Give Me That Known World Religion

What Known World Religion for you?

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Suppose you were transported to the Known World of the Game of Thrones books. Which Known World religion,if any,do you see yourself as a member of and tell us why if you dont mind
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Gimme dat Known World Religion,
Gimme dat Known World Religion,
Gimme dat Known World Religion,
It's good enough for me! :D


Agnostic here and from what I read about these religions I'd be Agnostic there-is there a Known World term for it? BTW there are some in the Known World right?
Davos is portrayed as one on the tv series I'd say ,is he in the books?
82 views and 8 votes-whatsa dis ?

The title is confusing. ASOIAF/GOT fans won't recognize it upon a quick glance, and a majority of people who do click the link see that it's about a fandom they know little about, and quickly check something else out.

Plus this is on the visible forum, so there's always alot of guest traffic to account for. I'd say give it at least a day before you start questioning the turnout.
Agnostic here and from what I read about these religions I'd be Agnostic there-is there a Known World term for it? BTW there are some in the Known World right?
Davos is portrayed as one on the tv series I'd say ,is he in the books?

I'm only on the 2nd book, but Davos worships the seven. He specifically says he prays to the mother, warrior, and I think the smith for various different causes. He doesn't seem like the most religious person, but he definitely considers them his gods.

What I find interesting about the religious beliefs in Song of Fire and Ice is that people seem to acknowledge the existence of all the gods, and just choose to worship particular gods/follow particular faith. (i.e. Cat Stark seems acknowledge the Old Gods even though they are not her gods. Same is true for other characters) In the seven kingdoms people even swear oaths to old and new gods, regardless of which they worship. So (at least some) people believe in all gods, and just worship their own. They only exception I can think of might be followers of the Lord of Light.

Anyways, I went with the Old Gods. Mostly because I relate to/sympathize with the North. I think they'll come out ahead in the poll since the Starks make up a majority of the 'main' characters, and are pretty much universally liked. Plus, I like the woods.


I'm only on the 2nd book, but Davos worships the seven. He specifically says he prays to the mother, warrior, and I think the smith for various different causes. He doesn't seem like the most religious person, but he definitely considers them his gods.

Ok well it does come across a little different on the tv show

What I find interesting about the religious beliefs in Song of Fire and Ice is that people seem to acknowledge the existence of all the gods, and just choose to worship particular gods/follow particular faith. (i.e. Cat Stark seems acknowledge the Old Gods even though they are not her gods. Same is true for other characters) In the seven kingdoms people even swear oaths to old and new gods, regardless of which they worship. So (at least some) people believe in all gods, and just worship their own. They only exception I can think of might be followers of the Lord of Light.
Oops I forgot an all of the above option!


The title is confusing. ASOIAF/GOT fans won't recognize it upon a quick glance, and a majority of people who do click the link see that it's about a fandom they know little about, and quickly check something else out.

Plus this is on the visible forum, so there's always alot of guest traffic to account for. I'd say give it at least a day before you start questioning the turnout.
That makes sense.
It may be the boring / normal / mainstream choice but. . . my money is on the Faith of the Seven. I am a bit of a sucker for the combination of Polytheism and Catholic iconography.


Well monotheism seems not to be the norm in the Known World yet few so far have voted for the single deities.
The Red God seems to actually do stuff, so that one. Though I would be be agnostic right up until the point where I saw real magic.
This will come as a surprising answer, and it is a conclusion I can only come to in knowing what has occurred recently in the history of the world.

I would worship the Dragons.

After all, what was the world before the return of dragons to the world? It was a place without magic, or so little endowed with it that it was of no consequence. Now dragons have returned and they breath some new essence into the world not seen since perhaps since the Doom of Old Valyria. Many things superstitious and mysterious have become reality again and every god worshipped by the people of Westeros and Essos has some new strength in them. So, if their power becomes stronger in the world thanks to the dragons, perhaps then the dragons are some far more primordial force to be reckoned with, from which all magic comes.
The Old Gods are my gods! I like that they are no nonsense and don't have mythology, names, priests or any kind of religious structure (what can I say, I'm an atheist irl). People simply believe in them and pray when they feel like it. Add on the blood sacrifice and the fact that they are the only gods we know for a fact exist*.

* The Red Priests have been shown to have power but we have yet to see evidence for the existence/power of R'hllor himself.

Also it's really only followers of the Seven and the Old Gods who seem to acknowledge each others gods and even then it's certainly not all of the them i.e. the sparrows.
R'Hillor hands down. While the kinky Summer Isles religion is appealing, the manicheanistic worldview and his somewhat obvious power (even in a time of little magic) and the obvious existance of the Others (connected to the Great Other) would probably seal the deal for me :p