Just a few things that came into my head, with some thoughts of my own:
WI some religious lunatic murdered Madonna in the 80's during her "Sex" phase?
I think if she'd died in that period then you lose a lot of the music that was influenced by her (Presumably no Lady Gaga lol).
WI Courtney Love, rather than Kurt Cobain, had died in '94?
I personally don't see Kurt staying in music if Courtney dies, he'd probably have become a recluse.
WI Michael Jackson is found guilty of child abuse (either occasion)?
I can see a Gary Glitter style vilification, maybe not as strong.
WI Princess Diana survived the car accident, but was paralysed from the waist down?
Maybe she takes up the cause of disabled people's rights?
WI the Britney and JT car accident story wasn't a hoax (and they both died)?
As with Madonna it removes a musical influence (albeit not such a great one) Maybe Xtina takes Britney's place as poster child for a generation.
WI some religious lunatic murdered Madonna in the 80's during her "Sex" phase?
I think if she'd died in that period then you lose a lot of the music that was influenced by her (Presumably no Lady Gaga lol).
WI Courtney Love, rather than Kurt Cobain, had died in '94?
I personally don't see Kurt staying in music if Courtney dies, he'd probably have become a recluse.
WI Michael Jackson is found guilty of child abuse (either occasion)?
I can see a Gary Glitter style vilification, maybe not as strong.
WI Princess Diana survived the car accident, but was paralysed from the waist down?
Maybe she takes up the cause of disabled people's rights?
WI the Britney and JT car accident story wasn't a hoax (and they both died)?
As with Madonna it removes a musical influence (albeit not such a great one) Maybe Xtina takes Britney's place as poster child for a generation.