Jesus was Never Born

It could very well be Judaism that unites the Empire.:D

In OTL many of the Pagans were keenly interested in judaism due to both its (perceived) great antiquity and its strict code of moral conduct. It would be especially attractive to the humiliores, the freedmen and the slaves because the honestores felt entitled to subject men of lower classes to unwanted sexual advances and in the case of freedmen and slaves, the freeborn male citizens were legally free to do so, so long as they were on top.

But are Graeco-Romans likely to embrace circumcision and the Jewish dietary laws?

If not, Judaism might well have to make concessions similar to those Christianity made when it "turned to the gentiles".
Yeh, the circumcision would be a problem. The dietary mitzvot? Not so much.

However, modern Judaism has made an accommodation that if one cannot be wholly Jewish, one can keep the Noachide code and be one of the gerim, that is, the Righteous Gentiles. And it is clear that ancient Jews made similar accomodations in the Greco-Roman world with the goyi'im who wanted to be Jewish but couldn't bear to be circumcised.

Now without Christianity being a competitor for converts, and without multiple Jewish uprisings that contributed to or ignited Panhellenic antisemitism, Judaism has a much easier way forward.

The best part is no Constantine the Criminal! :D

Interesting idea. However, remember that although a fair amount of pagans will convert, Judaism is still a religion that doesn't actively pursue converts.


I had a dream about this timeline. Not that I was in this parallel world; I dreamed that I logged into and read some new installments by John Mighty that were so fantastic that I typed up this huge reply of compliments, just gushing over the timeline. Now I have no idea what I read or what I wrote in this dream.

This website has taken over my subconscious...
I had a dream about this timeline. Not that I was in this parallel world; I dreamed that I logged into and read some new installments by John Mighty that were so fantastic that I typed up this huge reply of compliments, just gushing over the timeline. Now I have no idea what I read or what I wrote in this dream.

This website has taken over my subconscious...

That's okay. It does do that. After I read that Marbles timeline, I spent a ridiculous amount of time recreating it in my head.
Interesting fact. Without Christianity being a great and general annoyance, a peaceful Judaism would be far more attractive to the pagans for they would not be judging the Jews based on the actions of the Christians or the urban rumors about them but rather would be looking at Judaism based on its own merits (and demerits like circumcision). And although the Jews won't go out and actively recruit, the would make some accommodations.

After all, their scriptures have the Gentiles at the end of days seeking out the Jews, and ten Gentiles grabbing ahold of the tassels of the garment of a Jew, asking him to teach them the Torah, and telling him that they have inherited lies.

Congratulations: you have earned a gold star for hitting the nail on the head on plans for Judaism. Although I don't plan on making it the dominant religion of the Roman Empire, I think some of the provinces surrounding Judaea will start to study this curious religion.
Trajan the Conquerer

In the year 98, Trajan becomes emperor of Rome. Much like his predecessor, he proved to be quite popular with the people. He expanded the already vast road system. He had construction projects all across the empire. He even created a fund for the poor, especially the children. The latter proved to be so popular, it was able to last for centuries.

Titus, however, was by no means a civil emperor. A very popular figure in the army, he conquered Dacia and annexed Arabia. After a failed rebellion in the later, he divides the province between Judaea and Egypt). Although he spent seven years in peace, he decides to wage war against Persia after the Persians put a puppet on the Armenian throne.

In 113, Trajan went to Armenia and quickly annexes the kingdom as a province. But Trajan doesn't stop there. He quickly sets his eyes on taking land from the Persians. Whether it was the want of another trade route to India (the Persian Gulf), glory for himself, or a more defensive border, Trajan spends the next few years creating the provinces of Mesopotamia and Assyria. This war was able to happen more effectively thanks to the help of Jews from Judaea, who were able to convince the Armenian and Babylonian Jews to rebel against the Persians and accept Roman leadership. Although some attempted to rebel, the Romans managed to hold on to the provinces, although Hadrian, Trajan's successor, does agree to give back Assyria in exchange for recognition of Roman control in Armenia and Mesopotamia. In recognition for the part in the conquest, Trajan gives the Jews the remnants of Syria. Unfortunately for Trajan, however, the great conquerer dies on his way home in 117. Continuing the trend that made him emperor, he already made Hadrian his adopted son and successor of the Empire.
You will need to mark the years of your calendar differently in this Jesus-less world. I suppose you could use either the Hebrew or Roman calendar.
βιός Ἰησοῦ Xριστοῦ - skewering Xians with their own bizaare beliefs.

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Once word got back to Jerusalem about Paul of Tarsus' promulgating of a bizaare belief system (a crucified messiah? risen from the dead after three days? is this Paul meshugginah?) The Priests and the Rabbis requested access to the records of the Roman Prefects and Procurators. Poring over these records, their own records and the notes on the Christians' beliefs they selected the governor cited by the Christians themselves to have been ruling Judaea when the so-pcalled Jesus Christ, the Christians' messiah was reputed to have been convicted of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin and crucified by the Jews with Roman permission: Pontius Pilatus, Prefect under Tiberius. Scouring his records and their own, they find zero evidence that any such man tried by the Sanhedrin and put to death under Pilate. Neither, they had found, was any such man tried and executed likewise by Pontius Pilate! But there were other pretended messiahs who led people to believe they were Yehoshuah ben Nun redivivus starting with the figure who led a lot of people to their deaths on Mt. Gerizim at the end of Pilate's prefecture.

And so they made their findings and made them public. It slowed the growth of this new sect in the Asia Minor peninsula, and no longer made any headway amongst the Jews, but still gained adherents among the goyi'im.

And so an enterprising Romanised Jew, one Yehoseif ben Matthanyahu, now Flavius Josephus, decided to write a little book, transparently transposed from a biography of Julius Caesar, as a satire: βιός Ἰησοῦ Xριστοῦ (The Life of Jesus Christ). It began with this preamble (ooc based on OTL Antiquities 18.3.3):

Nevertheless it was filled with a lot of impossible things, with here and there a "let the reader understand" as a wink-wink, nudge-nudge, eh? (ooc: h/t to Monty Python).

And here is the ending that was a clincher which would humiliate the Christians!

OOC: There were many Joshuah / Messiah figures in the run-up to Judean Revolt in OTL, the first of which went with an armed mob to Mt Gerizim to dig up Moses' sacred vessels, as recorded in Josephus' Antiquities 18.4.1,2.

OOC: Three men were de-crucified and one survived and recovered in OTL Life of Flavius Josephus 75

Interesting, but severely flawed. Lord Grattan, you are quite right. Paul is nothing more than a relatively obscure Jew ITTL. EdM, if you want to help (which I would gladly appreciate), tell me some of your ideas.
Hadrian and the Fall of Syria

In 870*, Hadrian became emperor of Rome. Unlike his predecessor, he valued stability more than expansion. He returned Assyria to the Persians soon after his ascension, although he did decide to keep Armenia and Mesopotamia, although he did create a massive Romanization of the two new provinces. This process was made possible by the not insignificant Jewish presence in the area. Jews had been regarded for the last few decades as loyal to the Empire. Even outside the Empire, Jews looked to Rome as a land accepting of Jews. Unfortunately, this backfired in the years leading up to the Trajan's wars, since the Persians now looked at Jews with a deep sense of mistrust. By the time of the Susa massacre in 873, virtually all remaining Jews in Persia moved to Judaea.

Meanwhile, Hadrian was becoming well known as an emperor of peace. He successfully made peace with the Persians a few years into his reign. He built formidable defenses throughout his borders, the most famous of which is his wall in Britannia, later known as Hadrian's Wall. He patronized the arts and had a virtual obsession with Greek culture. He was also well known for his travels all over the Empire. Among his travels was to Judaea in 883, where he received a rousing welcome from the Jews. When he went to Jerusalem, the High Priest personally sacrificed a dozen beautiful cows in his name. For the Judaeans, life couldn't get better. The same could not be said for the remaining pagan Syrians.

In the Levant, paganism were a dying religion. Although Judaism never went out converting the pagans, the pagans, disgusted with their own religion and fascinated with Judaism, converted in droves. The remaining Syrian pagans began to loath Judaism. Although they were free to practice their religion, many hated how the Jews took most of their province. But what really infuriated them was how Rome would allow such a thing to happen. From Tyrus to Antioch, Syrians plotted a rebellion against the hated Romans and Jews. Two years after Hadrian's visit to Judaea, they initiated their rebellion. All over the Levant, the pagans rose up and massacred the Jews and Romans. They quickly proclaimed a new, independent Syria, with the capital in the great city of Antioch.

Hadrian, shocked that the Syrians would dare do such a thing, quickly sent his legions to squash the rebellion. But even with the help of the legions, the Romans might have lost if it weren't for the Jews and the general Simon bar Kosiba. Called bar Kochba by the Jews for his heroism, the Romans remember him as a formidable general in the fight against the Syrians. It became the stuff of legend when he saved an entire legion from defeat. By 888, the rebellion was crushed.

With the rebellion over, Hadrian sent Bar Kochba to Rome, where he gave the heroic general a Triumph, the first Jew to ever receive one. He also gave him Roman citizenship and a rich plot of land in old Syria. He also gave the Jews more rights than ever and virtually all of the Levant, stretching all the way to Antioch. This was made easier by the increasing disappearance of Syrian pagans. Following the rebellion, most pagans were horrified by what the war has brought down upon them. And after seeing the Jews morality in warfare, they converted to Judaism in increasingly large numbers.

This causes some controversy among the Jews. Some want to welcome them with open arms, while others want to severely restrict conversion. Eventually, Rabbi Akiva suggests a popular compromise. First, a convert follows some, but not all, of the laws in what is essentially an initiation stage. During this time, the initiate learns Judaism from a rabbi. After the rabbi decides the man is ready to be considered a Jew, he is circumcised and is considered a full Jew in all but one aspect; they are only allowed to marry someone born Jewish, in order to avoid the possibility of residual pagan feelings to manifest. Although some would-be converts don't like this initiate stage and still have bad feelings towards circumcision, most agree to this process. Within a decade of the rebellion's end, the Levant has become virtually entirely Jewish.

* - I decided to start using the Roman calendar to signify dates. If you want to know what year it actually is, just subtract the year shown by 753. For instance, 870-753=117.
With an entirely Jewish Levant, how much land does this mean-how far inland, how far down the Sinai, etc.

Please include the year subtraction in all further updates.
With an entirely Jewish Levant, how much land does this mean-how far inland, how far down the Sinai, etc.

Please include the year subtraction in all further updates.

I hate to break this to you, but I kind of stopped this ATL. My efforts are concentrated on my new one. If you want to take this TL over or even start it from scratch, you have my permission, but not my help.