Latest possible reallistic WRE reunification?

What is the latest possible and reallistic date for the Western Roman Empire, or at least its lands to reunite? Don't need to be an early medieval entity, it could be a pre-1900 one.

For the country, it needs to be romance speaking and contains all continental lands of WRE, with Italy, Iberia, France, Alps and the Balkans, Britain and Africa aren't needed. It may be of many religions or government forms, and may be reunified by foreign forces. I choose the WRE, because at least is more easier than the whole Roman Empire.

Which event and actors could make it reunite? A roman rump state reunites all, a barbaric kingdom that successfully conquers all lands, a roman caliphate, personal unions, Napoleon, romance nationalism or WW1 (pre-1900 one)?
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Depends, if you can accept a knock-off then it's never too late!

But if something like the HRE that explicitly claims the legacy of the WRE and not just the RE as a whole... hmm a bit harder.

I could see a splinter of a more succesful Eastern Empire take the western bits for itself and claim the purple. For example Emperor Maurice planned to give each of his sons a part of the Empire, which means after his death had he not been overthrown the posibility existed for one of said sons who held the Italian lands of the Empire to decide that taking over the East too hard and he'd rather just be Emperor of the West. This would be sometime in the early 600's.
For the country, it needs to be romance speaking and contains all continental lands of WRE, with Italy, Iberia, France, Alps and the Balkans, Britain and Africa aren't needed. It may be of many religions or government forms, and may be reunified by foreign forces. I choose the WRE, because at least is more easier than the whole Roman Empire.
If the Franks replace their custom of partitive inheritance with something else (most likely primogeniture, although Vandal-style seniority would also work), their empire would likely remain intact. Over time they could expand into Spain, Italy, and Dalmatia, until they control all the necessary bits of territory. Since the empire's centre of gravity would probably be in OTL's France, the elite would eventually come to speak a Romance language as well.
First thing that comes to mind is the War of the Spanish Succession. If France had managed to secure the undivided Spanish Empire for Philip, and Louis XV promptly died without heirs, then Philip would rule a realm that very closely resembles Western Rome. Napoleon's empire (with Spain) also got pretty close to something resembling Western Rome, he even had a mini Illyricum of his own. If either of those manage to survive they could eventually fill in the final gaps, the question is whether they can stick together long enough for that to happen.​
What is the latest possible and reallistic date for the Western Roman Empire, or at least its lands to reunite? Don't need to be an early medieval entity, it could be a pre-1900 one.

For the country, it needs to be romance speaking and contains all continental lands of WRE, with Italy, Iberia, France, Alps and the Balkans, Britain and Africa aren't needed. It may be of many religions or government forms, and may be reunified by foreign forces. I choose the WRE, because at least is more easier than the whole Roman Empire.

Which event and actors could make it reunite? A roman rump state reunites all, a barbaric kingdom that successfully conquers all lands, a roman caliphate, personal unions, Napoleon, romance nationalism or WW1 (pre-1900 one)?
Napoleon is the most likely, but Spain and Portugal would be highly autonomous or be ruled in a composite monarchy.