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One thought is that the young German managerial class in the Ukraine and Poland were most likely young unmarried men. Mainly heading out east to make their fortune before eventually marrying. Of course being stuck out in Eastern Europe far away from the motherland no one would really raise many heads if they intermarried with the local Eastern Europeans.

Also in OTL outside of your occasional atrocity that was standard for any colonial atrocity the Germans were actually nicer compared to their colonial holdings. To the point that after WW1 some natives actually asked the British if they could be subjects of Germany again. This was mainly a result of Kaiser Wilhelm actually viewing them as future trade partners.

Perhaps the Germans could eventually adopt a pro miscegenation policy to hold their new empire together. Plus going down the route of an Imperial Federation...
Wow Germany is doing like *cough cough* RU but mostly against Slavs 😷

Not as brutal thankfully. Just the occasional spasm of nationalist paranoia causing deportations.

Nietzscheanism of both flavors seems interesting 🤔

There's going to be some chapters on ideology soon. Maybe there's some room for a Nietzschean chapter

One thought is that the young German managerial class in the Ukraine and Poland were most likely young unmarried men. Mainly heading out east to make their fortune before eventually marrying. Of course being stuck out in Eastern Europe far away from the motherland no one would really raise many heads if they intermarried with the local Eastern Europeans.

Also in OTL outside of your occasional atrocity that was standard for any colonial atrocity the Germans were actually nicer compared to their colonial holdings. To the point that after WW1 some natives actually asked the British if they could be subjects of Germany again. This was mainly a result of Kaiser Wilhelm actually viewing them as future trade partners.

Perhaps the Germans could eventually adopt a pro miscegenation policy to hold their new empire together. Plus going down the route of an Imperial Federation...

Good point! I think there can be a couple edits to reflect that in the East. I think them being kinder to Africans is already being reflected, but maybe I can show it more.

Also in OTL outside of your occasional atrocity that was standard for any colonial atrocity the Germans were actually nicer compared to their colonial holdings. To the point that after WW1 some natives actually asked the British if they could be subjects of Germany again. This was mainly a result of Kaiser Wilhelm actually viewing them as future trade partners.

The Imperial Germans literally tried to genocide the natives of Nambia. That's a bit more than "an occasional atrocity that was standard for any colonial atrocity. " Also, trivializing colonial atrocities as something that just happens isn't a good look. Colonialism is inherently unjust and to assign its worst moments as something that was bound to happen is to trivialize all the deaths under colonial rule.
Birth of a Nation, Rise of a Movement: Britain after WWI
Birth of a Nation, Rise of a Movement: Britain after WWI


The Flag of the Sons of Britannia Party

Britain after the war was hardly in a better place than France. True, not as many troops had died, the humiliation didn't sting as badly, and the economy was in better shape. However, this was balanced out by the ongoing insurgency in Ireland. Driven to the brink by the demands of the war, Ireland had revolted on Easter Sunday, 1916. The war was still ongoing after peace had been made in Europe.

The war in Ireland was brutal guerilla warfare. Farmers hid guns around the countryside. When the British would march through, they would be greeted with gunfire from every which way. The cities were even worse. Gunmen hid in every alleyway, and every car that drove past government buildings could be hiding a bomb. In Ulster, Protestants and Catholics turned on each other in religious pogroms. The British government became increasingly desperate to maintain control. Artillery was employed against Dublin and Cork. The infamous Black and Tans engaged in a brutal anti-partisan campaign, including the use of mass reprisals and terror tactics. Making matters worse for the British, thousands of well-armed American volunteers, many of whom were veterans of the Second Mexican War from 1917 on, would join the fight. A combination of Anglophobia and sympathy for the Irish motivated most volunteers. An unspoken aspect of the ordeal was the tacit approval of the Roosevelt Administration. Roosevelt refused to restrict travel to Ireland or even condemn the revolutionaries claiming "It is no business of mine where American citizens travel, and it's no business of mine to interfere in Ireland." In reality, it seems more than likely that at least a handful of units were equipped by elements within the US Military, if not by the President's order. Perhaps more infuriated than the presence of Americans in Ireland was Britain's inability to stop them. 60 years ago, Britain still had more than enough economic, political, and military power to bring the Yankees to heel. Now what could they do? Default on their debts to American creditors? It was an impossible situation.

On August 8th, 1919, the inevitable happened: Britain granted Ireland its independence. Ulster remained British, and large numbers of Catholics would flee shortly thereafter. The first nation to recognize the nascent Republic of Ireland was the United States. While the US stopped short of outright formal alliance with Ireland (no foreign entanglements) relations were most certainly friendly. The Germans and Austrians were also friendly, mainly to annoy Britain. Although relations were fairly normal with Britain in the immediate aftermath, that would change.

The political situation in the rest of Britain was tense, albeit not to French levels. Communists and Socialists would riot in London, Manchester, Cardiff, and Edinburgh periodically. The national government, under the control of Ramsay MacDonald's Labour Party, never made the same deal with the Devil that the French did as a result. Nationalist paramilitaries, the most famous of which were the Sons of Britannia, did exist however. They frequently fought with Communists, and even if Westminster didn't approve of their actions, most local governments didn't disapprove either. The Sons of Britannia, led by Captain Oswald Mosley, a distinguished veteran of the Western Front and a Baronet, became especially famous for their viciousness in fighting Communists and Irishmen. The movement made the transition to a proper political party in 1923, in time for the 1924 elections. Although still small, they did win a dozen seats, concentrated in the Home Counties, historically among the most conservative parts of Britain. The Sons of Britannia espoused their own ideology of Britannianism. While related to Croixism, it is a unique and separate entity. In 1929, as the global economy was collapsing, they would attain an unprecedented level of power for a new movement, and set in motion events that would change the world forever.

The British economy, while weak, was stronger than the French economy. Britain had stronger pre-war surpluses and more gold reserves than France, making their debt easier to service. Trade with India and South Africa, both home to plethoras of natural resources, further stabilized things, as did the presence of the White Dominions. Control over the Suez Canal and the tolls it collected also helped stabilize the Pound Sterling and the government books. Still, the loss of so much land, so many men, and so much wealth burdened the British economy. Even worse, British racism and paranoia increased in Africa after the war, and tighter control over the natives would necessitate more funds to the Colonial Office. With a weak economy and a humiliated population, it's no wonder that Britain succumbed to the siren song of Britannianism.


A postcard celebrating Irish-American Friendship (1923)


Black and Tans in Ireland (1919)


Captain Mosley and the Sons of Britannia rally in London (1926)
The chapters on Britain and France are shorter because they'll have more content in the future that I'm building too.

Next up, we're going to look at Croixism, Britannianism, and Nietzscheanism, as well as Liberia, before circling back to the US.
The chapters on Britain and France are shorter because they'll have more content in the future that I'm building too.

Next up, we're going to look at Croixism, Britannianism, and Nietzscheanism, as well as Liberia, before circling back to the US.
I look forward to it. I'd like to see what makes these different from OTL Fascism.
It would be pretty amusing to me if Mosley ends up a Drexler and mentors and is usurped by Orwell. I know you're looking to make Britain less Nazi-esque but it would bring back my man Blair
For Catholicism and Latium: The Ideology of Croixism
For Catholicism and Latium: The Ideology of Croixism


The cover of a Croixist pamphlet (1927)

Croixism, alongside Britannianism, Communism, and Nietzscheanism, was one of the major ideologies to emerge in the post-war West. Croixism was the ideology of choice in Catholic Europe, mainly France, Spain, and Portugal. Each of these countries would fall to a Croixist regime. While Brazil never went Croixist per se, the ideology did combine with other far-right Brazilian ideologies to form a melange of ideas for future leaders, with great effect on the Lusophone world in later years. To understand what happened in these places, we must first understand the ideology to which they ascribed.

Although Francois de la Rocque is often dubbed the Father of Croixism, the ideology's roots go back further. The three biggest precursors to Croixism in are Bonapartism, Traditionalist Catholicism, and Yellow Socialism. From Bonapartism, the Croixists took a belief in a centralized, authoritarian state in which government and governed are in harmony, as well as anti-elitism, a desire for a charismatic strongman, and heavy Rome fetishism, something they shared with the Britannianist movement. Rocque himself deeply admired Napoleon, but disliked his royalist pretensions. Despite Rocque's aversion to some of Napoleon's monarchical bearing, he maintained that Napoleon's reign over France was "The ideal French state, with a strong national Father, and the peak of our political genius thus far." From the traditional strains of Catholicism, Rocque took a deep sense of Catholic religiosity and an aversion to a secular state. Rocque specifically held that France's recent waves of defeat were divine punishment for the nation's turn towards secularism and separation of church and state. Only by reinforcing the role of the Catholic Church in French life could France hope to attain glory and power once more. Economically, much of the Croixist program was based on Yellow Socialism. Unfettered capitalism was an unabashed evil, as was Communism. The solution was to make workers and capitalists cooperate within a state controlled framework for the good of the nation. In France particularly, this manifested in the creation of state run labor and employer's unions. In each and every industry, workers and employers were required to join their union, which could then negotiate with each other on an equal footing.

Rocque also used more modern ideas: eugenics, scientific racism, and the civilizing mission. While these were also pre-existing ideas, Rocque gave them a unique flair and stridency. Rocque was a strident proponent of eugenic sterilization, while simultaneously outlawing any kind of eugenic euthanasia. While the sterilization of prostitutes, single mothers, epileptics, the homeless, the mentally ill, those born with disabilities, and those in particularly rebellious ethnic groups could be painted as an act of "preemptive Christian mercy, preventing the misery, damnation, and deaths of untold thousands" euthanizing these same people was seen as interference in God's Almighty plan. This was in contrast to Britannianism especially. Rocque's racial hierarchy was also very unique. It started in a unique place, by positing that it was solely neurological, as opposed to physical differences, defined the races. While the "Latin Race" of the French, Italians, Greeks, Spanish, and Portuguese were held to be neurologically superior, another unique aspect was its view of the "Teutonic Race." Notably, the Teutons (Germans) were actually held to be "more physically powerful, fertile, and capable of conquest, industry, and governance" than the Latin Race. However, due to an alleged evolutionary quirk, they were mentally incapable of the creation of higher civilization, such as art, music, literature, and architecture. All examples of these from Germanic peoples are held to be crude imitations or the work of "submerged Latins." The Teutons must be defeated because while they're more than capable of creating an industrious, powerful, prosperous world order, "A Teuton world will be utterly soulless and devoid of great and beautiful things. The canvas will become concrete, the opera a military march, and the grand architecture a company town." Finally, and tied to the racial conception of the Latin Race as bearer of high civilization, was the civilizing mission. While the Latin Race might possess a unique genius for creating high culture, it was theorized that by gradually educating the various races and supplanting their native cultures, "the neurological pathways of the brain would be trained into a Latin state of mind." In short, cultural assimilation could literally alter their African, Arab, or Teutonic brains, and make them racially Latin.

Now, let's tie all of these disparate aspects together the way Rocque did. The Latin Race was neurologically superior to all others, descended from the Romans. While they weren't as talented at industry and government as the Teutons, this was a blessing in disguise for "The Teuton overindulges his genius, and makes life over regimented, like a factory." The Latin Race, while still in need of a powerful, authoritarian national Father, was relaxed enough to allow liberty and culture to flourish. The Latin Race was the first to truly appreciate and understand the truth and power of Catholicism, owing to their great genius. For this, God blessed them with great wealth and power. However, like so many other blessed peoples they had forgotten their blessings, and God punished them. Now, they had a choice. Using Catholicism, Croixism, and race science, they could reclaim their birthright and civilize the Earth. By pushing their way of life upon the many races of the world, the whole world could become a part of the Latin Race (although race mixing between Frenchified Africans/Arabs and Whites was still discouraged). The other choice was to continue down the path of secularism and Communism. That would result in the destruction of the Latin Race, and, in the long run, Teutonic triumph.

A note here, on Spanish and Portuguese/Brazilian Croixism. While they were mostly similar to the main French variety, there were national peculiarities. In Spain, the great racial enemy wasn't the Teuton, but the "White Yankee and Negro Yankee." These races were held as consumerist, egalitarian, parasites who were nonetheless adept at conquering and "bound to overrun the world" if not stopped. Despite this line of rhetoric, Spain would remain neutral in WWII (out of a very rational fear that the Yankees would bulldoze them). The Spanish and Portuguese also expanded the definition of the Latin Race to include mestizos. The Spanish undertook serious efforts to try and build a "Latin Community" with Latin America and failed for the most part (Uruguay went along with it... for two years). Yankee money and might was far more attractive. The Spanish also continued the old whitening programs of the old colonial days, while Portugal had an even more laissez-faire attitude towards mixing (despite still having strong white supremacist undertones). Culture was generally more important.


Portuguese Croixist Youth march in the streets of Lisbon (1936)


Fransisco Franco, chosen heir of Weyler, and creator of Spanish Croixism


Croixist women march in Paris (1931)
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Croixist Spain's comments on America kind of remind me of that time I saw a bunch of of eastern european far-right people complaining about Canada being a beacon of global degeneracy or something like that, except that all of their complaints made Canada sound way more awesome then it actually is. I wonder if any yankees feel the same. "Egalitarian? Bound to overrun the world? Damn right we are!"
By now I am wondering where USSR of TTL will go down Stalinism, or Trotskyism, or collections of less fanatical and more competent ones like Molotov, Bukharin? Would love to see a no-Stalin USSR that could become a fairly lenient one haha but the TL is your choice though
By now I am wondering where USSR of TTL will go down Stalinism, or Trotskyism, or collections of less fanatical and more competent ones like Molotov, Bukharin? Would love to see a no-Stalin USSR that could become a fairly lenient one haha but the TL is your choice though
IIRC the last thread didn't even have Russia go communist so we may not see a USSR at all.
I almost said "thank goodness" until I realized that a Russian Empire is almost as bad. Pray for a Russian Republic boys! The Ukraine, the White Russians, the Polish, everyone will be free!
Not really. Even the left-wing Russian Republic would be willing to subjugate back those territories and continue russification. Especially in Ukraine and Baltics. And trust me, direct Russian control is worse than German economic control.
Not really. Even the left-wing Russian Republic would be willing to subjugate back those territories and continue russification. Especially in Ukraine and Baltics. And trust me, direct Russian control is worse than German economic control.
Alright, total balkanization it is then!

(What do you mean "Transamurian" isn't a real nationality?)
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