So, I’ve been working on a timeline for a while now and I’ve run into a serious roadblock, namely; not having the slightest clue what I’m doing.
The basic idea I’m working off of is I want a timeline based very loosely off of the Eugenics Wars from Star Trek, with WWIII in the 1990s between NATO+Warsaw Pact and the Great Khanate. The problem is, while I have a decent enough understanding of NATO nations and to a lesser degree the Warsaw Pact, my knowledge of Asia, the Middle East, and Africa is pretty non-existent. So here’s where you guys and girls come in.
I want some help coming up with a somewhat plausible chain of events that lead to China, India, and a lot of the Middle East and maybe some of Africa merging into the Great Khanate, a totalitarian and somewhat fascist confederation, by the late 70s, with the first major POD being after 1940. I have attempted to create a very basic map showing the state of the world in 1993 just before the start of the war, with the axis in dark grey and the allies in every other colour, though I based it very heavily off of another Eugenics War map I found and I have very little idea how realistic it is. But it should give you the basic idea:
I also drew up a very basic timeline of events, which I am almost certainly going to scrap and start again from scratch because the GK forming so quickly does not make any real sense, plus in this draft it forms in 92 not 78, which I've come to think is far too late for it to be able to carry out the decade-long military build-up it needs before WWIII.
I’m putting this in the regular form and not ASB because for all intents and purposes this is a fairly standard if very implausible timeline - there are no ISOTs or magic or anything, - and I want it to be as realistic as possible. To that end, while the final story I end up writing will feature genetic augments and Red October-style silent subs and all sorts of other weird things, for now and the purposes of this discussion just assume that everything is as it would be IRL and that Khan and his followers are just a bunch of ordinary unaugmented people who got extremely lucky (kind of like Hitler in a way I suppose). If the mods deem that this board is nonetheless inappropriate, feel free to move it to the ASB forums. The only thing I ask is that you don't put it in Fandom, as the connection between this and Star Trek is that there's a nation named the Great Khanate and a war in the 90s, and that's about it.
The basic idea I’m working off of is I want a timeline based very loosely off of the Eugenics Wars from Star Trek, with WWIII in the 1990s between NATO+Warsaw Pact and the Great Khanate. The problem is, while I have a decent enough understanding of NATO nations and to a lesser degree the Warsaw Pact, my knowledge of Asia, the Middle East, and Africa is pretty non-existent. So here’s where you guys and girls come in.
I want some help coming up with a somewhat plausible chain of events that lead to China, India, and a lot of the Middle East and maybe some of Africa merging into the Great Khanate, a totalitarian and somewhat fascist confederation, by the late 70s, with the first major POD being after 1940. I have attempted to create a very basic map showing the state of the world in 1993 just before the start of the war, with the axis in dark grey and the allies in every other colour, though I based it very heavily off of another Eugenics War map I found and I have very little idea how realistic it is. But it should give you the basic idea:
I also drew up a very basic timeline of events, which I am almost certainly going to scrap and start again from scratch because the GK forming so quickly does not make any real sense, plus in this draft it forms in 92 not 78, which I've come to think is far too late for it to be able to carry out the decade-long military build-up it needs before WWIII.
1938 xxx
As part of a secret program to create super soldiers, scientists in Nazi Germany begin experimenting with several newly-discovered chemicals in an effort to manipulate the genetic structure of various test subjects.
1939 September 1st
Nazi Germany launches an invasion of Poland. The British send them an ultimatum that is rejected. WWII starts.
1941 February to December
Thirteen Essex-class aircraft carriers are ordered by the US.
1941 May 24th
The Battle of the Denmark Strait. The British battlecruiser Hood is sunk. The battleship Prince of Wales is damaged and forced to retreat. The German battleship Bismarck is damaged by aircraft from Ark Royal and later sunk by fire from several RN battleships.
1941 December 7th
The Attack on Pearl Harbor. The American battleships Arizona, Oklahoma, and Utah are all total losses. More ships would be damaged and not return to service for as many as 3 years. Japan and Germany declare war on the US.
1942 June 4th to 7th
The Battle of Midway. The American aircraft carrier Yorktown and destroyer Hammann are sunk by torpedoes from the Japanese submarine I-168. The Japanese aircraft carriers Kaga, Akagi, Sōryū, and Hiryū are critically damaged by planes from the American carriers and are scuttled.
1942 August (general)
The US orders an additional ten Essex-class aircraft carriers.
1942 September 15th
The American aircraft carrier Wasp is sunk by the Japanese submarine I-19.
1942 October 25th to 27th
The Battle of Santa Cruz. The American aircraft carrier Hornet is badly damaged, but attempts to scuttle her fail and she is captured by the Japanese as US forces withdraw. American intelligence does not realize this and assumes she was sunk until after the war. The Japanese rename Hornet to Suzumebachi.
1943 June (general)
Three additional Essex-class aircraft carriers are ordered by the US.
1943 December 26th
The German battleship Scharnhorst is intercepted and sunk by a RN task force. Despite the threat of U-boat attack, the British warships remain in the area to rescue the survivors.
1944 June 6th
D-Day. Allied forces perform combat landings at Normandy and begin pushing the Germans back through Western Europe.
1944 October 23rd to 26th
The Battle of Leyte Gulf. The Japanese lose 2 fleet carriers, including Suzumebachi (the former Hornet) who is sunk by planes from the American aircraft carrier Enterprise after being misidentified as Tahio-class.
The forces of Taffy 3 make a successful last stand against the approaching Japanese battle group after the bulk of the US capital ships are diverted by Halsey, pushing the Japanese to retreat North to escape through the San Bernardino Strait.
However, Halsey’s ships form TF34 with Iowa, New Jersey, 3 light cruisers, and 8 destroyers, and turn to steam South, meeting the Japanese forces at the strait and engaging them in a massive duel. Kongō and Nagato are sunk, Haruna would sink the next day, and Yamato just barely escapes heavily damaged. Iowa is critically damaged and would later sink in a storm while returning to Hawaii.
1945 December (general)
In light of the loss of Iowa, and the massive battleship-on-battleship fight that just happened, it is decided to complete the Iowa-class battleships Illinois, Kentucky, and the Alaska-class large cruiser Hawaii.
1945 March (general)
Soviet forces advancing through former Nazi German terrotory stuble across vaious labs involved in trying to manipulate the human genome. The work is quickly compiled and sent back to the motherland for study, where a similar program would eventually be set up.
1945 March 19th
American carrier aircraft from Enterprise, Yorktown, and Intrepid raid Kure. Despite stiff resistance by local defenses, the American naval aviators damage sixteen Japanese ships, including the battleship Yamato.
1945 March 26th
Operation Iceberg, the Allied invasion of Okinawa, is launched. In response, the IJN begins planning out Operation Ten-gō. A Surface Special Task Force consisting of the battleship Yamato, the light cruiser Yahagi, and eight destroyers is planned to be formed.
Their mission is to fight past the US Seventh Fleet, destroy as many American troop ships as they can, beach themselves, and serve as shore batteries until they are destroyed, in which case the survivors will join Japanese troops in Okinawa and continue fighting.
However, Yamato is unable to leave Kure due to damage from the Battle off San Bernardino Strait and the earlier air attack. Instead, the aviation battleships Hyūga and Ise are hurriedly repaired and sent to Tokuyama to be sortied in her place.
1945 April 6th
Operation Ten-gō begins.
1945 April 7th
The US Navy annihilates the Surface Special Task Force. American air power sinks Yahagi and three out of the seven destroyers. Hatsushimo and Yukikaze escape with survivors. The aviation battleships Hyūga and Ise are engaged by the American fast battleships Massachusetts, Indiana, South Dakota, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Missouri. They are badly damaged but in turn manage to damage South Dakota.
Hyūga is eventually sunk. Ise’s surviving crew surrenders, planning to scuttle the ship with the American prize crew aboard, but quick-thinking by the American boarding teams save her.
1945 May 8th
Victory in Europe.
1945 August 6th to 15th
Atomic weapons are deployed by the United States against the Empire of Japan. The Soviet Union begins the invasion of Manchuria. Japan unconditionally surrenders to the US.
Yamato is later captured by US forces in Kure. General McArthur is impressed by the sight of the massive battleship, and has her brought up to Tokyo Bay for the surrender ceremony.
1945 September 2nd
The Japanese Instrument of Surrender is signed aboard the deck of the American battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay. WWII ends.
1946 January (general)
Enterprise is deactivated and mothballed at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in New York City, New York. She is decommissioned a month later.
1946 July 1st to 25th
Operation Crossroads is launched. Among the ships there are Yamato, Ise, Prinz Eugen, Saratoga and Ranger.
Only one clear photograph of Yamato exists from the Baker shot, showing her stern lifted completely out of the water as she jackknifed up to 55 degrees, before flipping over and crashing back down sideways, breaking her back and sinking.
1947 xxx
Soviet scientists succeed in reverse engineering the Nazi genetic modifcation program’s secrets. Work begins on trying to replicate them in human subjects.
1948 xxx
New Jersey, Missouri, Alaska, Guam, and Hawaii are deactivated and sent to the mothball fleet.
1949 xxx
Wisconsin is deactivated and sent to the mothball fleet.
1950 June 25th
The Korean War starts. The battleships Illinois and Kentucky would bombard North Korean and Chinese forces frequently during the conflict.
1953 July 27th
The Korean War ends.
1954 July 1st
The Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force is founded.
1955 November 1st
The Vietnam War starts.
1955 xxx
The first successfully genetically augmented Soviet super soldiers (augments) are born in a top-secret lab in Siberia.
1956 xxx
Illinois and Kentucky are given complete refits, replacing their rear guns and superstructure with SAM and cruise missile launchers. The Alaska-class Guam and Hawaii are also reactivated and given refits, replacing all of their main guns with SAM launchers.
1957 xxx
Fleet Admiral Halsey and General MacArthur combine their political pull to persuade the Japanese to buy the deactivated Enterprise as the centerpiece of the JMSDF. Enterprise begins refitting at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in New York.
1957 October 4th
The Soviet Union launches the first artificial satellite into orbit, Sputnik One.
1958 July 29th
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is founded in the US.
1958 August (general)
Enterprise completes her refit. She is renamed Yonaga (Long Night) and enters service with the JMSDF. Halsey moves to Japan in order to be near her. He serves as an esteemed civilian adviser to the JMSDF.
1958 xxx
The Illinois and Kentucky are sent to the reserve fleet.
1961 xxx
The Enterprise-class supercarrier Enterprise is commissioned in the US. She is the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier in the world.
1967 xxx
Illinois and Kentucky are reactivated and start working on the North Vietnamese gun line.
1968 xxx
The Japanese Diet amends Article Nine of its Constitution. Japan can now legally exercise the right of "collective self defense" and implement military action if one of its allies comes under attack. The influential and respected Halsey plays an instrumental role in ensuring the passage of this amendment.
1969 xxx
Halsey dies at the age of 86. He is buried with full military honors at Yokosuka, Japan. He is considered to be ‘The Father of the JMSDF’.
1971 xxx
The Republic of China turns over the destroyer Tan-Yang to Japan. She reinstates her old name of Yukikaze and is turned into a museum ship at Odaiba.
1971 xxx
The Soviet supersoldier program is declared a failure due to the megalomania present in all of the subjects and shut down. Several hundred of the augments find out about this in advance and manage to escape.
1973 xxx
The Vietnam war ends.
1975 xxx
The genetically modified augment Kahn begins to rise to power in China.
1977 xxx
The US Navy nuclear strike cruiser program is approved.
1978 xxx
Kahn is officially declared to be the ruler of the People's Republic of China. He begins instituting massive reforms to the country almost immediately.
1982 xxx
Illinois and Kentucky are given refits to modern standards, replacing their missile batteries and improving their sensors and accommodations. New Jersey, Missouri, and Wisconsin would undergo a similar refit a year later.
1983-89 xxx
Several other genetic augments start to rise to positions of serious power in countries all over Asia, including India and North Korea. In addition, a number of other augments manage to reach influential positions in the US and USSR, using their power in an attempt to keep them neutral to events unfolding in Asia.
1983 xxx
The US Navy commissions the first of eight Helena-class nuclear strike cruisers, Helena.
1985 xxx
Several top-secret files relating to the silent propulsion system used on the ill-fated Red October-class submarine disappear from Soviet archives. Later that year, naval architects in the People's Republic of China start working on their own class of guided missile submarine that uses a similar type of drive.
1992 xxx
The Johnston-class Aegis destroyer Johnston is commissioned in the US.
1992 April to June
China, India, North Korea, and several other Asian and Middle Eastern nations under the control of various genetic augments officially merge into the Great Khanate.
1993 February 11th
WWIII starts. The Great Khanate declares war on NATO and several allied nations, launching a series of surprise attacks on each. Submarine-launched cruise missile attacks are carried out on the ships and naval bases of every allied country twenty minutes before the declaration of war is given. Axis forces start pushing into South Korea, and days later Khanate troops make combat landings in Taiwan and Japan.
1993 March (general)
The US instigates a wartime economy and, among many other things, orders an additional 10 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers and 85 Johnston-class guided missile destroyers.
1993 April 28th
South Korea unconditionally surrenders to the Great Khanate and is occupied.
1993 June 14th
Taiwan unconditionally surrenders to the Great Khanate and is occupied.
1993 September 22nd
The Great Khanate declares war on the Soviet Union, and launches a massive land-based offensive northwards. The Soviets are caught off guard and start being pushed back.
1993 October (general)
The Warsaw Pact and NATO sign a wartime alliance treaty, officially (re)forming the Allied Nations.
1994 October 12th
United States Navy Task Force 15, composed of the Enterprise, Intrepid, Nimitz, and their escorts engage four axis aircraft carriers in a decisive battle and sink them. This is the first major victory for the USN in the war.
1994 December 16th
The Saratoga CVN-74 is commissioned a year ahead of schedule, the first USN carrier to do so during the war.
1995 January to August
Axis naval forces in the Pacific are slowly but surely hunted down and sunk by American, Commonwealth, and Soviet naval forces, as well as several ships that managed to escape from occupied nations such as South Korea. By the middle of August axis naval forces have been reduced to a handful of submarines, frigates, and a couple destroyers.
1995 March 13th
The Ranger CVN-75 is commissioned two years ahead of schedule.
1995 May (general)
The axis offensive into Russia stalls at the eastern edges of the Ural mountains.
1995 August (general)
USN and Soviet battleships and aircraft carriers begin bombarding the Chinese and Japanese coasts.
1995 September (general)
The US Strategic Air Command and Soviet Long Range Aviation Command, with axis air power all but eliminated, begins a massive strategic bombing campaign against the Great Khanate and their occupation zones.
1996 February 5th
In a coordinated offensive, Soviet forces launch a massive southeast push, eventually reaching all the way though to former Mongolia, while Allied forces make combat landings in China. Half a dozen nuclear-armed cruise missiles are launched at the axis forces amassing to repel the landings shortly before H-Hour.
1996 March 2nd
The America CVN-76 is commissioned in the US. She is the first of the 10 Nimitz-class carriers ordered in 1993 to be commissioned, after an extremely rushed 3 year build and fitting out process.
1996 October 24th
WWIII ends. The Great Khanate unconditionally surrenders to the allies. Khan and several of his followers disappear, supposedly having committed suicide.
1996 December 17th
The SS Botany Bay is launched from a blacksite in Australia, disappearing into the depths of space. Unknown to the world, Khan and 72 of his followers are aboard in cryosleep. The primitive navigation system on the ship, however, quickly loses its star-lock and the vessel starts drifting off course.
1997 xxx
The Soviet Union collapses from a delayed onset of war exhaustion.
2009 July 20th
Armstrong colony is founded on the Moon.
1938 xxx
As part of a secret program to create super soldiers, scientists in Nazi Germany begin experimenting with several newly-discovered chemicals in an effort to manipulate the genetic structure of various test subjects.
1939 September 1st
Nazi Germany launches an invasion of Poland. The British send them an ultimatum that is rejected. WWII starts.
1941 February to December
Thirteen Essex-class aircraft carriers are ordered by the US.
1941 May 24th
The Battle of the Denmark Strait. The British battlecruiser Hood is sunk. The battleship Prince of Wales is damaged and forced to retreat. The German battleship Bismarck is damaged by aircraft from Ark Royal and later sunk by fire from several RN battleships.
1941 December 7th
The Attack on Pearl Harbor. The American battleships Arizona, Oklahoma, and Utah are all total losses. More ships would be damaged and not return to service for as many as 3 years. Japan and Germany declare war on the US.
1942 June 4th to 7th
The Battle of Midway. The American aircraft carrier Yorktown and destroyer Hammann are sunk by torpedoes from the Japanese submarine I-168. The Japanese aircraft carriers Kaga, Akagi, Sōryū, and Hiryū are critically damaged by planes from the American carriers and are scuttled.
1942 August (general)
The US orders an additional ten Essex-class aircraft carriers.
1942 September 15th
The American aircraft carrier Wasp is sunk by the Japanese submarine I-19.
1942 October 25th to 27th
The Battle of Santa Cruz. The American aircraft carrier Hornet is badly damaged, but attempts to scuttle her fail and she is captured by the Japanese as US forces withdraw. American intelligence does not realize this and assumes she was sunk until after the war. The Japanese rename Hornet to Suzumebachi.
1943 June (general)
Three additional Essex-class aircraft carriers are ordered by the US.
1943 December 26th
The German battleship Scharnhorst is intercepted and sunk by a RN task force. Despite the threat of U-boat attack, the British warships remain in the area to rescue the survivors.
1944 June 6th
D-Day. Allied forces perform combat landings at Normandy and begin pushing the Germans back through Western Europe.
1944 October 23rd to 26th
The Battle of Leyte Gulf. The Japanese lose 2 fleet carriers, including Suzumebachi (the former Hornet) who is sunk by planes from the American aircraft carrier Enterprise after being misidentified as Tahio-class.
The forces of Taffy 3 make a successful last stand against the approaching Japanese battle group after the bulk of the US capital ships are diverted by Halsey, pushing the Japanese to retreat North to escape through the San Bernardino Strait.
However, Halsey’s ships form TF34 with Iowa, New Jersey, 3 light cruisers, and 8 destroyers, and turn to steam South, meeting the Japanese forces at the strait and engaging them in a massive duel. Kongō and Nagato are sunk, Haruna would sink the next day, and Yamato just barely escapes heavily damaged. Iowa is critically damaged and would later sink in a storm while returning to Hawaii.
1945 December (general)
In light of the loss of Iowa, and the massive battleship-on-battleship fight that just happened, it is decided to complete the Iowa-class battleships Illinois, Kentucky, and the Alaska-class large cruiser Hawaii.
1945 March (general)
Soviet forces advancing through former Nazi German terrotory stuble across vaious labs involved in trying to manipulate the human genome. The work is quickly compiled and sent back to the motherland for study, where a similar program would eventually be set up.
1945 March 19th
American carrier aircraft from Enterprise, Yorktown, and Intrepid raid Kure. Despite stiff resistance by local defenses, the American naval aviators damage sixteen Japanese ships, including the battleship Yamato.
1945 March 26th
Operation Iceberg, the Allied invasion of Okinawa, is launched. In response, the IJN begins planning out Operation Ten-gō. A Surface Special Task Force consisting of the battleship Yamato, the light cruiser Yahagi, and eight destroyers is planned to be formed.
Their mission is to fight past the US Seventh Fleet, destroy as many American troop ships as they can, beach themselves, and serve as shore batteries until they are destroyed, in which case the survivors will join Japanese troops in Okinawa and continue fighting.
However, Yamato is unable to leave Kure due to damage from the Battle off San Bernardino Strait and the earlier air attack. Instead, the aviation battleships Hyūga and Ise are hurriedly repaired and sent to Tokuyama to be sortied in her place.
1945 April 6th
Operation Ten-gō begins.
1945 April 7th
The US Navy annihilates the Surface Special Task Force. American air power sinks Yahagi and three out of the seven destroyers. Hatsushimo and Yukikaze escape with survivors. The aviation battleships Hyūga and Ise are engaged by the American fast battleships Massachusetts, Indiana, South Dakota, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Missouri. They are badly damaged but in turn manage to damage South Dakota.
Hyūga is eventually sunk. Ise’s surviving crew surrenders, planning to scuttle the ship with the American prize crew aboard, but quick-thinking by the American boarding teams save her.
1945 May 8th
Victory in Europe.
1945 August 6th to 15th
Atomic weapons are deployed by the United States against the Empire of Japan. The Soviet Union begins the invasion of Manchuria. Japan unconditionally surrenders to the US.
Yamato is later captured by US forces in Kure. General McArthur is impressed by the sight of the massive battleship, and has her brought up to Tokyo Bay for the surrender ceremony.
1945 September 2nd
The Japanese Instrument of Surrender is signed aboard the deck of the American battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay. WWII ends.
1946 January (general)
Enterprise is deactivated and mothballed at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in New York City, New York. She is decommissioned a month later.
1946 July 1st to 25th
Operation Crossroads is launched. Among the ships there are Yamato, Ise, Prinz Eugen, Saratoga and Ranger.
Only one clear photograph of Yamato exists from the Baker shot, showing her stern lifted completely out of the water as she jackknifed up to 55 degrees, before flipping over and crashing back down sideways, breaking her back and sinking.
1947 xxx
Soviet scientists succeed in reverse engineering the Nazi genetic modifcation program’s secrets. Work begins on trying to replicate them in human subjects.
1948 xxx
New Jersey, Missouri, Alaska, Guam, and Hawaii are deactivated and sent to the mothball fleet.
1949 xxx
Wisconsin is deactivated and sent to the mothball fleet.
1950 June 25th
The Korean War starts. The battleships Illinois and Kentucky would bombard North Korean and Chinese forces frequently during the conflict.
1953 July 27th
The Korean War ends.
1954 July 1st
The Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force is founded.
1955 November 1st
The Vietnam War starts.
1955 xxx
The first successfully genetically augmented Soviet super soldiers (augments) are born in a top-secret lab in Siberia.
1956 xxx
Illinois and Kentucky are given complete refits, replacing their rear guns and superstructure with SAM and cruise missile launchers. The Alaska-class Guam and Hawaii are also reactivated and given refits, replacing all of their main guns with SAM launchers.
1957 xxx
Fleet Admiral Halsey and General MacArthur combine their political pull to persuade the Japanese to buy the deactivated Enterprise as the centerpiece of the JMSDF. Enterprise begins refitting at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in New York.
1957 October 4th
The Soviet Union launches the first artificial satellite into orbit, Sputnik One.
1958 July 29th
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is founded in the US.
1958 August (general)
Enterprise completes her refit. She is renamed Yonaga (Long Night) and enters service with the JMSDF. Halsey moves to Japan in order to be near her. He serves as an esteemed civilian adviser to the JMSDF.
1958 xxx
The Illinois and Kentucky are sent to the reserve fleet.
1961 xxx
The Enterprise-class supercarrier Enterprise is commissioned in the US. She is the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier in the world.
1967 xxx
Illinois and Kentucky are reactivated and start working on the North Vietnamese gun line.
1968 xxx
The Japanese Diet amends Article Nine of its Constitution. Japan can now legally exercise the right of "collective self defense" and implement military action if one of its allies comes under attack. The influential and respected Halsey plays an instrumental role in ensuring the passage of this amendment.
1969 xxx
Halsey dies at the age of 86. He is buried with full military honors at Yokosuka, Japan. He is considered to be ‘The Father of the JMSDF’.
1971 xxx
The Republic of China turns over the destroyer Tan-Yang to Japan. She reinstates her old name of Yukikaze and is turned into a museum ship at Odaiba.
1971 xxx
The Soviet supersoldier program is declared a failure due to the megalomania present in all of the subjects and shut down. Several hundred of the augments find out about this in advance and manage to escape.
1973 xxx
The Vietnam war ends.
1975 xxx
The genetically modified augment Kahn begins to rise to power in China.
1977 xxx
The US Navy nuclear strike cruiser program is approved.
1978 xxx
Kahn is officially declared to be the ruler of the People's Republic of China. He begins instituting massive reforms to the country almost immediately.
1982 xxx
Illinois and Kentucky are given refits to modern standards, replacing their missile batteries and improving their sensors and accommodations. New Jersey, Missouri, and Wisconsin would undergo a similar refit a year later.
1983-89 xxx
Several other genetic augments start to rise to positions of serious power in countries all over Asia, including India and North Korea. In addition, a number of other augments manage to reach influential positions in the US and USSR, using their power in an attempt to keep them neutral to events unfolding in Asia.
1983 xxx
The US Navy commissions the first of eight Helena-class nuclear strike cruisers, Helena.
1985 xxx
Several top-secret files relating to the silent propulsion system used on the ill-fated Red October-class submarine disappear from Soviet archives. Later that year, naval architects in the People's Republic of China start working on their own class of guided missile submarine that uses a similar type of drive.
1992 xxx
The Johnston-class Aegis destroyer Johnston is commissioned in the US.
1992 April to June
China, India, North Korea, and several other Asian and Middle Eastern nations under the control of various genetic augments officially merge into the Great Khanate.
1993 February 11th
WWIII starts. The Great Khanate declares war on NATO and several allied nations, launching a series of surprise attacks on each. Submarine-launched cruise missile attacks are carried out on the ships and naval bases of every allied country twenty minutes before the declaration of war is given. Axis forces start pushing into South Korea, and days later Khanate troops make combat landings in Taiwan and Japan.
1993 March (general)
The US instigates a wartime economy and, among many other things, orders an additional 10 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers and 85 Johnston-class guided missile destroyers.
1993 April 28th
South Korea unconditionally surrenders to the Great Khanate and is occupied.
1993 June 14th
Taiwan unconditionally surrenders to the Great Khanate and is occupied.
1993 September 22nd
The Great Khanate declares war on the Soviet Union, and launches a massive land-based offensive northwards. The Soviets are caught off guard and start being pushed back.
1993 October (general)
The Warsaw Pact and NATO sign a wartime alliance treaty, officially (re)forming the Allied Nations.
1994 October 12th
United States Navy Task Force 15, composed of the Enterprise, Intrepid, Nimitz, and their escorts engage four axis aircraft carriers in a decisive battle and sink them. This is the first major victory for the USN in the war.
1994 December 16th
The Saratoga CVN-74 is commissioned a year ahead of schedule, the first USN carrier to do so during the war.
1995 January to August
Axis naval forces in the Pacific are slowly but surely hunted down and sunk by American, Commonwealth, and Soviet naval forces, as well as several ships that managed to escape from occupied nations such as South Korea. By the middle of August axis naval forces have been reduced to a handful of submarines, frigates, and a couple destroyers.
1995 March 13th
The Ranger CVN-75 is commissioned two years ahead of schedule.
1995 May (general)
The axis offensive into Russia stalls at the eastern edges of the Ural mountains.
1995 August (general)
USN and Soviet battleships and aircraft carriers begin bombarding the Chinese and Japanese coasts.
1995 September (general)
The US Strategic Air Command and Soviet Long Range Aviation Command, with axis air power all but eliminated, begins a massive strategic bombing campaign against the Great Khanate and their occupation zones.
1996 February 5th
In a coordinated offensive, Soviet forces launch a massive southeast push, eventually reaching all the way though to former Mongolia, while Allied forces make combat landings in China. Half a dozen nuclear-armed cruise missiles are launched at the axis forces amassing to repel the landings shortly before H-Hour.
1996 March 2nd
The America CVN-76 is commissioned in the US. She is the first of the 10 Nimitz-class carriers ordered in 1993 to be commissioned, after an extremely rushed 3 year build and fitting out process.
1996 October 24th
WWIII ends. The Great Khanate unconditionally surrenders to the allies. Khan and several of his followers disappear, supposedly having committed suicide.
1996 December 17th
The SS Botany Bay is launched from a blacksite in Australia, disappearing into the depths of space. Unknown to the world, Khan and 72 of his followers are aboard in cryosleep. The primitive navigation system on the ship, however, quickly loses its star-lock and the vessel starts drifting off course.
1997 xxx
The Soviet Union collapses from a delayed onset of war exhaustion.
2009 July 20th
Armstrong colony is founded on the Moon.
I’m putting this in the regular form and not ASB because for all intents and purposes this is a fairly standard if very implausible timeline - there are no ISOTs or magic or anything, - and I want it to be as realistic as possible. To that end, while the final story I end up writing will feature genetic augments and Red October-style silent subs and all sorts of other weird things, for now and the purposes of this discussion just assume that everything is as it would be IRL and that Khan and his followers are just a bunch of ordinary unaugmented people who got extremely lucky (kind of like Hitler in a way I suppose). If the mods deem that this board is nonetheless inappropriate, feel free to move it to the ASB forums. The only thing I ask is that you don't put it in Fandom, as the connection between this and Star Trek is that there's a nation named the Great Khanate and a war in the 90s, and that's about it.
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