Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

The problem with splitting National Populism is that many National Populist regimes are more complex than that. Savinkov is neither a legionary or an integralist. Of course creating a specific NatPop ideology for every single country just isn't viable, so the best solution was and still is to place them into one very broad category.
So, what do you think of my idea of dividing up NatPops into Legionaires and Integralists (with Savinkov being an Integralist based on how he seems to be more civic than racial in his nationalism) while Totalists are divided into a rump Totalism and a new "Leninist" ideology to accomodate the likes of Browder and Foster in the CSA, Khruschchev's Ukraine, and the Jacobins in the CoF (and possibly Eric Blair in the UoB)?
Savinkov really doesn't work as an Integralist. First off, he's not Monarchist, and the main requirement for Integralism is Monarchism. Second, he believes in a centralized state. Plus, despite his civic nationalism there are plenty of ethnicities he's conquered that he doesn't consider "loyal"; Poles and Germans come to mind.
I'd just keep things as they are honestly. It's a fairly diverse system, and I think it's a good compromise between precision and convenience.
In my opion, I think Spilting of legionaries, KKK and the like from the intergralist in Brazil in Portugal and the like would be a good idea.
Wait, you weren't going to play Kalterkrieg for glorious Sodem Germany kicking Savinkovist teeth in? Or pulling the CSA back from the brink?
I’m assuming that American set-up is an OTL China analogue with the roles reversed? Where the reactionary dictatorship is winning over the C̶o̶m̶m̶u̶n̶i̶s̶t̶ Socialist one?