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OK, I just had a thought. What if in the post war world with the anime equivalent emerges from France? And the first dubbing studios for it emerge among Anglophone Quebecois? Arthur was recorded at CINAR in Montreal, so it's not ASB for Anglophone Quebecois to do things like voice acting.
Summary of United States Census, 1960
I finally have some ideas for Europe again, which will come soon. In the meantime, enjoy this small update. I might do another one closer to 2020:

Summary of United States Census, 1960
Total Population: 242,178,378
Men: 120,245,622
Women: 121,932,756

White: 158,626,837 (65.5%)*
Black: 21,796,054 (9%)**
Asian: 31,483,190 (13%)
Mestizo and Indigenous: 10,898,027 (4.5%)
Mixed and Other: 19,374,270 (8%)


Protestant Christianity: 75%
Catholic Christianity: 18%
Other: 7%


English Only: 174,368,432 (72%)
English and Filipino Dialect: 24,217,837 (10%)
English and Spanish: 21,796,054 (9%)
English and German: 9,687,135 (4%)
No English and Other: 12,108,919 (5%)

Largest Self-Reported Ethnic Groups:

German: 30%
English: 26%
Spanish: 20%
Irish: 17%***
"American": 10%****

  • The racial group currently experiencing the quickest growth is the Mixed category. The majority of these children have one white parent.
  • Despite media focus on White-Black marriage, these unions are both the smallest in number (excepting certain small Native tribes) and are growing slowly. Most White-Black unions are between Blacks of already mixed ancestry and Whites.
  • The fastest growing interracial union type is White-Mestizo, tilted slightly (52%-48%) toward White Male-Mestizo Female unions. Some demographers believe this rapid "whitening" is behind much of the outbursts of La Raza and other groups who fear total sublimation into the American mainstream.
  • The Asian population of the United States is expected to both increase rapidly and become more diverse. As of now the Asian-American population is predominantly Filipino with large populations of Chinese and Japanese. However, a large increase in immigration from Indochina, China, Korea, and Indonesia is beginning to occur. Most of these immigrants are heading for the rapidly developing Philippines, and cultural conflicts might be on the horizon.
  • Debate is emerging over whether a so-called "browning of America" is inevitable. Others argue that the nature of America's white majority is changing.
  • No distinction is drawn between Hispanic Whites and other Whites.
  • Includes Afro-Hispanics and mixed "Irish Jamaicans."
  • Among the Irish population is a sizable minority of Jamaica's Black population
  • The so-called "American" ethnic group, originally a Scotch-Irish phenomenon, has grown to encompass populations of mixed-race people as well, particularly light skinned Blacks. For cultural reasons, this "ethnic group" is predominantly Southern.
Post-War Europe Part II: Germany, Master of Continents
I still can't think of anything for the Tripartite so I'm gonna kick it down the road. This will be a good, longish overview of Europe generally.

Post-War Europe Part II: Germany, Master of Continents


1950's Berlin
Germany after the War was the uncontested master of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The German Empire controlled hundreds of millions of people via direct and indirect means. The German Empire controlled a majority of the world's oil and diamonds, as well as trillions of dollars worth of other natural resources and the world's most industrialized continent. On paper, Germany might seem like a shoe-in for global hegemon. However, the fact of the matter is that Germany had unique weaknesses that her American, Eurasian, Chinese, and Indian rivals didn't. For one thing, German rule outside of Europe was almost exclusively dependent on minority colonial rule, outside of the Martial States and a few lonely puppets. Eurasia, China, India, and America all had large populations of people with which to hold their vast territories, even if as in the case of Eurasia, there were restive minorities. German Africa was always one bad case of Pan-Africanism away from major instability, to say nothing of the ongoing religious insurgencies in the Middle East. Even within Europe, Germany's insistence on a strict ethnic and national hierarchy was beginning to grate on allies. For Berlin to remain competitive, serious reforms were needed.

To bolster colonial rule in Africa and elsewhere, Germany did several things. First of all, it created three new Martial States, the Sukuma Martial State (Tanzania), the Arab State of Greater Soudan, and the Nilotic State of South Soudan. The Sukuma Martial State is governed via a consensus between the Sukuma people, White Germans, and several other larger ethnic groups who together constitute a powerful plurality. In Greater Soudan, the Sunni Arabs essentially ran the place as a theocratic ethno state. This was welcomed by Berlin in spite of the expulsions of minorities to German colonies because it served as useful release valve for Arabs in Germany's Middle Eastern colonies. South Soudan was predominantly governed by the Dinka and Nuer people in conjunction with a notable population of Russians who chose to emigrate from the United Baltic Duchy rather than face life in the Eurasian Union (then the USSR). This freed up German military resources to focus on more restive provinces, specifically Arabia and the Francophone lands bordering Liberia and Co. It also held out the promise of internal autonomy and even a military force to large ethnic groups in other territories. Elsewhere, Germany bolstered South Africa and Algeria's white minorities. Algeria in particular needed logistical help, as approximately 1.1 million French left for the nation as part of "Le Grand Depart," a mass emigration of Frenchmen and women out of France that will be covered below. Both nations had fairly brutal apartheid systems, although Algeria began to open up to intermarriage (between Frenchmen and native women) as a way to cement French cultural power in the region. South Africa had no such ideas, and ruthlessly suppressed budding African resistance across its enlarged realm. Infusions of Whites and Anglo-Indians who received Honorary White status helped cement South Africa. Despite some general distaste with the South African regime, Berlin found the status quo there agreeable enough. In colonial Africa, poor non-German Whites were allowed to settle en masse, with there being large influxes of Greeks, Serbs, and Spaniards especially. Combined with some concessions to enhanced Native input in government, Africa was fairly stable by 1955.

The Middle East, on the other hand, remained a constant quagmire. The first thing the Assyrians and Kurds did after receiving their Martial States was deport the Arabs living there. This resulted in a tidal wave of several million pissed off Arabs straining the resources of colonies filled with even more pissed off Arabs. On May 8th, 1949, a carbomb in Riyadh destroyed a German police station, killing everyone inside. The Islamic Arab Revolutionary Army (IARA) claimed responsibility. Germans were furious, and 30,000 troops flooded the colony. They would never leave. Although the bulk of the IARA would be rolled up by 1951, a dozen small organizations took its place. The Middle East would be in a state of eternal low-level insurgency for many decades to come. Many of the insurgents would be jihadists, but many Arab ethnic nationalists would emerge as well. Some would try and use Greater Soudan as a hidey-hole, but the government would always crack down brutally to prevent their German overlords from marching back in. Over time, some Germans questioned why they were in the Middle East. However, the tremendous oil profits from the region both made the war financially sound and palatable to the majority of the German public (propaganda didn't hurt either).

In Europe proper, there were also major events underway. Most notable was the formation of the Federated Kingdoms of Scandinavia. Pan-Scandinavian sentiment had been extant before the War, and was most notably expressed in Scandinavia's joint management of a small, oil-rich colony in Arabia. The War dramatically boosted the idea. Germany had more or less left Norway to the mercies of the British until it was convenient to boot them out. Swedes, Danes, and Finns had been the ones to hold the line. Many came away from the experience believing Scandinavia needed to be united to protect "The Nordic Fatherland" from foreign aggression. While still broadly favorable toward Germany, an unspoken belief of the movement was the idea that a united Scandinavia would be harder for Berlin to bully. After years of public pressure, referendums were held on August 17th, 1952 in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland to determine whether or not a united Scandinavian state should be formed. The results came as something of a shock to Berlin and the world. The region voted by a 2/3rds majority to unite. Straws were drawn to determine the new capital. Oslo won out. It was decided that each Kingdom could keep their royal families as heads of state, and to perform local governmental functions in the (now) local parliaments. A federal Parliament was established and the system ironically resembled the American federal system, albeit in a Parliamentary form. The new state, with important natural resources and a not unsubstantial military, was a force to be reckoned with once unification was finalized in 1956. Germany begrudgingly adjusted its policies in Scandinavia to be more accommodating of the boisterous new power.


Flag of the Federated Kingdoms of Scandinavia, formerly used by the Kalmar Union


IARA members in German Arabia (1950)

Elsewhere in Europe, German ethnic supremacy was beginning to erode outside of the United Baltic Duchy. This wasn't because Berlin was becoming less powerful, but rather because decades of propaganda about defending "The West" was being taken seriously. This would seem to imply that all Europeans were unified in their defense of Western Civilization. Indeed, much of the continent was horrified by the rise of non-white India and China, as well as the multiracial Eurasia and America. Although the Germans themselves were less concerned with skin color, having had the best experience with non-white soldiers and subjects, the average citizen was still fairly racist. Furthermore, most of Europe was actually a decent bit worse. However, old ethnic boundaries within Europe began to blur in the face of this collective "threat." How much this happened depended on where one was. In Scandinavia, there was a huge post-war uptick in marriages between Scandinavians, but outsiders were still shunned. Eastern Europe and Britain were similar in this regard. However, in the rest of the continent, old rivalries and prejudices were starting to be put aside as Europeans felt they had to unite in some form. This is not to say that the Germans suddenly treated everyone as equals. However, they blunted their impulses toward dominance to unite the continent more securely beneath them, and part of this was an erosion of racism between Europeans.

Another part of this was the foundation of the Europa League in 1954 as a response to the Yankee AFL. Germany, Italy, and the Tripartite Empire were the so-called "core members," an acknowledgement that they de facto ran the entire continent. Even within this group, Germany was clearly dominant, but behaved with more humility than in the past. Beneath the Core Members there was Scandinavia, Bulgaria, Britain, and the United Baltic Duchy, who were powerful, privileged by Germany, or both. Beneath these powers were Romania, Greece, Serbia, Albania, Ukraine, Crimea, and France. Spain and Portugal were non-committal observers to the pact, something that would bite Portugal in a matter of years. The hierarchy within the alliance was unofficial, but very much present.

Rounding out this overview of Europe, let's examine Germany, Britain, and France in closer detail. Germany domestically boomed after the war. Population growth picked up dramatically. However, in an increasingly crowded and expensive Germany, there were concerns about how to accommodate this growth. While new construction at home did much, over 300,000 young German families left for the colonies, mainly settling in the Congo. This development overjoyed the government, who offered tax incentives and painted pictures of German families sunning outside big Bavarian styled homes while natives brought them cold drinks and towels. Thousands more moved to the Tripartite Empire (itself experiencing a baby boom) and the United Baltic Duchy. Germany developed a popular culture complex centered in Berlin, mainly to counter the Yankees and unite the continent. Notably more refined and traditional than American pop culture, Berlin handcrafted a "European Sensibility" to unite the continent as it began the "Long Crusade for Western Civilization." Next door in France, the country was experiencing the exact opposite of Germany's boom times and optimism. Having suffered from a 70 year losing streak, the loss of their empire, and now being a de facto vassal of Germany, France had what can only be described as a nervous breakdown. Communists overthrew the city government of Nice in 1949 before being crushed. Individualist Nietzscheanism exploded in popularity and would never fully fade, prompting a widespread cynicism and a hedonistic attitude towards life. In culture, film noir and livres noir, "black film" and "black books" became popular. Exploring themes of death, decay, decadence, and lost youth, they captured the soul of the nation. Suicides spiked from 1946-1955 before leveling off, as did drug abuse. Most dramatically, Le Grand Depart, or "The Great Leaving" unfolded from 1946-1960. Over 3.2 million French left Europe, never to return (as French citizens anyway). 1.1 million left for Algeria, mainly conservatives and Croixists. 1.6 million left for Quebec, especially artists, fashionistas, and business owners. They would drastically alter Quebecoise culture. The remaining 500,000 packed up for America, predominantly French Protestants, favoring Cuba, the Filipino states, and the Mexican territories (themselves on the path to statehood). They would merge seamlessly into the grand American Melting Pot. Britain, on the other hand, fared better. The loss of the Empire was blamed on Mosley, while many took a perverse pride in the fact that "the Yanks had to resort to nukes to beat us." Britain proper did, technically, go uninvaded. Finally, Britain's economy and military came out stronger than France's did, and Berlin actually encouraged rearmament to stare down America's Irish allies. London became the secondary hub of European finance. However, there was still a good deal of pessimism after the War, and Britain experienced a smaller, 2 million person Leaving. Of these, 900,000 went to South Africa (which bribed them generously), 700,000 to Australia, 300,000 to America, and 100,000 to New Zealand. Although Britannia would survive, and thrive, her time in the sun was over. Forever.


A Quebecoise steamer docks in Nice to take thousands of French people to new lives in Quebec (1952).


The French Communist Party Annual Meeting (1950). The PCF would grow to over 2 million before dramatically collapsing in 1954.


Europan troops training in South Africa (1958)
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It's nice to see Germany mellow out a bit. They were never as bad as OTL, of course, but at least their grip over the rest of Europe has loosened somewhat. Will Britain have any problems with neo-Britannianists in the future, or will they go more the route of OTL Japan in just ignoring their past?
Nice chapter. Would love to see more of the Middle East being discussed. Keep up the good work. You have to talk about the books and movies being produced at this time. Would James Bond even be created by the British? Maybe the Germans or Americans would create the James Bond character.
I wonder if J RR Tolkien is even alive and has already created Lord Of The Rings ITTL. I bet with how devastating both WW1 and WW2 is for Britain this time around, the series is even more fantastical in it's escapism, IIRC Tolkien was not a guy who liked to modern world and adored Medieval European history/myths/lore. Can't wait for your next chapter. Keep up the great work.
It's nice to see Germany mellow out a bit. They were never as bad as OTL, of course, but at least their grip over the rest of Europe has loosened somewhat. Will Britain have any problems with neo-Britannianists in the future, or will they go more the route of OTL Japan in just ignoring their past?

Germany kinda had to mellow out to stay sustainable. Still, it's good for lots of people. Britain is going to pretty much pull a Japan.

Nice chapter. Would love to see more of the Middle East being discussed. Keep up the good work. You have to talk about the books and movies being produced at this time. Would James Bond even be created by the British? Maybe the Germans or Americans would create the James Bond character.

I'm strongly considering doing a series on Beaconsfield! I think I just might. Also, the Middle East is definitely coming!

I don't think those Brits leaving for the States are gonna have a good time of it. ESPECIALLY if they emigrate to what used to be Canada.

I think most Brits will emigrate to the Philippines (where the main villains are the Japanese) or the White parts of the South and maybe some parts of the Caribbean. In the latter two, being White, English speaking Protestants is still enough of a boon to tamp down issues.
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I wonder what will happen to people like Dr. Jerome Lejeune (IOTL discovered chromosomal cause of Down Syndrome), Leo Kanner (IOTL wrote paper describing a number of symptoms that he termed "autism"), and Hans Asperger (who was a Vienna pediatrician who discovered a number of symptoms, at the same time, matching Kanner's). IOTL, Hans Asperger was the namesake of "Asperger's syndrome" until it was renamed to "high functioning autism" both to be more precise and because he participated in Aktion T4. Here with no Nazis, Hans Asperger might have a less tarnished reputation.
What is the culture like in Eurasia/Russia? (Ex: What art styles, literature movements, etc. are popular) Could we see a more in depth chapter of Russia? Keep up the good work.
What is the culture like in Eurasia/Russia? (Ex: What art styles, literature movements, etc. are popular) Could we see a more in depth chapter of Russia? Keep up the good work.

Eurasian culture is still pretty similar to Soviet culture, with a heavy emphasis on Socialist Realism. Evolution is going to be more gradual here. More Russian content is planned, don't worry!
Well, France certainly sounds like a rather delightful and cheery place to be. I would be interested in seeing how they are doing a bit later down the line. I'd also be pretty interested in having some of these new martial states fleshed out. South Sudan with a sizeable Russian minority and a loyal part of the German empire despite English being the main language? Lots of ways that can go.
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Colonizing the Colonizer
Colonizing the Colonizer


Chaos during the failed Portuguese Revolution of '61
By 1961, it was clear that Portugal was a declining power. Government propaganda trumpeting the continued success of the Portuguese race and assimilation efforts in the colonies could not cover up the truth. The government was unresponsive and riddled with factions from competing parts of the military, bureaucracy, and industry. The economy was stagnant and offered few opportunities for upward mobility. The national debt had ballooned during the Depression and was still abnormally high. The bloodbath in the colonies was unending and increasingly vicious. Liberian backed rebels were in the 5th year of waging a grinding, brutal guerilla war against their colonizers, and oftentimes committing war crimes against mixed race Africans. The Portuguese government responded with increasingly brutal and repressive measures, committing war crimes themselves. The government of South Africa was getting increasingly aggressive in their offers of "help" for the beleaguered Portuguese, something that was rightly seen as a move to try and absorb those colonies. In short, something had to give.

On March 25th, 1961, Captain Cristian Esteves was found dead in his Lisbon home. The official reason for his death was a heart attack. The truth soon came out, however, that he had been poisoned on the orders of none other than Salazar himself. Captain Esteves was a young, handsome war hero who led a popular and powerful faction of reformist Army officers. His poisoning seemed to indicate that there was no hope of the system being reformed, much less of saving Portugal from eventual collapse. At a memorial service for Esteves in Lisbon on the 27th, his grief-stricken and unhinged widow Gloria whipped up the crowd into a riotous frenzy. All afternoon and evening, thousands of Lisboners attacked storefronts and government buildings. On March 28th, 1/3rd of the Army and 1/4th of the Navy mutinied. On March 30th, pan-African rebels marched into Luanda (capital of Portuguese Angola) with the help of native citizens. By April 2nd, the whole country and empire was tottering. Momentum against Salazar slowed after this point, but it was clear that without external intervention, the regime and empire would utterly collapse. Something had to be done.

Who to ask for help was soon clear. The Eurasians were out of the question, both due to Portuguese anti-Communism and the fact that Zhukov had been giving marginal aid to Portuguese socialists in hope of acquiring influence in a new Portugal. The Germans would want to annex Portuguese Africa and de facto turn Portugal into a vassal. Spain would likely try and do the same. There was no chance of the Americans helping a Croixist state, and their Liberian allies had been behind the destabilization of Portuguese Africa. India wouldn't help a colonial power. No, Portugal's only chance for survival lay in her young, boisterous son across the sea. Only Brazil could save Portuguese speaking civilization. On April 3rd, Salazar formally telegrammed Rio and asked for assistance. The conservative monarchy in the country had been hoping for just such a summons, and had already begun mobilizing a 100,000 man expeditionary force. Another 75,000 men would enlist for "The Great Crusade to Save the Motherland." Surprisingly, the United States assured the Brazilians that they could use American and allied ports in their quest. This was not done out of altruism, but rather because Washington correctly believed that this action would weaken Germany's hold on Europe and provide an outlet for Brazilian imperialism away from core American interests.

Although it took time, by May 3rd Brazilian soldiers were steaming en masse into Porto on the mainland and Luanda in Angola. It was just in the nick of time. Although Salazar had managed to hold out and blunt rebel momentum, things were beginning to pick back up. The fresh and well armed Brazilian soldiers dispatched the underequipped and increasingly disorganized rebels in the Portuguese homeland with relative ease. Meanwhile, hardened veterans of the war against America proved to be experts at punching through Angolan rebel groups that had over-extended themselves trying to kick out the Portuguese and wage war against white and mixed-race inhabitants. In Mozambique, the South Africans were invited in by the white colonial government, and the region was lost to the Lusophone world. However, Portugal and Angola could be preserved, and they were. It took a year of hard fighting, but by June 3rd of 1962, the situation had stabilized enough for a new regime to be announced. Salazar remained in power in Portugal..... technically. In reality, a clique of military officers loyal to Rio could and would kill him in his sleep if he defied the Brazilians. Furthermore, the Portuguese royal family was re-enthroned and Princess Mariana was engaged to the aged Emperor Lucas I's grandson Adalberto. Portugal and Brazil would be united into a Dual Empire that was theoretically "One Monarch, Two Kingdoms, Two Systems." In practice, Brazil had de facto annexed Portugal. Freedom of movement and trade between the two was allowed without a passport, and one could easily transfer citizenship between the Kingdoms (if you were white or mestizo). Angola became "An independent republic in free association with the Kingdom of Portugal." In reality it was also, in essence, a Brazilian colony. Brazilian troops maintained order while the Brazilian government used the territory as a laboratory to experiment with the effects of whitening. The Angolan leadership was all either white or mixed, and answered to Rio.

This all happened without much comment from the rest of the world. The Spanish had considered illegally invading before the Brazilians arrived, but reneged, fearing blowback from Berlin and destabilizing their own increasingly precarious colony in the Holy Land. The large powers had no great sympathy for the Croixist regime. Germany wasn't thrilled at having another New World power with a foothold on "their" continent, but also didn't consider it a real threat. The real tensions were between Brazil, Liberia, and South Africa. Liberia stopped funding the Angolan rebels under pressure from Washington fearing a second war with Brazil. However, Liberia continued to do what it could to undermine Brazilian power in Africa, and relations between the two deteriorated. The Brazilian-South African border was quickly militarized, and both powers resented the other mightily for interfering with their individual imperial aspirations. War would actually break out in the 1970's, but that will be covered later on. The intervention had been a coup for Brazil. The country had built an overseas empire at minimal cost and without interference from the world powers. The de facto conquest of their former colonizer also filled Brazilians with civilizational pride, as they envisioned reuniting the Lusophonic world in its entirety and then annexing other lands. The de facto annexation of Portugal also brought millions of white citizens under Brazilian control, something that shored up ever-present demographic anxieties. Avante, Brasil!


A Brazilian soldier in Angola (1962)


Flag of the Republic of Angola


Brazilian policemen in a rebuilt part of Lisbon (1965)
I see the tripartite as a more continental and refined version of Europe. While united against the Eurasians they are more tolerant or intellectual dissent and various minorities to a degree. They could be the scene for lots of diplomatic and covert events.
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