Kids Books About Alternate History

There's Harry Turtledove's Crosstime Traffic series, which I would classify as young adult novels. I think below a certain age, your potential readers are going to have difficulty distinguishing alternate history from regular history...
Joan Aiken's Wolves of Willoughby Chase, Black Hearts in Battersea and Night Birds in Nantucket are set in an alternate world where the Stuarts have reclaimed the throne but are beset by "Hanoveranian" plotters. Oh, and there's a channel tunnel!
Diana Wynne Jones "Chrestomanci" series are fantasy novels but regularly embrace the concept of alternate universes.
Both could be enjoyed by confident readers in the 9-12 age group
Pretty much all AH requires some understanding of real history, and kids aren't going to have that sort of understanding. If you're looking for stuff aimed at people younger than around 12-13, you're better off looking for things that have similar themes but without the worry of stuff like PoDs.


James G

Gone Fishin'
How I Live Now wasn't bad; I read the book after watching the film.
Its a teen war / AH book that like others - as I understand it - gloss over a POD to focus on story.
For YA ASB, there is always Leviathan and Temeraire, though they both have a very poor understanding of butterfly theory.


This will be random, but I've always have had the sick thought about writing a book like ones about Madeline visiting Washington D.C. or America which turns into one where she is an orphan girl who grows up in a Paris which is under the control of a victorious Greater German Reich and has to go visit the Fuhrer in a ceremony at the Volkshalle in Germania. We see European life in such a way as she travels from Paris to Germania making observations along the way such as seeing slave laborers in the street cleaning, riding the Breitspurbahn, where British and French people are forced to work in German factories. She might even visit a German colony on the eastern front to see how its expanding.

Something to be thought to provoke to young people and semi-realistic.