Wow. Great start! I couldn't stop reading. While I hate all the Nazi scum, their semi-rational antics are both interesting and amusing - especially Hitler telling off Bormann. He's one part insane, one part pissed off rational.
This is interesting. Of course, any train in Germany is a magnet for fighter-bombers. They might need a second train with them, full of track repair supplies, too.

The escape will eventually become a Hollywood epic, succeed or fail, unless that part of the timeline ends with the escapees dead on the tracks outside Berlin.
AA guns were seldom successful in defending a train--trains were fairly easy pickings for strafing--or a bomb on the tracks would stop it. Best defense--don't get seen...
The rant against Bormann would be even better for parodies than the scene where Hitler finds out Steiner's assault didn't happen.
Not bad. But it would be even better if Hitler makes it aboard the submarine and it gets torpedoed. That's a terrible way to die.