of America de-facto. Could just be fancy wording and the kingdom is still a genuine part of the Empire with the fancy title for diversitarianism. Think of OTL American states with the meaningless title of “commonwealth”.


It did say Carolina is a trust territory of America de-facto. Could just be fancy wording and the kingdom is still a genuine part of the Empire with the fancy title for diversitarianism. Think of OTL American states with the meaningless title of “commonwealth”.
What about Spain then? Is it just an adjunct of France?
Apparently, the Americans have restorated the Kingdom of Carolina. Diversitarianism at its finest.

More like common sense at its finest.
Restoring the Kingdom of Carolina as an allied state was one of the main proposals on what to do with Carolina in the post-Pandoric War era with the Confederation options being the main competition.
Post-Combine Caroline would be too alien to fit in the ENA as a Confederation and just maintaining an unending occupation really did not work out last time which means that restoring the Kingdom is the default option.
It did say Carolina is a trust territory of America de-facto. Could just be fancy wording and the kingdom is still a genuine part of the Empire with the fancy title for diversitarianism. Think of OTL American states with the meaningless title of “commonwealth”.
Commonwealth to my understanding is a english term for a state with a republican style of government so it’s not meaningless just a bit pretentious
What about Spain then? Is it just an adjunct of France?

Careful! If we get too many detailed answers we may have less fun speculating and then being surprised!

"War is certain. Serbia and Russia will help us [Austria-Hungary] in it. There won't be half a blood bath." (...) "It may be", he said, continuing his account of Austria's future, "that if we have war with the Turks the Germans'll attack us, because the Germans and the Turks stick together. You can't find bigger bastards anywhere. But we can ally ourselves with France which has had a down on Germany ever since 1871."
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Commonwealth to my understanding is a english term for a state with a republican style of government so it’s not meaningless just a bit pretentious
Nope. It just means Common Weal - an organization/polity with common goals. I assure you that the (formerly British) Commonwealth is not a 'republic'. Not with a hereditary monarch as its head.


Anything that is hinting at them as future English colonies?
Natal's allegiance to London was foreshadowed by the first global map which noted that the British East India Company has more influence on the governance of Natal than its Indian territories.
Captured from Belgium during the war


What OTL countries would Panchala be comparable in its political/economic structure? OTL Iraq or Burma comes to mind
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I suspect the Panch is the same as the Punj of Punjab, namely '5', for the 5 rivers there.
My understanding of Indic etymologies suggests this is not the case. "Panchala" seems to be a term for an ancient group in the Gangetic plain not directly related to the (Persian) name for "Panjab" in the sense of "Five rivers". I am unsure if the root for "five" ("Panc" in Sanskrit, "Panj" in Persian) might be indirectly involved.
EDIT: it appears to be.
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I first started reading LTTW the better part of a decade ago, currently on Volume 3 of my reread and very happy to see updates.

Since I recently started law school I’ve been wondering how the legal system of the ENA works, as divergences in the mid 18th century would drastically alter the development of American common law. Reading cases has me wondering what an analog aspiring lawyer in the ENA would read, or even what system he would aspire to operate in.

I think it’s safe to say I know more about the history of Timeline L in the relevant period than our own, so I’m really looking forward to seeing how the 20’s shake out in the narrative style!
According to the map, Nouvelle-Orleans is annexed and elects MCPs.
The latter requires to be part of a ENA confederation.
What is NO's confederation?
The logical choice would have been Carolina if a Carolinian confederation had exited.
The next best choices are Westernesse and Old Virginia. Neither of them are bordering NO, though.
Westernesse is closer and was the confederation where the ENA part of the Grand Duchy of Louisiana ended up, but it was land-locked until North Arizpe was annexed and the access to the Pacific does not mean much for NO.
Old Virginia is more distant, but as the confederation that includes the Caribbean ENA it as already administrating a non-contiguous territory, though Tayloe's plans for reorganizing Old Virginia and Carolina not including NO suggests that NO was not added to it.
According to the map, Nouvelle-Orleans is annexed and elects MCPs.
The latter requires to be part of a ENA confederation.
What is NO's confederation?

I noticed that as well. How likely would it be for NO to become the centre of a new confederation, one consisting of NO and American Caribbean? I think it was implied after the Great American War that the Caribbean would be split off from Virginia at some point.
I noticed that as well. How likely would it be for NO to become the centre of a new confederation, one consisting of NO and American Caribbean? I think it was implied after the Great American War that the Caribbean would be split off from Virginia at some point.

I could see it. Even in OTL America was not adverse to changing up territorial boundaries right up to statehood, while in TTL shire/provincial borders seem mostly sacrosanct (unless it’s pulling a Kentucky and a new shire splitting from an old one) but mixing and matching them up into new confederations seems a normal thing (even in the Carolinian Crisis, it was suggested the shires consisting of *OTL Virginia join Carolina Confederation, well before the ENA made a batch of new ones). All the more so since Confederations were mostly good at encompassing cultural regions till that horrific one consisting of the Great Plains, Superia, and American-held Southwest. :D
Poor New Guinea. And poor central Africa! And of course, Societism hasn't even reached its furthest extent yet.
Carolina, Guntur, Russian Yapon, the Eternal State, Danubia, anything the two annex etc

I am re-reading certain parts of LTTW and noticed that #189 hints at the city Crosscreek belonging to the Societist-ruled world in the 1940s.
This is notable because this city has not been a part of Carolina since 1857.
It seems Societist North America won't be limited to the former Kingdom of Carolina, but include Old Virginian ENA territory as well.
I am re-reading certain parts of LTTW and noticed that #189 hints at the city Crosscreek belonging to the Societist-ruled world in the 1940s.
This is notable because this city has not been a part of Carolina since 1857.
It seems Societist North America won't be limited to the former Kingdom of Carolina, but include Old Virginian ENA territory as well.

Crosscreek is actually in North Province, e.g., OTL Fayetville North Carolina, and was never part of Virginia.

It does however further suggest that the ENA is going to lose badly to the Combine - we already know that the 1920s trigger a major re-evaluation of America's political system. If the hints that Mexico and Guatemala also go Societist are true, then the southern border of the ENA is going to become the longest fortified border in human history...