Fascism (
/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical
authoritarian ultranationalism,
[1][2][3][4]characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy”.
If we’re going by Wikipedia, then the idea of nationstates would need to be defined by that point while having the absolute leader in charge of everything.
Which would be a rare combination. Off the top of my head, Genghis came close by expanding the term "Mongols" to all subdued people of the Steppe, dealing with the opposition harshly (including "Most Divine" shaman Kokochu who had unhealthy illusions about his own power). Regimentation of society (the nomadic part of it) was clearly there and quite literally: each male Mongol had its place in one of the regiments (
) and Yasa contained a list of the behavioral rules (no quarrels and theft among the Mongols, no bathing naked in the open water, etc.). Economy is trickier but there was a clearly defined percentage of the loot which each warrior had to give to the Khan (probably under the circumstances this could pass as a part of "economy"), there were regulations protecting the traders, state-maintained postal service, etc.
OTOH, the national and legal stuff was applicable only to the nomads: the sedentary population continued to live under the pre-existing laws (with whatever modifications).