Liberal 1980s TL


It has often been discussed here as how a liberal 1980's might have changed alot in the world, but I dont recall there being a timeline on it.

My POD: Nixon doesn't get caught up in Watergate (like) scandal until early 1976, as a result, the Republican Party decides to distance itself from Nixon and his administration, instead of nominating Vice President Ford, the Republican's nominate Ronald Reagan instead. As in OTL, Jimmy Carter gets the bill for the Democrats. Nixon rides out his Presiency until his successor is sworn in in 1977.

The 1976 elections are closely contested, the public is still concerned with Watergate and the Republican Parties involvement in it, but the charismatic Ronald Reagan defeats Carter and takes the Presidency.

Reagan wants to act against the Islamic Revolution in Iran, and the similiar crises faced by Carter in OTL, but with the shadow of Vietnam hanging over head, there is little he can do. His attempts to start another Arms Race with the USSR is met in opposition by the nation at large. When the USSR invades Afghanistan in 1979, Reagan attempts to capitalize on it with limited success.

In 1980, the Republicans have been in office for 12 long years, and many American's shudder at the horrible images of the 1970s. It is considered by many to be the worst decade in the nations history. In spite of the public's concern about the events on Chappaquiddick Island in 1969, the Democrat's nominated Edward Kennedy as its Presidential nominee and Russell Long as the VP nominee.

Reagan focused his campaign around attacking Kennedy's personal life and the Chappaquiddick incident, where as Kennedy attacked the Republican's decade long policies, blaming them for the loss in Vietnam and of the important US ally Iran. Kennedy was also able to capitalize on his name, by associating himself with his slain brothers who the public admired. It paid off at the ballot box that November. Kennedy was sworn into office in January 1981.

Kennedy focused his efforts on ending the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, but soon found the world filled with troubled hot spots. In the Middle East, the Islamic Republic of Iran was now at war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq, Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, and Argentina invaded the Falkland's initiating a war with the British. Kennedy made it clear to the US public he would not send American troops into harm's way unless it was absolutley necessary.

Another Israeli-Arab War exploded onto the scene in 1983 when Syria attempted to take back the Golan Heights, forcing the Kennedy Administration to focus on the region. The War ended in 1984 when Egypt threatened to enter the war on Syria's side (there is no Egypt-Israeli peace accord in ttl). Lebanon was divided with the Christian's controlling the south, supported by Israel, and the Muslims controlling the North supported by Syria. Israel agreed to Kennedy's demand's it give back the Golan Height's which would be occupied by a UN Peace Keeping force. in spite of his earlier promise Kennedy ordered an attachment of Marines to join the French and Italian allies in occupying the Golan Heights.

Unbeknownst to Kennedy and the world at large, Israel's agreement to hand over the Golan Height's led to a peace accord with Egypt in 1984, leading political activists to say world peace is in our hands. An attempted assassin tried to shoot Kennedy at a ceremony marking the 20th year since his brother JFK was assassinated. The would be killer, Mark David Chapman was responsible for the death of a secret service agent, before being shot by another agent. President Kennedy was rushed to safety, shaken but unharmed.

In Kennedy's first term in office, the economy had began to climb out of the slums of the 1970's, making the President enormously popular. Kennedy cruised to re-election over Republican former Vice President James Baker, winning a second term in office. Liberalism was alive and thriving in the United States, and the nation eagerly looked too Kennedy's second term in office, anxiously awaiting new results.


legalized marijuana and the equal rights amendment would be good additions to the timeline.

Leo Caesius


Look, I'm as liberal as anyone else, but... President Ted Kennedy? Ted "After dinner I enjoy two scoops of ice-cream floating in a bowl of Chivas Regal" Kennedy? Ted "My favorite restaurant is Dunkin' Donuts" Kennedy? That Ted Kennedy? Ewww.

Also, how could a would-be assassin fail to hit that enormous head of his?
I think the whole incident with Mary Joe would still be fresh in everyone's minds if Kennedy did run though...


Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union in 1985 and began a period of glasnost with President Kennedy and the United States. The relations between the two superpowers quickly warmed, even as Kennedy maintained the pressure on Gorbachev to withdrawal from Afghanistan and to tear down the Berlin Wall.

In the world's worst nuclear accident, the Chernobyl plant in the Ukraine explodes, polluting the environment and causing perhaps 8,000 deaths. The disaster was hard on Gorbachev, and the pride of the USSR, and only increased the pressure to end the Cold War. In 1987 Soviet Secretary Gorbachev and U.S. President Kennedy sign the INF Treaty in Washington, D.C., to reduce their nuclear stockpiles. That same year, Kennedy's applied pressure and relationship with Gorbachev brought the Berlin Wall falling down, Germany was re-united as a democratic nation, much to the dismay of France and Britain who strongly opposed the union. Because of America's support in the re-union effort, and Britain's disapproval, Germany became Washington's closest European ally. Britain began to draw closer to France in the aftermath of the re-union.

With the Berlin Wall now a memory, Gorbachev declared the Cold War over, however President Kennedy still pressured the Soviet leader to leave Afghanistan. Eastern Europe began to follow in East Germany's footsteps. Poland withdrew from the Warsaw Pact in 1988, beginning the domino effect that would dissolve NATO's largest threat .

With President Kennedy's drawing to an end, he helped draw to an end the Soviet-Afghan War, and saw the Iraq-Iran War come to a close. Unfortunately what became known as the Iran Contra Affair became a major political scandal for his administration in late 1987. The scandal became the focus of the 1988 campaign as Republican Bob Dole challenged Vice President Russell Long for the White House. American's saw the Vice President as being long in the tooth, when combined with the recent scandal handed the White House to Senator Dole.

For many Ameican's Kennedy became a symbol of the 1980's, placed in the same place as other icon's such as Pacman, Star Wars, and Michael Jackson. Kennedy attempted to retire after nearly a decade of the Presidency, his legacy and name was now held in the same light as his brothers. Politic's ran too deep into Kennedy's blood for him to stay retired, he became a media icon in the early 1990s as a political analysist.

The acsension of President Dole marked a swing towards conservatism that was resisted by many American's who remembered the conservative 1970s all too well. Without a doubt, President Dole's shining achievement would be the forming of the coalition to oust Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait. Although Dole showed great intrest in ousting Saddam out of power, he was advised by Colin Powell and other high ranking officers against such a move. In the wake of the Gulf War victory, Dole was enormously popular, but an ill timed downturn in the economy spelled doom for President Dole as he went toe to toe against Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone for the Presidency in the 1992 elections.


POTUS P.Diffin said:
I think the whole incident with Mary Joe would still be fresh in everyone's minds if Kennedy did run though...

Yeah it was, thats the Chappaquiddick incident I was referring to. In 1980 it was vote for Kennedy, probably the only Democrat that could beat Reagan or vote for Reagan and continue the downward trend in the 1980's. The people went with Kennedy in a close election, think 2000 without all the recounts, Kennedy won by just one state really.


To sum up the 1980's, there was no War on drugs, no bombing of Libya, no Marines in Lebanon, and no Grenada. Health Care becomes a little more liberalized, Kennedy declares war on crime but has a bill that will help in prisoner reform, but also to set up after school/neighborhood programs to get kids before they go bad. This of course is blasted by the conservatives, but with the Democrats controlling the government they get passed.
Xen said:
Yeah it was, thats the Chappaquiddick incident I was referring to. In 1980 it was vote for Kennedy, probably the only Democrat that could beat Reagan or vote for Reagan and continue the downward trend in the 1980's. The people went with Kennedy in a close election, think 2000 without all the recounts, Kennedy won by just one state really.

Right. But with that sort of scandal plus the general extremeness of both candidates, do you really think he would get elected? As a rule, the far right seems to be much more acceptable to Americans than the far left...


POTUS P.Diffin said:
Right. But with that sort of scandal plus the general extremeness of both candidates, do you really think he would get elected? As a rule, the far right seems to be much more acceptable to Americans than the far left...

Yeah but after the incidents of the late 1970's, the hostage situation in Iran, the economic downward spiral, etc. I have the Americans look the other way, what the far right was doing in the 1970s wasn't working, the decade was a huge emberracement, and it looked as though the Soviets were winning the Cold War, all of it spells disaster for the incumbent party, especially since the same party responsible for Watergate was also in office during the Hostage Crisis.
Xen said:
Yeah but after the incidents of the late 1970's, the hostage situation in Iran, the economic downward spiral, etc. I have the Americans look the other way, what the far right was doing in the 1970s wasn't working, the decade was a huge emberracement, and it looked as though the Soviets were winning the Cold War, all of it spells disaster for the incumbent party, especially since the same party responsible for Watergate was also in office during the Hostage Crisis.

I don't know though. Nixon had a pretty good foreign policy, and Reagan wasn't anywhere near as inept as Carter. I find it hard to believe that they would let things get as bad as Ford and Carter did in OTL.


The 1992 elections wont go down in history as one of the most exciting, however it will go down as one that brought the youth to politics. Unlike the 1988 elections where both candidates were long in the tooth, Paul Wellstone brought excitement and youth to politics. 20 years Dole's junior, Wellstone soundly defeated the incumbent President carrying behind him a wave of young voters.

Wellstone had criticized Dole for not doing anything during the attempted Soviet coup in 1991, and getting the United States overly involved in military situations. He however didnt hesitate to send tanks to Somalia to support US ground forces in their hunt for Adid. The battle of Mogadishu went much smoother for US forces with the necessary equipment, but the damage had been done to American reputation in Somalia. The provisional government left behind by the UN was upsurped by Islamic Fundamentalists in 1994. The new government declared the Islamic Republic of Somalia (think the Taliban of Somalia). Republican's criticized Wellstone for doing nothing to interfere. The government quickly allied itself with the likes of Osama Bin Laden who set up headquarters here.

Wellstone began a policy of appeasement with North Korea to avoid a second Korean conflict in 1994. Even Wellstone had difficulties working with Kim Jung Il, seeing the Korean dictator as impossible. Relations quickly soured again. Wellstone recognized the independence of the Republic of Quebec, making the United States only the second nation to do so, Canada being the first.

As President Wellstone oversaw the peace treaty between Jordan and Israel, and proved decisive for similiar accords between Israel and Syria. Yitzhak Rabin avoided assassination by signing the peace treaty with Syria in Rome in November 1995. It was there he learned of Arafat's assassination by a Palestinian nationalist in Bethleham, Mohammad Abbas assumed control of the Palestinian authority.

Where as Wellstone's foreign policy was one of international solidarity, his domestic policies focused on health care, education and welfare. In the wake of the 1996 elections, the Wellstone administration successfully passed the Civil Rights bill. It was Wellstone's stance on the Death Penalty that was the topic of the 1996 campaign against Georgia Senator Newt Gingrich. Gingrich's attempt's to pass Wellstone off as the American Stalin were miserable failures, as the press made him appear mean spirited, often portraying him as a Hitler-like figure. With the surging economy of the 1990's Wellstone remained popular to the working class American's and won re-election.
hmm... is there still an Iran hostage crisis? If so, that and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is not likely to turn Americans to liberalism. It wasn't the domestic side of things that caused the big anti-liberal swing in the '80's... it was the impression that the world had turned against us. No matter who is president at the time, if the same foreign problems still happen, you're not going to get a liberal America.
OTOH, if there isn't an Iran hostage crisis, you have a better chance of having Democrats in the white house in the 80's. Still, with the Soviets in Afghanistan and Vietnamese running wild through Cambodia, it doesn't seem likely that the US will become more leftist... unless we're assuming there is a spurt of isolationism here....