13th Hour - There Will Come Soft Rains

Wait...I think I can swoows one of
those together!


There Will Come Soft Rains​

(War Time)
There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;
And frogs in the pools singing at night,
And wild plum trees in tremulous white,
Robins will wear their feathery fire
Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;
And not one will know of the war, not one
Will care at last when it is done.
Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree
If mankind perished utterly;
And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn,
Would scarcely know that we were gone.
-Sara Teasdale​

2026 Augusts 26th - There is sunshine over the city of Philadelphia for the first time since the war began. It would not end for another two months. Every so often, someone pokes their head from the rubble, suited up, listening for survivors. This was to be the last war, and all Philadelphians swore it. The state had officially abandoned thousands of people to their demise. Human spirit was working magic to bring survivors to safe harbors, but the Coast Guard would not pick up everyone who made their way south to Ocean City. Not every boat brought friendly faces, and cartels were already into the business of human trafficking up and down the coasts.

Flags and fabrics flew from posts, so if the winds blew the wrong way, people could get to cover: Peach Bottom and Limerick were still leaking, with Limerick in particular spewing steam when the sun heats the concrete during the day. Well over 4,000 volunteers recruited from across the region had died in the nuclear containment efforts, primarily older and disabled men, sometimes ex-felony convicts. Mass bird die-offs have become such a disturbingly common sight, remaining children no longer mention it with conscious recognition. The meters given out at the FEMA camps only went up to 15 röntgens.

Of the survivors in the Philadelphia Underground, many are beginning to become afflicted by cholera and trenchfoot as pumps begin letting groundwater penetrate structures. The Suburbs are now the frontlines of civil conflict: Kutztown is the base of the future Emperor of America. Checkpoints are the norm in the gov't held regions.

The Final Sarcophagus needs UN intervention, and the responses have been lackluster: The politicians in Kingston were in very real terms at one another's throats. Cuba committed to humanitarian intervention, but the US had Cuba a genocidal shower of nuclear fire, and it was genuinely up to the speaker whether it was a serious proposal or not. The North Korean Ambassador was assassinated on the street just three days before.

The ripples on the Delaware, and the end of a parabola meets the sun. Kingston is not the first nor the last city to be destroyed in a nuclear explosion, but this act of war would be the one to change the world fundamentally. Some very unhappy harbor seals, disturbed by a swallow dropped from some height, spook enough of the sailors aboard xxxxx to press the button once more. With the understanding Kingston was the last seat of American Governance, they decided the 'last thing they would do' is eliminate the country that brought the circumstances about, with no care for the lives they would take. And that's where our story begins.
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World Factbook 2076 - Introduction & Country FBPs

We here at World Factbook 20xx are proud of providing the largest database of geographical information to the Internet. 48 years ago, the first WFB2k was assembled, and with help from users across the world, our continuing mission is to bring geography to the majority of the globe. 2026 was a wake-up call globally that ignorance of the world we live in cannot save you from being its subject. Times have changed since then, with new wonders which we might have only dreamed of antebellum. Many changes loom on the horizon as provisions of the Kingston Treaty are met and abolished. Referendums across the globe are keeping geographers on their toes, and as long as WFB2k continues, our promise is to never leave you uninformed.

-Dr Jae McEnery PhD, Lisa Potts, Laxmi Reddy PhD, Nkrumah Peterson


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GP-001: Map of Federal Subjects of Russia (2027)
Map of Federal Subjects of Russia (2027)

Red outline denotes Siberian Cooperation Organization

Russian Federal Subjects 2027
Oblast - Yellow
Republic - Green *white stripes denoting recognition as independent by UN
Krai - Orange
Autonomous Okrugs - Blue
Autonomous Oblasts - Magenta
Grey - Independent (de facto)
- The Team at World Factbook 2076

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Team Chat 1
We here at World Factbook 2076 are pleased to greet you, denizens of the past! We are working diligently to assemble
time traveler friendly
maps that will make some sense to the World pre-World War 3. We've been given this opportunity and are thrilled not to waste it! However, we note that our team is small and there maybe delays as we review the information on our maps. In the meanwhile, there is ample time for any questions you have been having about these strange times of ours, and in some ways, yours!
- The Team at World Factbook 2076​
P.S. Have some works in progress, to whet your appetite!

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Lara I
The vibrations on her leg feel nice, but Lara's stomach tightens. The alarm was going off, the sun was still so far away. The hum of the heater was no guarantee the air is warm, and the locust wood floors were always a cold wake up. The room was still pretty empty, two boxes flanking the bed were all the possessions she had, including the slippers she prefered. Peeling open the canvas cover, she tosses her left rabbit and right rabbit to the floor. Getting up at this insane hour was almost never justified, even when she had the energy to rise and shine. Now was not the time though, as there were many things to be done. “Why did I agree to this?” she grumbles, kicking off her blanket. She slinks out of the comfortable nest of blankets she had made, and quickly flies over to the restroom.

She spits in the bathtub, and checks herself in the mirror. She punches in a quick code for warm water on the panel on the wall next to the spicket jutting from the recycled concrete walls. The water at night turned warm slowly, as the hot water heater in the basement had less demand. I could grab coffee on the way to the park. Her mind trails off as a small icon flashes yellow on the panel. Drawing the water, she carefully washes her face and shaves some unsightly facial hair.

"With the grain, Lara" Grandma Kirchfeld implores, guiding Lara's little hands around the circular board. She always let Lara participate in her daily routine, and after supper was craft time. A thin coat of gouache blows into a cascade of little white clouds as the old woman dusts off the sanded board.
"Who are you making the hexaboo for?" Lara watches with interest while she lightly draws out a septagram. Her wrist twirled as she gave form to a hideous old goat rising on its feet.

Grandma winks, "You'll need one in Canada, just for good luck"

"Mama says Canada is more fortunate than us." Lara looks up to her grandmother whose face turned bitter.

"Your mother couldn't tell luck from unluck, dear. I don't know if the dutchies up there use hexaboos" she etches out seven horns on the goat, and a gaping wound in its neck.

"Grandma, is that the Devil?"

"No, it’s Jesus."

"But Jesus looks like Uncle Samir"



"Sometimes we need Jesus the man. But I've found he doesn't always come to you as a man. We find God in mysterious places. The Goat is a symbol of protection and safety, guidance and protection in hard times"

"Mama says we're gonna have a better life in Whistler. Are we gonna have hard times in Canada?"

"My Mother told me many things she had no way of knowing about. I pray you'll have a better life but I wish to keep faith." She dabs a brush into the paint, a vivid red outlining the goat.

Lara is the only person on the bus to Nanaimo this Saturday morning. She'd have caught a cab, but waiting for the thing to arrive once it had been summoned would've left her with so little time. So onto the Vancouver Island Transport she goes.

Sitting in the front seat was her favorite. Safer. The yellow seating is looking its age, and the roomba eagerly roams about the floor, chirping every so often.

"Vito, silence roomba"

A blue light flashes at the back and the roomba silently rolls to its home under the back bench.

The bus lurches left onto Hammond Bay Road, the coffee in her lap nearly tipping over. Securing her drink with both hands Lara sees the roomba peeking from its base. It slinks deeper, disappointed in her success. In the window above, Nanaimo, the last of Old Vancouver's sisters is glistening with towers and lights. She's heading into the darkness of the suburbs. These were still very wealthy neighborhoods, and the police were much more keen on making sure this area stays as it has been since before the war. Pines still fill much of the region, though mature bamboo, ailanthus, and locust trees are edging into the scene. It seems like wilderness to her.

They're waiting for Lara at the entrance of Neck Point park, cloaked in a black synthetic raincoat, a wool scarf wrapped tight around their neck. As the bus approached, she could see between the ushanka and scarf, two bright eyes and a welcoming smile.

"Mary!" Lara exclaims leaping off the bus.

They embrace warmly, Lara holding her coffee over Mary's shoulder.

"Lara! I missed you so much!"

"I miss you too, babe."

With a peck on the lips the two begin walking towards the sea.

"How was the family about returning home?"

Mary rolls her eyes, "Aunt Suh-yee is still on about Canada 'Evil Empire' like I know. Its not like we aren't trying to get out."

"They're still not sold on Africa?"

"Kun Woo really said 'they hate us in Africa' and that was all I said about that for the trip."

Lara shrugged. That's still not an uncommon opinion here in the West either.

"Well, we have friends to warm our home, old and new."

"Did you get to talk to your brother?"

Lara paused, a balance dropped in her heart with a ringing tumult..

"He's in the Mandate working with Scott Detwiler on 'mission’ work. Dunno about him."

"Reach out, he'll be excited to hear from his older sister."

"I'll give Angela a ring after I go back to sleep."

"You've got to stay awake for this though"

At a little opening in the hedges and bramble looking out to the Sound, the sky was turning a cherry pink just beyond the peaks of the distant shore.

"Close your eyes, dear"

A warm ray creeps up her whole body in the freezing air. Sunlight pierced her eyes, even closed. The whole of her was bathed in sunlight.

Lara casually glanced towards Mary, beaming and radiant in the growing light. Their eyes swallowed the sun, reflected in the edges of her irises. Their smile is thin and peaceful. A warmth spreads over Lara’s body, and she closes her eyes again.

“This is the Sun of the Winter Solstice. Cosmic hump day. Miri it is, wile sumer ilast.” Mary says after a few pleasant minutes.

“Is it all downhill from here?” Lara jokes, with love beaming from her eyes. Mary shrugs and plants a kiss on Lara’s cheek. Lara doesn’t mind the sensation of doubt, but Mary was too close for her to voice her doubts. The pair hold hands as they turn away from the sun.
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Monthly Donor
The vibrations on her leg feel nice, but Lara's stomach tightens. The alarm was going off, the sun was still so far away.


“Is it all downhill from here?” Lara jokes, with love beaming from her eyes. Mary shrugs and plants a kiss on Lara’s cheek. Lara doesn’t mind the sensation of doubt, but Mary was too close for her to voice her doubts. The pair hold hands as they turn away from the sun.
Okay folks I REALLY screwed the pooch here.

Reread this now, unlike when I first reviewed it in a pre-coffee haze, and I just flat screwed up. I skimmed earlier when I should have read.

My profound apologies to the author and my thanks to those who persisted in "recommending" that I reconsider this action.
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Fair to say our perspectives differ.

I've given the text a few re-reads, and:
-A woman waking up
-A woman getting ready in the restroom
-A woman having a discussion with her grandmother about the occult
-A woman riding a bus
-A woman meeting her partner
-A couple watching the sunset
-A couple kissing

I'm very curious as to which of these crosses the red line for promiscuity? I presume it's not the last one--I doubt this is a prudish considering the existence of threads like "Official Pics of Gorgeous Women VI"


Monthly Donor
I've given the text a few re-reads, and:
-A woman waking up
-A woman getting ready in the restroom
-A woman having a discussion with her grandmother about the occult
-A woman riding a bus
-A woman meeting her partner
-A couple watching the sunset
-A couple kissing

I'm very curious as to which of these crosses the red line for promiscuity? I presume it's not the last one--I doubt this is a prudish considering the existence of threads like "Official Pics of Gorgeous Women VI"
Nothing to add to my previous post.
Damn youngsters and their decadent lewd handholding

Interesting start, these are some nice graphics. Good luck! Is there any meaning to the various colours of the post russian states?
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Damn youngsters and their decadent lewd handholding

Interesting start, these are some nice graphics. Good luck! Is there any meaning to the various colours of the post russian states?
Russian Federal Subjects 2027
Oblast - Yellow
Republic - Green *white stripes denoting recognition as independent by UN
Krai - Orange
Autonomous Okrugs - Blue
Autonomous Oblasts - Magenta
Grey - Independent (de facto)

Oh goodness! We forgot to put the label on.

- The Team at World Factbook 2076

The Parade of Sovereignties returned during WWIII, as the second wave 'double taps' from subs came in. The constitution was revised to keep several bloody civil conflicts between Russians and natives at bay. This system would hold for ~5 years