Repost from the pop-culture thread
Away up North in the land of Syndies,
Browder's Men and Burning Cities
Right Away, chorus: Right Away,
Come Away, chorus: Come Away,
Right Away, right away, come away
Where Marx is King and Men are Chattels
Marshall's boys will win the Battles
Right Away, chorus: Right Away,
Come Away, chorus: Come Away,
Right Away, right away, come away
We'll all go see the Syndies;
Away, Away,
Each Syndie boy must understand,
That he must mind his Uncle Same,
Away, chorus: Away, Away, chorus: Away
We'll all go see the Syndies
I wish I was in NYC,
I've heard its quite a sight to be,
Right Away, chorus: Right Away,
Come Away, chorus: Come Away,
Right Away, right away, come away
We'll put the traitors all to rout,
I'll bet my boots we'll whip em out
Right Away, chorus: Right Away,
Come Away, chorus: Come Away,
Right Away, right away, come away
We'll all go see the Syndies;
Away, Away,
Each Syndie boy must understand,
That he must mind his Uncle Same,
Away, chorus: Away, Away, chorus: Away
We'll all go see the Syndies
And may our Stars and Stripes still wave,
Forever for the Free and Brave,
Right Away, chorus: Right Away,
Come Away, chorus: Come Away,
Right Away, right away, come away
And may our motto ever be;
"For Union and for Liberty!"
Right Away, chorus: Right Away,
Come Away, chorus: Come Away,
Right Away, right away, come away
We'll all go see the Syndies;
Away, Away,
Each Syndie boy must understand,
That he must mind his Uncle Same,
Away, chorus: Away, Away, chorus: Away
We'll all go see the Syndies!