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emabsy of Theophilos
Heraclonas was almost 50 he was at least calm he was but news came from the east that Feng had died the man had made a powerful central Asia realm and had left it to his second in command with the approval of the current tang emperor, Heraclonas while knowing the Turk was no friend of the Persians Heraclonas got merchants to tell them the situation in the far east even sending official emissaries to the emperor of the Chinese sent 4 years before they returned some months before his ceremony, they had told him unlike his empire who was recovering the empire to the east was breaking apart, while not really that worried about the merchants he did know what this could entail 20 years ago the tang armies moved back east, Heraclonas talked with Theophilos he recommended that he himself go with gifts to the new ruler Basil told him he himself wanted to go wishing to leave the courts of Constantinople and surprisingly enough Theoktistos and his wife wanted to travel he remembered the east and north in the context of war and always wondered how was it and decided to join them not to participate in war but rather as part of the merchants

The emperor did not want him to go and Theophilos and Basil responded: My emperor we have combated Persians, Bulgars, and Khazars, there is no part of my body where I did not have a part of my body that did not have a broken bone or scar, I don't think you need to fear for my safety.
Heraclonas reluctantly agreed but said he was not to stay for long and as they agreed that he would convince them to come to Constantinople, Heraclonas heir wanted to come as well but the emperor would not allow him, so in April 875 they left Constantinople their route continued to sea until they reached Phasis, from there they marched crossing the Caucasus to the lands of the Khazars, with great speed they traveled the shore of Caspian sea crossing to Atil they also traveled with a Khazar princess they then traveled to the lands of the Pechenegs crossing the marshlands ( Volga delta) and then the Daikh (Ural river) they passed the lands of the Badjnaks were they were nearly attacked by bandits but fought them off finally two and half months they arrived at the capital of the sino Turks.

Theophilos talked sogdinan the ruler as he did not understand Chinese or "Scythian" the men presented some of his gifts and they invited him to a feast they had arrived in an opportune time the Badjnaks ( kimeks) were preparing to fight against another tribe he did not tell which but Theophilos could tell that it was likely referring to the Pechenegs the kimeks had forced to move but the roman began to think on the implications he could not reject the offer but if they won what did it mean, he talked with Basil and Theoktistos which the old man also consulted his wife and they came with the idea saying that they were going to meet the Chinese emperor however the commander of the west told them that they could after they celebrated this alliance with, Theophilos knew he had called his bluff, Basil said they now they would stay longer and Theoktistos just smiled the men discussed and agreed to join him and assist him but they asked for local armour they marched with protector general with 7500 men to join the kimek confederation with Theoktistos giving his insight on war the battle was a short one the pechenges were routed little is know about the battle but Basil did charge against them, how ever Theoktistos convinced the protector general to not continue less the kimek confederation complety crushed the pechenges they would not have allies, with that they returned and due to what they said they now had to go east with represntives from protector general , Theophilos hoped at least they were to gain favor with the emperor of chinise and get him to support more his protector general, its a good thing we brougth more gifts said Basil and with great speed they went to lands few romans had seen.

they crossed the anxi corridor they entered kashgar however Theoktistos had slowed them down they learned there that the once-great empire to the southern mountains had collapsed and was now a series of competing warlords such is the fate of empires, they continued until they reached the great desert were they heard the wails of spirits and continued until they reached the lands of china in the city of Lingzhou they were nearly robbed again but their escort had protected them as they went further east they saw the riches but also destruction especially when they arrived in the capital Chang'an, Theoktistos remembered stories from his youth about how grand this city was but he knew from the abandoned buildings were nature had begun to take back and areas now used for agriculture, they were told stories how just 30 years ago the city was rich and vibrant now it was the ghost of its former self with large areas burned and the people massacred, still things had stabilized Jingzong had taken the throne a very competent natural-born leader in another time and place he would have been one of chinas greatest emperor but he was now figthing agaisnt his governors bearly manegning to subdue them to central authority he greated the romans with great respect and he too heared their martial prowess and the news for their victory the chiniese emperor though about using these barberians offering them a spot in their court but they refused they gave him gifts and asked for reinforcments in the west he said he would only sent 5000 men with their families, the reason was that his other capital Louyang was filled with refugees as his western capital had suffered more and this was enough for the romans and soon they left,unknown to them they were going to be the last emissaries from Rome to tang china.
Do not worry no tang derrialment again just one shot so if i did not make obvious the tang dynasty will not last long
Heraclonas worries
Heraclonas read the letter of his friends going east he just singed frustrated the news came of a battle the reports seem to contradict if Heraclonas feared was something he could not plan for chaos ....the thing that robbed him of so much as he was thinking his son was continuing his learning he came to him and said: Father any news from them?

Heraclonas responded: why are you still awake it's the middle of the night also no... but now that you are here can you explain why did you fight in your lesson with Dachi?

the co-emperor responded: ... I apologize father my disagreements with him on how much they were going to spend for the feast of the celebration of the cross

Make sure that does not repeat
Yes.... but father I came for some advice

Heraclonas told him to go on.
Have you ever felt so powerless and afraid?
Heraclonas stood silent and said: why do you ask this?
his heir did not respond but his father understood

Yes ... ever since I took the throne I have been afraid first for people and now for the future but these fears are been washed away every day you grow, but now this does not share these fears overcome them for them...who outside and especially inside the empire will pounce upon you they are like lions looking for any weakness.

the young man went to embrace his father as he was in his bosom saying in a low voice thank you... the emperor replied My son one day you will become an emperor and then said in a low voice may you not live this old man's life.

As his son left then came his wife he and she did not have the best relationship she had commented many times that he is married to the empire not me but this had changed and he spent more time with her, she told him: you had achieved so much I also told him about fears every time that you left for campaigned I prayed that it would not be the last time I saw you, but look at where you are compared to where you started I think its miracle you are alive but god has blessed your line and he has blessed you with this family I hope we grant you peace of mind.

as September came Heraclonas celebrated and noticed something another discussion between his son and one of his old guard grandsons he was tired of what his second son Gregory wrote of him: the boy was brilliant but was rude, imprudent and even at such a young age only cared for extravagant pleasures, his father wanted to wait and give him actual responsibilities, but for now the empire was indeed recovering mid 876 the men returned safe and sound Heraclonas embraced them asking how it went, Theophilos assured him that they had an alliance Heraclonas gathered the men to a feast to celebrate their arrival as they told their tales from the east Basil was the one that told him the sad state of them, which made Heraclonas think was this going to be the destiny of his empire? as the feast was over Heraclonas did not sleep that night.

As sittuations seemed to return to normal and again news came but this time from the west Charles one of the Frankish kings had died the sent an embassy not Theophilos to assure a peace with his only son also named Charles, but these news made Heraclonas worry about the future even more he was not a young man and while his first born show promised he felt he was not ready to be emperor not yet at least and what of his second his arrogance his dismissal of others his pride ....could he be like his uncle if there was one thing he did not confess to his son it was been tired Heraclonas only told this to his closest friends and especially Theoktistos but he had a duty as his son began to take more responsibility he still worried about his son short temper but in of these David successfully him calmed down, seen this episode calmed Heraclonas David was a friendly, calm but competent men and more importantly he had patience for all the court intrigue of the capital he hoped that these two would lead the empire but his son also need it a wife it was then when luck seemed like struck he had learned Martiros and Vachagan granddaughter had in fact been close to him and developed feelings , Martiros second son had married Vachagan daughter, both from been nobles families helped, Heraclonas initially dismissed her Heraclonas wanted to find his son a wife to compliment him if anything happened to him she could be strong enough of will and competent enough to survive the potential downfall for he knew from his own father and seeing his red cloak he knew what could happen, but from what Martiros parents and what his own son told him he accepted her, Heraclonas also joked that it was time for him to be a grandparent seeing as how everyone was already one.
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the berber rebellion
When 877 came before John's ceremony, Vachagan created a new war treatise called Presentation and Composition on Warfare a few months later came the ceremony John married Katranide both at the age of 18 Heraclonas for this situation had spared no expense, John gave her a golden apple with her golden ring prepared now for her wedding where the city celebrated as the patriarch wedded them as the celebration continued in the palace with a happy Heraclonas, for months peace continued until news reached from the west.

The situation in Sicily made their empires break their peace the new governor of Sicily Masties had begun to do minor raids in the islands as early as 874, these raids intensified culminating in the raid of 877 he launched a series of raids that made so far as Syracuse he was then met with the roman army near Butera and then laid siege to it thinking that the city would fall inmedietly seeing how he defeated them however he miscalculated, while he was initially successful he hoped that a victory here might grant here might secure his position and some rewards as the Berber emperor had not been kind to large state holders, he sent word to his emperor was convinced that this would be an easy siege so the 6000 troops but the state of affairs lasted nearly two months had passed his men were foraging more the man who had boasted the city was to fall in less than 3 weeks sent word to the Berber emperor asking for reinforcement he sent 3000 men but the situation continued for another month knowing the romans would soon arrive and now his own reputation in risk the irritated berber emperor now sent the best men for the job his own son Alypius he was born in Hispania as his father was exiled he fought with the Hispanic army under Alfonso despite only been 16 he also fought to reclaim the throne of the berber empire by his father also led armies to crush rebellions this made his father he would give the throne to him especially after the great rebellion.

In the 5th year of their rule due to his unpopular reforms against the tribes and the large landowners, a rebellion broke out, first was the rebellion of the tribes of the Ihuwwaren of Tripolitania had revolted against the governor while to the west the Sanhaja confederations and the nobles from Ghmat and other subdivisions of the Masmuda confederation by in mere month most of the territory south of the high atlas was gone, the emperor was quick to make alliances he had already married some from the powerfull Kutama even though now they had long become accustomed to sedentary life and became one of the many tribes that became noble families, so his son made a marriage alliance with of the strongest Berber tribes to the west, in this case, he married him to the other branches of the Masmuda family with new allies the king sent Alypius with his young grandson Stotaz, first they went east fearing the situation in Tripolitania could lead to roman intervention so he managed to bride some of the leaders and gave them some lands this changed to his side and crushed them in the battle of Leptis Magna who they were besiging.

With the situation in the west, he marched slowly back to Carthage since he learned about the division of Berber tribes some wanted complete independence from the Berber empire, and some wanted to stay under vassals but be given land beyond the atlas which the emperor had forbidden and punished severely, and some wanted to remove the emperor and give the throne to his son and some his grandson, this gave time for the Berber emperor and his heir to plan the emperor brided some of the Sanhajas as they gathered an army finally after 5 months of preparation Alypius gathered a 20 000 strong army from his empire Belaric slingers and other slingers, archers especially from lybia, some heavy cavalry from sent from Alfonso and the bulk of the force been romanized Berbers heavy cavalry and Iznaten light cavalry armed with javelins and infantry when he crossed to the mountains more light cavalry and forces from the Masmuda as they marched he stick near to the coast fearing that crossing the mountains would be unwise, the forces harassed him in his march towards gamat which he took with little resistance as his bribes slowed down the colation wasting no time and not wanting to be in a siege as they had striped the city of supplies he put his forces some two miles from the city digging a ditch with the river and put kaltrops putting his infantry and archers in the center behind it and his cavalry in the reserve , the Masmuda need to recover the city quickly and attempt to attack how ever the caltrops stoped them as the archers wounded many lightly armoured rebels, this continued and failed many times retreating but the berber prince did not chase until he convinced by some of his officers sent sorties inflicting some loses soon his son joined them despite the prince protest.

the situation continued the small forces began until the Berber prince ordered a full charge the rebels retreated but were caught up the battle lasted so long that most light cavalry had loosened all their arrows and javelins melee fighting did not favor the rebels despite their leaders trying to prevent a collapse but it seemed the battle changed as the rebels began to push back in the left due to overextension it was here were the force that the Berber prince put near the mountains finally arrived the surprise was total and panicked occur but their center did not break most did not collapse and fled an orderly fashion but losing troops in both sides were only the rebel Masmuda were left who continued to fight it was not until sunset they were finally routed 1/4 of the rebel forces were destroyed and the rest fled to the south, Alypius executed the rebels who captured and rewarded those in the confederation who remained loyal, still he left them as he crossed the mountains to the desert

Alypius chased them defeating them again near the Sous river and met them again near the Dra river both armies stationed their cavalry on the flanks, with the royal Berbers putting the heavy cavalry behind the center infantry, and the rebel center retreated as their light and dromedary riders began pushing back what was supposed to be an organized retreat from the royal army was turned into a real route seeing this from his elephant Alypius sent his son and one of his commanders with their reserve heavy cavalry to attack the rebel light cavalry who were behind them and massacred, the rebellion was practically over even though the prince stayed a year cleaning up and his presence caused Ghana to pay tribute again, Alypius continued to his father enforcer for his reforms and now he was called again his irritated father also promised if he wanted to he could become governor of Sicily.
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The great Berber empire vs the roman empire again everyone places your bets on what happens to Sicily , also Just a question since the terms might not be that known would anyone like a map of the administrative division of the great Berber empire?
for the south of the provinces, the nomadic tribes and semi-nomadic tribes also live like in Tripolitania and Africa the P is a Province.

Great berber empire 870s.png
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Battle of Butera
When Heraclonas received the news he was in Balkans with his eldest son and wife traveling officially he was checking on the governors but in reality, he was allowing his son to investigate there he visited Philippopolis where the mosaic of him and his 14 guards, there was a similar Mosaic back in Thessalonica commemorating his victory over the Bulgarians with them in armor and shields, Heraclonas was never fond of that campaign even though it secured the Danube more than 20 years later, the emperor was close to Constantinople him not wanting to deal the Berbers personally fearing reports coming from the east but wanting a sure victory decided that the leader of the expedition would be Vachangan he would be joined by Leo like their planned invasion of Crete but their old captain would not be joining them this time so instead Basil offered and Tiberius offered themselves to assist at the head of 10 000 men to link up with the forces of southern Italy the navy was also led by the elderly Manuel who hoped this would be his last and greatest victory.

Heraclonas was so confident in the victory that he sent his eldest son to accompany them and he would even send his second-born, due to a comment of Heraclonas mentioning the campaign asking his second son if he wanted to see and he responded: But I thought that my brother' So great that you say he is will lead them, it was this attitude that his possessed that convinced he need to go and they left Constantinople with haste, The Berbers also left Carthage and arrived soon to the west of the islands as the roman force moved to Italy, the Berber prince soon arrived with a force of 20000 with he local force he bolstered his number to 25 000 yet the siege continued for another month until news reached them Vachagan was arriving on Syracuse the Berber price did not know how to react he knew if the Berber fleet met the roman one it could mean disaster but it could also mean he could prevent them and thus he sent a large portion of his fleet to meet them the resulting battle was a disaster for the berbers the romans had used fasten ropes to the enemies ships rudder, along which earthenware pots containing Greek fire, despite the defeat the berber prince tried his best to assault the city before the romans could come but the romans soon learned of the victory and morale was an all time high and soon Vachagan arrived despite only having 18000 men

the Romans organized their forces with most of the forces in the center having Tiberius leading the center with Heraclonas sent the Hikanatoi in the second line which Tiberius put in the center with cataphracts in the first, with the tagmata in the wings led by Vachagan in the right with thematic forces behind same with Leo on the left with John and while Basil was in reserve with cavalry with Constantine.

The Berbers also had a similar composition, the Berbers put in the center, he put in the first line of his archers and slingers, with the second line being composed of infantry the rearguard was manded by Alypius himself with his guard and 10 elephants with him being in the top of one observing the battlefield, in the wings were a combination of the Berber heavy infantry and the tribal light/dromedary riders, both sides made a prayer before the battle asking their respective saints for victory. The Romans sent in their heavy cavalry in the center as the infantry moved behind them the Berbers met them with a hail of stones and arrows these bounced off but the stones caused more harm they retreated back as the Romans charged they nearly broke the line but the Berbers reformed and soon the light infantry in the wings harassed them from the sides as the infantry pushed back and slugging match occurred Stotaz commanding the right soon attacked the flanks and so did the left, Vachagan expected as much and he and Leo charged it was and the slogging match continued with no side wanting to risk using their reserves just yet the field became red with the blood of animals and horses as the elite Hikanatoi despite been outnumbered push the enemy back It was here were the Berber prince moved his left thinking this Vachagan sent more troops it was now, Stotaz made a deep flanking maneuver but told them not to attack Vachagan force rather they went from the center , Basil told Constantine not to attack at least not yet but the son of the emperor charged looking to win the battle , and was called a fool by the commander , when he saw this Stotaz reacted and attacked Vachagan line nearly routing it but the old commander bearly held the line still but Stotaz taking away from the line meant that gaps occurred seen this and that Alypius was going to aid .

Basil led a contingent of cavalry Alypius tried to move his elephants to scare the horses but he failed soon the prince was fighting was alive but his standard-bearer was killed, seeing his army panicked his son moved to help while the rest of the army fled, soon the Romans pushed and the Berber camp was raided but they did not chase still Alypius had been captured along with a grand part of his personal guard and elephants, but Stotaz managed to escape when news reached the Berber empire the emperor at the age of 60 died, his memory would be condemned by the nobles despite his reforms being quite necessary, and his actions against the nobles and taxes helped recover the Berber economy from the slight fall it had under his brother leaving the imperial treasury with 19 million for his successor however it would seem as Alypius would never get to enjoy this as rumors of his death spread, Stotaz took power for himself been already an adult but court intrigue began to spread with some wanting to overthrow Stotaz for the grandsons of Yedder II.

But Stotaz proved his worth he played the long game assuming his father was alive and delayed giving bribes to power-hungry nobles, as the Berber prince was shipped to Constantinople there was a triumph for Vachagan and Manuel, despite the first suffering many casualties when presented with the barbarian Heraclonas did not know what to choose in the one hand having a puppet back in Carthage could befit him on the other a powerful noble could always become top dog and cause trouble for him as he would need a victory to have some major legitimacy or if he killed his father Stotaz could want revenge , so Heraclonas did not humiliate him and his stay in Constantinople was pleasant the treaty was Platini Geraci and the forts the Berber had made would be given to the Romans and 1 million solidi as ransom with him paying an annual 200k for the next 10 years, Alypius returned and due to his son report, he demoted and killed rivals at court and defeated the rebels to the southwest along with some other tribes, Back in Constantinople despite the victories Heraclonas asked why the casualties and learned of his son hasty dessicion his father yelled at his son saying : Wreckless, arrgontant and foolish boy! do you consider yourself wiser than men who have been forged in war, the youngest replied with anger blaming others in his defense, and that only caused his father to pull his hair ... men good men have died because of you, and that is your response?... I see

for his actions that nearly cost them looking for an adequate punishment, he banished him from Constantinople sending him to Anatolia despite the young man insulting him Basil offered to accompany him to eastern anatolia.
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So I might need help for central Asia and Persia for Persia I think I got covered but for central Asia if any of you know about it during the otl 9th and 10th century dm me since I wanna fact check something's
rise of the polythiest
Heraclonas distracted himself not to think of his son's exile and was making alliances between them the arabs , after the Nestorians established their kingdom and defeated their neighbors and expanded over the 8th century the powers of central Arabia were worried these had become more powerful to counter the growing Quraysh but the new Christians had become a greater danger chief among these were the Banu Amir they sent forces to help the rest of the Hawazin but these were defeated however the Hejazis convinced that they would not be any threat anymore did not concentrate on the Nejad this gave time for the Amir ( mainly the Kilab) they began to consolidate their position and began marriage alliances with the other tribes including, the old enemies of the Nestorians the Sulaym at least those who remained as some went north , while weaken due to conflicts were still a valuable ally, he also tried to get an alliance with the branches of the Ghaṭafān, which accepted fearing the raids to the north would mean a future expansion to it, also the tribes using religion citing the Hejazis destain for polytheism for the Christians branches citing how the Nestorians dislike of other Christian branches.

these survived minor raids until 796 and were the Hejazis sent an expedition of 200 men to the Nejad and were defeated by an ambush the details are unknown but due to this victory the coalition was strengthened in 805 another expedition was sent and as well defeated what followed from 805 -836 were 4 minor expeditions of 150 men to raid these were fairly successful as most of the Hejazi attention was on the coastal area, by 841 after years of consolidation Malik IV was ready for a new campaign he debated attacking the tribes to the north to deal with the tribes who laid siege to Mecca the Hudhay, Khuza, and Sulaym, the old allies of the Quraysh whose remnant was now a clan of the kingdom or attack the Nejad, in the end, he chose both the king and his top general Utbah Al Walid a decent a famous commander of the Quraysh Khalid, both commanded 3500 army to the north while giving his heir Ya’fur and his general Yazid ibn Umayya one of the most powerful noble families that survived the conquest.

Malik IV wanted to imitate his predecessors, but he was already initially unpopular in some war hawk sectors that wanted to expand some of these men were powerful nobles to assure his popularity he loosed his predecessor's limitations on the Meccan and Taif nobility in 830 looking for a victory and to finally deal with the tribes he marched 3000 men to the north and sent 2000 to deal with the Nejad as Malik forced the Hudhay, Khuza to flee and capturing some of their leaders, to the east the Nestorians met the confederation had 1500 near the hills the Amir leader calmed his troops the battle began with a slogging match ensuring this lasted the entire day were heatstroke was a as deadly on the summer day then their weapons, the second day the armies in the next day fighting again ensued with a fierce back and forth but the weather again tired and killed men and caused a retreat, the Amir leader also cut the saddles of some camels to assure the men who had brought their families would not flee.

the fighting of the second day continued as the confederation was pushing more to the right while the Nestorians were pushing the confederation in the left and it seemed no winner would come until the concealed force of the Sulaym hiding in the hills attacked from the rear soon causing a route , the confederation they slew the Nestorians chasing them back the mountains and began to raid, the casualties were high when news reached King Malik he retreated as the recent polythiest to the south again revolted and soon accusations began but his father did not blame Ya’fur rather Yazid ibn Umayya unknow to him at the time it created a rift , in 843 the nience of Malik was cougth with a conspiracy with an Umayaad noble Yazid these both were arrested worsening the relationship to better this he married his son to maryam ignoring the Nejad the king finally took the territory Hudhay forcing them flee in 845 how ever this did little to help his popularity in 848 he was killed and his son became king Ya’fur II seeing no reason to deal with the growing power of Nejad instead concentrating on the north how ever the 400 strong army of the Khuza defeated his 1000 men as he was in war with the kingdom of yemen both in 850 the siege of Njran seemed promising as Ya’fur II defeated an initial attack but as the months passed the king blamed Utbah Al Walid who in his overconfidence said it would fall soon but dismissing his best general would be a mistake as the king of Yemen returned attacked during the night with his cavarly Ya’fur II would try to save his army but in mere minutes it was over out of the 6000 men he had taken to campaign 1000 would die.

the campaign was followed inmedialty by a revolt of Yazid ibn Umayya exiled to the north came back and revolted he took the city of Rabigh and went to the south laying siege to Jeddah which he was close to taking after he defeated an army there, the king is his desperation called back Utbah Al Walid who defeated the rebels 1500 men perished, for a while the revolts were instable the kings reforms did allow for better taxation, to the east the Nejad the Amir again began to consolidate their power using their reputation to gain more alliances but these were again ignored by the Hejazis not interested in concentrating on such a desolate place in 861 the king again led a campaign against Yemen this time the son of the king YafaI V lost a battle near Njran and the city was sacked how ever between Njran and Sanna there was another battle and the Hejazis won but with many casualties still they retreated still the king used the victory to consolidate, 865 his position but then he noticed the Nejad the new leader of the Amir was al-Ahwas the talented youth raided the Hejazi kingdom after some preparation the king himself would lead the battle against the Amir who confederation had gotten stronger and so he led them to the Nejad and even went deeper than his father the details were not very know but a clever ambush the king forces were attacked from the flanks and most of the army was destroyed the king escaped he bearly returned to Taif he asked Utbah Al Walid to be the regent of his son Malik V.

al-Ahwas had secured their independence again soon he soon declared himself to be king and expanded his influence over the Nejad the oasis city-states however he did not kick out the local Hizzan who were his allies who settled the Al-Yamama region after the Hanifids left, soon most the Nejad in the next two decades it expanded more, Heraclonas soon made peace with them as they could be potential allies against the Persians
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Constantines folly
As his father was making peace with the new Arabian power, and giving more responsibilities to his heir, and his second son was in exile, he met the family of Basil, some of them had seen Basil as well as some of his enemies in court as a cursed man, despite this, most of his family loved him. While in Tyana, Constantine wasted no time in ridding the city of corrupt officials and assisting Basil in placing the most capable of his family members in positions higher than even what Basil managed to give them, but soon news reached the city from the north that the Pechenegs had raided deep into the territory of the Khazar remnant and had started to raid the empire its self, despite the warnings of Basil, the heraclian ignored them and gathered a smaller army of 6000 men , he then got reinforcements in Armenia kick the Pechenegs out of the empire , how again ignoring Basil advice he kept marching to the caucasian gates, the Khazar Khagan wanted him to cross, and Basil again warned him not to cross, he ignored his advice, for soon the Pechenegs would be crushed and he would enter Constantinople in triumph and marched his force to Khazar territory, he found the Pechenegs raiding the countryside near Balanjar the Pechenegs not expecting a roman army retreated north to the surprise of the Romans they found little loot still he chased them again Basil told him to stop as winter was fast approaching, the Heraclian agreed and they decided to wintered in Balanjar, he spent his time force dealing with raids in the area of between of Balanjar and Samandar.

Soon news reach him a letter came from his father scolding him: shame to see my son a sick man afflicted by his selfishness and inflamed with pride
for he has become a slave of his ambition and that pursue so he can return to the slavery to sloth in this he is content with utterly disregarding the actions of great men while creating great slander in the court he raised a pitifully display still... may he be successful for the sake of the soldiers who accompany him may return to happy lives, therefore I pray that your campaign would be short and that you have endeavored to achieve a quick victory, Farewell.

Heraclonas also feared that the movement of his son to the north of Derbent might cause trouble with Persia the peace had been maintained but Heraclonas was always warry of Dadhburzmihr and an army to the north of Albania which had suffered a revolt could send the wrong message, but he did not tell his son as he feared that this would encourage him to enter Caucasian Albania.

Constantine offended by his father's words told Basil to prepare his troops he again warned him not to but he did little to change his mind, however before he could march in spring he received news that the Pechenegs were raiding the coast of the Black sea, Constantine sent a portion of his force there and these also got some minor victories but the Pechenegs refused to engage to the east Constantine won some minor victories and some defeats still he was containing them as of now but expenses continued to grow but as months passed Constantine gathered his forces and that of the Khazar remnant to finally deal with the Pechenegs and moved north with 9000 men the Pechenegs harassed his force till he finally reached the area of Samandar, no Roman army had reached this far north Constantine saw the wagon forts in their camp, the battle was about to comence.
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Are you sure the Sanhaja would still be called that in this timeline given it was a name used by the Arabs which was unlike the names that the Romans were using?.
yep that was a slip up on my part since the berber name would be Iẓnagen or Aẓnag, , the zenagas would be a better name
Are you sure the Sanhaja would still be called that in this timeline given it was a name used by the Arabs which was unlike the names that the Romans were using?.
When you start reading and see any new error don't be afraid to Call me out since when IAM done I will go back like the Africa one and fix it
You remember, I made this thread about it I think a year ago Without much Roman warring with the Bulgarians, how long do you think it would take for Bulgarian identity to become entrenched that you commented on, it was to help build the timeline I was trying to write and I have written some chapters on hard copy but haven't really made the time to write it in a word processor and post it.
oh the Bulgars settling to the north of the Danube I took the route of the center being otl walachia but you have many choices