I think in this scenario you could get Ontario or at least lower Ontario to join at some point as well as nova scotia and maritime's.. A must would be be to secure the St. Lawrence and the great lakes. depending on when this takes place. if there is no south in this revolution you may not get a revolution.
Lets say its a bartered peace. This US is granted independence and the southern colonies choose to remain with the crown. This would get you a nation of potentially but not assured, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi with Florida being taken at a later time.
Next problem is the French still own said Louisiana territory, how did the brits take it? what of Napoleon running around Europe. Mexico stands to be stronger and possibly on par with this smaller united states. You will still have the Native question to be resolved.
The Mississippi depending on how well these nations are getting along .. would be heavily fortified, making it possibly not the highway of the interior it is in our time line.
one last items, once these other territories potentially gain independence who and where do they go to. Canada runs down to the gulf and includes Oregon? Canada would be like the size of Russia. I would also assume in this scenario that Alaska would go to Canada.
Now on to a few points. no this US wouldn't deindustrialize. you still have the great lakes, Appalachia, new England.
Socially? I could foresee them being more progressive. ( by the standards of the time )
oh and another big item too note:
Immigration will be awkward. The US was vast and sparsely populated making it ideal for immigrants. I would assume those coming to the US would be going to the Midwest.
oh oh .. a bigger point. So if the southern states remain british, what happens when slavery is abolished in the empire? Does this prompt another revolutionary war? Does the US help out the southern states or the british. if they do help the british or remain neutral, what do they get for it.
and lets keep playing here. does the war of 1812 still happen.
in 1776 while slavery wasn't exactly liked by the enlightened, it was considered just a "is what it is" type thing at the time.
there is just a crap ton of butterflys here.