But it is a fantasy world. Nazi Germany and Japan invading the US in WWII or anytime around that isn't possible. The logistics are simply beyond both nations.
Every single TL or counterfactual scenario on this website is a "fantasy world", including those which are commonly regarded as extremely "plausible" such as Germany losing sooner, or any number of assassinations failing. Your entire argument is based on your "feelings" of what is "serious" enough or not (ASB). Just because you "feel" that it wasn't possible for the OTL Axis powers to invade and conquer America (which I would tend to agree with using your framework) doesn't mean that it wouldn't be possible in thousands of different TL's where it is.
Today Arkhangelsk, Tomorrow Russia

June 17th, 1962
Reichskommisariat Moscowien

Machine gun fire crackled over Dima's barge lighting up the warm Russian night with tracer rounds. Dima along with Nikolai and other comrades found themselves in river barges crossing the Mezen river. In the last couple of weeks, Dima and his unit were clearing out villages occupied by the fascists. The time had finally come, the officers, as usual, kept the troops guessing till they could reveal the plans. Chatter amongst the officers was exciting and it didn't take long for the common soldier to deduce that they were on the march again.
The 135th Rifle Division was to take part in "Operation Budyonny" which aimed nothing less than the complete retaking of Arkhangelsk. A political commissar on the barge stood up and read out a proclamation. "Comrades, today we begin an Operation to retake a critical part of our Motherland. Comrade General Secretary Molotov himself says this is only the start of a long road towards the liberation of the Soviet peoples. But today we begin that road toward freedom and revival of the motherland! We will throw the fascists from Murmansk and then after FROM RUSSIA". Dima and the other soldiers of his barge made the last preparations for the landing on the eastern side of the Mezen. As they approached the shore the gunfire increased and many sought cover. Dima was one of the first to hit the shore and began to move up, a battle cry echoed as the Soviets began they're assault "URAAAAAAAH". Firefights began to occur between both sides at close to medium range. He was joined in his position by a squad of troops being lead by Nikolai "Dima, Petrov, on me we need to silence that MG nest or our boys aren't going anywhere". Nikolai pointed toward a position a couple of hundred meters ahead at a well-entrenched machine gun position covering the entire bank of the eastern Mezen.

"Petrov, throw a smoke grenade to cover blind that position, machine gunners cover our advance" Nikolai barked out. Everyone was ready when Nikolai gave the order. Petrov threw a smoke grenade and Dima along with all the other soldiers rose out of the cover and began to charge under the cover of RPK's. Dima with Nikolai right on his heels tossed grenades and then once the exploded leaped into the German trench spraying it with their AK's and SKS rounds. With the squad in the trench, they began to clean it out, Dima out of the corner of his eye noticed a wounded German reaching for his pistol. He had been shot in the shoulder and a side of his face was bloody raw, Dima without a second thought turned his SKS and put him down with a shot to the heart. The machine gun nest now lay in their hands and Nikolai screamed out "The nest is ours move up". Hundreds of men began to move forward. Whatever German resistance remained either had surrendered or was dead. A comrade nearby on a radio called in order "the initial crossing is secure, we need an engineering company so we can move the Marshall's tanks across the Mezen". The day had proved a triumphant one with the 135th Rifle division along with other divisions making a good 35 miles. The Germans they captured made many interesting confessions. Such claims as "We're running dry on manpower", "We don't have the equipment we need", "Adolf abandoned us" and most shockingly "the front is near collapse". The German prisoners were soon taken away by NKVD trucks to either be used for forced labor or reeducation.

Dima and other Russians celebrated the evening by passing around a full bottle of liquor. Petrov first spoke, "Dima what are you going to do after the war". Dima smiled at the question that he had no answer to. "I'm not sure comrade, I may settle back in a city after we liberate the West of our country, probably work in an industrial collective". Dima turned to a silent and gave him a nudge "what are you going to do comrade" Nikolai turned slowly before letting out a smile. "I've fought my entire life, I will go to some quiet collective farm somewhere and hopefully I'll out the rest of my days in peace". Soon things began to settle down as the troops settled down to eventually sleep. Dima awoke to shout "Comrades get up we have more work to do today" Dima eventually got himself together and prepared himself for the day ahead. It was a cool summer day fresh with the smell of blood. Gunfire was sporadic but continuous throughout the day. Dima along with Petrov and Nikolai were leading a patrol at the edge of the line, so far they encountered little resistance. Throughout the next couple of weeks, they went town to town liberating them fighting underequipped teenagers or old men. Eventually, after a month they were outside the city of Arkhangelsk itself. The time had finally come to liberate the Russian people.
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Just found this great work cant wait for more,by the way what is situation in other occupied parts of Europe?
Just found this great work cant wait for more,by the way what is situation in other occupied parts of Europe?

Thanks for your support, I will be writing more chapters focusing on more areas of Europe such as France, Britain, Italy and more on Germany. Expect new characters and more chapters with Wagner, Tagomi and the man, the legend Dima.
Burning Sun

July 23rd, 1962
Japanese Pacific States
Japanese Authority Building

"Gentleman, these tariffs have recently shown their impact on the economy". Mr. Tagomi then handed out a report to the ministers present at the meeting, once they opened the report most grimaced. "Our exports have suffered along with our oil trade, these new German tariffs have increased costs of transport to the Mediterranian and to the Americas. Along with this, the Germans have now fully implemented autarky with trade in the Reich. They have the necessary oil they need from their Reichskommisariats in America and the Kaukasus. "What about rubber trade minister"? "I'm afraid we are out of luck their as well Finance Minister, the Germans can source rubber from their African territories along with America's". "With this move by the Germans, it is my recommendation that we find an ability to renegotiate with the Reich". A general sternly replied "Trade Minister we must consolidate our trade and resources. The campaign in Indochina and China is still ongoing and we require the resources necessary to continue it". "It will take a lot of adjustment and a period of an economic slowdown in order to orient our economy into revolving around my empire.
The general took off his glasses and stared blatantly at Tagomi, "how long will this slowdown be", "trade is complicated it could be from months to years". "Rubber and oil are critical to our air campaign in Indochina. Without either, we won't be able to maintain our air campaign which is suppressing ILF base areas and supply lines". The general looked almost fearful at the possible connotations of halting the air campaign before Tagomi finally spoke up. "General Onega, the oil will flow and trade will resume to normalcy in due time". Tagomi bowed as Onega stood up with his staff and left the conference room. As the general and his staff exited the building a large explosion rocked the entrance. Tagomi heard it almost instantly and ran outside. In front of him lay a horrific sight. Dead Japanese soldiers and civilians were everwhere with wounded screaming, along with this Tagomi spotted a pamphlet. It read: "Liberate the West Coast, Kick the Yellow Unternmensh Out"! This attack was undoubtedly the work of the Pacific Aryan Liberation Front. Tagomi then stared at the flag pole of the building. The imperial flag was flying but burning.
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Putting aside the plausibility issues, why is Japan suffering from oil and rubber issues? The Oil reserves of California, Manchuria, Sakhalin, and the ex DEI should be more than enough to sustain the needs of sixties-era Japan while Malaya and the DEI are massive sources of rubber
They are clearly outstretched and dealing whit various rebellions and such their infrastructure is stretched to is limit and you need infrastructure.There is also fact you need manpower to work in factory's and such to produce rubber and oil
We're Going to Win

August 30th, 1962
State of Indochina
Dien Bien Phu

An artillery bombardment began early on the morning of the 15th of August. Shells screeched overhead at a near-deafening noise shaking the hilly demolishing everything within their vicinity. General Zap oversaw the bombardment through binoculars and grinned as he thought to himself "the positioning of artillery around the Japanese defenses had paid off tremendously". Immediately after the artillery bombardment, the first wave of infiltration hit the Japanese defenses along with a full mass assault by units of the Indochinese National Liberation Army. General Zap noticed the lack of Japanese air cover and support and took full advantage of the window period provided by the Japanese. Gunfire was fierce for the first couple of hours until it all fell quite. As Zap peered through the binoculars he saw a tremendous sight. The red and blue flag of the front was flying high, the first line of the Japanese defense had been penetrated.

The next day after a decent nights sleep Zap was in a conference room with the central command of the INLF. "Comrades our time has finally come to begin the second phase of national liberation, we will start with Dien Bien Phu. The Northern Front has managed to link up with our Laotian comrades which have cut the central supply line to Dien Bien Phu, thus we have put the Japanese in a serious predicament". The entire room stood up and began to applaud upon hearing of the news with the political officers clapped most enthusiastically out of everyone. Zap continued, "the next phase of our operation is simple, we will trap the Japanese into a battle they cannot win at Dien Bien Phu. We must dedicate some of our best veteran divisions for a decisive victory". "What on the Japanese air cover", "with the Reich cutting off trade with the Japanese they will be forced to reorient their entire trade economy which will take months, furthermore they won't be able to do much to our camouflaged and dug in artillery pieces. The entire Japanese base at Dien Bien Phu is surrounded by our troops which means they can only resupply by air, which clearly is now a problem for them". Listening in the background a man with a long thin beard stood up to speak "then it is settled, General Zap you have my approval for the Operation at Dien Bien Phu" "Thank you Chairman" Zap replied with his normal grin.

The week following the meeting Zap had begun the process of penetration of the Japanese defensive positions with groups of infiltration teams digging around and under the Japanese defenses. The fighting which followed was asymmetrical in nature with the INLF units striking deep behind the lines of the Japanese. The fighting, as usual, had been rough for both sides who took horrific casualties. Even so the Indochinese advanced in the face of hell itself they advanced. By the end of the first week following intense fighting, the second line of defense had been cracked. In response to this, the Japanese began to deploy helicopters and whatever airpower they had left which had some effect but wouldn't change the tide. Finally, the time had come for the final assault. By this point, the Japanese and their allies knew they were doomed and a wave of suicides followed.

On the morning of the 27th of August, General Zap made a speech to his men. "Comrades you have fought like tigers over the past couple of weeks. Against all the odds, soldiers, bombs and bullets you are proving to the world that the Empire will not win this war. The fact that a homeland as isolated and damaged as our Indochinese motherland can resist the Japanese imperialists is remarkable and sends a signal to all other comrades and resistance forces to imperialism and fascism. These brave people in other lands are simply waiting for our example. For our leadership, if you take Dien Bien Phu and force the Japanese out of the motherland then the people of Asia and Oceania will join us in our revolution!" Clapping and hooting immediately erupted from the troops. The soldiers began to sing the Internationale which Zap joined in the chorus of voices. As it ended cheers erupted and a chant broke out "today Dien Bien Phu and tomorrow Indochina".

The initial assault began with heavy artillery bombardment, unfortunately, the Japanese troops at the final defensive line were dug in too well to be smashed by only artillery. The first couple of wave attacks didn't succeed in major penetrations and resulted in massive casualties. However, as midday approached Zap threw in his veteran divisions. Observing the battlefield from a distance Zap spotted a squad making their way through the defenses of Japanese. They, however, were pinned down by Japanese machine gun and mortar fire on the last defensive positions. The first day of the assault had shown some promise but was largely beaten back from the Japanese defense. "I want to use all of our artillery for the next assault we must break through this chokepoint" Zap barked at the artillery officer. The next day massive artillery and mortar fire smashed over the entire line immediately on the heels of the bombardment the best infiltration units raced forward to breach the line. The firefight was intense and horrific but lasted fairly shortly. The final defensive line was breached and a white flag was raised.

The Indochinese began to cheer as the remaining troops threw down their arms in surrender. A commissar came to General Zap and pointed at the prisoners "these aren't Japanese sir, they wouldn't have surrendered if they were". Streams of Philipino, Malaysian and Korean troops poured into captivity with their hands up. Zap thought to himself "they must be running low on manpower if they're using Non-Japanese at this point". General Zap made his way to the former headquarters of the Japanese defense, he had to watch his step over all of the bodies of both Indochinese and enemy troops. As he entered the headquarters he saw the usual sight. The Japanese commander was in a kneeling position along with the officers. They all had tanto blades stuck into their stomachs and weren't moving, they had all committed Seppuku. Zap made his way out of the headquarters smiling and a roar of cheering from his soldiers came over him like a wave. Two veteran troops used a knife to tear down the Japanese flag and in turn raised the Indochinese Liberation Front flag. General Zap smiled and thought to himself "we are going to win".

(Flag of the Indochinese Liberation Front)
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They are clearly outstretched and dealing whit various rebellions and such their infrastructure is stretched to is limit and you need infrastructure.There is also fact you need manpower to work in factory's and such to produce rubber and oil

If Japan could keep them running when fighting the Pacific War then they can sure as hell keep them running when they don’t have to worry about allied bombing or the US or Royals navies
If Japan could keep them running when fighting the Pacific War then they can sure as hell keep them running when they don’t have to worry about allied bombing or the US or Royals navies
Japan is overstretched and dealing with rebellions/insurgencies from almost all of their colonies. The continued campaign in China is sapping their resources as well as their attempts to hold down their colonies. Various areas of rubber and oil production have been depopulated due to 2 factors. 1. Japanese Ethnic Cleansing and Settlement Campaigns, 2. Japanese crackdown on socialists/nationalist revolutions which killed a large number of the skilled native laborers. The Japanese also are having to reorient their entire trading economy due to the recent economic actions by the Greater German Reich. Basically the Japanese are in a similar position to what the British were in after WW1.
I do have to ask would not Japan use biological warfare developed by unit 731 on rebelling colonies,or is that what is also to blame whit killing off native laborers?
I do have to ask would not Japan use biological warfare developed by unit 731 on rebelling colonies,or is that what is also to blame whit killing off native laborers?
In the 50s the Japanese crushed an Indonesian rebellion using biological warfare developed from 731. But it also spread beyond what the Japanese intended and actually killed a good amount of Japanese settlers. Millions in died and the effects are still being felt in Indonesia to this day in 1962 with small scale outbreaks. So the Japanese have moved away from using these weapons unless they have desperate circumstances. The point is is that this world is really cursed in terms of the amount of war, genocide and fascism present. While the timeline we are living in is IMO pretty trash there are always far worse possibilities.
i dont think timeline we are living is trash,but yea if there is such thing as alternative worlds there might me many worst words out there
Sacrifices Must Be Made

September 31st, 1962
Reichskommisariat Moscowien

It was a cool September morning with a light breeze almost to the effect of a windchill. It wasn't even close to winter and yet there was a certain coldness in the city itself. A coldness and sadness felt throughout the motherland. Dima and his squadmates were sitting in a covered position made of a broken collection of bricks in a wall, some were still asleep while Nikolai, Dima, and Petrov were dead awake. "This city is nothing how I remembered it, the settlers have changed almost everything about it" Petrov grumbled. "I grew up in this city before the war began.... before my family had to flee east". Such was the fate of many Slavs, there were disturbing rumors of what was occurring in Ostland along with the General Government which prompted many to flee east. By now most of the squad was awake eating rations along with whatever water they could scrounge. Dima then piped up to Nikolai like a youth to an elder "what is our objective today comrade". "Stay alive and finish of these rats who still inhabit Arkhangelsk" Petrov replied, "I'll drink to that comrade".

Over the squad radio, they received their orders "Comrades of the 135th Rifle's, today along with other divisions you will take part in the liberation of the Arkhangelsk. When today you fight to avenge the brave comrades who have sacrificed themselves for the past couple of years, FORWARD". "That's the signal comrade's lets move" Nikolai yelled, Dima gripped his SKS and moved forward with his squad into the city itself. Shouting across the city in German began to occur before gunfire erupted from the German defensive positions in the city. The Germans had turned the city center into a fortress with multiple machine gun positions and snipers nests in apartments and tall buildings covering most of the city. Dima and his squad found cover behind the destroyed walls of the former central communications building. "Dima! They have us completely pinned down" Petrov yelled, a machine gun position from a building nearby in front of Dima's squad kept him down. "Can you get we get a shot on him" Nikolai yelled out. Dima thought to himself "I can get a shot but I need someone to draw fire" Dima yelled back.

Petrov was the first to volunteer "I'll go, comrade". Dima took aim at the building through a tiny chink in his cover, Petrov leaped from his defensive position and ran like a fanatic to another piece of cover. The German machine gunner exposed himself and Dima took the shot. Unfortunately, the German managed to hit Petrov a burst from his MG before he fell. Petrov immediately slumped dead along with the German machine gunner. Dima looked numb he had just sent a man to death Nikolai barked out "The gunner is down FORWARD". Dima didn't move an inch, the world seemed to be going in slow motion with a searing ringing inside his ears. Nikolai yelled at him "get your ass up" when Dima still refused to move and continued to stare at Petrov's motionless body. Nikolai slapped Dima out of it "He's wasted, you're not get up we have a job to do". Dima then snapped out of it and moved with Nikolai. As Dima along with other troops charged towards the German position a thundering "URAAAAAAAAAAH" echoed across the dense city. Dima's squad made their way to the first floor of the Communications Building. As they approached the stairs rifle fire erupted from the top of the stairs "throw a Molotov and burn these rats out". One of Dima's squadmates light up a Molotov cocktail and threw it into the room and screams began to erupt. Dima along with his squad rushed into the room and sprayed it clean. A screaming German caught partially on fire attempted to drag himself. Dima noticed the movement and walked up to the German. Dima felt a red fury within him as he emptied the contents of his Makarov into the German killing him instantly.

They reached the top of the building which overlooked most of the city. It was by this time the evening and in the glint of the fading light reflected on the crimson banner of the Union which flew again in Arkhangelsk. Cheers and gunfire erupted across the city along with a flyover by Soviet MIG jets. Night came and with it darkness upon the city. Dima and his squad rounded up the rest of the German prisoners. There were hundreds if not thousands and they all had the same look. Their uniforms were in tatters with a color of dust and field gray. They were unshaven, shabby and had a tired frightened look in their eyes. "Keep a move on scum" Dima snarled at a stumbling German hitting his arm with the butt of his SKS causing the German to yelp. They were heading toward an assembly area in the city center. The assembly area was visible by cold gleaming front lights of the trucks of the NKVD. Officers in blue hats were everywhere and began to sort the prisoners.

(Captain Pictured Above)

A captain with a loudspeaker spoke in a calm cold tone "physically fit go on the trucks the rest march to the assembly areas 1 and 2 on the city outskirts for liquidation". The man was old, in his late 40s if not older. But Dima felt a certain chill when he meet the officer's eyes. They were blue with a cold gleam to them. The officer was lean yet towering, Dima instantly knew this man was the most dangerous man currently present in the city itself. Nikolai went up to the captain, "Captain we have about 30 prisoners I would say 12 are fit to go on the trucks east". The Captain nodded and made additions to what looked like a list and replied cooly "that will be all Comrade". Dima and his squad moved on but the Captain's eyes kept dead contact on Dima. Eventually, Dima along with his squad found themselves on trucks moving outside of Arkhangelsk "where are we heading Nikolai"? "South Dima, south to take Vladimir" Nikolai replied with a smile. It soon faded as the truck slowed to pass a horrific sight. Out in a field to the left of the truck gunfire erupted as a wave. Bodies fell down into what looked to be a mass grave. Dima made out a "reload" from the distance before more figures were bought into sight.

It was an execution squad made up of the blue caps of the NKVD. More figures were brought before the squad before another wave of rifle fire erupted with German bodies falling down into pits. Dima's truck began to speed up again and the field faded into the background. "You want to avenge and retake the motherland comrade? This is the only way". Dima stayed silent until he remembered Petrov gunned down just yesterday. "Sacrifices have to be made" Dima mumbled before taking a swig of water mixed with vodka being passed around the squad in the truck. Dima wanted to sleep, to forget, anything to get out. Before his head caught up with his heart hell is what we are living in now, it is up to us to make it better. The truck along with many others behind it headed south under a gray, grim sky.

(Current Map of Europe and Continuation War)
damn that was dark,by the way do german have nuclear bomb?
Yes but they are unwilling to nuke their own RKs and the continuation war hasn't escalated enough to justify a nuclear strike. On another point, this is a very dark timeline and I want to reflect that in my writing and the worldbuilding. Any requests for what perspectives and areas of this world I should cover would be much appreciated.
That's Not A Name I Have Heard In A Long Time

October 17th, 1962
French Protectorate of Tunisia

A young man in a French Army uniform sat alone in the cantina sipping on a cheap drink. Such was the fate of many young men put on garrison duty in Vichy colonies. Their German masters cared little and devoted little amounts of troops to keep the French in check. The young officer paid for his drink after finishing it and soon left. However, he didn't go to the officer's quarters that night as instructed. He went further into the outskirts of the city and came upon a hut and gave it a knock. The man who opened it pointed a modéle 35 right at the face of the man in uniform and shoved him inside. "Marcel, the fuck you doing here" the man with the gun snarled "drinking and talking too much as usual" replied Marcel grinning. "Furthermore the fuck you wearing that uniform I didn't know my contact was a Vichy stooge". "Only way I could breeze past the German and Vichy puppets was to be one". Marcel settled down and took off the uniform and his shoes before hitting the couch. "So any word on the old man", "No he's gone quiet ever since 56', why"?

Marcel took a cigarette and started to smoke "the resistance has dried up back home Marty, we need him, now more than ever". Marty put the modéle down on a nearby table and took a swig of a shooter before facing Marcel again and speaking. "We've heard some rumors but nothing much" Marty then pulled out a map on the table next to his modéle and circled an area "if you find him he will be there". Marcel gaped "whats the scale of this map, this could be hundreds of miles for what I know", Marty laughed "as I said it's not an envious task you have". "I can provide you the supplies for a week but beyond that, it's up to you comrade" Marty then led Marcel to the shed outside of his hut. He then handed Marcel an old Modele along with biscuits, bread, water and other supplies. Marcel left on a camel "I wish you good luck my friend, for France"!

Marcel didn't make it far before encountering a sandstorm, he had to dismount the camel and drag it by himself. Over a couple of days, Marcel managed to weather the storm while dragging the poor camel through the thick of it. However, he couldn't keep it up and Marcel grew weaker and weaker over the next couple of days as he ran out of supplies. Soon the camel gave out and slumped over dead. Marcel had to keep going alone. Soon he grew too tired to move and set up his camp equipment to rest. He fell asleep and was sure he wouldn't wake up the next morning. Surprisingly he did but not in a tent, he was in a hut. It was strewn with familiar sites including knives, french weapons and a very old uniform that looked straight out of the trenches. An older man entered the room and spoke softly "finally you're awake, drink this". Marcel was handed a cup and drank the unknown liquid which tasted like old bitter tea. The older man chuckled "rest easy son you've had a long trip, you were nearly dead when I found you, what brings you out this far young man"?


Marcel responded immediately "A mission, I'm searching for a great hero of France, "Charles De Gaulle". The old man paused and spoke softly "Charles De Gaulle" and thought to himself "De Gaulle" his expression was lost in the past itself. "Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time, a long time" Marcel replied, "My contact in Tunisia knows him, he said he was dead". The old man replied quickly "oh he's not dead not yet" Marcel gleamed "then you know him". The man replied with a jovial spark in his voice "well of course I know, he's me" Marcel then looked stunned. Marcel thought to himself it's him how did I not realize sooner, De Gaulle continued "I haven't gone by the name of De Gaulle since before you were born". De Gaulle settled down in a chair with Marcel now giving him full attention.

Ever since the fall of the homeland I've been stuck in this land because I won't accept the collaborator scum who now govern France" De Gaulle's expression changed to white-hot anger at the thought of them. "France has fallen to the hun and I doubt we will ever recover her" De Gaulle calmed down and his expression sank into a deep sadness. Marcel replied, "It may seem bleak nowadays General but the resistance still exists, most of the Vichy military serve with half hearts". De Gaulle spoke softly "I'm not coming back Marcel, I can't, I failed France already enough. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I failed France again". Marcel snarled with his response "the men in France currently working with the Germans are the true failures of the Republic. We need you, General, more then you know" Marcel finished the sentence with a gulp of his tea. De Gaulle took a moment to think in his chair, he was old definitely old with his pupils slightly dilated. "If I do this it is for France alone nothing more, I don't want power but France must be free". Marcel nodded and raised a toast "every journey begins with one simple step" De Gaulle laughed "Cheers to that". Marcel and De Gaulle drank through the night but come morning they left, they left for Tunis, the time had come.