List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II

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Presidents of the United States
Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas / Senator Al Gore of Tennessee (Democratic)
1992: President George H.W. Bush of Texas/Vice President Dan Quayle of Indiana (Republican), Businessman Ross Perot of Texas/Ret. Admiral James Stockdale of California (Independent)
1996: Senator Bob Dole of Kansas/Representative Jack Kemp of New York (Republican), Businessman Ross Perot of Texas/Businessman Pat Choate of Oklahoma (Reform)

Vice President Al Gore of Tennessee / vacant (Democratic) 1996-1997
President Al Gore of Tennessee / Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts (Democratic) 1997-2005
2000: Governor George W. Bush of Texas/Senator John Ashcroft of Missouri (Republican)
I'm assuming Clinton was Assassinated ITTL otherwise I can't imagine that Gore would get elected after Clinton was forced to resign. Let alone Hillary not running
The Morning Will Come...
Franklin D. Roosevelt/John Nance Garner 1933-1941
Franklin D. Roosevelt/Wendell Wilkie 1941-1942
1932: Def. Herbert Hoover/Charles Curtis
1936: Def. Alf Landon/Frank Knox, Huey Long/Charles Coughlin
1940: Def. Robert Taft/John W. Bricker, Norman Thomas/Upton Sinclair
Roosevelt won promising to pursue a 'New Deal' and solve the Great Depression. Early in his term, these measures bore out some success. There were controversies-the court-packing scheme, Huey Long's 1936 primary challenge and third-party run, things like that. Still, things were looking up in 1939.

And then Yellowstone decided to explode. It wasn't as bad as it could've been, admittedly, but the Dakotas were almost totally wiped out and half the Midwest was buried in ash. Roosevelt attempted to help the population relocate to greener pastures, but even with his best efforts hundreds of thousands died. Millions more perished due to the food shortages caused by this catastrophe. Roosevelt, to take care of the people, ran on a ticket with the more moderate Wendell Wilkie in 1940 and was reelected promising to deal with the crisis. Roosevelt's internationalism had to give way to reality on the ground, which meant no aid to Britain, let alone the USSR. Roosevelt was still dealing with the crisis when he dropped dead in 1942, likely due to his already polio-damaged body not being able to handle the aftermath of the supervolcano.
Wendell Wilkie/vacant 1942-1945
Wendell Wilkie/Cordell Hull 1945-1946

1944: Def. Harold Stassen/Thomas Dewey
Wilkie continued to attempt to alleviate the aftermath of the eruption and, despite his inclinations, ignore affairs overseas. He was forced to look aside as Britain signed a peace treaty with Nazi Germany amidst a highly successful blockade, the USSR collapsed amidst a joint German-Japanese invasion and various governments-in-exile began falling to Axis forces. Wilkie's efforts to deal with the problems at home were successful enough that he won reelection in 1944. However, in 1945, Wilkie would finally have to turn his attention overseas as Japan launched an attack on the Philippines and Hawaii, occupying both island chains (military preparedness had taken a hit due to the reprioritization of government spending towards taking care of the public). Despite these losses and Germany's entry into the war, Wilkie vowed to lead the US to victory, alongside the British Commonwealth and the remnants of the Soviet Union. Wilkie would die in office from the stress.
Cordell Hull/vacant 1946-1948
Hull had been Roosevelt's Secretary of State before Wilkie promoted him. Hull led the US in the World War (the previous two conflicts generally being referred to as 'the First Great War' and 'the Second Great War' instead) and initially saw some successes. Japan's attempt to invade Alaska was beaten back and the US Navy began to reclaim the Hawaiian islands. US forces in the Atlantic managed to liberate much of West Africa from German and Italian occupation and uprisings in northern and eastern Africa strained Axis military resources. Reinforcements from the US managed to stave off German attacks on Britain and by 1948, the US and UK were considering invading the European heartland. Unfortunately, during the lull between the wars, Nazi Germany had realized the potential power of nuclear physics and Werner Heisenberg had managed to create the world's first nuclear weapons. On April 2nd, 1948, four such bombs were loaded into German aircraft. One was shot down before it reached its target, but by April 3rd, London, New York and Washington were all but destroyed. Hull was dead and the US and UK were broken.
Dwight D. Eisenhower/vacant 1948
Eisenhower was the highest-ranking member of the military to survive the German nuclear attacks and thus was forced to take over the government. Shortly after ascending to the office, Germany warned that they had more of these weapons and would use them until the US and UK surrendered. After about a week of agonizing over the situation, Eisenhower made the fateful choice to sign terms of surrender to the Axis. The terms were harsh-Axis forces would be permitted to occupy the US cities of Philadelphia, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and all forty-eight state capitals, the US was forced to pay reparations for the next thirty years, Japan would get to claim America's Pacific holdings and Alaska and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands would be handed to Germany. Britain was forced into a similar humiliating peace and the Germans were granted control of Newfoundland as well. Eisenhower committed suicide weeks after the surrender.
Axis Occupational Authority 1948-1953
The next four years would see the US government temporarily shut down while the Axis debated the occupation policies. The differing members of the Axis had different priorities. Japan wanted to demilitarize the US so that it would never be able to threaten their gains in the Pacific and ensure that the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere would be maintained indefinitely. Germany, on the other hand, wanted the US to become a bulwark against 'renewed Judeo-Bolshevik aggression' and wanted to remake the nation into a strong fascist ally of theirs. Italy, meanwhile, hoped to play off both Germany and Japan to maintain autonomous status from both Germany and Japan. Ultimately, Mussolini would brokered a compromise between these visions-the West Coast of North America all the way to the Rocky Mountains was to become a totally demilitarized zone. The region would still be under nominal US control, but the region would be opened up for Japanese business and industry. To the east, however, a German/Italian-style fascist regime would be propped up and pursue the policies the Europeans wanted. This policy, dubbed the Rome Accords, were accepted by Hitler and Tojo and earned Mussolini a Nobel Peace Prize. However, they would lay the groundwork for continued tensions between the Axis going forward.

Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr./Charles Lindbergh 1953-1961
For the first president of the fascist-ified America, Germany selected the closest thing to a fascist elder statesman they could find in the form of Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. and selected Charles Lindbergh as his running mate. Kennedy's name would echo through later history as synonymous with treason, but Kennedy's actual governance of Axis-occupied America was comparatively light-touch. Kennedy had major German and Japanese firms become involved in the US economy, triggering something close to an economic boom, and began investing in infrastructure. Food imports from Asia and Europe increased under Kennedy, alleviating the starvation that had been plaguing the country for years. On the flip side, Kennedy implemented American counterparts to the Nuremberg laws (dubbed the 'purity laws' in the US), which enshrined segregation as policy. As part of the terms of the Rome accords, all Hispanic and Asian-descended individuals were deported west of the Rocky Mountains and Jim Crow laws were federalized. The worst fate was reserved for Jews, however, as the Germans opened up concentration camps in upstate New York, northern Quebec and isolated parts of West Virginia to oversee the 'Final Solution' in America. Kennedy did nothing to challenge this policy openly (though he did shield his son Robert F. Kennedy from German authorities while he helped smuggle Jews from Florida to safety in Cuba and Central America), which allowed for most of America's Jewish population to be systematically exterminated. Kennedy was intended to remain as president for another term, but he convinced the occupational authorities to allow him to stand aside in 1960.
George Lincoln Rockwell/Strom Thurmond 1961-1977
Rockwell had served in the World War on the American side, but eagerly embraced the Axis Powers following their victory in the war. Rockwell's regime would be somewhat tumultuous compared to Kennedy. African-American figures such as Malcolm Little and Martin Luther King began agitating against the purity laws imposed under Kennedy. Rockwell, aided by the Germans, cracked down brutally on these protests, but this sparked major riots in the southern United States. This sparked disputes about how to respond-Rockwell pushed for a 'Final Solution to the Negro problem' modeled after Germany's approach to the Jews. On the other hand, Vice President Thurmond opposed the notion on the grounds that keeping African Americans in 'their place' was more beneficial to the country as a whole. Initially, the Germans agreed with Thurmond, but as more protests and riots continued, they came to side with Rockwell. While limits were put in place, Rockwell's government was permitted to 'cull' the African-American population. It is estimated Rockwell exterminated nearly half of the United States' African-American population from 1967 to 1973. Rockwell additionally had to contend with unrest west of the Rockies. Tensions between Germany and Japan were beginning to flare up as they squabbled for influence in the Middle East, southern Africa, South America, the Indian subcontinent and Central Asia. This 'Silent Struggle' led to Japan backing secessionist groups (often led by individuals of Hispanic and Asian descent) in the western areas, seeking to ultimately pull the region from the German-aligned US into the Co-Prosperity Sphere. Due to the terms of the Rome Accords, neither Rockwell nor the new Fuhrer Reinhard Heydrich could openly deploy troops west of the Rockies without risking open war with Japan (largely a nonstarter as by this point Japan also had atomic weapons and additionally had a large arsenal of bioweapons). They got around this by bankrolling fascist militia groups (technically private) to massacre secessionists west of the Rockies. The 'Dirty Wars' between the secessionist 'Six-Stars' and paramilitary 'Khakis' would last for nearly twenty years and kill an estimated 200,000 people. Rockwell would face some assassination attempts from Six-Star adherents, African-American guerillas and members of the New Freedom movement seeking to overthrow the Axis occupation and restore the old United States. Despite this, Rockwell would survive all attempts.
William Luther Pierce/Jesse Helms 1977-1993
Pierce had helped preside over some of the largest mass murders of African-Americans under Rockwell and was considered even more hardline than Rockwell had been. He would prove this to be the case when, in 1983, he violated the Rome Accords by sending members of the US Armed Forces over the Rocky Mountain line to wipe out Six-Star forces that had temporarily seized control of Oakland and Carson City. This action brought the world the closest to a Second World War that it had ever seen, as Japan threatened to unleash biological and nuclear weapons if the US didn't withdraw immediately and Fuhrer Kurt Waldheim, despite some misgivings, choosing to back Pierce and threatening WMDs of their own. This situation persisted for several months as US forces attempted to take back the occupied cities. Ultimately, backchannel talks carried out via Swedish intermediaries were able to avert a war and Japan agreed not to retaliate provided Pierce withdraw troops as quickly as possible. Pierce was reportedly angry with this development and accused Waldheim of being a race traitor, but was cowed into submission via threats from the Reich. Pierce consequently would keep his head down for the remainder of his time in office, only using force against guerilla movements and those protesting economic slowdowns.
David Duke/Larry MacDonald 1993-1999
Duke was intended to by a young, fresh face for the German-run United States, a rebranding in line with what Fuhrer Helmut Goebbels was seeking to do in Germany proper. Duke, however, would not end up solidifying the US as a key part of the German bloc. On August 18th, 1995, two years after he took office, a false alarm at a German radar warning station in the Urals occurred. The officer, panicked, reported the alarm to his superiors. Goebbels was reluctant to trigger a nuclear war, but he would not get to make that choice as SS Oberguppenfuhrer Michael Kuhnen shot Goebbels in the head, declared himself Fuhrer and ordered a retalitory strike on Japan. As the missiles and orbital weapony began to target Japan, Japanese Prime Minister Shoko Asahara responded in kind and then some, ordering the release of highly virulent biological weapons on the German heartland alongside nuclear weapons. Within a day, the Greater German Reich and Japanese Empire were hollow husks of themselves. Asahara and Kuhnen both died in the war and various elements of the old government squabbled over the ashes. Duke's America was lucky enough to escape major targetting (only German and Japanese military facilities in the country were really targetted due to worry too many attacks could damage the portions in 'their' spheres), but the collapse of the Axis meant Duke's regime was on borrowed time. World trade collapsing and nuclear winter killing crops caused major protests and riots. Duke's attempts to crack down on these movements failed and the public increasingly turned on the Axis-backed regime that had been ruling and oppressing them for years. It took nearly four years, but in 1999, the Second American Revolution would occur. Millions of people rose up against Duke's government. Even with the support of lingering German and Japanese forces, Duke could not withstand the uprising and he was forced to flee the Presidential Residence in Philadelphia as the gates were breached. Duke would go into hiding in the Midwest after this and command a lingering insurgency, but he was ultimately caught and executed in 2003.
Second Continental Congress 1999-2005
The various rebel movements that rose up against Duke were not strictly united. They were an ad-hoc coalition of minority rights groups, socialists, liberals, communists, religious conservatives, civic nationalists, anarchists and propertarians. They agreed on opposition to Axis-imposed fascist tyranny, but did not agree on what sort of government should replace it. This forced the leaders of all of these groups to come together to organize the final defeat of lingering fascist forces in the country, but all the while they debated what should replace the Germanified Constitution of 1953. Some wanted to return to the 1789 constitution, others supported starting fresh. In the end, the Constitution of 2003 retained the bulk of the Bill of Rights and principles of federalism, but shifted governance to a more Parliamentary system, with the position of 'Prime Minister' still nominally being the President. The new US also integrated some lost territories into itself, as Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Alaska, Saskatchewan and Alberta all joined the Union (Quebec seceded from Canada and Ontario sought to maintain independence). In 2004, the new Constitution was ratified and the first elections took place.

Jesse Ventura/Dennis Kucinich 2005-2009
2004: Def. Mitt Romney, Jesse Jackson, Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee
Ventura had been a key leader in the New Freedom movement since the 1970's and was head of the National Union Party, a rather centrist body seeking to build consensus. Ventura presided over the reconstruction of the old capital at Washington DC (which the Germans had forced the US to keep in ruins as a reminder of their dominance) and became the first president since Hull to reside in the White House. Ventura also presided over trials for former German and Japanese occupying authorities and members of the US government whom had carried out mass murders. Ventura also, at the urging of his Labor Party deputy Dennis Kucinich, pushed for reparations for African-Americans and surviving Jews, a policy that ultimately would be approved overwhelmingly. Ventura stood aside after a single term.
Buddy Roemer/Luis Fortuno 2009-2017
2008: Def. Dennis Kucinich, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul, John Lewis
2012: Def. Alexa McDonough, Rick Santorum, Andrew Napolitano, John Lewis, Steve King
Roemer had been an ardent challenger of Duke early in his career, running against him twice despite efforts by German and American authorities to cow him into submission. Roemer pursued a moderately conservative set of policies during his tenure, seeking to boost the economy. A number of government-held industries were gradually privatized during Roemer's term and deregulation led to a small economic boom. Roemer also opened up formal diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Hawaii, which had managed to assert its independence following the Second World War. Many in the post-2003 US had hoped to retake control of Hawaii, but Roemer's decision to accept as de facto reality Hawaiian independence marked a shift toward positive relations. Roemer additionally pushed for a US space program, seeking to bring the US up to superpower status. Roemer additionally secured a foreign aid package to rebuild Britain, which had been devastated by two Japanese nuclear strikes, but reclaimed independence thanks to the viral outbreaks in continental Europe. Roemer's actions allowed for the struggling British government to strengthen and laid the groundwork for the 'National Brotherhood' between the US and UK. Roemer left office with high approval ratings.
J.B. Pritzker/Barbara Lee 2017-
2016: Def. Mitch Daniels, Rick Santorum, Austin Petersen, Steve King
Pritzker was the first president to be of Jewish descent. His family had escaped death at the hands of the Kennedy and Rockwell regimes by going into hiding in Utah, which remained somewhat free of German dominance thanks to the Rome Accords. Pritzker had been an activist in Provo before the Second American Revolution broke out, openly acknowledging his Judaism and taunting the German/American inability to punish him for it. Afterwards, Pritzker became a Labor representative in the state legislature and was elected governor of Utah in 2006 and 2010. He became Labor leader in 2015 and won the presidency promising to implement a universal healthcare program and permanently expunge fascism from the country. Only time will tell how well he succeeds at the latter, but he has managed to accomplish the former rather quickly.
From the same universe as that Bill Clinton list

Prime Ministers of Canada
Jean Chrétien (Liberal)
1993 (Majority): Lucien Bouchard (Bloc Québécois), Preston Manning (Reform), Audrey McLaughlin (New Democratic), Kim Campbell (Prog. Conservative)
1997 (Minority): Preston Manning (Reform), Gilles Duceppe (Bloc Québécois), Jean Charest (Prog. Conservative), Alexa McDonough (New Democratic)

Paul Martin (Liberal) 1998-2007
1999 (Majority): Gilles Duceppe (Bloc Québécois), Preston Manning (Reform), Brian Pallister (Prog. Conservative), Alexa McDonough (New Democratic)
2003 (Majority): Brian Pallister (United Conservative), Gilles Duceppe (Bloc Québécois), Alexa McDonough (New Democratic)

Brian Pallister (United Conservative) 2007-2015
2007 (Minority): Paul Martin (Liberal), Pierre Paquette (Bloc Québécois), Bill Blaikie (New Democratic)
2009 (Majority): Dalton McGuinty (Liberal), Pierre Paquette (Bloc Québécois), Bill Blaikie (New Democratic)
2013 (Minority): Stéphane Dion (Liberal), Pierre Paquette (Bloc Québécois), Robert Chisholm (New Democratic)

Stéphane Dion (Liberal) 2015-present
2015 (Minority): Brian Pallister (United Conservative), Pierre Paquette (Bloc Québécois), Robert Chisholm (New Democratic)
2018 (Majority):
Steve Harper (United Conservative), Gregor Robertson (Democratic Commonwealth), Pierre Paquette (Bloc Québécois), James Beddome (Green)
Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom
John Major (Conservative)
1992 (Majority): Neil Kinnock (Labour), Paddy Ashdown (Liberal Democrat)
Tony Blair (Labour) 1997-2004
1997 (Majority): John Major (Conservative), Paddy Ashdown (Liberal Democrat)
2001 (Majority): Michael Howard (Conservative), Charles Kennedy (Liberal Democrat)

Gordon Brown (Labour) 2004-2011
2006 (Majority): William Hague (Conservative), Simon Hughes (Liberal Democrat)
2011 (Hung Parliament): Alan Duncan (Conservative), Simon Hughes (Liberal Democrat)

Alan Johnson (Labour) 2011
Ed Miliband (Labour) 2011-2012
Alan Duncan (Conservative) 2012-present
2012 (Majority): Ed Miliband (Labour), Simon Hughes (Liberal Democrat)
2017 (Majority): Emily Thornberry (Labour), Nick Clegg (Liberal Democrat), Alex Samond (Scottish National)
Kali-Fornia Ueber Alles 21st Century

I'm sorry for making this.

2001-2005: George Bush / Dick Cheney (Republican)
def. 2000 Al Gore/Joe Lieberman (Democratic), Ralph Nader/Winona LaDuke (Green)
2005-2009: George Bush / Don Siegelman (Republican/Democratic)
def. 2004 Howard Dean/Al Sharpton (Democratic)
2009-2017: Arnold Schwarzenegger / Kenneth Lay (Republican)
def. 2008 John Edwards/Hillary Clinton (Democratic)
def. 2012 Michael Moore/Marcy Kaptur (Independent), Al Gore/Alex Sink (Democratic)
2017-2021: Arnold Schwarzenegger / Ken Cuccinelli (Republican)
def. 2016 Bob Iger/Elizabeth Warren (Opposition)
2021-2029: Arnold Schwarzenegger / Tucker Carlson (Republican)
2020 continuation of government referendum 78% YES, 22% NO
def. 2024 Arnold Schwarzenegger/Brett Baier (Loyal Opposition), various write-in (Real Opposition)
2029-2038: Tucker Carlson / Liz Cheney (Republican)
def. 2028 Tucker Carlson/Erik Prince (Loyal Opposition), Arnold Schwarzenegger/various (write-in)
def. 2032 Tucker Carlson/Maya Keyes (Loyal Opposition), Ammon Bundy/Ryan Bundy (Real Conservative)
2034 abolition of term limits referendum 99% YES, 1% NO
2036 continuation of government referendum 101% YES, 0% NO
2038 referendum on abolishing the United States government and inviting Tucker Carlson to rule the United States as monarch 98% YES, 2% NO
Japanese Asset Price Bubble Prevented

1974-1976: Takeo Miki (Liberal Democratic)
1976-1978: Tomomi Narita (Socialist)
1978-1982: Zenkō Suzuki (Liberal Democratic)
Masashi Ishibashi (Socialist)
1983-1984: Sasaki Ryōsaku (Democratic Socialist)
1984-1987: Sadao Yamahana (Socialist)
1987-1989: Sōsuke Uno (Liberal Democratic)

1989-1990: Ryūtarō Hashimoto (Liberal Democratic)
1990-0000: Tomiichi Murayama (Socialist)

Inspired by this thread, and informed by a few minutes of digging on wikipedia. Basically, massive corruption scandals in the late 1970s lead to a Socialist government for the first time since the 40s, with Tomomi Narita becoming PM. However, due to infighting over the role of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, Narita's government soon collapses. However, with the "spell" of the LDP broken, and aided by another corruption scandal, the Socialists and their coalition return. This butterflies the Plaza accord, and also helps Japan deal more adequately with other social issues that caused the asset bubble. It is thus butterflied, though there is a minor recession in 1989. The idea of "Japan taking over the world" still gets popular, and though that idea fades a little in the 90s, Japan remains a powerhouse on the world stage.
@ Capitalist Hippie: It took an apocalyptic event for the Nazis to take America? Huh. I know Hitler and Nazi Germany are the most despised group in all of human history, but I'm wondering if the argument that Nazi Germany couldn't win the second world war suffers from bias because of that. Hitler was clearly evil but this we don't live in a fictional world where the clearly evil can never win.

AHC: Have the US be successfully be taken over 1901 onwards(no mass disaster allowed)
AHC: Have the US be successfully be taken over 1901 onwards(no mass disaster allowed)
The US has been historically difficult to conquer after the Civil War due to it's inherent military, geographic, and economic advantages. If you want a deeper look into why America got so lucky you can watch this video here.

25. William McKinley*/Frank S. Black (Republican)
(March 4th,1897-September 14th,1899)

1896 Def:Matthew Butler/Claude Matthews (Democratic)
26. Frank S. Black/Levi P. Morton(Republican)
(September 14th,1899-March 4th,1909)

1900 Def:Sylvester Pennoyer/Benjamin Tillmen (Democratic)
1904 Def:Joseph Blackburn/Horace Boies (Democratic)
27. John Sharp Williams/Bird Sim Coler (Democratic)
(March 4th,1909-April 3rd,1918)

1908 Def:Matthew Quay/Levi P. Morton (Republican)
1912 Def:Chauncey Depew/Albert J. Beveridge (Republican)
1916 Def:Joseph G. Cannon/William Warner (Republican)
Often considered to be the last President of the United States, John Sharp Williams is widely despised by many traditionally liberal groups in Africa and South America as the man who surrendered america. While not all this blame can be attributed to him, his general lack of military preparedness and vaguely Anglophobe filled tendencies in the realm of foreign policy contributed to a strengthened Anglo-German Alliance which had been building since the Russo-Japanese war.

Despite america's neutrality in the global conflict and William's controversial decision to run (and narrowly win) a third term, the economy generally fared pretty well during his administration, though foreign affairs soon overshadowed his legacy, with the british invading america a few days after election day in 1916. Rallying together the people of the country and a few upstart military commanders, the war ended in spectacular failure for the Americans, with british General Haig leading in person a second burning of Washington, with the capital being relocated to the shipyard of Norfolk.

The government would be on the run until finally cornered in North Carolina, being forced to surrender to the British, who really saw no need for a vaguely north american continental holding, and so Germany goes and says "hold my beer" at the peace treaty, setting up the Imperial New American Colony on April 3rd,1918.
Administrators of the Imperial New American Colony (German Empire Colonial Administration)
1. Erich Ludendorff (Military)
(April 3rd,1918-July 15th,1919)
2.Reinhard Scheer (Military)
(July 15th,1919-July 15th,1927)
3.Franz Von Hipper (Military)
(July 15th,1927-August 8th,1930)

Presidents of the Second American Republic
28. John Sharp Williams (Democratic)
(September 10th,1930-February 14th,1932)

29. Herbert Hoover (Republican)
(February 14th,1932-November 8th,1932)
30.Calvin Coolidge (Republican)*
(November 8th,1932-January 5th,1933)
31. Herbert Hoover (Republican)
(January 5th,1933-January 5th,1935)
32. Alf Landon (Republican)
(January 5th,1935-July 4th,1936)

In 1930, Berlin decides to let America begin to ride it's penny farthing with training wheels, handpicking their president while allowing him to act as a head of state. Seeing how badly Williams had managed the United States, he was their first choice in managing the newly minted SAR. Generally these acted as puppet rulers who happily abided by Berlin's bidding and wishes (lest they want to be dismissed as was the case with Hoover). However, there comes a time in every puppet's life where there's these pesky rebels who want to "break the system".

One such man was Alf Landon, a former prime-administrator of the Central american heartland. For the first few months, everything seemed like normalcy, though there still was this great depression, with the policies of the former Hoover and Coolidge mandates letting the economy do it's own thing which contributed to the collapse of the banks. With this turmoil, Landon then has a religious vision and opts to take up arms against the government. That went about as well as a poorly trained militia facing off against a well trained military force would go, with thousands being killed in Landon's Revolution.
President of the New American State (Unrecognized)
1. Alf Landon (Democracy For All)
(July 4th,1936-August 5th,1936)

Initially, the uprising went well, taking the Germans by surprise and managing to capture Baltimore, Raleigh, San Francisco, most of the Indian Territory and a large chunk of the states of Maine and Vermont. However, Landon had misjudged the German's fanaticism, organization, military professionalism and the general dedication to american SS units that caused him to lose city after city until the NAS collapsed in late July. The spectacular week long gains were all evaporated by the 5th of August, though Landon managed to escape into exile, dying in Australia in 1987.
Military Governors of the American Colony
1. August von Mackenson (National Socialist)
(August 5th,1936-August 5th,1937)

2. Heinz Guderian (Military)
(August 5th,1937-August 5th,1940)

3.Joseph Gobbles (National Socialist)
(August 5th,1940-July 24th,1946)

4. Herman Hoth (Military)
(July 24th,1946-January 8th,1951)

With a rebellion quelled, Berlin sees that Americans are not capable of running themselves, and so disbands the Second American Republic by decree of Hitler, instead ruling it directly via military governors through New York City. While this might have led to a second american revolution, many people were tired of the misshaped uprising of Landon, simply accepting occupation in exchange for nice economic benefits, such as state pensions provided by german taxpayers and the Nazi government, the impressing of national socialist ideals in a harder stance than before, along with rewriting their history, culture and various other aspects of american life to ensure loyalty.

Soon the Hoth felt comfortable enough calling for the first general elections in the newly established "Liberated American Territorial District". Sure the elections saw only candidates approved by Berlin to be able to run, and at first only ayran americans would be granted suffrage, but this was expanded to all white male property owners, then they allowed the women to vote, and then they lowered the voting age from 25 to 16.
Oh, and who can forget about Congress? The Nazis decided to increase the number of seats in the House of Representatives from 435 to 671. They even took all the pesky thinking about which party to vote for by just having one at first, the NSAWP. Though they decided to approve any candidate for running, so long as they towed the line with Berlin and had National Socialist somewhere in the title begining in 1959.
Civilian Governor-Overseers of the Liberated American Territorial District
1.Dwight D. Eisenhower (Independent)
(January 8th,1951-January 8th,1961)

1950 Def: John Nance Garner (Liberation)
1955 Def: Herbert Hoover (National)
2.John F. Kennedy (National Socialist American Worker's Party)
(January 8th,1961-January 8th,1971)

1960 Def:Douglas MacArthur (Independent)
1965 Def: George Lincoln Rockwell (American Nationalist Front) Margaret Sanger (Populist National Socialist Labor Front)
3.Gerald Ford (Radical National Socialist American Worker's Party)
(January 8th,1971-January 8th,1981)

1970 Def: Strom Thurmond (Segregationist National Socialist Front) Richard Russell (Conservative National Socialist Liberal Front)
1975 Def: Jimmy Carter (Confederate National Socialist)
4.Richard Nixon (People's National Socialist American Worker's Party)
(January 8th,1981-January 8th,1986)

1980 Def: George Wallace (Patriotic National Socialist Front)
5. Fritz Hollings (National Socialist American Worker's Party)
(January 8th,1986-January 8th,1991)

1985 Def: Richard Nixon (People's National Socialist American Worker's Party)
6.Strom Thurmond (National Socialist Liberational American Worker's Party)
(January 8th,1991-January 8th,2001)

1990 Def: Richard Lugar (Patriotic National Socialist Front) Ross Perot (Independents for National Socialism)
1995 Def: Bill Clinton (Confederate National Socialist) Ross Perot (Independents for National Socialism)
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America Flips A Coin: Someone Else To Blame

28(first term): Woodrow Wilson/Thomas R Marshall(March 4 1913-March 4 1917)
-Election of 1916: Woodrow Wilson/Thomas R Marshall(Democrat) vs Charles Evans Hughes/Charles W Fairbanks(Republican)
29(first term): Charles Evan Hughes(March 4 1917-March 4 1921)/Charles W Fairbanks*(March 4 1917-July 4 1918)[1]
-Election of 1920: Charles Evan Hughes/Warren G Harding(Republican) vs James M Cox/Alexander Mitchell Palmer(Democrat)[2]
30(first term): James M Cox/Alexander Mitchell Palmer(March 4 1921-March 4 1925)[3]
-Election of 1924: James M Cox/Charles W Bryan(Democrat) vs Calvin Coolidge/Frank Orren Lowden(Republican)
30(second term): James M Cox/Charles W Bryan(March 4 1925-March 4 1929)[4]
-Election of 1928: Al Smith/Joseph T Robinson(Democrat) vs Herbert Hoover/James E Watson(Republican) vs Norman Thomas/James Maurer(Socialist)[5]
31(first term): Herbert Hoover/James E Watson(March 4 1929-March 4 1933)[6]
-Election of 1932: Herbert Hoover/James E Watson(Republican) vs Franklin D Roosevelt/Albert Ritchie(Democrat)
31(second term): Herbert Hoover/James E Watson(March 4 1933-January 20 1937)

[1]Fairbanks becomes the first non-consecutive vice president, and next to die. America still enters WWI. Unfortunately for Hughes, he gets a lot of blame, though we don't get stuff like the First Red Scare that made Wilson controversial. Add to the fact that by winning California he still loses the popular vote thus setting a feeling that Wilson was "cheated", and he's screwed in terms of his chances to be re-elected. He ends up being the second president to later serve as chief justice, getting a bit of Taft in there
[2]The affable conservative Harding was picked as running mate. The Democrats saw an opportunity. Wilson, due to health issues, doesn't run, though he tries to vouch for his son-in-law McAdoo, but as in our timeline a less controversial darkhorse, Governor Cox won out, and Palmer was "kicked upstairs" as his running mate
[3]Though his enemies called him "Middleing Cox", President Cox continued the progressive era of Wilson. He was in charge of the Roaring 20s, and got the credit. While having a formiddable opponent in conservative rival Coolidge, Cox held onto the office. He had a falling out with his vice president and replaced him. He picked Bryan because "he has a good name"
[4]America "kept to America" in the Roaring 20s, but suspicion overseas was present. Namely, Russia. Lenin died and Trotsky was his successor. However "Wild Trotsky" would lead to a power struggle. Ultimately Nikolai Bukharin became the new chairman. Of course, he made sure to have Stalin shot in secret after he helped him. Can't trust the guy
[5]Smith was a watershed, a rising star. But controversial. Like OTL Hoover wins, but less close
[6]Hoover is a much more successful president than OTL. The 30s are instead defined by social changes and counter-culture

Abridged list
  • 28: Woodrow Wilson/Thomas R Marshall(1913-1917)
  • 29: Charles Evan Hughes(1917-1921)/Charles W Fairbanks*(1917-1918)
  • 30: James M Cox(1921-1929)/A.Mitchell Palmer(1921-1925), Charles W Bryan(1925-1929)
  • 31: Herbert Hoover/James E Watson(1929-1937)
@ Capitalist Hippie: It took an apocalyptic event for the Nazis to take America? Huh. I know Hitler and Nazi Germany are the most despised group in all of human history, but I'm wondering if the argument that Nazi Germany couldn't win the second world war suffers from bias because of that. Hitler was clearly evil but this we don't live in a fictional world where the clearly evil can never win.

AHC: Have the US be successfully be taken over 1901 onwards(no mass disaster allowed)

It's not so much that as is the fact that the Axis had many key disadvantages compared to the US. They weren't self-sufficient, operated with lower population levels and both Japan and Germany were trying to occupy large amounts of territory home to people who despised them in Eastern Europe and Asia. These factors make the ability of Germany and Japan to beat the Allies difficult even without the US and occupying America in addition to these territories would be virtually impossible with a US even close to OTL's power level-at least not before the 1960's or 1970's after the previous gains have been consolidated. Hence the supervolcano-I couldn't conceive any non-outright supernatural scenario where the Axis occupy the US by 1950 outside of this level of natural disaster.
America Flips A Coin: Dewey Defeats Truman

The newspapers are never going to live that one down

32(fourth term): Franklin Delano Roosevelt*/Harry S Truman(January 20 1945-April 12 1945)
33(first term): Harry S Truman(April 12 1945-January 20 1949)
-Election of 1948: Harry S Truman/Alben W Barkley(Democrat) vs Thomas E Dewey/Earl Warren(Republican) vs Strom Thurmond/Fielding L Wright(Dixiecrat) vs Henry A Wallace/Glen H Taylor(Progressive)
34(first term): Thomas E Dewey/Earl Warren(January 20 1949-January 20 1953)
-Election of 1952: Thomas E Dewey/Earl Warren(Republican) vs Estes Kefauver/Hubert Humphrey(Democrat) vs Douglas MacArthur/Richard M Nixon(Military Republican)[1]
35(first term): Estes Kefauver/Hubert Humphrey(January 20 1953-January 20 1957)
-Election of 1956: Estes Kefauver/Hubert Humphrey(Democrat) vs Earl Warren/Barry Goldwater(Republican) vs J.Edgar Hoover/Spiro Agnew(Anti-Communist)
35(second term): Estes Kefauver/Hubert Humphrey(January 20 1957-January 20 1961)
-Election of 1960: Hubert Humphrey/George Smathers(Democrat) vs Richard M Nixon/Cecil H Underwood(Republican)[2]
36(first term): Richard M Nixon**/Cecil H Underwood(January 20 1961-February 29 1964)
37(first term): Cecil H Underwood(February 29 1964-January 20 1965)
-Election of 1964: Cecil H Underwood/William Scranton(Republican) vs John F Kennedy/Sam Yorty(Democrat)
37(second term): Cecil H Underwood/William Scranton(January 20 1965-January 20 1969)
-Election of 1968: Cecil H Underwood/William Scranton(Republican) vs Hubert Humphrey/George McGovern(Democrat)
38(first term): Hubert Humphrey/George McGovern(January 20 1969-January 20 1973)
-Election of 1972: Hubert Humphrey/George McGovern(Democrat) vs Nelson Rockefeller/John Wayne(Republican)
38(second term): Hubert Humphrey/George McGovern(January 20 1973-January 20 1977)

[1]MacArthur is more uppity here and decides to pull a third party scenario. And he's as popular as T.R. Most regard this as the reason why Dewey lost '52, due to many MacArthur voters being Republicans
[2]Playing with a reversal between the OTL 1968 figures. And I'm increasing the parallels

Abridged list
  • 32: Franklin D Roosevelt*(1933-1945)/John N Garner(1933-1941), Henry A Wallace(1941-1945), Harry S Truman(1945)
  • 33: Harry S Truman(1945-1949)
  • 34: Thomas E Dewey/Earl Warren(1949-1953)
  • 35: Estes Kefauver/Hubert Humphrey(1953-1961)
  • 36: Richard Nixon**/Cecil H Underwood(1961-1964)
  • 37: Cecil H Underwood(1964-1969)/William Scranton(1965-1969)
  • 38: Hubert Humphrey/George McGovern(1969-1977)
Since I've spent this part of the year making two huge projects that are still not even close to being done, here's a quickie.


Presidents of the United States, to the tune of Paradise Theater by Styx
1928: Warren G. Harding/Calvin Coolidge (Republican)

1920: Woodrow Wilson/James M. Cox (Democratic)
1924: Samuel Ralston/Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democratic)

Warren Harding was the epitome of the Roaring Twenties. Handsome and relatable, the President partied hard, drank bootleg whiskey, popped the top off financial regulations, did some other stuff that didn’t come out until later, overall just had a good time. Until he had a heart attack in 1928.

1928-1929: Calvin Coolidge/nobody (Republican)

Despite what anyone who met him might think, Calvin Coolidge really wanted to be President. He had tried at the ’28 convention, but could only get his wish through the sudden death of Harding. Condemned to lame-duckitude, Cal mostly spent his time grumbling that the Commander-in-Chief shouldn’t have so much free time.

1929-1933: Herbert Hoover/Dan Moody (Democratic)

1928: Frank Orren Lowden/Guy D. Goff (Republican)

“Change is in the air!” the new President declared, legend has it. His most famous attributed quote was truer than he could ever know. Less than a year into office, the world economy imploded, and left the President’s structural reform as the man so far out of step, he was practically standing still.

1933-1937: L. J. Dickinson/James W. Wadsworth (Republican)

1932: Herbert Hoover/Dan Moody (Democratic)

The first president to make wide usage of the radio, Dickinson took much if his time reassuring the nation. His soothing speeches comforted those with enough to survive. But to the bands of homeless roving the country, “everything’s going to be alright” didn’t feed the kids. After eight years of do-nothing executives, America was ready for a change.

1937-1941: Newton D. Baker/Huey Long (Democratic)

1936: L. J. Dickinson/James W. Wadsworth (Republican)

The Newton D. Baker who told the convention about the beautiful dream of the League of Nations was not the same man who took office in 1937. He was hardened, widowed, and very angry. His righteous fury at the establishment was reflected in his sweeping economic reform, and his brutal cutting down of an attempted commune in California. His bitterness caught on with the people, but after four years in office, it led him to step down after one term.

1941-1949: Wendell Wilkie/Frederick Steiwer (Republican)

1940: Huey Long/Thomas C. O’Brien (Democratic)
1944: Huey Long/Henry A. Wallace (Democratic)

The people remember President Wilkie fondly as the man who led America into WWII, and led it out victoriously. Historians have a more nuanced view. They look at his fumbling mobilization, and the scandals dismissed as hearsay, and rate him merely above-average. Even though they heard almost the same things we have now, they elected him to two terms and would have elected him to two more if he had let them.

1949-1953: James V. Forrestal/Alben W. Barkley (Democratic)

1948: Forrest C. Donnell/Joseph W. Martin (Republican)

The Forrestal administration had started promisingly. The lone Democrat in Wilkie’s cabinet had earned his place in the White house with an exhaustive campaign. Nobody could have known the President’s depression, or his desperate resort to painkillers. After the horrific cost of ‘victory’ in Korea became known, his presidency was effectively over. He committed suicide shortly after.

1953-1958: John Bricker/Raymond E. Baldwin (Republican)

1952: Paul A. Dever/Robert S. Kerr (Democratic)
1952: Hubert H. Humphrey/Frank G. Clement (Democratic)

A country tired of intervention, in Europe & Wall Street, welcomed the shift to John Bricker and his Old Right style. Echoing Warren Harding’s call for a “return to normalcy”, he was himself known for little but his unwavering support for Secretary McCarthy & his insisting a crowd of homeless protestors should “show some American ingenuity”. Nevertheless; the country was back to normal, even at the cost of a little wealth gap and a few arrested Communists. Surely a small price to pay.


Well, that was fun. See you in three months!
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I think the scandal would come out, but because he isn't personally involved he would "drain the swamp" and regain the favor of the people. He'd just have to make sure it doesn't come out until after he wins re-election, of course. Though that might lead to a Watergate situation. Hmm...

Watergate, 50 Years Earlier aka Parallelism 50 Years Ago

I stopped because I couldn't find a good Democratic Clinton parallel

29: Warren G Harding(1921-1926)/Calvin Coolidge(1921-1925), William Borah(1925-1926): Harding gets in trouble because of a cover-up, though like Nixon it was a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy

30: William Borah(1926-1929): I doubt he would pardon Harding, but he would have to live with that. Also his affair with Alice Roosevelt and the fact he's the real father of her daughter. He does help with draining the swamp

31: Cordell Hull/Nellie Tayloe Ross(1929-1933): An unexpected southerner with good values, but is hurt by a recession

32: Herbert Hoover/Theodore Roosevelt Jr(1933-1941): Pro-business guy, this time around he is remembered as a great president and is in a position to fix the economy. Like Reagan, not without controversy in how he did so. Also made a rival his VP

33: Theodore Roosevelt Jr/Arthur H Vandenberg(1941-1945): Letting him live a bit longer, but he ends up choosing not to run a second term because of health reasons. Like Bush, part of a political dynasty, but I had it flipped around

America Flips A Coin: In The Year 2000

A simple list on this one, if Gore won

43: Al Gore/Joe Lieberman(2001-2009): The recount ends up in Gore's favor, or it isn't as razor thin so there isn't an investigation. I imagine that Gore would handle the events of 9/11 better if they still happen, we would have generally got a good response to Dubya's conflicts, and Futurama can boast they had a future president on the show. However I feel he'd still be overshadowed by Bill Clinton

44: John McCain/Sarah Palin(2009-2013): Alright, I had a hard time figuring out a fresh young running mate to balance McCain out. But he should have a good chance of winning(hey, Bush Sr had Quayle) if the incumbent isn't a Republican with a recession. However I feel he would choose not to run in 2012 because of age related reasons

45: Barack Obama/Bernie Sanders(2013-2021): I see Bernie as a rival and Obama would pull a Reagan, making his rival the running mate to combine their appeal and take out a rival. Obama would run on carrying the same kind of youthful spirit as Gore and McCain

46: John Ellis Bush/Marco Rubio(2021-2029): Running on the nostalgia for the likes of Reagan and Bush, and a counter to the previous administration as is typical
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The Runner-Uppers' Shuffle
Wendell Wilkie/Frank Knox 1937-1941
Wendell Wilkie/Thomas Dewey 1941-1944 (Died in office)
Thomas Dewey/vacant 1944-1945
Thomas Dewey/Harold Stassen 1945-1949

Adlai Stevenson/Estes Kefauver 1949-1953
Thomas Dewey/Earl Warren 1953-1957
Barry Goldwater/Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. 1957-1961

Hubert Humphrey/John Connally 1961-1973
Bob Dole/John Lindsey 1973-1981

George McGovern/Edward Kennedy 1981-1983
Alf Landon/vacant 1983-1985
Michael Dukakis/Gary Hart 1985-1990
Michael Dukakis/Walter Mondale 1990-1993
Walter Mondale/Jerry Brown 1993-1997

John McCain/Newt Gingrich 1997-2005
Hillary Rodham Bush/Tommy Thompson 2005-2009

Al Gore/John Kerry 2009-2011
John Kerry/Deval Patrick 2011-2017

Mitt Romney/Tim Scott 2017-
1961-1963: Richard M. Nixon / Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. (Republican)
def. 1960 John F. Kennedy / Lyndon B. Johnson (Democratic)
1963-1969: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. / Vacant (1963-1965) Nelson A. Rockefeller (1964-1969) (Republican)
Sworn in 1963 - def. 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson / John S. Battle (Democratic)
1969-1977: Edmund S. Muskie / George S. McGovern (Democratic)
def. 1968 Nelson A. Rockefeller / John M. Ashbrook (Republican) - 1972 Paul "Pete" McCloskey / John V. Lindsey (Republican)
1977-1985: George S. McGovern / Jimmy E. Carter (Democratic)
def. 1976 Charles "Chuck" Percy / Anne L. Armstrong (Republican) - def. 1980 John B. Anderson / George H. W. Bush (Republican)
1985-1993: Paul "Pete" McCloskey / Ronald W. Reagan(1985-1989) Malcolm "Steve" Forbes (1989-1993) (Republican)
def. 1984 Jimmy E. Carter / Jesse L. Jackson Jr. (Democratic) - def. 1988 Paul M. Simon / Al Gore Jr. (Democratic)
1993-1997: Al Gore Jr. / William "Billy" Blythe (Democratic)
def. 1992 Malcolm "Steve" Forbes / Jim M. Jeffords (Republican)
1997-2005: Nancy Landon Baker / John S. McCain III (Republican)
def. 1996 Ross Perot / Pat Choate (Reform) and Johnny "John" Edwards / Joseph I. Lieberman (Democratic) - def. 2000 Donald J. Trump / Bill C. Merrell (Reform)
2005-2013: John S. McCain III / Paul D. Ryan (Republican)
def. 2004 Bill W. Bradley / Wesley K. Clark Sr. (Democratic) and Richard D. Lamm / Howard B. Dean (Reform) - def. 2008 Joseph "Joe" Biden / Hillary Rodham (Democratic)
2013-2021: Anthony McLeod Kennedy / John Paul Stevens (Republican)
def. 2012 Maurice "Mike" Gravel / Brian D. Schweitzer (Democratic) - def. 2016 Barack "Barry" Obama / Timothy M. Kaine (Democratic)
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Ratfuckery 2K19: Final Mix Deluxe

2017-2019: Businessman Donald Trump / Governor Mike Pence (Republican)
def. 2016: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton / Senator Tim Kaine (Democratic)

2019-2021: Vice President Mike Pence / Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley (Republican)

2021-2024: Former Vice President Joe Biden / Senator Catherine Cortez-Masto (Democratic)
def. 2020: President Mike Pence / Vice President Nikki Haley (Republican)

2024-2025: Vice President Catherine Cortez-Masto / vacant (Democratic)

2025-2033: Senator Josh Hawley / Senator Dan Crenshaw (Republican)
def. 2024: Senator John Hickenlooper / Senator Mikie Sherill (Democratic), Former Secretary of Defense Tulsi Gabbard / Congressman Lee Carter (Independent Progressive)
def. 2028: Senator Stacey Abrams / Former Governor Jared Polis (Democratic)

2033-present: Vice President Dan Crenshaw / Governor John James (Republican)
def. 2032: Senator Kyrsten Sinema / Governor Keisha Lance Bottoms (Democratic)
The American Presidency has seen many up and downs in its days. Ronald Reagan, swept into office in a landslide, first felt the public turn against him in 1986, when Vice President Bush suffered a massive heart attack and died at the Vice Presidential residence. Cries of conspiracy plagued the President when Bush's successor proved to be none other than "First Friend" Paul Laxalt. Despite early polling showing him as a favorite to win the 1988 Republican nomination, claims of a pay to play scheme involving the neo-fascist government of Nicaragua ended his ambitions. From left field, Governor of New York Ed Koch, who had been a Democrat as recently as January 1984 clinched the nomination over a field of traditionalist Republicans including fellow New Yorker Senator Jack Kemp. As a former big-city mayor, Koch was viewed skeptically throughout much of Middle America and was forced to pick the personable Senator from Indiana, Dick Lugar as his running-mate. The Koch/Lugar ticket won a surprisingly narrow victory over Democratic nominee Jerry Brown despite the latter's perceived radicalism and lukewarm support from the Democratic establishment. Koch's years in office were plagued by claims of homosexuality and mistrust from both parties for his moderate, often maverick, stances. Ed Koch cruised to reelection in 1992 after Jim Traficant, the Democratic Sheriff of Akron turned independent Senator from Ohio, walked out of the Democratic primaries and ran a campaign with LaRouchite support pledging to end 'Free Trade, Free Abortion, and Freeloaders' Though Traficant failed to win a single state, his Democratic opponent, Seantor Tsongas of Massachusetts suffered greatly in the Industrial Midwest. Amidst rumors of an affair with a male White House intern, President Koch abruptly resigned from office claiming the Presidency to be a waste of his time. President Lugar attempted to right the ship of state by being a moderating presence, and extending an olive branch to moderate Republicans with the selection of Pennsylvanian John Heinz as Vice President. Nevertheless, he faced two challengers in the 1996 primaries, arch-conservative Pat Buchanan and a liberal, Michael Huffington. Buchanan slammed Lugar for opposition to a Federal Amendment outlawing gay marriage while Huffington attacked him for being too slow to criticize it. Dick Lugar managed to take the nomination, but was bruised by the bloody primary campaign and easily fell to the Democratic Gore/Levin ticket. Gore became unpopular for getting the United States involved in a war in Indonesia. He is remembered as a hero in Puerto Rico, however, for managing to give it statehood in 1999.

Jack Kemp, elder statesman and de facto head of the Republican Party, took the GOP nomination in 2000. He cruised to victory over Al Gore on a platform of supply-side economics and a gradual withdrawal of American troops from Indonesia. Kemp remained overwhelmingly popular until the 2003 economic crash, and was narrowly defeated by the Democrats in 2004. Newly-elected President Michael Dukakis was assassinated less than nine months into his term by a disgruntled member of the militia movement. His Vice President, Cleo Fields of Louisiana was sworn into office, making him the first black man to serve as President of the United States. Fields represented an old style of Democrat, one opposed to the New Democrats exemplified by Al Gore. His administration put massive amounts of money into welfare and urban development and not for lack of effort from the White House did a scheme to implement universal health care fall through. Racism always dogged President Fields - though he ultimately was successful in winning reelection, a spirited challenge from perennial candidate Pat Buchanan forced the President to spend more time campaigning than he hoped (interestingly, Buchanan's latest endevour was running for President alongside Alan Keyes in 2016) On the Republican side, the nominee, the libertarian-leaning Bush, faced a splinter ticket led by Louisiana businessman William Dore that advocated for America as a Christian nation.

The extremely popular Vice President Biden declined to run for the nomination in 2012, stunning pundits who had nearly universally predicted that he would be the nominee. Out of a crowded field, Ohio Senator Kim Zurz becomes the first woman to be nominated by a major party for President. She lost in a narrow race, with the Buckeye State's 18 electoral votes going for Senator Sestak, the Republican nominee, putting him over the top. The Sestak administration experienced consumer confidence fall as a global recession hit the United States and Indian hackers broke into numerous bank accounts. To top that all off, a supposed UFO sighting over Washington DC in May 2015 caused nationwide panic. Joe Biden remorse dominated the Democratic Party from the day Kim Zurz conceded defeat, and, capitalizing off that, his son easily took the nod in 2016 and rode a wave of popular support into the White House. Among his primary opponents was Michael Moore, filmmaker and activist, whose platform of direct democracy and exposing the truth about the Washington Incident garnered a surprising surge of grassroots support. When Moore failed to take the nomination, he launched an independent bid alongside conspiracy theorist George Noory. Though Moore and Noory did not come in first in a single state, they were considered serious contenders for the Presidency.

As of October 2019, Beau Biden has been largely popular and is the favorite for renomination and reelection next year. Among the achievements of the Biden administration are Americare, a system of universal healthcare, increased funding for Amtrak, as well as a quick and relatively casualty-free involvement in the successful toppling of the increasingly-authoritarian Vietnamese government. There has been criticism from the left wing of the Democratic Party, most notably from Maryland Governor Alan Grayson and San Francisco Mayor Nicola Miner, both of which were rumored primary challengers. The Republican field is much larger, including Former Vice President Rick Perry, Texas Governor (and son of Former President Jack Kemp) Jimmy Kemp, Ohio Governor Marc Feldman, Florida Senator Daniel Webster, Michigan Senator Justin Amash, Former Secretary of the Interior Gary Johnson, and, most notably, 2016 Presidential candidate and activist Michael Moore. Though in 2016 Moore did run as a Democrat in the primaries and independent in the general, he announced his 2020 bid by declaring "there's no a dimes worth of difference between the Democrats and Republicans, at least in terms of how they actually go about fucking us"

Presidents of the United States (1977-present)

1977-1981: Jimmy Carter / Walter Mondale (Democratic)
def. 1976 Gerald Ford/Bob Dole (Republican)
def. 1976 Democratic primaries Jerry Brown, George Wallace, Mo Udall, Henry Jackson, Frank Church
1976 Republican primaries Gerald Ford def. Ronald Reagan

1981-1986: Ronald Reagan / George H.W. Bush (Republican)
def. 1980 Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale (Democratic), John Anderson/Patrick Lucey (Independent)
def. 1980 Republican primaries George H.W. Bush, John Anderson
1980 Democratic primaries Jimmy Carter def. Ted Kennedy
def. 1984 Hugh Carey/Frank Church (Democratic)
def. 1984 Republican primaries no substantial opposition
1984 Democratic primaries Walter Mondale def. Hugh Carey, Gary Hart, Al Shaprton

1986-1987: Ronald Reagan / VACANT (Republican)
1987-1989: Ronald Reagan / Paul Laxalt (Republican)
1989-1994: Ed Koch / Dick Lugar (Republican)

def. 1988 Jerry Brown/John Lewis (Democratic)
def. 1988 Republican primaries Bob Dole, Jack Kemp, Howard Baker, Bill Janklow
1988 Democratic primaries Jerry Brown def. Paul Tsongas, Bob Graham, Neil Goldschmidt
def. 1992 Paul Tsongas/Chuck Robb (Democratic), Jim Traficant/H. Graham Lowry (United States Labor)
def. 1992 Republican primaries no substantial opposition
1992 Democratic primaries Paul Tsongas def. Al Gore, Robert Byrd, Mike Gravel

1994: Dick Lugar / VACANT (Republican)
1994-1997: Dick Lugar / John Heinz (Republican)
1997-2001: Al Gore / Carl Levin (Democratic)

def. 1996 Dick Lugar/John Heinz (Republican)
def. 1996 Democratic primaries Bill Clinton, Mel Levine, Joe Biden
1996 Republican primaries Dick Lugar def. Pat Buchanan, Michael Huffington

2001-2005: Jack Kemp / Rick Santorum (Republican)
def. 2000 Al Gore/Carl Levin (Democratic)
def. 2000 Republican primaries def. John Heinz, Rick Santorum, Ken Blackwell, Richard Riordan
2000 Democratic primaries Al Gore def. no substantial opposition

2005: Michael Dukakis / Cleo Fields (Democratic)
def. 2004 Jack Kemp/Rick Santorum (Republican)
def. 2004 Democratic primaries Bob Miner, Bill Clinton, Tom Schieffer
2004 Republican primaries Jack Kemp def.
no substantial opposition
2005: Cleo Fields / VACANT (Democratic)
2005-2013: Cleo Fields / Joe Biden (Democratic)

def. 2008 Jeb Bush/Mike Pence (Republican), William Dore/Mark Siljander (Values)
def. 2008 Democratic primaries Pat Buchanan

2008 Republican primaries Jeb Bush def. Bill Schuette, Charlie Condon
2013-2017: Joe Sestak / Rick Perry (Republican)
def. 2012 Kim Zurz/Harold Ford Jr. (Democratic)
def. 2012 Republican primaries Mike Rounds, Robert Jeffress
2012 Democratic primaries Kim Zurz def. Evan Bayh, John Lynch, Kendrick Meek

2017-0000: Beau Biden / John Edwards (Democratic)
def. 2016 Joe Sestak/Rick Perry (Republican), Michael Moore/George Noory (Truth and Independence)
def. 2016 Democratic primaries John Edwards, Tammy Duckworth, Michael Moore
2016 Republican primaries Joe Sestak def. no substantial opposition
2020 Democratic candidates Beau Biden
2020 Republican candidates Rick Perry, Jimmy Kemp, Marc Feldman, Daniel Webster, Justin Amash, Gary Johnson, Michael Moore
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