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A Very British Sort of Madness: The Ideology of Britannianism
A Very British Sort of Madness: The Ideology of Britannianism


An illustration about the Indian caste system

Britannianism is perhaps one of the most unintentionally ironic ideologies in human history. For while it touts the genius of the Anglo-Saxon race, it has been heavily influenced by the needs and society of India, and one of its great philosophers is a "Italian with Saxonic Blood and Spirit." It also engages in such mind bending contradictions as being simultaneously pro-industry and deeply agrarian. Despite this, it is inarguably British, especially English, in conception and content for the most part. To quote Ramsay MacDonald before his execution "It's a very British sort of madness."

There are three philosophers who have shaped the construction of Britannianism. The first is of course Oswald Mosley, war hero and Baronet. The Captain, as he was called, formulated a basic schema for the ideology, a combination of Merrie England nostalgia, imperialism, and High Toryism. There was once a time in England, long ago, where life was.... better. The countryside was green and verdant, full of bountiful crops and fruitful orchards. Villages and towns dotted the landscape. They were full of neat, well-maintained, charming thatched cottages, and centered around a church or cathedral. People prayed, worked hard, and went to church. After church, they'd gather in pubs for hearty Sunday roasts and good English ales. This paradise, this quintessentially English community, had been lost to industrialization done for the benefit of wealthy businessmen. It was impractical to give up industrialization, for "He who has the foundries wins the war," but it, and the strain of capitalism it produced, ought to be tempered by a nation moving back to its tranquil rural roots as much as possible while remaining "pragmatic in the English fashion." The (grudging) respect given to industry was tied to the Empire. The British Empire is "The noblest project to civilize the Earth that has ever been conceived, and the greatest fruit of our genius." Especially noteworthy were the White Dominions, "The greatest colonization scheme ever completed, and assurance of our racial survival." Mosley actually theorized that the "hardy stocks" of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa could help reinvigorate the bloodlines and culture of Britain proper. Finally, Mosley had become an ardent proponent of the High Tory belief system. The primacy of the aristocracy in society was paramount, and they were responsible for the care of all of society. They were suited for this role because their ancient roles as landowners and local officials made them uniquely suited to rule, or so the thought went. High Toryism was also ambivalent to capitalism, preferring a more aristocratic and communitarian system of economy, almost neo-feudal. However, business was again viewed at least as a practical necessity, and Communism wholly despised.

Mosley's initial vision was more moderate in comparison to what Britannianism would become. He basically envisioned a movement of aristocrats and their supporters maintaining and expanding the empire, while simultaneously tempering the more explosive aspects of capitalism in favor of noblesse oblige and rural idealism. Hardly liberal, but not terribly extreme. Arguably, Mosley's biggest sin was in being open to, and accepting, more extreme ideas. The first proponent of these more extreme ideas (and one very rational one) was Eric Arthur Blair.

Blair was also born of privilege, the grandson and later son (after grandpa died) of country gentlemen. He had served in Africa as a commander of African troops, and grew to despise his unit for their insubordination. After the war, he went to India on a quest to find ancient secrets, having been obsessed with the occult as a child. Blair grew to have an immense respect for Hindu culture, and became enamored with the caste system. He noticed the physical distinctions between the castes, and was convinced that the Indians had found a nigh foolproof method of racial control. Given his experience in Africa, he became convinced that Britain needed a true caste system of its own. He sailed back to London in 1921, and feverishly wrote the whole way there. When the ship arrived, he had completed the manuscript for The Feasibility and Necessity of a British Caste System under the nom de plume George Orwell. In it, Blair constructed an elaborate racial historiography and theory. In terms of historiography, he argued that Britain and India shared a common Aryan ancestry, an idea which had circulated in other circles. Thus, Britain and India were bound together by ties of race. Blair argued that with a concerted effort, the Indians could be elevated to the same level of strength and civilization as the British. However, the British ought to leave the caste system fully intact, and Hinduism at least partially. This synthesis was actually very popular in both India and in Britain, and wacky racialism aside, wasn't bad policy by any means. It encouraged a much greater degree of Hindu buy-in and participation, and would make the Raj far more loyal than it had been.

However, the rest of The Feasibility and Necessity was.... less balanced. In it, Blair created an elaborate racial caste system for Britain. At the top were, of course, the Royal Family. They were the purest of purebloods, the ultimate expression of Britain. Beneath them, the aristocracy and country gentry, the "great ruling stock of our sceptered isle." Beneath them, you had the Anglo-Saxon stock of the British Isles (sorry Ireland). They were the greatest colonizers and conquerors of all time! Beneath them, the Indians, who themselves ought to be arranged according to their own castes, although Muslims should automatically go to the bottom. With enough time, it was thought that the Indians could be elevated fully into the ranks of "Anglo-Saxon-Aryandom." Beneath the Indians (well, the non-Muslim ones) were the other Asian races, who were viewed as inferior but not too bad. Finally, at the bottom, one saw the Africans, Muslims, and Celts. The Africans were inferior because "Millennia of living off tropical abundance and warfare has degraded their instincts for civility and self control, and sapped their vigor." The Muslims because "The deserts and Mohammedanism have destroyed any mental or physical capacity for them to have civilization." Finally, the Celts were "A naturally drunken, savage, cruel, fecund, and despotic race." These "British Untouchables" must be tightly controlled. Later, after the start of the Second World War, mass murder of untouchables would be pushed by the government, as a method of maintaining control.

The final philosophical addition to this ideology were the writings and thoughts of one Julius Evola, Italian nobleman turned ardent British patriot (after the Britannianist takeover). Evola had also been fascinated with Roman paganism, Eastern mysticism, caste systems, and race science. His ideas weren't terribly popular in his native Italy, where the far-right was far more enamored with Croixism than anything else. Especially jarring was his anti-Christianity (which Evola would later tamp down while in Britain). Evola was perhaps closer to Nietzscheanism than anything, but his obsession with castes even among a ruling race didn't work with their more ruthlessly Darwinian world-view. However, when the Britannian movement took over Britain in 1929, Evola found a people he could work with. He moved to London and quickly ingratiated himself into the more occult circles of the Britannian elite, and began writing his penultimate treatise. In 1931, Restoring Olympus was published, and became an officially approved part of Britannian ideology. In the beginning, there were two races: the Olympic and the Tellurian. The Olympic Race was a patriarchal, militaristic, deeply spiritual caste society ruled by Warrior-Priest-Kings and dominated by a warrior aristocracy. They eschewed mere comfort, in favor of deep spirituality, heroic strife, and warfare. They also had the ability to create great and manly cultures. The Olympic Race was believed to have found its expressions in Ancient Greece, Ancient (pre-Christian) Rome, Ancient Hindu India, and Ancient Persia. Their rival was the Telluric Race. The Telluric Race was matriarchal, effeminate, savage, decadent, and obsessed with luxury. The Telluric Races were held to be the Ancient Phoenicians, Ancient Arabs, Ancient Celts, and the Ancient Slavic peoples. The Telluric Races were inherently weaker and lesser than than the Olympic ones, but their decadence and hedonism could corrupt the Olympic races spiritually and genetically.

In modern times, there were no pure Olympic races remaining, thanks to millennia of miscegenation. Instead, it was maintained that there were now four Olympic descended races, as well as three Telluric racial offshoots. The Olympic Race had become the Jovian, Neptunian, Dinoysian, and Aresian races. Each of these races was possessed of Olympic spirit, and could help rebuild the Olympic Race, but must first overcome the Telluric values and germplasm in their genes. The Jovians were the Germans, Northern Italians, Dutch, and Scandinavians. They still possessed the warrior spirit of Olympus, but Telluric neuroticism had made them obsessed with an orderly society, even if that order came at the expense of true greatness. The Neptunians were the Anglo-Saxons only, and were held to have a uniquely strong Olympic racial aspect, that had become diluted with avaricious commercialism thanks to Telluric corruption. The Dinoysian races, consisting of the Spanish, Southern Italians, and the Hindus, were the most degraded of the Olympic races. While possessed of noble Olympic spirit still, the constant induction of Telluric blood had made them decadent and obsessed with luxury and pleasure. Finally, the Aresian races, mainly your French, Russians, and Belgians, were held to be powerful empire builders (Evola included Belgium because he respected their Congolese conquests) but were closer to Dinoysian decadence and disorganization than the other sub-races (while still being in better shape).

The Telluric races were the Aphrodisians, Venusians, and Junovians, each of which corresponded to "racial enemies of Olympus." The Aphrodisians, consisting of the "Turko-Arab-Berber-Perisan Race" was derided as innately sensual and despotic, concerned only with power, wealth, and harems. Although it might seem contradictory to include the Persians when their ancient forefathers were held to be Olympian, this was because "thousands upon thousands of years of wealth and Mohammadeanism had corrupted their spirit and germplasm beyond repair." The Venusians, who the Africans were classified as, were held to be the closest to original Telluric stock; promiscuous, dominated by women, doomed to savagery, obsessed with personal comfort, and obsessed with primitve cults centering on fertility goddesses and the "Mother Luna." Finally, and most dangerously, were the Junovians. The term Junovians was interchangeable with the alleged Yankee Races. The Yankee Races, while less primitive and more capable of governance, were more dangerous because they were more competent. They were also said to be driven by a "racial spirit of negation" where they would destroy all greatness, cast down all ancient systems of caste and rule, and preside over a miscegenated Kali Yuga of despair and depravity. Either the Olympic Race would be recreated, or the Yankee Junovians would eventually annihilate any form of high culture.

So, what was the ultimate synthesis of these three disparate strands of thought? Economically, Britannianism borrowed concepts from Croixist Yellow Socialism and blended them with de facto aristocratic control over much of the countryside. Religiously, the Anglican Church, especially the High Church tradition was exalted, but other Protestant denominations as well as Hinduism (for India) and occult spiritualism/Roman paganism (mainly aristocratic) were all tolerated. In terms of social organization, Britannianism created a supercharged version of previous systems of class and racial rule. The Royal Family and the aristocracy ruled by the divine right of God, and the inexorable rules of racial history. The Anglo-Saxon-Aryan race was held to be direct descendants of the ancient ruling races, and naturally above all others in the Empire. In India, this meant a strange combination of imperial patriotism and Hindu supremacism. In the rest of the Empire, previous methods of racial control were amplified. Mixing of any kinds between castes, even within the Anglo-Saxon-Aryan race, was completely unacceptable, for down that path lie Telluric degeneration. Britain was held to be on a tipping point in world history. Either the Yankees and their racial cousins in Africa and elsewhere are destroyed and the Olympic hierarchy rightfully restored in a new Merrie England, or the world would become a degenerate, worthless, Star-Spangled hellscape. The choice lay in Britain's hands: do or die.


Julius Evola, Italian aristocrat, British Patriot, and race scientist


Eric Arthur Blair, war hero, Hinduphile, "Bard of the Party."


A propaganda postcard celebrating the ideal of Merrie England.
I think this might have been one of my favorite chapters so far!

As far as Russia, I think history will stay mostly convergent with OTL up until Stalin takes over. They won't be getting back any of the land they lost to Germany though. Also, Stalin's ideology of Communism is going to be very..... different.
That was absolutely insane. It shares a few similarities with Nazism, but is definitely its own horrifying cocktail of insanity.

It looks like the Madness is leaking over again.

Thank you! It was definitely meant to come across as "kinda Nazi, but also very different." Glad I hit that on the mark

Concept: Orwell's dystopian novel is just the WMIT Pinnacle Future, complete with an Irish President
Thank you! It was definitely meant to come across as "kinda Nazi, but also very different." Glad I hit that on the mark

Concept: Orwell's dystopian novel is just the WMIT Pinnacle Future, complete with an Irish President
"The Yankees live in a state of drug-fueled debauchery, with all moral and racial distinctions abandoned in the pursuit of pleasure. And at the head of it all sits Oswald the Irishman."
Thank you! It was definitely meant to come across as "kinda Nazi, but also very different." Glad I hit that on the mark

Concept: Orwell's dystopian novel is just the WMIT Pinnacle Future, complete with an Irish President
How then a Hindu according to this ideology becomes purer? If upper-caste Hindu marry an Anglo Saxon will that make his progeny purer? I mean there are anglo Indians in India, during canon timeline racism makes any such marriage radical to the extreme. Is it not so in this timeline? Does that mean Orwell wish interbreed British and Indians to make resulting progeny purer than it's the current state?
@Murica1776 I am sure we will overgrowth of theosophy society or Arya samaj will try to rebrand themselves this way. What I am most interested in Indian social reformers. How then will deal with Indian untouchables? Maybe they will try to modify the caste system to turn Muslims into untouchables? Maybe suddhi or other methods to purify Hindu untouchables and elevate them into proper arya? I am sure Orwell will use Vivekananda to support his theory along with Vedas and Gita.
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The focus on Yellow Socialism is a very interesting twist on the Unitism concept, and I stand corrected- Orwellian Brittanianism is a delight! Both have been added to my list! At this rate I think you're the highest contributor by percentage 😂
I'm curious as to how Evola's ideas were entered into the mainstream. The first two additions make sense, but Evola's racial woo reads like TTL's equivalent of that weird pagan stuff some parts of the SS were into as opposed to the rank and file.
Will to Power: The Many Faces of Nietzscheanism
Will to Power: The Many Faces of Nietzscheanism


Rosa Lübeck, Mother of Individualist Nietzscheanism

Nietzscheanism was perhaps one of the broadest ideological schools to come out of post-war Europe, and later America. Depending on where one was and what school of thought to which a Nietzschean ascribed, they could be a radical anarchist, a capitalist libertarian, or a pagan ethno-nationalist. Regardless, all were inspired by the post-war turn to the works of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Specifically, his conceptions of the Ubermensch, Will to Power, and Master-Slave Morality would become the key to the various schools of Nietzscheanism around the world. Before we focus on region specific variants of this ideology, lets examine the two broad schools of Individualist and national.

Individualist Nietzscheanism was primarily formulated by two people (who would later become lovers). They were Aleister Crowley and Rosa Lubeck, son of a wealthy English family turned individualist, and a Germanized Polish Jewish woman. Crowley was a Nietzschean and an occultist, and would combine the two in his work. He arguably founded the modern movement while living in Berlin following the war, publishing An Occultist's Journey Through Nietzsche in 1919. In this treatise, he maintained that Nietzsche had stumbled upon a greater, more powerful truth than he could have known while he was alive. His writings were the most eloquent, factual, and modern expression of an ancient truth: that the pure, raw expression of Will was what defined man, not his ability to keep his appetites in check. Crowley then weaved this idea with occult beliefs of the Left Hand Path and his own occultist thought system of Thelema. Nietzschean thought could help one realize the importance of their own will. Having realized the power of their own will, Nietzscheans could harness it into occult magick and reshape the world around them. This wasn't limited to purely spiritual endeavors: Crowley wrote of his vision of a Nietzschean World Freedom (order prevents the exercise of Will) where men and women of every creed and color applied Nietzschean principles to their life, and people rose to greatness (or fell from it) on their own merits. Furthermore, the application of Raw Will to Magick would mean that everyone could access different planes of being and commune with great forces, if they so chose. This unparalleled freedom would also mean the end of patriarchal monotheism and the rise of paganism and sexual liberation. Mrs. Rosa Lübeck embraced a more materialist vision of Nietzscheanism in her book A Brave New World, published in 1920. In her mind, the war and the trauma it induced had shattered any doubt about whether or not a beneficent God existed: he didn't. All that was left was a society going through the motions, pretending that he existed. They also worshipped the false gods of State and Family, which allegedly provide a moral good (order). These two had also been proven to be false idols. Faith, Flag, and Family were nothing more than empty ideas used by inbred elites (in Europe) or democratic mobs (America) to hold back the potential of the individual. If humanity wished to actually advance into a better tomorrow, all these values had to be destroyed so the individual could be unleashed. To do so, "men and women of superior bearing" would have to embrace the Übermensch principle and create a new society, either by charisma or force. Lübeck anticipated force being the more likely option, and actually included pointers on military tactics from a German field manual. Her vision of a new society was similar to Crowley's, but lacking the occult elements. Lübeck's "Brave New World" was also much more explicitly focused on the destruction of conservative norms and the creation of a world where the strongest thrive unhindered by morality. She advocated for the complete dismantling of the state, and the creation of loose new social structures based on "a natural hierarchy of will and strength." Lübeck envisioned an almost animal world, where race, culture, faith or gender lost their meanings as terms of division, and where the only divide was between Übermensch and Untermensch, strong and weak, vitality and decay, the forceful and the forceless. It was a rather bleak vision in some ways, and one heavily influenced by her hatred of conservative Prussian values. Crowley and Lübeck met in a Berlin cafe shortly after her book was published in October 1920, and the two immediately hit it off, having read one another's work. They argued passionately about the existence and power of the occult (Crowley pro, Lübeck against) as well as the role of the state (Crowley was a minarchist as opposed to Lübeckian anarchy). Despite these differences of opinion, the two had much in common, and Lübeck's own writing had been influenced by Crowley. They co-published a book in 1922 titled The Dawn of the Modern Übermensch, which further expanded and synthesized their worldview. It was a hit among the intellectual elite and the disaffected, and fully brought their vision into the political currents of the day, with groups of Individualist Nietzscheans popping up across Germany, the Tripartite Empire, and all of Mitteleuropa and Nordeuropa.

Ironically given their anti-national stance, Crowley and Lübeck's work inspired a new variety of ethnic nationalism. In 1922 Martin Braun, a German veteran disgusted by his aristocratic superiors but still an ardent German racial nationalist, wrote National Nietzscheanism: Reclaiming Germania. He borrowed the same Nietzschean concepts of Will to Power, anti-Christianity, and the Übermensch that enamored Crowley and Lübeck, actually building off their analyses. However, he arrived at a drastically different place than they did. The nation/race, far from being a source of degradation, was the only worthy community. After all, even Übermensch needed community. An alleged ongoing racial struggle was deemed a noble fight, and Braun maintained "If a race is to triumph, let it be the German one!" Part of the road to triumph was rejecting Christianity. Contrary to popular belief (and interpretation by some NN sects) Braun's beef with Christianity wasn't anti-Semitic in nature. Rather, he viewed Christianity's widespread adoption as an attempt by European elites to beat down the masses by teaching them that "tenderness, mercy, chastity, temperance, meekness, generosity, and humility are essential traits in a people." The pagan ancestors of the Germans knew better: one does not restrain their natural appetites and passions, much less show mercy to enemies. You indulge your desires, cast down your enemies, and use your own personal strength to glorify the Gods and Ancestors. As a result, Braun called for a revival of the ancient pagan traditions and faith, and even dedicated a shrine to Baduhenna in a secluded part of the Black Forest. Politically, Braun dreamt of a system that was both decentralized and militarized. Being Bavarian himself, Braun despised Prussian hegemony over Germany, and called on each division of the Empire to celebrate "their unique rituals and cultural peculiarities, like the Germanic tribes of old." He extended this to politics, arguing that the German Empire ought to be conceived of as a looser confederation of "modern tribes" as opposed to a centralized, Prussianized state. Coexisting somewhat uneasily with this desire for regional autonomy was a strident worship of militarism, as Braun believed that the world would only cease to know struggle when one race triumphed over the rest, and the Germans ought to triumph. Tied into this militaristic creed was an intense brand of military style meritocracy. The old aristocrats were inbred egomaniacs and/or old fuddie-duddies, incapable of leading the strong new German race. Instead, society ought to function like the military: he who is strongest and most competent rises. If the poor son of a farmer from Baden was better suited (or stronger) than the leader of the nation, he ought to become leader of the nation, no fuss, no muss, and no asinine elections. Strength is the only requirement. All of this, the rejection of traditional morals, the worship of strength, and the advocacy for a new social order made National Nietzscheanism fairly popular among certain segments of the veteran population. In fact, it would become the organizing ideology of several militias in the 1920's that would stir up trouble in Germany.

Having covered the main German schools of Nietzscheanism we can now evaluate two derivative branches, one American, the other Scandinavian. In America, Individualist Nietzscheanism met Wall Street to create Producerism. Producerism was codified by Ayn Rand, a Russian immigrant, in her seminal 1927 work The Producer's Struggle. Like other Nietzscheans, Rand took the same basic concepts of the Übermensch, Will to Power, and atheism as gospel. Being a Russian Jew fleeing a collectivist regime that would soon lean on nationalism of a sort, Rand had no intention of becoming some kind of pagan ethnic nationalist. However, while agreeing with portions of Crowley and Lübeck's work, she disagreed with their overall conclusions. Crowley's occultism struck her as being superstitious, while Lübeck was too militant, anarchistic, and ideologically fanatical. So, Rand took Nietzsche's work, some concepts from her Germany-based contemporaries, and made it all her own. Producerism held that through the pursuit of profit and production, man could become Overman. The steel worker could become the tycoon, if he were to be unshackled and had the necessary talent and drive. Christianity, while nice in theory, ignored natural law and encouraged the expenditure of valuable resources on sustaining the "wretched, poor, blind, deaf, dumb, and hopeless." Big government functioned the same way, especially after Teddy Roosevelt, who Rand would call both an American Lenin and American Stalin. Roosevelt retorted by calling her a "strange and hateful sort of woman with a peculiar case of borscht brain." Feuding aside, Rand created a vision of a libertarian society where the government fulfills basic functions (but no more) and the American worker/businessman (dubbed the Producer) is allowed to strive as vigorously as he can manage, and perhaps get wealthy. In so doing, he transforms himself into the modern Overman, the ultimate capitalist and the endpoint of human spiritual evolution.

Meanwhile, in Scandinavia, a new form of National Nietzscheanism was formed. In 1926, Henrik Ingolfson a Norwegian-Swede living in Oslo, published Nietzsche and Ancient Scandinavia. Borrowing aspects of Braun's text, Ingolfson theorized that while the Scandinavians had much blood in common with the Teutons, Anglo-Saxons, and Celts, they were still very much a distinctive Nordic race with a Nordic spirit. This Nordic spirit was best expressed by the pagan Vikings, before it had been tamped down by an imported Christianity. What made this brand of National Nietzscheanism unique was it's strange, almost contradictory mix of regionalism and pan-Scandinavianism. On the one hand Ingolfson, like Braun, supported the regional identities of the various parts of Scandinavia. On the other hand, Ingolfson fantasized about a future "Scandinavian Confederation" where all the Nordics of Greenland, Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden united in a common racial and national cause. This vision of unity, more than anything, brought Ingolfson a small but noteworthy following.

We cannot finish our discussion of Nietzscheanism without briefly going over how various authorities reacted to it. The Scandinavians were generally laissez-faire about their brand of National Nietzscheanism, letting it peacefully coexist with society. A great deal of this tolerance comes from the fact that Scandinavian Nietzscheans were both more palatable to the public and much less violent than elsewhere. In America, where Producerism was also non-violent, toleration varied by region. In the liberal, industrious North and West, Producerist literature could be read, discussed, and disseminated without fear. In fact, a minority of Wall Street types at least partially embraced Producerism (the atheism was a bit much for most) and would cling to it until the Crash. The South and the Territories in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Panama were a different story. Elites in the Territories, a mix of native elites and Americans, squelched out the atheistic creed to the approval of their fairly devout subjects. In the South, state legislatures banned Producerist literature, dubbing it "utterly appalling intellectual chicanery which aims to overturn the moral order and is wholly un-American in content." This was also in reaction to the ideology's materialistic atheism. In Germany, Austria, and various parts of Mitteleuropa, Nietzschean ideology was declared illegal by the late 20's, and literature was publicly burned by the authorities. This was in large part due to the militant nature of many Nietzschean groups in the region. Nonetheless, the ideology would endure and flourish well into the future.


Martin Braun, Father of National Nietzscheanism


Ayn Rand (1943)


German police detain a bookseller accused of selling Nietzschean materials (1929)
How then a Hindu according to this ideology becomes purer? If upper-caste Hindu marry an Anglo Saxon will that make his progeny purer? I mean there are anglo Indians in India, during canon timeline racism makes any such marriage radical to the extreme. Is it not so in this timeline? Does that mean Orwell wish interbreed British and Indians to make resulting progeny purer than it's the current state?

I'm imagining that the official line is "the Indians need to engage in deep eugenic improvement before they're marriageable." In short, there needs to be a period where so-called weak strains in the race need to be eliminated. Then, they can intermarry.

@Murica1776 I am sure we will overgrowth of theosophy society or Arya samaj will try to rebrand themselves this way. What I am most interested in Indian social reformers. How then will deal with Indian untouchables? Maybe they will try to modify the caste system to turn Muslims into untouchables? Maybe suddhi or other methods to purify Hindu untouchables and elevate them into proper arya? I am sure Orwell will use Vivekananda to support his theory along with Vedas and Gita.

Muslims will be getting made into Untouchables, and there will be a few other things. Honestly, Britannian India might get it's own chapter.

I'm curious as to how Evola's ideas were entered into the mainstream. The first two additions make sense, but Evola's racial woo reads like TTL's equivalent of that weird pagan stuff some parts of the SS were into as opposed to the rank and file.

Something I should have shown in the chapter and will try and highlight later is that Evola's stuff gets moderated for public consumption. As in it's probably more like "We're of Roman and Ancient Athenian stock, and are their aristocratic seafaring descendants" in the public eye, and the Yankees are derided as mongrelized democrats with no great racial elements at this point. Behind closed doors, the whole theory is probably only fully explained too, and embraced by, the elite. The other thing is that Evola's aristocracy fetishism arguably melds better with British super High Toryism than Himmler's fucked up stuff did with Germans at the time.
Individualistic Nietzscheanism despite being horrifying in its own ways sound somewhat less completely batshit compared to National Nietzscheanism, which looks a lot like OTL Nazism.

Also was TTL Nietzsche quite as misogynistic as OTL Nietzsche given that Rosa Luxemburg of all people ended up becoming a major proponent of his ideology? Or were his misogyny and elitism just ignored?
The Golden Twenties Part I: Suffrage, Prohibition, and Flappers
The Golden Twenties Part I: Suffrage, Prohibition, and Flappers


Suffragettes campaign in New York (1919)

The 1920's, known to most as the Golden Twenties, were a rollicking, freewheeling, and raucous period not just of American history, but of world history. Figuring out where to begin evaluating such a decade is thus difficult. Nonetheless, one could do worse than women's suffrage and rights. The 1920's saw the first wave of women's liberation sweep the West. In America, this led to the phenomenon of flappers, as well as Prohibition.

Women's suffrage had actually been a goal of President Roosevelt's since 1912 (same as OTL). Part of his overall New Nationalism had been sweeping electoral reforms, including direct election of senators and women's suffrage. By 1917, every electoral reform he had wanted except suffrage had been passed into either law or the Constitution. Nonetheless, the crusading Rough Rider had never been one to accept anything less than total victory. The role of women in fighting the Canadian Flu gave him a perfect opportunity. As volunteer nurses succumbed to the Flu even as they desperately tried to ease the suffering of others, Roosevelt began railing in the press against "the decrepit and weak strain of so-called masculinity that would deny these guardian angels the right to vote." At first, when the Flu was in early stages, most Americans didn't really take the message that seriously. However, as newspapers from Manila to Bangor began filling up with the obituaries of mothers and young women who died tending to others while millions more worked their hands raw to answer the government's call for influenza masks, public sentiment turned. Further boosting public support for suffrage was the sight of women in full Red Cross uniform marching with signs saying "My fellow nurses died for our country. Votes for Women." By the end of the influenza, public opinion had essentially turned in favor of suffrage. On January 19th, 1920, the 18th Amendment was passed, granting women the right to vote.

This was not a universally lauded decision. In Old Dixie, opposition to suffrage was actually quite strident. Conservative men, both Black and White, marched against suffrage. In turn, Black and White women railed against their men. The fight for suffrage got downright ugly in Dixie. Over 100 suffragettes would be forcibly institutionalized for "a severe and debilitating outburst of female hysteric syndrome" and would only be released after the 19th Amendment passed. In turn, some rowdy suffragettes rioted in Atlanta and Tallahassee, prompting the police to turn nightsticks and bloodhounds on them. The Southern press was mostly conservative, and thundered against suffrage with great force proclaiming it something along the lines of a "threat to the manly vitality of the Republic." In fact, the South nearly blocked the 18th Amendment, with only the defections of Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina preventing it from failing. Although the South failed to prevent women's suffrage, the effort to resist it helped unify the races. Conservative men of both races began to see that they had more in common than typically thought. Other events driven by women in the Twenties would only further prove this point.

On February 16th, 1921, the 19th Amendment was legislated, prohibiting the manufacture, sale, transport, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages. This was in large part driven by a newly emancipated Northern female electorate. In the South, despite fears of women overpowering men, an enduring sense of conservatism meant most Southern women voted the way their men did, and the South was ardently anti-prohibtion. Much of the South, as well as the Caribbean territories with which they had much in common, had large industries around the distilling of liquor. Furthermore, the ancient traditions of the cookout, horse race, and wedding typically featured consumption of alcohol as a centerpiece. In the Appalachian Mountains, moonshine was even used as an item of barter. The 19th Amendment passed by an even slimmer margin, with Virginia's defection again proving the determining factor. While not entitled to vote on the matter, the governors of Cuba and Santo Domingo telegraphed messages of immense displeasure at the decision. Prohibition was favored by women's groups because they believed it would make men harder working, better fathers, and less abusive. Again, conservative Southern opinion was not amused. William Talbot Cooper, a Black Congressman from Alabama, gave his derisive take which made him a hero down South, "First we gave the dames the vote. Now they're taking our bourbon. Next thing you know, they'll be wearing men's pants and passing an Amendment mandating that the government devote part of the budget to the purchase of dresses." In 1924, when Ruth O'Connell of Vermont became the first woman elected to Congress and derided conservative Southern men opposed to Prohibition and suffrage as "hypocritical ignoramuses and uneducated Bible-thumpers" Cooper and other prominent Southerners led a mixed-race protest outside O'Connell's home in DC where hundreds of conservatives rhythmically thumped Bibles. Enforcement of Prohibition was lax across the country, but perhaps nowhere was more lax as the South and Caribbean. In North Carolina, the Democratic governor Matthew Dickinson was openly photographed sipping on mint juleps while watching horse races. Mayors, cops, and reverends would frequent barely hidden bars and openly kept liquor cabinets in their homes. In Cuba, the government essentially let rum distilleries continue operation unimpeded, charging unofficial taxes equivalent to what the distilleries used to pay, but with officials pocketing the funds instead of the government. The FBI stated in a 1924 memo that "The laxity of the Southern states towards the enforcement of laws pertaining to alcoholic beverages is perhaps the biggest example of states defying the federal government since 1861." Indeed, federal authorities attempting to enforce Prohibition in the South had mostly given up by 1927. The South and Caribbean would become the bootlegging epicenter of the nation, as illegal rum, bourbon, whiskey, and moonshine was moved North by large criminal organizations. This fascinating phenomenon will be explored more in depth elsewhere. Regardless, due to their vision of cultural conservatism, the people of the South (even large numbers of Southern women weren't thrilled by Prohibition) defied the federal government for the first time since Reconstruction.

The other large cultural movement driven by women in the Twenties were the rise of the Flappers and dating culture. This, more than suffrage and Prohibition, absolutely upturned the moral order. Historically, women wore ankle length dresses and skirts and covered much of their arms. When pursuing a man, they engaged in ancient courtship rituals regulated by parents. When Flappers came on the scene by around 1924, they demolished these ideals with the help of rising car ownership. Flapper dresses only went down to the knee or right below, and were often sleeveless. With the rise of cars, young men and women could go on dates unsupervised by parents or other authorities. This spread moral panic everywhere, but nowhere was it more pronounced than the South. Policemen patrolled areas where youths were known to park their cars on dates. They also busted up so-called "petting parties" (which mostly weren't that scandalous by modern standards) and in some locales, enforce dress length ordinances. They were supplemented by unofficial "Morality Militias" that would patrol towns, cities, and countryside alike harassing those "dressing or acting indecently." Georgia Governor Marcus Blackburn summarized popular opinion "These so-called Flappers display themselves more shamelessly than the most depraved Mohammedean sultan ever displayed his white slaves." Despite this, Flapper culture would continue to exist in the South, even thriving in Savannah, Charleston, and Havana. Other major cities across the country also saw Flapper contingents dominate youth culture, which were much more prominent thanks to a less intensive crackdown. The uplift and increasing power of women was a defining trend of the 1920's, and the backlash it inspired would have a great impact on future developments.


Congressman William Talbot Cooper outside his home church in Alabama (1927)


Women in Minnesota campaign for Prohibition (1920)


G-Men fighting the losing battle for Prohibition in Atlanta (1926)


Policemen and members of a Morality Militia in Wilmington round up women in "indecent swimming costumes" (1928)
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Individualistic Nietzscheanism despite being horrifying in its own ways sound somewhat less completely batshit compared to National Nietzscheanism, which looks a lot like OTL Nazism.

Also was TTL Nietzsche quite as misogynistic as OTL Nietzsche given that Rosa Luxemburg of all people ended up becoming a major proponent of his ideology? Or were his misogyny and elitism just ignored?

In terms of misogyny, I imagine it was less prominent but also ignored. Lots of folks IOTL ignored inconvenient parts of his ideology when it suited them, why not do it ITTL?
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