King Edward VIII manages to marry Wallace Simpson and retains his Throne

It is no understatement to say that the forced abdication of King Edward VIII impacts the UK to this day. But what if Edward won the right to marry Wallace Simpson and keep his throne, how might this single event impact British and even European history? It would most certainly have an impact on WW2, to what extent is a matter of debate, and could prove crucial in the peace that the Allies established in Europe after the war. The most obvious change is that Elizabeth II is never made queen having been the heir of Edward's brother. And certainly Charles wouldn't be King today.
It is no understatement to say that the forced abdication of King Edward VIII impacts the UK to this day. But what if Edward won the right to marry Wallace Simpson and keep his throne, how might this single event impact British and even European history? It would most certainly have an impact on WW2, to what extent is a matter of debate, and could prove crucial in the peace that the Allies established in Europe after the war. The most obvious change is that Elizabeth II is never made queen having been the heir of Edward's brother. And certainly Charles wouldn't be King today.

Elizabeth might still well be Queen. Edward and Wallis never managed to have children OTL. Probably because Wallis was around her forties.

If we assume that Albert still dies on schedule (which he might not have), and assuming Edward doesn’t surrender to the Nazis and he lives to his canon age, we could end up with a situation where Elizabeth doesn’t become Queen until twenty years later. Which changes her personal life and cultural depictions of England.
It is no understatement to say that the forced abdication of King Edward VIII impacts the UK to this day. But what if Edward won the right to marry Wallace Simpson and keep his throne, how might this single event impact British and even European history? It would most certainly have an impact on WW2, to what extent is a matter of debate, and could prove crucial in the peace that the Allies established in Europe after the war. The most obvious change is that Elizabeth II is never made queen having been the heir of Edward's brother. And certainly Charles wouldn't be King today.
I suggest a point of departure of not anything that Edward does, but both of Wallis' previous husbands being dead by the end of 1935. Tragic widow is much less of a problem to the institutions of that era, as I understand it, than divorcee.
Not sure if there is way to allow Edward VIII marry Wallis and remain as king. But it wouldn't change much anyway. Monarchs hadn't anymore actual power so parliament would do same things as in OTL and him has not even impact for war. Probably Edward would be barred from giving speeches since everybody would know how pro-German royal couple is.

And anyway, since Edward and Wallis' marriage probably would still be childless, Elizabeth II would become qeen but later than in OTL.
If Simpson's ex-husbands perish in tragic gardening accidents, then Edward gets hitched and after a few serious conversations when a number of more drastic options are alluded to, retreats from public life (cf. his youngest brother Prince John) at Sandringham.

Parliament passes an act to make Bertie Prince Regent.

History rolls on largely unchanged.
Other than the history of the family it has little effect upon history. Having no hard power the royal family is politically irrelevant other than as human national flags and stopping a politician getting all the bling and pomp,