Germany is nuked...

Good post, Kurt!

Kurt_Steiner said:
BTW, what about the Italian front?
Well, Italy is defenders country. Give old Smiling Albert (Kesselring) a few extra divisions and some AA and AT-batalions, and he'll keep the Allies there forever!
If the Allies make Italy the focus of their main effort it will cost them dearly - they might be able to push through in face of a reinforced defence, but I do doubt that!

Oh, and think of the French after the war - they'll be pretty pissed, I suppose, that they didn't get liberated as first priority...

Best regards!

- B.
Thanks, Mr Bluenote!

I agree with your vision of the Italian stalemate. Eventually, the Allies would try something, but with fresh German troops -just one or two divisions would suffice- comming from France, the Allies would not go quite far away