Greater, self-governing colony of Liberia with a bigger Americo-Liberian population.

John Davis

So let’s say that during and before 1821:

1). The ACS purchases Sierra Leone from Britian, and annexes modern-day Guinea, Guinea-Basseu, Senegal, Ivory Coast, and Gambia which all get incorporated into Liberia.

2). A much larger number of black freedman from North America, the Caribbean, and Latin America settle in Liberia.

3). Rather than becoming independent, Liberia gets established as a self-governing colony/territory of the United States(similar to Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Puerto Rico).
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So let’s say that during and before 1821:

1). The ACS purchases Sierra Leone from Britian, and annexes modern-day Guinea, Guinea-Basseu, Senegal, Ivory Coast, and Gambia which all get incorporated into Liberia.
Why would the British sell Sierra Leone, and how would the ACS afford it?

Furthermore, what would all of the European powers do when a private American organization starts annexing their trading posts in Guinea Bissau, and what would the French and British make of the seizure of Senegal and the Gambia, respectively?
Why would the British sell Sierra Leone, and how would the ACS afford it?

Furthermore, what would all of the European powers do when a private American organization starts annexing their trading posts in Guinea Bissau, and what would the French and British make of the seizure of Senegal and the Gambia, respectively?
Perhaps Henry Clay, a member of the ACS, would be president.
Furthermore, what would all of the European powers do when a private American organization starts annexing their trading posts in Guinea Bissau, and what would the French and British make of the seizure of Senegal and the Gambia, respectively?

Exactly. Why are all of these European countries suddenly selling all their trading posts in West Africa? Certainly a merger of Sierra Leone and Liberia might make sense, but anything more than that is pretty questionable.

American annexation would come when Liberia is bankrupt and at risk of Europeans chipping away at its border, like in the late 19th century in OTL.
You could get the various British, American and French Back to Africa societies/governments to merge in some sort of codominion in the Liberia/Sierra Leone area which as in OTL runs into financial trouble circa the 1860's and the European powers abandon and there is an American takeover as part of a post ACW Reconstruction led by a surviving Abraham Lincoln leading to the OP scenario.
You could get the various British, American and French Back to Africa societies/governments to merge in some sort of codominion in the Liberia/Sierra Leone area which as in OTL runs into financial trouble circa the 1860's and the European powers abandon and there is an American takeover as part of a post ACW Reconstruction led by a surviving Abraham Lincoln leading to the OP scenario.
Emptying a rebellious area of some of the only people guaranteed to be loyal doesn't seem like a good way to rebuilt an area. Besides, it would likely end up like some sort of Madagascar plan, with millions of people happy living where they were (so long as they weren't slaves) being dumped in an area without the farms to feed them or the cities for those with certain skills to work in. I doubt subsidies would be offered to help African-Americans leave, either. Or at least not subsidies that are high enough to make up for being dumped in Africa where they can't even spend the money,
Lincoln himself was a fan of the ACS and the Back to Africa movement which is why I suggested his survival but I broadly agree that the overall idea was fairly impractical.
Lincoln himself was a fan of the ACS and the Back to Africa movement which is why I suggested his survival but I broadly agree that the overall idea was fairly impractical.
I believe he winded down on the idea later on, which was part of why he was talking about voting rights for African-Americans. Early on people were uncomfortable with the ideas of lots of freed slaves staying around, and abolitionists used colonization efforts to drum up public support. Uncle Tom's Cabin had a married pair of ex-slaves going back to Africa to work as missionaries, though I don't find believe it was actively supported in the text. Then again, the only other freedmen in the book I recall was Uncle Tom in his deathbed. And don't think that just because the book has Uncle Tom in the title it is racist. Racists simply took it and changed things around to make him into a simpler clown in minstrel shows and who finally gives in to the slave master making him whip someone in the early movies. He had much more dignity in the book.

Anyways, Maryland had a policy where freed slaves had to either leave the state or they were liable to be reenslaved, unless a sheriff said they were of good character and supporting themselves. Not sure how that can be used, but if we have to where Southern States don't, like they did IOTL, make it much more difficult to free slaves without bringing them to the North (which the Dred-Scott case invalidated as well), then you might be able to get a populatoin of people forcibly sent over, but I don't think Southern leaders and aristocrats would want that. It would miff them that those who were loyal and freed were sent away, or that those who had worked hard and bought their freedom were deported. It would remove a valuable source of labor, even if they weren't enslaved.