List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II

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He did a tremendous ad.
So did Joni Ernst. So have countless others. does not mean they should, or are likely to be, on a presidential ticket.
I agree that it’s odd that’s he’s being played as a 2020 contender, but he had won races for Secretary if State and the State House.
I was unaware that he'd been Secretary of State. Even so, the last time a current or former state office holder who was not a governor was a potential presidential candidate was when the party nominating him was in dire straights. Tom Dewey was talked about in 1940. By the time he was nominated for the presidency, he was newly governor.
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Following on from William Wallace's sacking of York. Longshank's forces sued for peace and the North of England merged with Scotland to create a new Kingdom ruled

1297-1298 William Wallace

1298-1329 Robert The Bruce
To celebrate today's election:
Bundeskanzlers of the North German Confederation
1867-1871: Graf Otto von Bismarck (Independent)
Reichskanzlers of the German Empire
1871-1890: Prinz Otto von Bismarck (Independent)
1890-1894: Graf Leo von Caprivi (Independent)
1894-1900: Prinz Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst (Independent)
1900-1909: Prinz Bernhard von Bülow (Independent)
Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg (Independent)
1917-1917: Georg Michaelis (Independent)

1917-1918: Graf Georg von Hertling (Zentrum)
1918-1918: Prinz Max von Baden (Independent)
1918-1919: Friedrich Ebert (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands-Unabhängige SPD coalition)
Reichskanzlers and Reichsministerpräsidents of the Weimar Republic

1919-1919: Philipp Scheidemann (SPD-Deutsche Demokratische Partei-Zentrum coalition)
1919 def. Adolf Gröber (Zentrum), Friedrich von Payer (DDP), Arthur von Posadowsky-Wehner (Deutschnationale Volkspartei), Hugo Hasse (USPD)
1919-1920: Gustav Bauer (SPD-DDP-Zentrum coalition)
1920-1920: Hermann Müller (SPD-DDP-Zentrum coalition)

1920-1921: Constantin Fehrenbach (Zentrum-DDP-Deutsche Volkspartei coalition)
1920 def. Hermann Müller (SPD), Arthur Crispien (USPD), Oskar Hergt (DNVP), Gustav Stresemann (DVP), Conrad Haußmann (DDP)
1921-1922: Joseph Wirth (Zentrum-DDP-Deutsche Volkspartei coalition)
1922-1923: Wilhelm Cuno (Independent-DVP-DDP-Zentrum-Bayerische Volkspartei coalition)
1923-1923: Gustav Stresemann (DVP-SPD-Zentrum-BVP coalition)
1923-1924: Wilhelm Marx (Zentrum-DVP-BVP-DDP coalition)
1924-1925: Wilhelm Marx (Zentrum-DVP-DDP coalition)
May 1924 def. Otto Wels (SPD), Oskar Hergt (DNVP), Ruth Fischer (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands), Gustav Stresemann (DVP), ? (Nationalsozialistische Freiheitsbewegung), ? (DDP), Heinrich Held (BVP)
1925-1926: Hans Luther (Independent-DVP-DNVP-Zentrum-DDP-BVP coalition)
Dec 1924 def. Otto Wels (SPD), Kuno von Westarp (DNVP), Wilhelm Marx (Zentrum), Gustav Stresemann (DVP), Ruth Fischer (KPD), Erich Koch-Weser (DDP), Heinrich Held (BVP)
1926-1926: Hans Luther (Independent-DVP-Zentrum-DDP-BVP coalition)
1926-1926: Wilhelm Marx (Zentrum-DVP-DDP-BVP coalition)
1926-1928: Wilhelm Marx (Zentrum-DNVP-DVP-BVP coalition)
1928-1930: Hermann Müller (SPD-DVP-DDP-Zentrum-BVP coalition)
1928 def. Kuno von Westarp (DNVP), Wilhelm Marx (Zentrum), Ernst Thälmann (KPD), Gustav Stresemann (DVP), Heinrich Held (BVP)
1930-1931: Heinrich Brüning (Zentrum-DDP-DVP-Wirtschaftspartei-BVP-Konservative Volkspartei coalition)
1930 def. Otto Wels (SPD), Adolf Hitler (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), Ernst Thälmann (KPD), Alfred Hugenberg (DNVP), Heinrich Held (BVP)
1931-1932: Heinrich Brüning (Zentrum-Deutsche Staatspartei-BVP-KVP-Christliches Landvolk coalition)
1932-1932: Franz von Papen (Zentrum-DNVP)
Jul 1932 def. Adolf Hitler (NSDAP), Otto Wels (SPD), Ernst Thälmann (KPD), Gustav Stresemann (DVP), Heinrich Held (BVP)
1932-1932: Franz von Papen (Independent-DNVP)
1932-1933: Kurt von Schleicher (Independent-DNVP)
Nov 1932 def. Adolf Hitler (NSDAP), Otto Wels (SPD), Ernst Thälmann (KPD), Gustav Stresemann (DVP), Heinrich Held (BVP)
Reichskanzlers of Nazi Germany
1933-1933: Adolf Hitler (NSDAP-DNVP coalition)
1933 def. Otto Wels (SPD), Ernst Thälmann (KPD), Ludwig Kaas (Zentrum), Alfred Hugenburg (DNVP)
1933-1945: Adolf Hitler† (NSDAP one-party rule)
1945-1945: Joseph Goebbels† (NSDAP one-party rule)

1945-1945: Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk (Independent-NSDAP coalition)
1945-1949: Occupied by America, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union

Bundeskanzlers of West Germany
Konrad Adenauer (Christlich Demokratische Union/Christlich-Soziale Union-Freie Demokratische Partei-Deutsche Partei coalition)
1949 def. Kurt Schumacher (SPD), Franz Blücher (FDP), Max Reimann (KPD), Ludwig Lallinger (Bayernpartei), Heinrich Hellwege (Deutsche Partei)
1953-1957: Konrad Adenauer (CDU/CSU-FDP-Freie Volkspartei-DP-Gesamtdeutscher Block/Bund der Heimatvertriebenen und Entrechteten coalition)
1953 def. Erich Ollenhauer (SPD), Franz Blücher (FDP), Waldemar Kraft (GB/BHE), Heinrich Hellwege (Deutsche Partei)
1957-1961: Konrad Adenauer (CDU/CSU-DP coalition)
1957 def. Erich Ollenhauer (SPD), Reinhold Maier (FDP), Heinrich Hellwege (Deutsche Partei)
1961-1963: Konrad Adenauer (CDU/CSU-FDP coalition)
1961 def. Willy Brandt (SPD), Erich Mende (FDP)
1963-1966: Ludwig Erhard (CDU/CSU-FDP coalition)
1965 def. Willy Brandt (SPD), Erich Mende (FDP)
1966-1969: Kurt Georg Kiesinger (CDU/CSU-SPD coalition)
1969-1974: Willy Brandt† (SPD-FDP coalition)
1969 def. Kurt Georg Kiesinger (CDU/CSU), Walter Scheel (FDP)
1972 def. Rainer Barzel (CDU/CSU), Walter Scheel (FDP)

1974-1974: Walter Scheel (SPD-FDP coalition)
1974-1982: Helmut Schmidt (SPD-FDP coalition)
1976 def. Helmut Kohl (CDU/CSU), Hans-Dietrich Genscher (FDP)
1980 def. Franz-Josef Strauss (CDU/CSU), Hans-Dietrich Genscher (FDP)

1982-1987: Helmut Kohl (CDU/CSU-FDP coalition)
1983 def. Hans-Jochen Vogel (SPD), Hans-Dietrich Genscher (FDP), Petra Kelly (Grüne)
1987-1990: Helmut Kohl (CDU/CSU-FDP-Deutsche Soziale Union coalition)
1987 def. Johannes Rau (SPD), Martin Bangemann (FDP), Petra Kelly (Grüne)

General Secretaries of East Germany
1949-1950: Wilhelm Pieck/Otto Grotewohl (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands)
1950-1971: Walter Ulbricht (SED)
1971-1989: Erich Honecker (SED)
1989-1989: Egon Krenz (SED)

Chairmen of the Council of Ministers of East Germany
1989-1990: Hans Modrow (SED-Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus coalition)
1990-1990: Lothar de Maizière (Christlich-Demokratische Union Deutschlands)
1990 def. (as part of CDU-DSU-Demokratischer Aufbruch Allianz für Deutschland) Ibrahim Böhme (SDP), Hans Modrow (PDS)

Bundeskanzlers of the Federal Republic of Germany
1990-1991: Helmut Kohl (CDU/CSU-FDP-Deutsche Soziale Union coalition)
1991-1998: Helmut Kohl (CDU/CSU-FDP coalition)
1990 def. Oskar Lafontaine (SPD), Otto Graf Lambsdorff (FDP), Gregor Gysi (PDS), Petra Kelly (Grüne)
1994 def. Rudolf Scharping (SPD), Antje Vollmer (Grüne), Klaus Kinkel (FDP), Gregor Gysi (PDS)

1998-2005: Gerhard Schröder (SPD-Grüne coalition)
1998 def. Helmut Kohl (CDU/CSU), Joschka Fischer (Grüne), Wolfgang Gerhardt (FDP), Gregor Gysi (PDS)
2002 def. Edmunt Stoiber (CDU/CSU), Joschka Fischer (Grüne), Guido Westerwelle (FDP), Gabi Zimmer (PDS)

2005-2009: Angela Merkel (CDU/CSU-SPD coalition)
2005 def. Gerhard Schröder (SPD), Guido Westerwelle (FDP), Lothar Bisky (PDS), Joschka Fischer (Grüne)
2009-2013: Angela Merkel (CDU/CSU-FDP coalition)
2009 def. Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD), Guido Westerwelle (FDP), Oskar Lafontaine (Die Linke), Jürgen Trittin (Grüne)
2013-2017: Angela Merkel (CDU/CSU-SPD coalition)
2013 def. Peer Steinbrück (SPD), Gregor Gysi (Die Linke), Jürgen Trittin/Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Grüne)
2017 election: Angela Merkel (CDU/CSU), Martin Schulz (SPD), Alice Weidel (Alternative für Deutschland), Christian Lindner (FDP), Sahra Wagenknecht (Die Linke), Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Grüne)
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2001-2009: George Bush Jr. / Dick Cheney (Republican)
2000: Al Gore / Joseph Lieberman (Democratic)
2004: John Kerry / John Edwards (Democratic)
2009-2017: Barack Obama / Joseph R. Biden (Democratic)
2008: John McCain / Sarah Palin (Republican)
2012: Mitt Romney / Paul Ryan (Republican)
2017-2025: Donald Trump / Mike Pence (Republican)
2016: Hillary Clinton / Tim Kaine (Democratic)
2020: Al Franken / Elizabeth Warren (Democratic)

2025-2033: Mike Pence / Nikki Hayley (Republican)
2024: Martin O'Malley / Amy Klobuchar (Democratic)
2028: John Bel Edwards / Jason Kander (Democratic)
2033-2041: Ben Shapiro / Ted Cruz (Republican)
2032: Thomas Baker / Alexander Thompson (Libertarian), Caroline Kennedy / Jason Kander (Democratic)
2036: Alexander Thompson (Libertarian), Stephen Colbert / Steve Bullock (Democratic)
2041-2049: Stephanie Goode / Micheal Phillips (Libertarian)
2040: Chelsea Clinton / Ryan Cervas (Democratic), Ben Tannehill / Jonathan Marsh (Republican)
2044: Jacob Walker / Eric Wilson (Republican), Kirk Wythe / James Rovenerou (Democratic)
2049-2057: Micheal Phillips / Chad Tucker (Libertarian)
2048: Hunter Avallone / Janice Burke (Republican), Liam Warren / Xavier McCallum (Democratic)
2052: Xavier McCallum / Chris Sparkman (Democratic), Janice Burke / Whitney Sinclair (Republican)
2057-2061: Chris Sparkman / Alice Galloway (Democratic)
2056: Chad Tucker / Chelsea Long (Libertarian), Austin Weaver / Kent Palmer (Republican), Kenny Wolfe / Mavis Roberts (Green), Kyle Wilson / Bryan Jennings (Populist)
2061-2069: Barron Trump / Rachel Nixon (Republican)
2060: Chris Sparkman / Alice Galloway (Democratic), Chelsea Long / Dean Keller (Libertarian), Douglas Bean / Frank Thompson (Green), Bryan Jennings / Matthew Glace (Populist)
2064: Dean Keller / Franklin Glace (Libertarian), Alice Galloway / Alex Castro (Democratic), Mindy Flinn / Millhouse Barnes (Green), Date Welles / Jacob Frederick (Populist)
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ok so this isnt my creation its just the list of presidents in Jon Bois' series 17776 cause in the opening video at the end of the first chapter scrolls by the future presidents really fast

List of Presidents in Jon Bois' 17776
2017-2025: Donald Trump (Republican)
2025-2029: Tom Cotton (Republican)

2029-2037: Tulsi Gabbard (Democratic)
2037-2045: Keith Ellison (Democratic)

2045-2049: George P. Bush (Republican)
2049-2057: Bernie Sanders (Democratic)
????: Sherrod Brown (Democratic)
????: Kamala Harris (Democratic)

????: John Thune (Republican)
????: Amy Klobuchar (Democratic)
3,777 other people up to the year 17776

if this list seems weird considering the dates its cause:
everyone stops dying or aging (as in like our telomeres deteriorating, children grow into adults and conceived babies are born) on april 7, 2026 and people arent conceived after that date either
For anyone wondering, the list comes at the beginning of this video:



Gone Fishin'
The Curse of Jean-Luc

Commanding Officers of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D

(With apologies to @Thande and thanks to @BrotherSideways )
I can move this list if desired. I'm aware its a bit off topic

2363-2364: Jean-Luc Picard (1)
2364-2364: William T Riker (2)
2364-2364: Rixx (3)
2364-2365: Tryla Scott (4)
2365-2366: William T Riker (5)
2366-2367: Benjamin Maxwell (6)
2367-2367: Benjamin Sisko (7)
2367-2367: Cosmo Genovese (8)
2367-2369: Edward Jellico (9)
2369-2369: Benjamin Sisko (10)
2369-2370: Elizabeth Shelby (11)

Commanding Officers of USS NCC 1701-E
(2371-____): Kathryn Janeway (12)

  1. Jean-Luc Picards illustrious career as CO of Starfleet’s flagship was cut short when he was killed while tricking the creature Armus and allowing his crew to survive.
  2. Following Picard’s death, William Riker, the ships Executive Officer took temporary command of the Enterprise. However while Starfleet had offered Riker his own command, they weren’t ready to have him command their flagship. They were happy to have him remain on the Enterprise as XO to serve as a continuing presence
  3. Rixx assumed command of the enterprise from the USS Thomas Paine. Rixx was barely in the role for two months before he was killed while exposing a conspiracy to take over Starfleet by alien parasites. While he managed to kill the alien “mother” creature, he sustained fatal wounds at hands of the creature’s host
  4. Scott, having been freed from brief control by the alien parasites took over as CO of the enterprise from the USS Renegade while it was still at Earth. Commander Riker was heard to darkly joke “It’ll be strange to have a commanding officer with hair”Scott was killed during first contact with the Borg when the Enterprise was hurled across the Galaxy by the alien “Q” who sought to test the new captain’s skills.
  5. Riker once again assumed command following Scott’s death, with Commander Data as his first officer. He would command the enterprise through the Beta quadrant for several months before Q “took pity” on the ship and sent it back to the federation. “Hoping it had learned its lesson”. Riker was assimilated by the Borg during their invasion of Sector 001 and was left in a catatonic state after being rescued. He would later recover and take up command of station Deep Space Nine in 2369. His first officer commander Data was killed while linking himself to the collective and destroying the Borg cube
  6. After lengthy repairs the Enterprise got a new command team of Captain Benjamin Maxwell and Commander Benjamin Sisko. Maxwell was transferred from the Phoenix and Sisko survived the destruction of the USS Saratoga at the battle of Proxima Centauri against the Borg along with his wife Jennifer and Son, Jake. Maxwell was removed from duty after misleading the enterprise crew and attempting to attack a Cardassian ship that he said was smuggling weapons to the settlements along the Cardassian border
  7. Sisko commanded the Enterprise back to Federation but was surprised when he wasn’t given command of the ship. Instead Starfleet gave command of the ship to USS Endeavour CO, Captain Cosmo Genovese
  8. Genovese was commanding officer of the Enterprise for eight days before an accident while inspecting an important cargo shipment left his legs crushed. This left Genovese unable to carry out his duties and he returned home his home on Enceladus to recover. Genovese was fitted with artificial legs and returned to duty in 2372 in command of the USS Majestic
  9. Edward Jellico was assigned to the Enterprise as it became the flagship of the Seventh fleet along the Cardassian border. Jellico had previously made several diplomatic advances with the Cardassians and so was given the enterprise to continue these efforts. Unfortunately Edward Jellico was killed by a Cardassian assassin opposed to the peace talks while meeting with the Cardassian Officer Gul Macet. This dispute would in turn lead to the Cardassian Civil war of 2369-2371
  10. Sisko was finally given command of the Enterprise in 2368 following Jellico’s assassination with Elizabeth Shelby being moved to be his Executive officer. They would continue to be part of the federation fleet guarding the Cardassian border. An intervention in the newly independent Bajor system caught them off guard with Sisko on Bajor (meeting with his predecessor, Captain Will Riker) and the Enterprise patrolling the outer part of the system. Sisko would take a shuttle from Bajor to meet the Enterprise near the Denerios Belt in the outer Bajoran system. His ship went missing with no trace of what happened. Sisko reappeared in the shuttle three years later having not aged but revealing the existence of a stable Wormhole leading to the Gamma Quadrant
  11. Shelby assumed command with Lieutenant Commander Worf as her Executive officer. The Enterprise continued to patrol the Cardassian border. Shelby would be the final commanding officer of the Enterprise as it was destroyed defending Starbase Deep Space Nine against a Cardassian fleet attempting to retake the sector. Shelby was killed during the battle but much of the Enterprise’s
  12. The Enterprise name was given to a previously named and under construction Intrepid class ship at earth. While it is a smaller ship, it was deemed appropriate as it was one of the most advanced ships in the fleet. Much of the new Enterprise’s crew comes from her predecessor such as Lt Cmdr LaForge, Doctor Selar and Commander Worf. The ship is to be launched later this year on a mission to the Badlands in pursuit of the missing Colonial Alliance ship, ValJean.


The Curse of Jean-Luc
Clever. I don't really buy the name being given to an Intrepid class ship, but I suppose technically the Sovereign was already a step down in terms of size and crew (which never sat well with me - the Odyssey class in Star Trek Online more resembles what I think the Enterprise-E 'should' have been).


Gone Fishin'
Clever. I don't really buy the name being given to an Intrepid class ship, but I suppose technically the Sovereign was already a step down in terms of size and crew (which never sat well with me - the Odyssey class in Star Trek Online more resembles what I think the Enterprise-E 'should' have been).

I wasn't 100% sure about throwing that in. I just wanted to hint at the next ones' ill fortunes too. Might be happier giving the name to it given how badly the Enterprise D did. I don't know.

I liked the Sovereign class tbh :) may be they didn't want to give it to another Galaxy class and the Sovereign was the biggest one they had going :p


The Galaxy Class always struck me as a liability in a time of wars. So I could see an Intrepid Class Enterprise. A smaller, more efficient vessel suitable for conflict and exploration and with no families on board.

I think this is great. Good work.


Gone Fishin'
The Galaxy Class always struck me as a liability in a time of wars. So I could see an Intrepid Class Enterprise. A smaller, more efficient vessel suitable for conflict and exploration and with no families on board.

I think this is great. Good work.

Although The Cardassian civil war is over (spoilers: Garak kills them alllllll) the federation isn't at war at this point. So it doesn't neccisarily make sense. I guess it was decided when the federation was still involved :p

Given the risk of the Dominion in the main TL. I can get the Sovereign is a good compromise :)

I was going to carry this on to the Main TL's Nemesis (and have it not be ATL-Voyager) but couldn't quite be bothered. Other things that would've happened would be captains Bateman and Dax and Data being rebooted inside Lore's body and end up CO.
Clever. I don't really buy the name being given to an Intrepid class ship, but I suppose technically the Sovereign was already a step down in terms of size and crew (which never sat well with me - the Odyssey class in Star Trek Online more resembles what I think the Enterprise-E 'should' have been).
It makes sense in the context of the Federation facing several legitimate threats to its existence after a century of quiet domination -- Starfleet can't afford to keep sending flying hotels off into the unknown and is building either leaner, tougher "ships of the line" like the Sovereign-class or specialized science vessels like the Intrepid or Luna.
Not sure if someone else has done a Trump-as-Nixon already, but here's my attempt:

45th President: Donald Trump (R-NY) 2017 - 2022 (resigned)
Vice President: Mike Pence (R-IN) 2017 - 2021 (resigned), Nikki Haley (R-SC) 2021 - 2022
2016: Hillary Clinton (D-NY) / Tim Kaine (D-VA)
2020: Chris Murphy (D-CT) / Tom Perez (D-MD)

46th President: Nikki Haley (R-SC) 2022 - 2025
Vice President: John Kasich (R-OH)

47th President: Steve Bullock (D-MT) 2025 - 2029
Vice President: Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
2024: Nikki Haley (R-SC) / Ben Sasse (R-NE)

48th President: Scott Walker (R-WI) 2029 - 2037
Vice President: Will Hurd (R-TX)
2028: Steve Bullock (D-MT) / Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
2032: Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) / Sabrina Cervantes (D-CA)

49th President: Will Hurd (R-TX) 2037 - 2041
Vice President: Someone who is currently in college
2036: Jewell Jones (D-MI) / Harold Ford (D-TN)
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2001-2009: George Bush Jr. / Dick Cheney (Republican)
2000: Al Gore / Joseph Lieberman (Democratic)
2004: John Kerry / John Edwards (Democratic)
2009-2017: Barack Obama / Joseph R. Biden (Democratic)
2008: John McCain / Sarah Palin (Republican)
2012: Mitt Romney / Paul Ryan (Republican)
2017-2025: Donald Trump / Mike Pence (Republican)
2016: Hillary Clinton / Tim Kaine (Democratic)
2020: Al Franken / Elizabeth Warren (Democratic)

2025-2033: Mike Pence / Nikki Hayley (Republican)
2024: Martin O'Malley / Amy Klobuchar (Democratic)
2028: John Bel Edwards / Jason Kander (Democratic)
2033-2041: Nikki Hayley / Ted Cruz (Republican)
2032: Thomas Baker / Alexander Thompson (Libertarian), Caroline Kennedy / Jason Kander (Democratic)
2036: Alexander Thompson (Libertarian), Stephen Colbert / Steve Bullock (Democratic)
2041-2049: Stephanie Goode / Micheal Phillips (Libertarian)
2040: Chelsea Clinton / Ryan Cervas (Democratic), Ben Tannehill / Jonathan Marsh (Republican)
2044: Jacob Walker / Eric Wilson (Republican), Kirk Wythe / James Rovenerou (Democratic)
2049-2057: Micheal Phillips / Chad Tucker (Libertarian)
2048: Hunter Avallone / Janice Burke (Republican), Liam Warren / Xavier McCallum (Democratic)
2052: Xavier McCallum / Chris Sparkman (Democratic), Janice Burke / Whitney Sinclair (Republican)
2057-2061: Chris Sparkman / Alice Galloway (Democratic)
2056: Chad Tucker / Chelsea Long (Libertarian), Austin Weaver / Kent Palmer (Republican), Kenny Wolfe / Mavis Roberts (Green), Kyle Wilson / Bryan Jennings (Populist)
2061-2069: Barron Trump / Rachel Nixon (Republican)
2060: Chris Sparkman / Alice Galloway (Democratic), Chelsea Long / Dean Keller (Libertarian), Douglas Bean / Frank Thompson (Green), Bryan Jennings / Matthew Glace (Populist)
2064: Dean Keller / Franklin Glace (Libertarian), Alice Galloway / Alex Castro (Democratic), Mindy Flinn / Millhouse Barnes (Green), Date Welles / Jacob Frederick (Populist)
No way America settles for 40 years of right-wing rule short of the Democratic Party collectively endorsing white genocide
The Curse of Jean-Luc

Commanding Officers of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D

(With apologies to @Thande and thanks to @BrotherSideways )
I can move this list if desired. I'm aware its a bit off topic

2363-2364: Jean-Luc Picard (1)
2364-2364: William T Riker (2)
2364-2364: Rixx (3)
2364-2365: Tryla Scott (4)
2365-2366: William T Riker (5)
2366-2367: Benjamin Maxwell (6)
2367-2367: Benjamin Sisko (7)
2367-2367: Cosmo Genovese (8)
2367-2369: Edward Jellico (9)
2369-2369: Benjamin Sisko (10)
2369-2370: Elizabeth Shelby (11)

Commanding Officers of USS NCC 1701-E
(2371-____): Kathryn Janeway (12)

  1. Jean-Luc Picards illustrious career as CO of Starfleet’s flagship was cut short when he was killed while tricking the creature Armus and allowing his crew to survive.
  2. Following Picard’s death, William Riker, the ships Executive Officer took temporary command of the Enterprise. However while Starfleet had offered Riker his own command, they weren’t ready to have him command their flagship. They were happy to have him remain on the Enterprise as XO to serve as a continuing presence
  3. Rixx assumed command of the enterprise from the USS Thomas Paine. Rixx was barely in the role for two months before he was killed while exposing a conspiracy to take over Starfleet by alien parasites. While he managed to kill the alien “mother” creature, he sustained fatal wounds at hands of the creature’s host
  4. Scott, having been freed from brief control by the alien parasites took over as CO of the enterprise from the USS Renegade while it was still at Earth. Commander Riker was heard to darkly joke “It’ll be strange to have a commanding officer with hair”Scott was killed during first contact with the Borg when the Enterprise was hurled across the Galaxy by the alien “Q” who sought to test the new captain’s skills.
  5. Riker once again assumed command following Scott’s death, with Commander Data as his first officer. He would command the enterprise through the Beta quadrant for several months before Q “took pity” on the ship and sent it back to the federation. “Hoping it had learned its lesson”. Riker was assimilated by the Borg during their invasion of Sector 001 and was left in a catatonic state after being rescued. He would later recover and take up command of station Deep Space Nine in 2369. His first officer commander Data was killed while linking himself to the collective and destroying the Borg cube
  6. After lengthy repairs the Enterprise got a new command team of Captain Benjamin Maxwell and Commander Benjamin Sisko. Maxwell was transferred from the Phoenix and Sisko survived the destruction of the USS Saratoga at the battle of Proxima Centauri against the Borg along with his wife Jennifer and Son, Jake. Maxwell was removed from duty after misleading the enterprise crew and attempting to attack a Cardassian ship that he said was smuggling weapons to the settlements along the Cardassian border
  7. Sisko commanded the Enterprise back to Federation but was surprised when he wasn’t given command of the ship. Instead Starfleet gave command of the ship to USS Endeavour CO, Captain Cosmo Genovese
  8. Genovese was commanding officer of the Enterprise for eight days before an accident while inspecting an important cargo shipment left his legs crushed. This left Genovese unable to carry out his duties and he returned home his home on Enceladus to recover. Genovese was fitted with artificial legs and returned to duty in 2372 in command of the USS Majestic
  9. Edward Jellico was assigned to the Enterprise as it became the flagship of the Seventh fleet along the Cardassian border. Jellico had previously made several diplomatic advances with the Cardassians and so was given the enterprise to continue these efforts. Unfortunately Edward Jellico was killed by a Cardassian assassin opposed to the peace talks while meeting with the Cardassian Officer Gul Macet. This dispute would in turn lead to the Cardassian Civil war of 2369-2371
  10. Sisko was finally given command of the Enterprise in 2368 following Jellico’s assassination with Elizabeth Shelby being moved to be his Executive officer. They would continue to be part of the federation fleet guarding the Cardassian border. An intervention in the newly independent Bajor system caught them off guard with Sisko on Bajor (meeting with his predecessor, Captain Will Riker) and the Enterprise patrolling the outer part of the system. Sisko would take a shuttle from Bajor to meet the Enterprise near the Denerios Belt in the outer Bajoran system. His ship went missing with no trace of what happened. Sisko reappeared in the shuttle three years later having not aged but revealing the existence of a stable Wormhole leading to the Gamma Quadrant
  11. Shelby assumed command with Lieutenant Commander Worf as her Executive officer. The Enterprise continued to patrol the Cardassian border. Shelby would be the final commanding officer of the Enterprise as it was destroyed defending Starbase Deep Space Nine against a Cardassian fleet attempting to retake the sector. Shelby was killed during the battle but much of the Enterprise’s
  12. The Enterprise name was given to a previously named and under construction Intrepid class ship at earth. While it is a smaller ship, it was deemed appropriate as it was one of the most advanced ships in the fleet. Much of the new Enterprise’s crew comes from her predecessor such as Lt Cmdr LaForge, Doctor Selar and Commander Worf. The ship is to be launched later this year on a mission to the Badlands in pursuit of the missing Colonial Alliance ship, ValJean.
So after Picard Jellico survives the longest?

It does make sense that the flagship would have a high turn over.
May be a dumb question, but what does titling a list "through the mirror... X" imply? I'm asking so I don't accidentally embarrass myself when I title a potential future post


Gone Fishin'
So after Picard Jellico survives the longest?

It does make sense that the flagship would have a high turn over.

Yeah I was way too kind to him :p I should've had a nobody last the longest. Genovese was literally a name on a background display :p Taken from a member of the show's staff.

If redshirts can have a high turnover (in TOS at least) the rest of the crew can too. I should've killed the senior staff more too :D Did people notice who I did spare who died in the shows? :)
...and Trump-as-(elected)-Tyler:

45th President: Donald Trump (Republican / Independent - NY) 2017 - 2021
Vice President: Mike Pence (R-IN)
2016: Hillary Clinton (D-NY) / Tim Kaine (D-VA)

46th President: Terry McAuliffe (Democratic - VA) 2021 - 2025
Vice President: Blanche Lincoln (D-AR)
2020: Mitt Romney (R-UT) / Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

47th President: James Mattis (R-WA) 2025 - 2026 (died in office)
Vice President: Mike Crapo (R-ID)
2024: Bob Casey (D-PA) / Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)

48th President: Mike Crapo (R-ID) 2026 - 2029
Vice President: Nikki Haley (R-SC)

49th President: Maggie Hassan (D-NH) 2029 - 2033
Vice President: Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
2028: Joseph Vogel (R-MN) / Ted Cruz (R-TX)
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