Interesting cities on the edge of 'civilization'

What cities do you think in ATL scenarios would be good conduits for cultural and technological diffusion? This can include cities that were only recently conquered by 'barbarian' entities. My candidate for a city of this type would Emporion, a Greek trading city on the coast of northeastern Spain. Were it to become enlarged through perhaps an influx of refugees from a fallen Greek city-state, or conquered by a neighboring Iberian tribe, perhaps Greek ideas on governance, warfare, agriculture or other elements would diffuse into the Iberian hinterland. This spread of Greek culture could encouraged the formation of cities, the use of writing (there was already a native Iberian script), eventually leading to the formation of large kingdoms that could remain independent should they face Punic or Roman aggression.
If Alexander the Great lived longer and his empire became a long term thing, given the OTL interesting interactions between the Greek Bactrians and China, it would be cool to have a Greek city in Central Asia that was the point where Han China and the Alexandrian Oikumene trade with and interact.