Tbf this is something I'd like to see considering that the Huguenots and Jews would have more autonomy than the French kings would want them to have
This will be important due to the economic strength it will bring to the colony. Local banks (made by the Jews) investing and lending locally, industry (made by the Huguenots) to work the raw material among other examples will make the colony a very active organism. I do not doubt that the colony financed expeditions in Africa and elsewhere (otl Brazil before its independence from Portugal, for example, helped in a coup in the kingdom of Dahomey).
(I don't think the French kings would restrict the usage of the printing press and the such in the colony)
With the number of Jews and other well-literate groups I find it difficult for them to have the ability to do this even if they wanted to. An interesting thing will be how the local language will develop, at OTL for example, Brazil only started to speak Portuguese in the 18th century. Before that, the common language was a mixed language based on the Tupi language, called Nheengatu. As it is spoken by almost all inhabitants of Brazil (settlers, slaves and natives), it became known as the general language.
while they expand into Spanish territory. It sounds quite similar to how the Americans went to revolution except the king is actually controlling.
The expansion (the largest at least) of the colony will likely be before its independence different from the USA.
Like a 'United States of Brazil/Antartique' would be very interesting.
yes, not only that but what the government will be like (monarchy, republic or something completely different. Or if it is going to become independent, otl brazil was forced to declare independence the country was happy to be united with portugal and the independence of the usa was caused more by the english than the colonists, not to mention that before declaring independence they wanted a own parliament but not be independent. So a lot can happen.). The biggest difference in the USA will probably be the industry, the colony does not have the absurd amount of coal in the USA, so the industry will not be as gigantic and will be more concentrated. Forcing the country/colony to have a well-industrialized region (the one with coal) or go after coal in another region of the world.
Brazil has other grains which are more accessible.
maize, cassava, beans and wheat (depending on how much of the pampas the country will control)
Fishes would be a interesting topic, how can Moqueca mix with french cuisine for example?
Well it's basically a fish stew, it's not uncommon to have similar things in the former Caribbean colonies of France.
For example, how would antartiquois/brazilian architecture end up? Kinda of a reverse anthropology, lmao.
I partially agree with
@Avrorrange I think it's likely the older regions of the colony (like the northeast) have more Creole-like architecture. But we will probably have architecture similar to Baroque, Baroque, Early French Colonial Architecture and even Beaux Arts depending on the region, type of settler (settlers from other regions of the world/Europe bring their architecture with them), climate and local culture.