Law & Order: Race Affairs Unit (Worldwar TL)

Part XV: Crucible


Trial Day 32: Defense roughly midway through arguments. A long-haired man in a suit (Dr. Resnik, Developmental Medicine) is on the stand.

Councilor Seneca: So once again, this time with regards to hormonal levels, the traits of the newly-laid egg are in keeping with a first trimester fetus?

Dr. Resnik: That is correct. When coupled with the cell growth we see more correlation that in terms of... (fades to background)

Pan to ADAs Essval and Rothschild at prosecution table.

ADA Rothschild: Lord, how many expert witnesses can they bring up to all say the same damned thing?

ADA Essval: They're attempting to bamboozle the jury with sheer data overload. Doesn't appear to be working, though. At least not for Juror #6.

Camera jump to the juror, a Race Female, who's clenching her claws and irritably working her mouth. One turret jumps between the councilor and the witness, one glued to the defendant.

ADA Rothschild: She looks hissed, that's for sure. The rest don't seem too convinced either. I think that ginger...event really destroyed their sympathies. Can they even hope for an acquittal at this point?

ADA Essval: It's not looking good for them, that's for sure.

Dr. Resnik: ...when looked at in isolation, the manner of the growth rate...

ADA Essval: Objection, Your Honor. Is this going anywhere? *Interrogative Cough* This testimony is almost identical to the last four witnesses. Is there some overall pattern I'm missing here or is the Defense merely trying to bury the case in redundancy? *Interrogative Cough*

Judge Holbert: Approach the bench.

At the bench.

Judge Holbert: The Councilor makes a fair point, madam. Where exactly is this going?

Councilor Seneca: It reiterates our main point that there is no real physiological difference between the egg and the early Human fetus. It's a cornerstone of our ascertation that Rowe v. Wade applies.

ADA Essval: Shall we also reiterate for the fifth time in cross-examination that the egg is self-supportive? *Interrogative Cough*

Judge Holbert: That's enough. Councilor Seneca, how many more of these embryonic witnesses do you have?

Councilor Seneca: Five more.

ADA Essval hisses in irritation.

Councilor Seneca: And it is my right as an attorney to call the witnesses I feel are necessary in the best interest of my client. *Emphatic Cough*

Judge Holbert: Yes, that is your right. (looks towards the bored-looking or hostile-looking jury) Might I advise that you closely examine what's truly in your client's best interests and what may in reality be only in your own?

Councilor Seneca: And what is that supposed to mean? Excuse me, Your Honor?

The judge stares at her for a moment, then sighs slightly.

Judge Hoblert (out loud): Objection is overruled. You may continue, Councilors.

Back at prosecution table.

ADA Rothschild: How many more?

ADA Essval: Five.

ADA Rothschild: *Emphatic Cough*

{Cut Scene}

Precinct break room. Stabler and T'Surlak are drinking qwerg or coffee. The TV is on (news; sports highlights).

Det. Stabler: What about Soccer? That's big in most of the Empire lands among the Big Uglies, any following among the Race?

Det. T'Surlak: Not hardly. Some of the young Lizards may be trying it, but I'd assume toe-claws and leather balls don't mix well. There's an old game on Home where you knee and elbow a ball...

TV Commentator: In courtroom news today the case of the Central Park Wild Child continues into its fourth month and protesters continue to mob the courthouse steps (Scene of opposed mobs of protesters; Suddenly boos compete with cheers as Rasgur is lead by police along the cordon). So far things have remained calm. As you may recall, earlier the trial was broken up in a chaotic melee as the defendant apparently took some ginger and went into heat in the courtroom. (Artists rendition comes up on the screen showing the mess) Needless to say the Judge was not pleased with... (Fades into background)

Det. T'Surlak: *hiss* Emperor's Cloaca, what a mess.

Det. Stabler: I must say I'm glad to have handed that one off. I think we can both agree on that one.

Det. T'Surlak: No kidding. (sips qwerg)

Capt. Van Buren walks in.

Capt. Van Buren: T'Surlak, it's time.

Det. T'surlak hisses again.

Det. Stabler: What is it?

Det. T'Surlak: Time to take Westie to the Orphanage.

{Uncomfortable Silence}

Det. Stabler: I'm sorry.

Det. T'Surlak: Yea, me too. *Emphatic Cough*

Capt. Van Buren: I'm sure he'll be fine.

{Scene Jump}

T'Surlak's car pulls up in front of the Race Adoption Center. T'Surlak gets out and opens the back door. Westie is busy chewing at the straps of his child seat restraints.

Det. T'Surlak: Come on, you.

{Scene Jump}

At the front desk. A bored looking Female in Administrative Worker's body paint mans the computer.

Administrator: Name.

Det. T'Surlak: Er..."Westie", I guess.

Administrator (turns a turret to Westie; he's trying to chew at the plastic plant by the desk): Right. The Wild Child. Got the transfer papers?

Det. T'Surlak: Here. (hands over a stack of papers)

Administrator (looks through papers, stamps, signs, and returns a single sheet): There. Transfer complete. (Hits a button) You can hand off the kid to the orderlies.

The two big doors open up and a couple big men in white uniforms walk out. One walks up to Westie. Westie hisses and hides behind T'Surlak.

Det. T'Surlak: It's ok, Westie, these guys are taking you to your new home.

Westie hissed louder as the one grabs his arm and pulls him towards the doors.

Orderly 1: Come on, guy.

Westie hisses and bites his arm.

Orderly 1: Ow! You little bastard!

The other orderly grabs Westie. Westie is kicking and hissing.

Det. T'Surlak: Hey! *Emphatic Cough* Easy on the kid!

Orderly 2: We don't tell you your job. (to back) Hey! We need a shot of trurgline here!

Westie yelps towards T'Surlak as they carry him back.

Eye turrets twitching nervously T'Surlak starts to turn to leave, stops, looks back with a turret, curses in race and storms off towards the front door. His hand hesitates at the handle and balls into a fist, the claws leaving indents in his palm scales.
Conclusion: Only Just Begun

Capt. Anita Van Buren's Office. T'Surlak sits across from Van Buren.

Capt. Van Buren: Adoption?

Det. T'Surlak: Well, foster care to begin with. Adoption takes years and a long background check, but it seems like any Lizard off the street can become a foster parent.

Capt. Van Buren: Well, that bodes well. Look, parenting is a difficult job with a well-behaved kid. And while you claim to have a good rapport with him, Westie is a handful.

Det. T'Surlak: Enkidu.

Capt. Van Buren: What?

Det. T'Surlak: I'm naming him Enkidu, after your you'd call it old legend of Gilgamesh; Enkidu was the wild man. It was that or Mowgli.

Capt. Van Buren (smiles warmly): Enkidu. In all seriousness, your job takes a lot of time already. Can you do both?

Det. T'Surlak: I've already set up with the day care here. Dr. Purriq has volunteered to help monitor and teach him to adapt. I practically raised my brother myself since mom was a ginger fiend so I know the tricks. Plus there's my cousin who has kids of her own and can help out.

Capt. Van Buren: Then I don't need to tell you how much work it is. But I'm letting you know now that if Enkidu starts to suffer for your work then I'm transferring you to a nine-to-five and off of the detective squad.

Det. T'Surlak: Understood. Thank you, Captain.

Capt. Van Buren (sympathetically): Just be careful, T'Surlak.

{Cut Scene}

Outside the Courthouse. The police are escorting in the defendant Rassgur. Protesters and counter-protesters are screaming and chanting. A Race male in Truck Driver's body paint pushes up to the sawhorses. He pulls a pistol out of a hip pack.

Male (in Race): <Killer! Egg-smasher!>

The Male fires two shots before the cops wrestle him down. Chaos and screaming break out among the crowd.

{Dramatic Music}

Shaky-cam pan to Rassgur who's on the ground covered by the cops and seemingly unhurt. Now the camera pans to two protesters, one screaming over the limp body of a woman.

{Cut Scene}

Inside the Courtroom. The Defense has another witness on the stand. Councilor Aldiss interviews the witness (indistinct in the background). Pan back to ADAs Essval and Rothschild.

ADA Rothschild: I see they have no plans to call Rassgur to the stand.

ADA Essval: Would you? *Interrogative Cough*

ADA Rothschild: Good point. (sighs) Why won't they talk to us on a plea? Their client is going down and going down hard. At the rate things are going Jack's ploy with the Manslaughter might just actually stick!

ADA Essval: Well, there's that precedent you were fearing. Not that it matters why she's in jail. If that nut this morning is any indication she'll need to be in protective custody in prison.

ADA Rothschild: Wow, no kidding. How's that woman?

ADA Essval: Critical condition, but they think she'll pull through. I hope you're up to an attempted murder and manslaughter trial.

Judge Holbert (breaking in): Prosecution? Your witness.

ADA Essval: On my way, Your Honor. (quietly, to Rothschild) I'll just be glad to end this one.

{Cut Scene}

Females' Room. ADA Rothschild walks in. Councilor Seneca is at the mirror straightening her hair.

ADA Rothschild (walking up): Councilor.

Councilor Seneca: Councilor.

ADA Rothschild (after a pause): Look, I know I shouldn't be saying this...

Councilor Seneca (interrupting): Then why are you?

ADA Rothschild: Because you're killing your client! Look at this morning. Look at the jury! Your client is going to jail and by all rights she's going to get shanked.

Councilor Seneca: Then drop the charges.

ADA Rothschild (curses under breath): You know that's not possible. Look, just take a plea. How about if I talk to the DA about protective custody in a medical center. She needs treatment and care. She's one of the worst ginger cases I've seen.

Councilor Seneca: Why Councilor, are we dealing on the side? Because I do believe there are ethical ramifications there.

ADA Rothschild (stunned for a second; moment of sudden clarity on her face): I get it now. You want your client to be convicted. You want this to go to appeal! You're using this courtroom as a damned soap box!

Councilor Seneca: To the Supreme Court, if we have to. There's a greater cause here.

ADA Rothschild stands stunned.

Councilor Seneca (turns to leave): It's how the system works, Councilor. Don't look so shocked.

{Cut Scene}

Night. Sammy's Pub. Rothschild walks in, shoulders slumped. She sighs and crashes at the bar, raising a finger. The bartender begins to mix up a drink. Sgt. Munch walks up.

Sgt. Munch: So, how's the woman of my dreams doing?

ADA Rothschild: I'm assuming you mean Ms. Seneca. She's being a stupid, stubborn bitch is what she's doing.

Sgt. Munch: That's my girl! And how's the case?

ADA Rothschild: Horrible. We're winning. The stupid ginger head is going to prison, most likely. And the prosecution couldn't be happier. I'm beginning to wonder who Rassgur should fear the most: the madmen out there on the streets, or the mad men on her own defense team. As best as I can tell they want nothing more than to take this up to the Supreme Court, client's needs be damned. They want a Race Rowe v. Wade.

Sgt. Munch: Well, they're going to get it one way or another. Our beloved boys and girls in the Congress are already talking about a new Egg bill sponsored by Owens of Vermont. Needless to say the issue's contentious and the lines with the Scarlet A are getting more than blurred.

ADA Rothschild: Well, if nothing else this case is bringing the issue up.

Sgt. Munch (takes a drink): Are you kidding? The decision was planned months ago in a back room in DC somewhere. The rest is just a show for the voters.

ADA Rothschild (laughs): That's my boy!


New York v. Rassgur. Day 4 of jury deliberations.

The Courtroom. The jury box is still empty. ADAs Rothschild and Essval are talking quietly.

ADA Essval: This is taking forever! *Emphatic Cough* is the jury deadlocked?

ADA Rothschild: I'm starting to wonder if this case is as open-shut as I thought.

They're interrupted when the jury room door opens. The jury quietly returns to their seats. The Bailiff carries a slip of paper to the judge, who reads it.

{Dramatic Music}

Judge Holbert: Males and Females of the jury, have you reached a decision?

Foreman: We have, Your Honor.

Judge Holbert: Would the defendant please rise? (Rassgur stands; she looks shaky and distracted, scratching herself)

Foreman:On the two charges of Child Abandonment we find the defendant guilty by unanimous decision.

A quiet murmur travels through the courtroom.

Foreman: On the charge of Manslaughter in the Second Degree, in a seven to five decision, we find the defendant not guilty.

Rassgur continues to stare absently into space as the murmurs grow louder.

{Cut Scene}

DA McCoy's office. McCoy sits at the couch with ADAs Essval and Rothschild.

DA McCoy: Needless to say they've filed an appeal.

ADA Rothschild: If I could prove they're using the client for political gain I'd have them disbarred.

DA McCoy: You think I haven't tried? The problem with activist lawyers is that they're often activists first and lawyers second.

ADA Essval: Well, we did our part. It's up to higher powers now. I'll let them take the heat from now on.

ADA Rothschild: Oh...hell.

DA McCoy: What now?

ADA Rothschild: Heat. Rassgur's egg.

ADD Essval: What? Which one? *Interrogative Cough*

ADA Rothschild: The new one. She was gravid when she entered custody, but she wasn't a few weeks later during the trial when ginger put her into season.

DA McCoy: Oh hell! I'll check with the hatching center. (picks up phone)

ADA Essval (quickly going through files): Don't bother, Jack. She was three weeks along at the time of arrest, which makes her due...about two months after she was in heat.

{Uncomfortable silence}

DA McCoy: Early lay?

ADA Essval: Possible, but doubtful.

ADA Rothschild: You don't think her attorneys...

DA McCoy: Oh damn it all!

{Cut Scene}

Night. T'Surlak's apartment. The lock turns and the door opens. In charges Enkidu (nee Westie) who, hissing and growling, starts jumping on the couch and biting pillows.

T'Surlak walks in looking exhausted, bark-coughs a couple times and Enkidu settles down momentarily.

T'Surlak grabs a bottle from the fridge, sits on the couch, and turns on the TV.

Enkidu curls up next to him, head on his lap, and growl-purrs as T'Surlak starts to scratch him on the back of the head.

Camera pans back and fades to black as Enkidu nods off, T'Surlak flipping channels.

A Geek Wolf Production
The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to current events or real beings, living or dead, is strictly coincidental.

In the criminal justice system, offenses involving members of the Race contain inherent diplomatic concerns. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these special cases are members of an elite squad known as the Race Affairs Unit. These are their stories.


Law & Order: Race Affairs Unit

Episode 42: Menage Abattoir

Part I: the Rendering

552 E. 5th St.

10 am. A meat-packing plant. Azwaca carcasses hang from hooks on a conveyor. A mix of Human and Race workers in white outfits, masks, and hairnets for Humans cut off various parts systematically.

Pan to a section where heads are being removed and placed on a conveyor. The conveyor takes the heads through a gap in the wall.

A man and a Race member, the former in a sport coat, the latter in Project Management body paint, walk across the floor.

Man: So far sales are up for steaks and we just may manage the Beffel Chow contract with the remainders.

Race member: Good, should offset the money from the Render Products and help balance the books.

They walk through a door near where the azwaca heads are passing through the wall. They enter a back room where workers are removing brains and placing them on another conveyor through the next wall.

Man: Render Product sales are very profitable, as we expected, but keeping appearances up is turning out to be a real issue.

Race member: Not that it should be a problem, at least not for a while.

Man: Still, considering how similar things have gone in the past...

They pass through another door, this one needing to be unlocked. Here the brains are being cut up and a small gland is being removed and set aside into trays. The trays are carried off-screen and the rest of the brains pass by on another conveyor.

Race member (walking up to a table): Yes, things will be more...complicated certainly once... *hiss*

Man: What is it.

Race member (looking over past a table with a disturbed look): I think we have a problem *Emphatic Cough*

The man walks up and looks over, his face showing disgust. Pan over to the spot, revealing a half-dozen cockroaches.

Man: Damn it, roaches. It'll take forever to get rid of them if they've established themselves.

Race member: Great more expenses.

Suddenly the back door is violently busted in. In rush a line of Humans and a couple Race members all in SWAT gear.

SWAT 1: NYPD! Get on the floor now!

The SWAT team expertly fans out and puts all the workers onto the floor, zip-tying their hands.

SWAT 2 (into radio): Room 3 Secure, over.

Man (on ground, hands being zip-tied): Damn it, this is uncalled for!

Race member (also being zip-tied): I'll call our lawyer.

Camera pans over to left, revealing where the gland lugs have gone. The glands were being put in a boiler. A series of glass pipes leads eventually to a drip station. Earlier vials from the drip-station are drying over a burner. A further left-pan reveals the dried drippings, now green-brown crystals, laying out on a sheet.


Later. Police radios squawk. Uniformed officers and CSI teams wander about the meat plant. Dets. Fitzsimmons and T'Surlak walk up to the drying station.

Det. T'Surlak: "Render Products"...what a nice euphemism.

Det. Fitzsimmons: I guess putting "new street drugs" on the tax records might garner unnecessary attention.

Det. T'Surlak: Well, they can consider this an audit.

Det. Fitzsimmons picks up one of the drip vials. A CSI agent turns to him.

CSI: Hey, don't mess up my crime scene!

Det. Fitzsimmons puts down the vial and holds up his hands.

Det. T'Surlak: What do you got, Umbane? *Interogative Cough*

CSI (Umbane): They call it on the street "azwaca juice" or "wacin' it". It's an extract from a brain gland in azwacas similar to the hypothalamus. The stuff has compounds chemically similar to anabolic steroids, adrenaline, and dopamine. To the Race it would cause severe nervous shock in these concentrations, but in Humans it acts as a serious neuro-stimulant and euphoric.

Det. Fitzsimmons: So, like a PCP-Cocaine cocktail with a twist of steroids.

Umbane: Um...why not. I have read from emergency rooms. The people who use it are dangerously violent, manic. Some die from shock. Their hearts explode. We do not yet know all the short- or long-term effects, but it is not pretty.

Det. T'Surlak (completely serious): I heard from Vice that it also makes you go blind and can make hair grow on the inside of your hands.

Fitzsimmons and Umbane exchange glances.

Det. Fitzsimmons (quietly chuckling): They're just messing with you. I'll explain later.
Part II: Curbside Stakeout

Madison and Clinton. Dets. T'Surlak and Fitzsimmons are in an unmarked cruiser observing an El Lagarto member on the corner. A tired looking man walks up. They exchange quick words, then exchange cash for a baggie. The man walks off, the El Lagarto member pockets the cash.

Det. T'Surlak: Sold American. That's number 27 in the last hour.

Det. Fitzsimmons: Every cop part of me wants to bust this guy. Just what we need, another damned street drug in this town.

Det. T'Surlak: We're here to count customers. Besides, the Wac isn't illegal yet. Technically that red-wigged bastard can sell that crap all day.

Det. Fitzsimmons: I know, I know. Still doesn't make it right. (yawns)

Det. T'Surlak: Stayed up for the game again?

Det. Fitzsimmons: Yea...worth it, though. Three extra innings. Vasslak broke the tie in the bottom of the 12th with a sacrifice single from Rodriguez.

Det. T'Surlak: I'll never get the point in that game. Staying up all night waiting for a Man or Lizard to hit a ball with a stick. Not that I get any sleep anymore either. Enkidu got into the blutwurst and you know what that does to him. Up all night chasing him. Yet another pillow purchase in the future, too.

Det. Fitzsimmons: At this rate Sofa King's going to name their next franchise after you.

Det. T'Surlak: No kidding *Emphatic Cough* Hey, here's lucky customer number 28.

Det. Fitzsimmons: Does he win the shopping spree?

A bedraggled, agitated man walks up to the El Lagarto. They start to talk. The El Lagarto looks dismissive; the man becomes more agitated. Soon an argument breaks out. The El Lagarto walks away. The man charges him and grabs him. A fight starts breaking out.

Det. T'Surlak: *hiss* here we go. (grabs CB) T'Surlak, dispatch; we have a 240 in progress at Madison and Clinton. Intervening; send us a squad car.

Det. Fitzsimmons gets out of the car and walks up, flashing badge.

Det. Fitzsimmons: NYPD, cease and desist! (the fight continues) T'Surlak?

Det. T'Surlak: On the way.

The detectives approach. The El Lagarto is hopelessly scratching the man in the face. The man doesn't seem to notice even as the blood rolls down.

El Lagarto (in race): <*hiss* Get him off of me! Get him off of me!>

Fitzsimmons grabs the man's shoulders to pull him away. The man yells, his eyes bloodshot and dilated. The man pushes Fitzsimmons, who flies violently to the ground. T'Surlak pulls out pepper spray and and sprays the man in the eyes. He bellows and charges half-blinded. T'Sulrak steps out of the way, drops the spray and grabs the man's right hand, flipping the arm over and pile-driving the man face-first into the ground with the arm. Fitzsimmons, back on his feet, jumps on the man's back and struggles to keep him down long enough to cuff him.

Det. Fitzsimmons: Christ, it's like wrestling a bear!

Sirens. A squad car pulls up and the uniformed officers pile on. They manage to cuff and restrain the man, who keeps bellowing and frothing at the mouth.

Dets. Fitzsimmons and T'Surlak, the former with a trickle of blood on the elbow, sit panting on the curb as the uniformed officers contain the situation.

Det. Fitzsimmons (panting): Good...god...what a...mess.

Det. T'Surlak (panting): No...crap.

Det. Fitzsimmons (partly catching breath): Where'd you...learn that trick? That's...not standard NY...PD training.

Det. T'Surlak: Been...studying Aikido. Need all...the help I...can with crazy...Big Uglies. work.

Det. Fitzsimmons: First round's...on me. Damned azwaca brains. May be the next crack.

Det. T'Surlak: Serves you...Big Uglies right...after Ginger.

Det. Fitzsimmons: Payback's...a bitch.

Part III: Technically Legal


DA Jack McCoy's office. ADAs Essval and Rothschild sit at the conference table with DA McCoy. They have a dossier open with the mug shots of the man and Race member from the butcher's.

ADA Rothschild: The man is Stanley Leonard Goetz, a former small-time money launderer, supposedly gone legit. The Race member is Yassal, a Brooklyn native who used to run with Grissel's gang before they got absorbed into El Lagarto. He's got a few priors on ginger dealing, a few months served, no arrests within the last seven years.

DA McCoy: I remember Goetz. I put him away for seven; he got out on parole after three. Is there enough from the bust to put these two away for real time?

ADA Essval: Well, to be honest no. Technically nothing they did was illegal. Their company, Empire Meats, is licensed to handle and sell Azwaca products, and Azwaca Gland distillate is officially still a meat biproduct.

DA McCoy: You're kidding me...the prisons are clogged with Wac addicts who committed petty larceny and assault, and street violence is on the rise because of this stuff...and you're telling me it's not illegal?

ADA Essval: Not yet. There's a bill in the State legislature and another in the House to add Azwaca Gland distillate as a Class A narcotic, but both bills are dragging, the Fed one due to riders. Until those bills are through, it's legal to produce, distribute, and sell Wac.

DA McCoy: Unbelievable.

ADA Rothschild: Needless to say their attorneys are demanding their release.

DA McCoy (curses under breath): Ok, we have to have something on them. Why again did we go in in the first place?

ADA Rothschild: Mayor's orders. He wanted the place shut down, even if only long enough to allow the laws through.

DA McCoy: Which of course opens the city up to a lawsuit. Damn it, mayor!


ADA Essval (flipping through the papers): Here we go: health violations. Cockroaches, unsanitary meat handling.

ADA Rothschild: Here's another: labor law. The justification to raid the plant to begin with was under INS. They netted fourteen undocumented immigrants, all Race. They also found seven workers wanted for various crimes, two for felonies.

DA McCoy: Alright, that gives us health code violations, hiring of illegals, and we might be able to swing aiding and abetting if we can prove they knowingly hired fugitives.

ADA Essval: Many are El Lagarto; we can find as link there, possibly even pursue RICO if we can trace any of the gang's profits through the company. Goetz was a convicted money launderer, after all.

DA McCoy: Good, good.

ADA Rothschild: Still, unless we can find a RICO link it feels like we're grasping at straws here trying to do anything we can to pull the mayor's butt out of the fire.

ADA Essval: That's because we are.

DA McCoy: Forget he mayor, I want these guys shut down myself. Legal or not, that Azwaca distillate is a serious drug menace and I don't want it in my city!
Part IV: Immigrations and Interrogations

Precinct interrogation room. A scared Race member in USA body paint is sitting at the table. T'Surlak sits across from him. Fitzsimmons paces behind.

Det. T'Surlak (in Race): <Visitor Fraass, you have to work with us here. You're facing more charges than just residence without a visa.>

Det. Fitzsimmons (stopping, staring at Fraas; also in Race): <Yea, like aiding and abetting! *Emphatic Cough* (leans on table, aggressively) Listen, "visitor", I can send you home to the Empire as an errant tourist, or as a known accomplice of ginger smugglers. How about that? *Interrogative Cough*>

Fraass: <Please, Superior Sirs! *Emphatic Cough* I just wanted to have a job! I work as an azwaca butcher! I never worked with ginger! I don't even use ginger! I'm sorry I didn't know your visitation rules! I just want to go back to my apartment! *Emphatic Cough*>

Det. T'Surlak: <We can't do that.> INS <is going to send you back to the Empire. That's beyond our control. What we can offer you, in return for your cooperation, is a good word to> INS <for when you apply legally for a visa.>

Fraass: <What can I do? *Interrogative Cough*>

Det. T'Surlak: <The> Empire Meats <company records list you as... (one eye turret to a paper) ..."Butcher's Assistant Gryyr" with a valid worker's number...>

Det. Fitzsimmons (interrupting): <Yea, one we traced to a Race member killed in a ginger deal gone wrong. *Emphatic Cough*>

Det. T'Surlak: <Would you care to explain how you got this identity? *Interrogative Cough*>

Fraass (eye turrets drop in defeat): <The...the company gave it to me. They had me pretend to be Gryyr. In return I got the job...and no questions on my immigration status. Please, please Superior Sirs, I didn't mean any harm! I just wanted to see the Tosevite Not-Empires before I disappeared into a dull job in Accounting for the Empire! *Emphatic Cough*>

Det. T'Surlak: <Are you prepared to testify to the court about this? *Interrogative Cough*>

Fraass (thinks for a second): <It shall be done, Superior Sir! *Emphatic Cough*>

Det. T'Surlak: <Thank you for your time, Visitor Fraass.>

{Cut Scene}

Police break room. Fitzsimmons is swirling creamer into coffee. T'Surlak is salting his Qwerg.

Det. Fitzsimmons: God, I hate harassing poor shlubs like Fraass there. Stupid addled kid doesn't know what he got himself into.

Det. T'Surlak: And for two bucks an hour, no less. Still, though, that's a third undoc willing to testify to being issued a false identity. Along with the five willing to sign affidavits we've got more than enough for Jack to prove the company knowingly hired illegals and concealed their identity.

Det. Fitzsimmons (sipping coffee, making a bitter face): Ugh, who brewed this?

Det. T'Surlak: You should try the Qwerg. I have to salt it like the Dead Sea to make it palatable.

Det. Fitzsimmons: At least we can move on to a real perp. now. Next on deck is a Lagarto named *Emphatic Cough* Yaars. And yes, that's his street name: "*Emphatic Cough*".

Det. T'Surlak: Now you Big Uglies have taught us how to mangle our own grammar. <Thank you, Tosevite friends *Emphatic Cough*>

Det. Fitzsimmons: Don't mention it. Anyway, this guy's touched more ginger than a Sushi chef. We find a link to El Lagarto and we've got the last nail in Empire Meats' coffin.

Det. T'Surlak: Nothing shy of a confession is cracking that one. The books are clean as best as we can tell and there's no evidence that Goetz and Grissel are in any way more conspicuously wealthy than their positions as legitimate plant managers would allow.

{Cut Scene}

Back in the interrogation room. A Race member in El Lagarto gear (neon green wig) is kicked back, feet on the table.

Yaars: Eat it, Lizard. I gots a right to work same as any Lizard off the street.

Det. T'Surlak: Some manners right now might help your case, Mr. *Emphatic Cough*.

Det. Fitzsimmons: Listen, *Emphatic Cough*, we found a nickel of ginger on you, and with your priors you're looking at hard time at Riker's. I bet a little doll like you'd stand in well once the ginger's made the rounds.

Yaars (without conviction in his voice): Lizards don't work that way, Big Ugly, even in the Green Stripe Salon.

Det. Fitzsimmons: You sure there, precious? *Interrogative Cough*

Det. T'Surlak (sends irritated eye turret to Fitzsimmons): Citizen Yaars, We're amicable fellows here, and we have bigger fish to fry. With your cooperation on a few questions about Empire Meats, it's funding, and its management we could find some leeway on the ginger.

Yaars (opens mouth in humor): Bite me, Lizard. The Green Stripe ain't nothin' next to what happens to snitches on the street. Ever heard of a Squishie? It's what happens when boot meets eye turret meets curb, capisce? Besides, What do I know about what goes on upstairs? Far as I know it's a legit place of business. I just applied to the place. Trying to raise money to put myself through rehab, yea? (opens mouth in humor)

Det. Fitzsimmons (leaning in): How about I wipe that grin off your snout for you? *Emphatic Cough*

Yaars: Try it, Big Ugly. Leave lots of bruises. My lawyer'll be here soon. Buy me a mansion! *Emphatic Cough*

Part V: No Deal...

DA's conference room. DA McCoy and ADAs Essval and Rothschild sit across from Goetz, Grissel, and a Race member in Attorney's body paint.

DA McCoy: In addition to a willingness to shut down the operation, we're ready to limit the charges to misdemeanor health code violations and hiring of undocumented workers, average fines, no time served.

The Attorney whispers in his clients' ears. Goetz shakes his head. Grissel hisses. There's a quiet argument among the three. The phrase "take the deal" is barely audible out of the Attorney's mouth.

After a moment:

Attorney: My clients are unwilling to accept a deal and demand a trial.

DA McCoy: What? We have several witnesses and sworn testimonials as to your clients' hiring and protection of undocumented workers, identity fraud, which the City had been willing to drop, and a host of FDA-documented health violations from rat droppings to rat parts in the machinery! Numerous OSHA violations as well. Your clients are facing a total of four months' prison time for the sum total of all the violations, revocation of all operational permits in perpetuity, and over $100,000 in total fines. I strongly advise your clients reconsider.

Attorney (hisses): Their decision is final. We'll see you in court.


NY City Superior Court. Day 14 of NY v. Empire Meats, Judge Ressur presiding. Dr. McGowan of the NY Health Department is on the stands.

ADA Rothschild: So in conclusion, doctor, the defendants are in violation of how many health statutes?

Dr. McGowan: Twenty-seven, including failure to properly clean up the butchery floor after cutting, pest problems, contaminated meat, failure of proper employee sanitary measures, failure to use proper approved containers for storage and transport, and out of date inspection criteria. In all Empire Meats is a living example of how not to run a clean and sanitary operation.

ADA Rothschild: No further questions.

Judge Ressur: Attorney Hrassr, your witness.

Attorney Hrassr (the attorney from earlier, seeming oddly more confident than earlier): Thank you, Superior Female. Dr. McGowan, how does Empire Meats stack up against other butchers in the city? In terms of health grade.

Dr. McGowan: It ranks towards the bottom. Out of 36 meat processing stations Empire ranked 30th.

Attorney Hrassr: So, six others ranked lower. (eye turret to a paper) Of them I notice all six were reported before the raid on Empire..."Defense D", Your Honor (holds up paper). How many of the six have been put on trial?

Dr. McGowan: None, actually. Three have paid fines and the other three have yet to be processed...

ADA Rothschild (interrupting): Objection...relevance?

Attorney Hrassr: Goes to establishing that our client was singled out among several offenders, calling into question the fairness of this trial.

Judge Ressur: The other six plants are not on trial here, Attorney Hrassr, only your clients'. Sustained, and Defense D inadmissible on the same grounds. Do you have any questions regarding the specific evidence here?

Attorney Hrassr (looking smug despite the small defeat): No, Your Honor, I'm done.

Pan to the Prosecution's table. ADA Essval leans over to ADA Rothschild.

ADA Essval: What the hell is he up to?

ADA Rothschild: Beats me. That "we're being singled out" tactic almost never works, particularly with this jury (pan to jury, most sitting back looking annoyed).

{Time Skip}

On the stand is a man in an INS uniform, his badge reads "Rodriguez".

ADA Essval: Sgt. Rodriguez, we've heard from several witnesses now which all testified that the defendants knowingly falsified employee records to conceal their immigration status. What are your observations in this matter?

Sgt. Rodriguez: Exactly what the prior witnesses stated, ma'am. The defendants reported worker ID numbers and social security numbers which did not belong to the workers in question in order to conceal their undocumented status or in five cases conceal criminal backgrounds or known fugitives.

ADA Essval: So the defendants and Empire Meats knowingly hired undocumented workers and ineligible felons and fugitives and concealed their natures.

Sgt. Rodriguez: Yes.

ADA Essval: And there is no evidence as to the defense ascertaition that the workers falsified their identity themselves without company knowledge?

Sgt. Rodriguez: None. The witnesses all individually and without any ability to coordinate testimony all described an identical process used by the company.

ADA Essval: That's all, thank you, sergeant.

Judge Ressur: Your witness.

Attorney Hrassr: Sergeant, I have here a list of INS studies of companies in New York City which concealed workers' immigrations status. Why are none of them on trial?

ADA Rothschild and Essval, in unison: Objection!

Judge Ressur: Sustained! Again with the other companies? Those companies are not on trial here and I will not warn you again! *Emphatic Cough* The next time you try that tired tactic I'll hold you in contempt! Stick to the facts of this trial, Attorney Hrassr!

Attorney Hrassr (still smug): Sorry, Your Honor. Nothing more.
Part VI: Verdict

City of New York v. Empire Meats, day 25. Defense is up. A middle-aged woman is on the stand.

Attorney Hrassr: So, Ms. Whitman, please tell the court your occupation and place of work.

Ms. Whitman: I'm a file clerk with the city Records Office, handling mostly old arrest and sentencing records.

Attorney Hrassr: Any files on my clients?

Ms. Whitman: Yes, a couple old priors for misdemeanor ginger possession for Mr. Grissel and several arrests for Mr. Goetz and one conviction.

ADA Essval: Objection, Your Honor, where is this leading?

Attorney Hrassr: Just bear with me, Your Honor.

Judge Ressur: Make it quick, Attorney.

Attorney Hrassr: Thank You, Your Honor. Ms. Whitman, tell me about Mr. Grissel's arrests.

Ms. Whitman: he was arrested for possession of Stolen Goods in 1996, acquitted, Money Laundering and Aiding and Abetting in 1998, acquitted, Money Laundering in 2001, plea bargained to a lower sentence, time served, Possession with Intent in 2007, case dropped for lack of evidence...

Attorney Hrassr: And who was the prosecuting attorney in all these cases?

Ms. Whitman: Current District Attorney Jack McCoy.

Attorney Hrassr: Jack McCoy.

ADA Essval: Objection! Your Honor it's the same tired song-and-dance that his client was singled out!

Judge Ressur: Sustained! Strike all testimony of this witness so far. Attorney Hrassr, I warned you about this. I'm holding you in Contempt. $5,000 fine. I'll double that if you bring up this inadmissible tangent any more! Do you hear me? *Emphatic Cough*

Attorney Hrassr (unfazed): Loud and clear, Superior Female. No more questions, Your Honor.

{Time Skip; Dramatic Music}

Courtroom. The Jury re-enters from deliberation. The Bailiff passes a note over to the Judge, who reads it.

Judge Ressur: Foremale, has the jury reached a verdict? *Interrogative Cough*

Foremale: We have, Your Honor.

Judge Ressur: Will the defendants please rise? *Interrogative Cough* (they do)

Foremale: On the charges of Failure to meet City Health Ordinances we find the Defendants guilty on all counts. On the charges of Willful Hiring of Unauthorized Workers we also find the Defendants guilty. On the charges of Falsifying Identity of Employees we find the Defendants guilty.


DA McCoy's office. McCoy sits on his desk. ADAs Essval and Rothschild sit at chairs.

ADA Essval (sipping coffee): You know, with enough salt coffee's not so bad.

ADA Rothschild: Careful with that stuff, hon., you'll become an addict like me.

DA McCoy: Again, good job on the Empire case. Goetz and Grissel got five months a pop plus enough fines to kill Empire Meats for good.

ADA Rothschild: Plus they'll never get a license to sell foodstuffs again.

ADA Essval: Best yet, the Fed finally outlawed Azwaca Gland Distillate as a Class A narcotic.

DA McCoy: Finally. Our system moves at the speed of a glacier some times. Luckily, it usually runs with the persistence of one, too.

ADA Rothschild: Yea, now we just have to deal with the continued illegal manufacture and sales.

ADA Essval: You know, Jack, I hardly feel like celebrating. This wasn't a case, it was a steamroll. It's like their attorney was hardly trying!

ADA Rothschild: Well, Hrassr is mostly an ambulance chaser and petty crimes guy...maybe he was out of his league.

ADA Essval: I almost have to admire his ill-founded persistence on that dead line of defense. He hardly seemed bothered by the continual rejection of his strategy, even when Judge Ressur handed him a $5,000 fine. It's almost like he wanted to lose this case!

DA McCoy: I know. That's what keeps nagging me about this whole thing. I keep wondering what he's up to.
Part VII: the Summoner Summoned

Six months later.


DA McCoy's office. He's at the conference table with ADA Essval and Capt. Van Buren looking over some papers.

Capt. Van Buren: And as you can see, arrests for Wac have doubled, but there's only a marginal drop in use. Now that the gangs have found it and added it to their list of cash makers it's entrenched in the business and culture.

DA McCoy: And it looks like El Lagarto is at the forefront.

Capt. Van Buren: It's impossible to know for certain, but there's circumstantial evidence that they're getting the product from outside the country, possibly from Race territory.

ADA Essval: There might be a bit of tit-for-tat here, repayment in kind for Ginger.

DA McCoy: Or "unkind". I'll talk to the State Department. The Empire might be taking a cue from their play book.

There's a knock at the door. Attorney Hrassr walks in, looking smug.

Attorney Hrassr: Good morning, Males and Females.

DA McCoy: Good morning, Attorney. To what do I own this visit?

Attorney Hrassr (handing DA McCoy a blue slip of paper): Why I come bearing gifts!

DA McCoy (opening the paper): A court summons!

ADA Essval (looking over at paper with an eye turret): Civil're suing? *Interrogative Cough*

Attorney Hrassr: Yes, Honorable Female, my clients Citizens Grissel and Goetz are suing the City for descrimination and vindictive prosecution. Of all the meat industry companies in the five boroughs theirs alone was singled out for harassment and prosecution despite so many other companies who have gone unprosecuted for similar and greater offenses. My clients spent the last months in prison and saw their company and hard-earned reputations shattered while their competition continues to commit the offenses the same sort that warranted my client's sentencing.

DA McCoy: Ten million dollars?! That's ludicrous!

Attorney Hrassr: I'd say that's Just Compensation.
Part VIII: Jack in The Box

New York State Supreme Court, Centre St.


NY Supreme Court room, dark paneling and paintings. A full jury, 7 Humans, 5 Race. The Bailiff announces the Judge.

Bailiff: All rise, Docket number 55703, Grissel and Goetz versus the City of New York, the honorable Judge Nelsen Craig presiding.

Judge Craig: Thank you, Bailiff, males and females of the Jury, Attorney Hrassr, you may begin.

Attorney Hrassr: Males and females of the jury, I have a confession: my clients are not innocent lambs. They have made mistakes in their life, lapses of judgment and acts of desperation they regret and had moved beyond. They had built a new life, a legal life. They made a couple hard decisions to keep this life they built, ones also made by a majority of their peers in the meat industry. But in the end, they were turning their lives around. But this did not satisfy everyone. Oh no *Emphatic Cough*! Some people can't forget the past. Some people can't look past earlier mistakes. Some would single out a citizen for a past transgression and obsessively, maliciously...vindictively pursue a person on anything they could get them on. The word here is "Vindictive" a legal term it means being singled out, discriminated against due to the personal bias or enmity of the legal authority, in this case District Attorney Jack McCoy himself. Females and males of the jury, we will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mr. McCoy harbored a lingering dislike for my clients, considered them "criminals" and "lowlifes", thought them "amoral" and "irredeemable". And we will show how Mr. McCoy used his office to persecute my clients, singling them out for minor offenses and sending them to prison on the very cusp of redemption, offenses we will show are common in the industry, offenses none of my clients' peers faced arrest for, because, females and males, he harbors an old, discriminatory, vindictive grudge against my clients. And in the end you will see why my clients deserve vindication from this vindictive vendetta. Why they deserve compensation for their trauma. Why they deserve a fresh start, free of vindictive prosecutors and their preconceived bias. And in the end, I know you will make the right decision and make a stand for those who seek nothing more than a chance to start anew. Thank you.

Judge Craig: Your witness, Ms. Rothschild.

ADA Rothschild: Females and Males of the jury. {Dramatic Pause} Wow. That was quite the heart-wrenching story the Plaintiffs' lawyer made. Two poor misguided lambs trying to redeem themselves only to face the cruel tyranny of a vengeful government official. Wow. The stuff of a movie there! But males and females of the jury, does this Hollywood-like story of little guys facing the government machine stand up in reality? You will find it does not. These are not innocent males attempting redemption, but two lawfully convicted offenders with continued ties to organized crime and a rap sheet for which they harbor no regret. These are not victims of the system, singled out, but two convicts hoping to milk the system and your sympathy to siphon your tax dollars into their own pockets. These are males who were attempting to reestablish their careers in the drug trade, taking advantage of a loophole in the drug laws to build their empire. These are males who committed several offenses against health and safety, who exploited hapless workers, who forced employees to assume false identities so that they could continue to exploit their immigration status in order to pay them less, and in order to make sure they couldn't complain about their dangerous, unsanitary working conditions. These are males whose unsanitary practices produced a product that endangered its consumers, endangered innocent citizens who expect the food they buy to be healthy and free of disease. That they were the first - the first undoubtedly of many - who were legally held responsible for such victimizing crimes should not be mistaken for bias. That they cultivated an appearance of legality should not be confused with actual legality. Do not let their attorney's razzle-dazzle and fast-talk bamboozle you into believing anything beyond the simple, undeniable fact that these males were lawfully, legally, and indiscriminately convicted for their crimes. And when you see this you will realize how frivolous this lawsuit is, how your tax dollars are being wasted in a bald-faced money-grab. If the plaintiffs really wish to start anew, well, they were granted that chance when the City of New York saw fit to release them from their lawful incarceration. Instead, they took the opportunity to try and bilk your tax dollars from the city...a get rich quick scheme where all the city is their unwitting victim. Including you, females and males of the jury.
Part IX: The Trial

Superior Court, day 5. Ms. Whitman from the Records Department, the earlier disallowed defense witness from the criminal trial, is on the stand.

Attorney Hrassr: So, Ms. Whitman, please tell the court about the official city files on my clients.

Ms. Whitman: Well, Mr. Grissel has a couple old priors for misdemeanor ginger possession and Mr. Goetz has several arrests and one conviction. He was arrested for possession of Stolen Goods in 1996 and acquitted, for Money Laundering and Aiding and Abetting in 1998, acquitted, Money Laundering again in 2001, plea bargained to a lower sentence, time served, Possession with Intent in 2007, case dropped for lack of evidence...

Attorney Hrassr: And please do tell the court who the prosecuting attorney was in all these cases.

Ms. Whitman: Current District Attorney Jack McCoy.

Attorney Hrassr: Jack McCoy. Then Assistant DA McCoy, again and again attempting to send my client to prison, again and again falling flat. Only once a plea. Isn't that an interesting pattern? A pattern of obsession, perhaps? *Interrogative Cough*

ADA Essval: Objection, leading the witness.

Judge Craig: Sustained. The jury is instructed to ignore the last two statements.

Attorney Hrassr: Ms. Whitman, did the records record any interactions between Jack McCoy and Mr. Goetz? *Interrogative Cough*

Ms. Whitman: No, but there's an email from Mr. McCoy to then DA Aurthur Branch saying Mr. Goetz "is a criminal, a criminal who continues to flaunt the law. I'll make sure he ends up behind bars, sir, I swear it."

Attorney Hrassr: Your Honor, Defense A, the email transcript. (Turns to Ms. Whitman) That is all, thank you, Ms. Whitman.

Judge Craig: Your witness, defense.

ADA Essval: Ms. Whitman, who was the arresting officer for Mr. Grissel's prior arrests? *Interrogative Cough*

Ms. Whitman: Well, it varied. Typically a uniformed officer on the scene.

ADA Essval: Were any of the officers under direction from Mr. McCoy to arrest, track, or otherwise "get" Mr. Goetz?

Ms. Whitman: There's nothing in the records to indicate he did or didn't have the officers arrest or approach Mr. Goetz.

ADA Essval: And as Executive District Attorney what was Mr. McCoy's job at the time? *Interrogative Cough*

Ms. Whitman: Well, I'm not an expert but isn't it to prosecute accused offenders for the city?

ADA Essval: As a female in that job right now I can assure you yes, we prosecute those that the NYPD have arrested with evidence they provide from the associated investigation. In other words Jack McCoy prosecuted the cases he was handed, and as Executive DA he was automatically assigned his cases and had no control over who he was assigned.

{Dramatic pause}

ADA Essval: What about the email, did Mr. McCoy single out Mr. Goetz alone in that email? *Interrogative Cough*

Ms. Whitman: No, actually. He's one of three resent dropped cases mentioned in the email.

ADA Essval: And did any similar emails appear in your records? *Interrogative Cough*

Ms. Whitman: I didn't really check...

ADA Essval: Don't worry, I already did. Your Honor, Defense A: a stack of twenty emails of the sort Attorney Hrassr submitted, quarterly reports on lost cases as standard procedure. I'll read a few lines: "Mr. Roger showed an utter contempt for the courtroom and for myself. I'm sure he's guilty. I want him behind bars." "David ben Zadok is a ruthless killer. I will see him imprisoned for his crimes." "Gruurl is a menace and a murderer who should pay for his crimes." In this last case Gruurl has lived in Queens with no other arrests, and the murder he was accused for was prosecuted with a new accused following new evidence. The new accused was convicted and is in prison. Mr. McCoy personally wrote Gruurl a letter of apology. Males and females of the jury, Mr. McCoy hardly singled out Mr. Goetz for some obsessive prosecution, and never treated him any different than any other Defendant. Just because he has a way with words shouldn't lead you to believe there's malice aforethought. *Emphatic Cough*
Part X: the Color of the Law

DA's office. Late night. ADA Rothschild is staring at a computer screen. Her eyes drift closed only to shoot open again after a second. They drift closed again, stay closed for a couple seconds, then jerk open again.

ADA Rothschild (shaking her head and stretching): Time for the Cup of Life. (Gets up, grabs a mug, and walks out the door)

{Scene Jump}

ADA Rothschild walks into a conference room to the coffee pot. It's still brewing. ADA Essval is at the table, papers splayed out across it. Her eye turrets dart around wildly between various papers and her legal pad. Her hand jots notes at a manic pace.

ADA Rothschild (cursing at the coffee pot): We're up to the third pot already, hon?

ADA Essval (speech clipped and rushed): Fourth. Had to have a second cup. Caffeine good, but not Qwerg.

ADA Rothschild (laughing): Whoa, slow down, sis. That pad is going to combust from the friction. Find anything?

ADA Essval: Still searching emails. No records of contact between Jack and any arresting officers regarding Goetz ahead of time. There were a couple emails, but none showing Jack ordered any Goetz arrests. Still may try to suggest there was contact, but no one can prove he did or didn't do so. Down to jury's beliefs. Impossible to predict. Another cup when you can, sis? What have you found?

ADA Rothschild: I'd say you've had enough and I've found some circumstantial and inadmissible links between Goetz and Lagarto. Coffee will be a while, hon. I'll go check on Jack.

Camera follows her down hall to DA McCoy's office. Inside he's staring out the window, a tumbler of whiskey in his hand.

ADA Rothschild: Um...Jack?


DA McCoy: They're investigating me. The bastards are investigating me.

ADA Rothschild: Investigating? Who? Internal Affairs?

DA McCoy (turning around, tie undone, bags under eyes): The Feds. FBI. I got a call from an old friend who's in the Bureau. They're taking the Goetz case seriously, looking at me for a Color of Law violation against Goetz. (Takes a long sip from the whiskey) Damn it all! The damn mayor and his stupid raid! Now I need to either take the fall for him or throw him under the bus! If I do the former I may go to jail. If I do the latter my political career in this city is over.

There's a moment of silence. ADA Rothschild fights for something to say, then appears to give up. DA McCoy turns back around, staring back out the window to the NYC night skyline.

ADA Rothschild hesitates a moment and briskly walks out.

{Scene Jump}

Back in the conference room ADA Essval is pouring coffee. The new pot is half gone already. ADA Essval sips her coffee while her other eye turret looks down at Rothschild's cup and pours some for her.

ADA Rothschild (momentarily confused at the scene): Um...Essval. It's Jack. He's being investigated by the FBI for Color of Law.

ADA Essval (nearly choking on the coffee): What? *Emphatic Cough*

ADA Rothschild: He got a tip. The mayor's going to let him take the rap too, unless I miss my guess. Hon, we'd best get another pot going. We need to break this lawsuit or Jack's up the creek.

Last edited:
Part XI: Law and Politics

Courtroom. Attorney Hrassr has INS Agent Najmy on the stand.

Attorney Hrassr: So, Randal Meats, Hymann's Butchery, and Northern Beef co. all use large numbers of undocumented workers?

Agent Najmy: Yes. I can't go into specifics about how we gathered this data because of our ongoing investigation, but these investigations have shown that all three firms have used undocumented laborers, Human and Race, and have falsified employee records using stolen identities and numbers. It's actually very common in the meat industry across the country.

Attorney Hrassr: And how long have you known of these violations? The ones in New York City, that is?

Agent Najmy: Since December of 2008 in the case of Northern Beef.

Attorney Hrassr: And how many of these have been prosecuted or even investigated by the NYPD?

Agent Najmy: None. None at all. Empire Meats is the only New York meat company to face labor charges in the last two years.

Attorney Hrassr: Thank you, Agent Najmy.

Judge Craig: Your Witness, Defense.

ADA Rothschild (whispering to Essval): I still can't get used to the "D" world. (to the witness) Agent Najmy, you noted that your agency has been stockpiling data on these meat companies for a while. How much of this has your agency passed along to the NYPD?

Agent Najmy: None that I know of.

ADA Rothschild: And how many times has your agency contacted District Attorney Jack McCoy about labor practices at these companies?

Agen Najmy: Nothing official that I'm aware of.

ADA Rothschild: That's all, thank you, Agent Najmy.

Attorney Hrassr: Redirect, Your Honor.

Judge Craig: Go ahead.

Attorney Hrassr: Agent Najmy, how many times has your director met with Jack McCoy in the last two years?

Agent Najmy: I'm not sure.

Attorney Hrassr: I'll save you the time of looking it up: four...four times. Might they have discussed these labor issues at such a meeting...?

ADA Rothschild (interrupting): Objection...speculation..."

Judge Craig: Sustained. Do not answer that question, Mr. Najmy.

Attorney Hrassr: Withdrawn. Nothing more, Your Honor.

Judge Craig: You are dismissed, Agent Najmy. We'll take a short fifteen minute recess... {Fades into background}

ADA Essval (quietly to Rothschild, an eye turret looking at jury): Admissible or not, that one got the attention of more than one of the jurors.

ADA Rothschild (quietly to Essval): And with such a narrow burden of proof in a civil case the little things like that can make all the difference. We need to find a way to break the jury's sympathies with Goetz or... (face furrows with frustration).

{Cut Scene}

Living room of Mayor Carlotta's Hampton's beach house, bay windows overlook the ocean. DA McCoy enters. Mayor Carlotta is at the window with a drink.

Mayor Carlotta: Ah, hello Jack. Care for a drink? It's Laugavulin 25-year.

DA McCoy: No thank you, Frank. I'm sure you know why I'm here.

Mayor Carlotta: The lawsuit.

DA McCoy: Frank, you're killing me here! We only raided that meat store at your personal request, and believe me, I think it was the right thing to do and the DEA has finally agreed...but right now that shyster of a lawyer has got the jury convinced I singled out Empire based on Goetz!

Mayor Carlotta: We did single them out...for drug production.

DA McCoy: What, for performing a technically legal rendering of a byproduct? That'll never stand up. Look, they have me over a barrel here. They have testimonies that several other meat plants have the same labor and health deficiencies as Empire. Apparently it's endemic to the industry! And they're spinning it to look like I singled out Goetz and Empire on a personal grudge! I don't even remember ever talking about Goetz before this!

Mayor Carlotta: Then just raid a few other meat plants.

DA McCoy: After the fact? They'll be dismissed for what they are: a fire drill! We lost any hope of that tactic when the lawsuit got filed!

Mayor Carlotta: Did You do any preliminary work towards such a raid before the lawsuit? Prove your intention to do such a raid without the provocation?

DA McCoy: No! We had actual crimes to prosecute, like the damned Wac outbreak!

{Long, uncomfortable silence}

Mayor Carlotta: I take it there's not written or recorded copy of our conversation about the Empire raid, or I have the feeling it'd be Defense A at this point.

DA McCoy: Frank, et tu? Look: I've played straight with you. Why won't you do the same with me? You're throwing me under the bus here to save your own ass! With your reelection coming up I have to wonder...

Mayor Carlotta (putting down drink): Jack...stop. {pause} Jack, look. You know I can't just walk in and say "I ordered the raid". I never asked you to take the heat for me...

DA McCoy (interrupting): No, you just left me out there to take the rap! Can't you at least see about stopping the damned federal investigation?

Mayor Carlotta (angry): What, use my power and influence to stop an FBI investigation on a political ally? Now who's asking whom to jump under a bus? {pause} Jack, I'm sorry, but you're on your own. I can see if any of my contacts can find dirt on Goetz, but that's all I can do. I have to distance myself from this one, and you know it. You'd do the same in my shoes, and don't you forget it.

DA McCoy: No. No, sir, I would not. I've put my ass on the line for my subordinates in the past and I will continue to do so! *Emphatic Cough*

Mayor Carlotta pauses to reclaim his glass and take a sip.

Mayor Carlotta (looking him directly in the eye): Are you sure about that, Jack? Shall we ask some of your former ADAs?

Part XII: Informant

Clinton & Henry. Dets. T'Surlak and Fitzsimmons are on stakeout watching a Race member in El Lagarto colors standing on a street corner. Fitzsimmons has a telephoto camera and is snapping some money-baggie exchanges between the Lagarto and a procession of Humans. A bedraggled-looking man walks up, looking around.

Fitzsimmons: Here's our man.

T'Surlak: Excellent. Make sure you get the image.

Fitzsimmons (clicking camera): Good...good...excellent. That and the tape's all we need.

T'Surlak (grabbing CB): All units move out.

A swarm of armed, uniformed officers rush out from off screen towards the Lagarto and the man.

Officer: Get on the ground, now! Move!

The Lagarto and Human hit the pavement and are handcuffed.

Fitzsimmons: Game, set, match. Let's bring him in.

They open the doors. Camera follows Fitzsimmons to where the Human is being led off by a uniformed officer.

Fitzsimmons: Alright, Officer Gray, I'll take over. (grabs the man's arm and leads him off; camera follows) Mornin', Murphy, how's the family?

Murphy: Growing all the time. Got twins on the way now.

Fitzsimmons: Christ. {beat} Strange seeing an undercover of your experience doing a street deal gig. What's up? Jefferson finally get fed up with your antics?

Murphy: Look who's talking. No, I'm phasing out of undercover. Too dangerous what with the growing family. You think a cop's pension will feed all those mouths? No, I'm taking an El-Tee slot and surfin' a desk.

Fitzsimmons: Murph behind a desk. What's this world coming to?

{Cut Scene}

Station. Interrogation room.

T'Surlak and Fitzsimmons escort the Lagarto (Tissel) into a plastic chair across the table.

T'Surlak: There you go, Tissel, a nice comfy chair.

Fitzsimmons (tossinf an evidence bag on the table): And enough Wac to choke a tsiongi on your person. That makes strike three for you, don't it, Tis?

T'Surlak: Yep. Going away to Rikers for a while on this one. Be glad you're not a Human. You'll be shocked at what Big Uglies do to each other in the joint. You'll likely just end up someone's task boy.

Tissel (visibly upset): Um, look. I'm the little beffel in the pack, right? How about a trade of info?

T'Surlak: You wish to make a deal, then?

Tissel: Yea! You reduce this one and maybe I got something to share, yea? *Interrogative Cough*

Fitzsimmons: How about if you tell us what you got and we'll see if it's worth our time.

T'Surlak: Like maybe who's wholesaling the Wac.

Tissel (both eye turrets nervously jump to T'Surlak): What? *Emphatic Cough* Do I look suicidal? No, I got something else you might like. Something that might pull your boss McCoy out of the mess he's in. But I want to speak to a lawyer first...

Part XIII: Let's Make a Deal

Conference room. ADA Essval joins Dets. Fitzsimmons and T'Surlak across the table from Tissel and a Race member in Attorney's body paint.

T'Surlak: Citizen Tessel, please tell ADA Essval what you told us earlier.

Tissel: Yes, Superior Sir. Superior Female, I was hanging out at the Gecko Lounge, a Lizard joint in Little Home last Thursday night. I was hanging out with a lot of Lizards from the old neighborhood including old Grissel. You know, the Lizard that got busted with that Big Ugly that's suing your boss? *Interrogative Cough*

ADA Essval: Yes, Citizen, please continue.

Tissel: Well, old Grissel has a few too many Vodka and Consumes and he starts hissing about the trial and how he thinks the Big Ugly's going to cheat him out of his share.

ADA Essval: His "share"? *Interrogative Cough* Elaborate, please.

Tissel: Yea, it seems he and the Big Ugly...

ADA Essval: You are referring to Mr. Goetz, I assume? *Interrogative Cough*

Tissel: Yea, Goetz. Anyway, they had a deal. Since only Goetz has a past with McCoy, their attorney...Hrassr is his name, if I remember...they take the fall on the raid and then Goetz sues McCoy and Grissel gets his half of the spoils. Great, yea? *Interrogative Cough* Only Grissel's starting to think Hrassr and Goetz are going to hold out on him. It's all in how they're acting, he says. Then, and get this, he asks if I want to go back into the toilets for a taste. Of Ginger, yea? *Interrogative Cough* I think "sure". I never turn down a free...

Tissel's attorney interrupts him and whispers in his ear.

Tissel: Um, I was saying I kept him company while he had a taste.

ADA Essval: I'm far less concerned about your confessions of ginger use and far more with Grissel. Are you saying he's "off the wagon", as the Tosevites say? *Interrogative Cough*

Tissel: Yea, I'm saying that. Grissel's back on the Spice. Now, you got yours, we got a deal? *Interrogative Cough*

ADA Essval: Yes we do. Third Strike is gone. You're facing simple Possession with Intent, and that's as far as we're going. *Emphatic Cough*

Tissel and his attorney whisper.

Tissel: Fine, deal. *Emphatic Cough*

{Cut Scene}

Later. ADA Essval is alone with Dets. T'Surlak and Fitzsimmons.

ADA Essval: Well, we can't use it in the trial. Straight hearsay.

Det. Fitzsimmons: But what we do have is probable cause to arrest Grissel on ginger charges and squeeze him for all he's worth.

Det. T'Surlak: Knowing Grissel he'll be more than happy to wear a wire while talking to his old pals.

ADA Essval: Yes. *Emphatic Cough* But don't single him out or we're back in color of law turf. Track him, find where he hangs out, get an undercover in there if you can, and bring him in with the rest of the Lizards. *Emphatic Cough*

Det. Fitzsimmons: It shall be done, Superior Female. *Emphatic Cough*
Part XIV: Turncoat

Gecko Lounge. Neon lights and a eclectic decor, Home mixed with Casablanca with a hint of Jamaica. Dance-hall remix of traditional Home music blasts from loudspeakers.

Camera pans back through the crowd (mostly Race), following a Female in a red leather mini-dress and bright red Tina Turner style wig as she's let through a plain back door by a large human guard. Inside a whole group of Males is sitting around on couches while licks of ginger are being distributed. Among them is Grissel.

Grissel (in Race): <Alright, Males, here she is! *Emphatic Cough* And she'll do anything for...and after...a Taste.>

Delighted, excited hisses erupt from the crowd. Grissel takes a Taste of Ginger and then walks up to the Female, a palm full of Ginger held out to her. As he walks up she suddenly grabs his wrist and pulls him to the ground in a wrist-throw.

Female: Freeze! NYPD! *Emphatic Cough*

The door busts open and in storm several uniformed officers. The Female pulls handcuffs from the leather dress and cuffs Grissel.

Female: You're under arrest for possession and use of a narcotic and soliciting ginger prostitution. You have the right to remain silent... {Fade Out}

Precinct interrogation room. Dets. T'Surlak and Fitzsimmons sit across from Grissel.

Fitzsimmons: You know, Grissel, as much as we love your patronage of out establishment I imagine you'd just as soon find different accommodations.

T'Surlak: Yea, we have a lovely 8-by-9 with a courtyard view. And between the possession and pimping that's plenty of bonus points to your prefered customer card. Call it a few hundred bonus nights.

Grissel (showing obvious signs of early-stage ginger withdrawal): Look, just get me a court lawyer and lets get this over with, okay? *Emphatic Cough*

T'Surlak: Not a problem. We're here to assist.

{Cut Scene}

Grissel and a human lawyer sit across the table from ADAs Essval and Rothschild.

Grissel: What, I don't even warrant Jack anymore? *Interrogative Cough* How the mighty have fallen.

Essval: We're more than happy not to bother Jack at the moment as he's busy enough already.

Grissel: Shame. *Emphatic Cough* 'Cause I got something he might like to hear.
Conclusion: End of an Era

Supreme Courtroom. Goetz v. McCoy.

ADA Essval is up, Grissel is on the stand.

Grissel: So we'd just walked on bond. I'm shaking 'cause I'd never really faced serious jail time, but Stan...Mr. Goetz...he's calm as a ginger head after a taste.

Essval: Go on.

Grissel: And that's when he says to me, 'bud, I think we got a real opportunity in this.' I ask what he means and he says 'I got busted by that DA McCoy a few times in the past before he was the DA. Now we know they raided us 'cause of the Wac, but since they're gettin' us on health and INS crap and no one else when you know them other meat places ain't no better, well, we can take the fall on the criminal charge, serve a few months, then spin this into a harassment case and walk away millionaires!

Goetz (standing up): Liar! You goddamned lying Lizard!

Judge (banging gavel): Order! Attorney Hrassr, control your client! Order!

{Cut Scene}

Outside the court room. McCoy and the ADAs are walking through a gauntlet of press.

Reporter 1: DA McCoy! Congratulations on your victory in the civil case! Do you think Grissel's testimony sealed it for you?

McCoy: I think the inherent frivolity and greed of the lawsuit is what 'sealed it'. The jury simply saw through their razzle-dazzle.

Reporter 2: Is it true that the mayor ordered the raid? Were you covering up for Mayor Carlotta?

McCoy: Mayor Carlotta was not involved with this case.

Reporter 3: How do you think this will affect your upcoming reelection campaign?

McCoy: Less than you think.

{Cut Scene}

DA McCoy's office. McCoy is with Essval and Rothschild. The Scotch is out.

McCoy: Case dismissed. Son of a bitch.

Rothschild: Yea, even when Hrassr tried to spin Grissel's testimony as quid pro quo over the ginger charge...

McCoy: Which is was, not that I think he was lying.

Rothschild: ...well, the jury must have suspected anyway.

Essval: Plus the fact that the order for the raid came from the mayor's office made it hard to pin on you.

McCoy: Yea. (Pauses for a long drink) My contact in the FBI called. It seems the Color of Law investigation is shifting towards Mayor Carlotta now. He'll take the fall for this one.

Essval: I still think you'll need to be careful to distance yourself from this come election time...

McCoy: There won't be an election time. I'm not running again next year. I'm retiring from public life.

Essval: What? *Interrogative Cough*

Rothschild: Whoa, hold on. Is the party pushing you out? Because I'm not going to let those jackals make an examp...

McCoy (cutting her off): No, no the decision was mine. The party wants me to run. In fact, they want me to run for mayor! Carlotta's the one they're cutting off. No. I'm done. For close to three decades I've served this city. I've never cared for anything but justice. And honestly, I've bent, stretched, and flat-out ignored so many laws and ethical rules to see justice done that when I look back at it all I wonder if I was really serving justice, or just my own ego. (takes a drink) And now I see you, my own assistants, doing the same things. Don't think for a second I don't know you guys set up that raid with the full intention of snagging Grissel. Hell, I'm in some ways proud. Following right in my footsteps all the way! (drinks; empties glass)'s over. The tricks, the games, the reshaping of the truth...I can't go on. And I can't compromise my remaining ethical standards to play the games the party wants just to see my name on a goddamn plaque at city hall. I'm an old man, ladies. And it's time to step aside for the next generation like my mentors did for me.

Pauses to refill the scotch, stares contemplatively out the window over the city he's served so many years.

McCoy (turning back to the ADAs): And I sincerely hope that my successors learn to love justice as I have...enough to treat her with more respect than I ever did.

{Fade to Black}

A Geek Wolf Production.

Okay, all, that's caught up to the original discussion sheet. More to come there!

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