Greater Texas... or Rio Grande Federation? Map

A Map inspired by the discussion on this thread:

Looks like it's split down the middle between English and Spanish, huh? How well do the Anglos and Hispanics get along?
Looks like it's split down the middle between English and Spanish, huh? How well do the Anglos and Hispanics get along?
I haven't figured it out. This was a quick sketch based on that discussion. But if the RGR united in the 1830s I suspect they'd get along alright by 2020. TBH, I think the split will be closer to 3 to 1 in favor of Hispanics. At the time of their independence, the southern states (Tam, NL, and Coahuila) outnumbered the population in Texas by a significant margin.. In this union I'd suspect only Brazos and Comancheria will be majority Anglo (although Brazos is likely the most populous state by far), Texas might be 50/50 and the rest might remain majority Hispanic.