For Want of A Sandwich - A Franz Ferdinand Lives Wikibox TL

Always! And very interesting chapter.

OTL Nordic Nations 🤝 TTL Nordic Nations

Being amongst the best places to live in the World.
Absolutely !
Also, some questions;

1. From what I gathered bad stuff happened here ITTL’s Pakistan region because of Bharat, what happened to the Pakistanis here?
2. What are Sino-Russian relations like? Due to both of them being two big, successful, and powerful countries?
3. What did China think of the pogroms against Chinese people around the world in response to the Wuchang Pneumonia Pandemic and what was their reaction to it?
4. What is living in Iran like? How does it expansionism affect public and daily life?
5. What is daily life currently like in the now Marxist Peru under the OTL leader of the Shinning Path?
1. The answer is very, very dire. Either exterminated or migrated.
2. Cordial but not warm. Russians are worried about Chinese businesses and immigration, mostly in Siberia.
3. A very strong condemnation and a massive popular boycott, it lit popular outrage here.
4. Think more prosperous Morocco or pre-Erdogan Turkey : no veils, women well represented in public and political life, separation of the religion and state. But it is true in urban Iran, not in the countryside.
5. Think Taliban Afghanistan. But with bonkers references to the Incas and Marxism.
Another dynastic question haha: Who did Carol II of Romania and Helene of Greece and Denmark marry in the end instead of each other? The Konstantinos XII wikibox say she married a Romanov but not sure which one. Did Carol also had his annulled OTL marriage and son with Zizi Lambrino?

Also noticed that on the Russian Prime Minister page it says Emperor Nikolai IV. I think it should be Nikolai "III" unless i'm missing someone.
Carol managed to cancel his marriage and was fighting during the war. As of Nicholas, the son of Olga, who co-reigned as Tsar, is acknowledged as Nikolai III.
I remember seeing that your earlier 3rd Balkans War post had some criticism and I do share some of it. Some thoughts:
  • Wilhelm of Wied (Skanderberg)/Austria: His biggest backers were the Austrians (They kinda forced the Throne on him), Wilhelm II was not really convinced that he was a good choice. By the time OTL WWI started, Central Albania was in full revolt (North and South were peaceful), the Gerndarmerie with the Mirdita Catholics were defeated and some captured, it's commander killed, a and their officers were being replaced by Austrians and Germans. Austria would be definitely supremely ticked off that Serbia, who not even half a year before had the FF incident in Sarajevo, would attack their sphere of influence. So far, there should be a Pro-Skanderberg Faction with whatever is left of the Gerdarmerie, Austrian and German volunteers and Isa Boletini's men who OTL in WWI were engaged in guerrilla campaign against the Serbian and Montenegrin forces. Without WWI happening in 1914 the International Commission and the Gendarmerie would not dissolve and would continue to be a factor around Durrazo, however small, and Austrian eyes would be fixed on Albania and they would not sit down while all this is happening. Skanderberg also never abdicated even in OTL.
  • Essad Pasha: OTL he's allied to Serbia thanks to the Treaty of Nis. Some things that don't make much sense to me is that Essad becomes Prime Minister in October? Skanderberg would not in a million years appoint him PM out of his own free will after exiling him for treason and Essad himself would claim to be the full Ruler, Declaring himself Prince or something and getting control of the rebels (OTL they also rebelled against him some time later and he only kept control of Durazzo thanks to the Italians so lol). Another thing i don't get is that Serbia and Montenegro invade as a response to Greece. Essad was not against giving Northern Epirus to Greece, he was willing to do anything to be ratified as Ruler of Albania by it's neighbours. Even if all that happened, Serbia is allied with Essad, wouldn't it be more plausible that they support him with volunteers or fully enter the war on his side rather than attack separately in a three way war to take a piece of a cake?
  • Serbia and Montenegro: The treaty of Nis is already mentioned in the Essad section. The part of Serbia and Montenegro being allied is good. OTL Montenegro was pissed that they had to cede Sköder after bleeding for it, so i can see them intervening in favor of Essad and in support of Serbia in exchange for the city (Remember Essad will do and give anything he can to get the support). OTL also Montenegro was the first country to declare war in favor of Serbia during WWI, so it is in characted for Nicholas of Montenegro to support the Serbians in most scenarios, i believe. How that evolves after Italy gets involved, i'm not sure.
  • Greece (Part of S&M): Greece is in an interesting conundrum at this time. War with the Ottoman Empire is on the horizon as they want to regain some key Aegean islands, there is a naval arms race with them and the Ottomans are waiting two Battleships. There is a lot of paranoia with some talks of ambushing and sinking the ships before they get to Constantinople and invading Gallipoli before the British made it fun. They are also very allied to Serbia (and Romania) as life insurance against a specific little country to the north east of them that is extremely angry and that wants to kick their asses and take considerable land off of them. It is strange that any of them would jeopardize that alliance for a few kilometers of land when the alternative is so dire. The Protocol of Corfu, ratified by all the Great Powers, is still in place (nevermind that it was not really implemented before Albania blew up) and given all the considerations Greece would need the approval of the Great Powers (As they got from the Entente OTL) to do that. No time to make themselves the bad guy. They would need an excuse to invade that seems reasonable.
  • Italy: They definitely wants control of Albania and to dunk on the Austrians. They are also backing Essad but are the biggest wild card in the issue, if anyone other than Albania gets near Vlorë with dirty thoughts, I can see them going apeshit (Greece, wink wink). OTL during WWI the greeks got greedy and occupied the whole area and the Italians came and BTFO'd them out declaring a Protectorate. Italy has room to develop a good relationship to the other "little goblin" northeast of Greece as their interests are complementary to each other.
  • Bulgaria and the Ottomans: Bulgaria, the "little goblin". OTL they got into an alliance with the Ottomans in 1914 (granted WWI may have had a part in that decision but both of their interests allign as well so i can see that happening at some point). The alliance was defensive against any attack from a Balkan country, They had to consult each other before going to war againds the others AND could allow a land corridor for the Ottomans to attack any other Balkan Nation. Essad's revolt was in theory meaning to restore Albania to the Ottoman Empire so OTL they tacitly approved the chaos but were not allowed to intervene due to distance and later WWI. ITTL they also have no such constraints and could do some sneaky things to goad the Greeks into becoming the bad guy and tighten the alliance to Bulgaria (maybe). I don't think they would end up allied directly to Italy as their relations are bad as well but with coinciding interests they could be perfect co-belligerents.
What I could see is Essad entering with Serbian backing through Dibër as OTL and getting control of the rebels capturing Central Albania (either succeding or failing to capture Durazzo against Gendarmerie/Austrians), At some point he may do some mock attacks on North Epirus and that gived the Greeks their excuse. Then in November the revolt against him starts and the Serbians are quick to enter the fray and save Essad, Montenegro may enter and capture Sköder but face the Kosovar guerrilla campaign. Italy realizes that Essad is no longer with them and gets paranoid. At this point is Essad/Serbia/Greece vs Gendarmerie/Kosovar Guerilla/Austria (Indirectly). Someone (Greece) captures Vlöre and Italy invades and pushes them out and maybe out of half or North Epirus. Now you have your three-way war: Essad/Serbia/Montenegro/Greece vs "Skanderberg"/Gendarmerie/Kosovar/Austria (Indirectly) vs Italy. clashes happen but it becomes a stalemate. Maybe some navy action but all short of openly declaring war. Then Bulgaria and the Ottomans sign their alliance and make some military moves, Austria gets fed up and threatens war so everybody gets scared and sign a peace that satisfies no one:
  • Italy get's a naval base in Vlöre with an italian consulate or something. Not the whole city or region. They leave the Triple Alliance in anger. In this case other than gobbling up Albania during GEW, Italy remains neutral (maybe clashes with Greece a bit).
  • Skanderberg is ratified as Prince. The Gendarmery is now Austrian staffed and headquartered in Durazzo or some other symbolic consession (mainly to get the Austrians to save some face).
  • Essad then is named Prime Minister (Serbian request) and takes seat on Tirana. As you mentioned, his rule doesn't reach much else since he's been somewhat discredited. Serbian land gains could be null or very limited. Treaty of Nis could be dissolved at Austrian demand?
  • Montenegro only gets Sköder (very reduced gains). I'm not sure if they claimed much else, but you get the idea.
  • Greece can get what it occupies but the rest of North Epirus remains autonomous inside Albania
Nobody is happy, feathers are ruffled and tensions can keep building. Italy and Bulgaria start to draw closer.

On other things:
  • I can' t see Romania declaring for the Central Powers with Ferdinand as King. At most you could keep them neutral and when the CP enter Ukraine, Romania may (with Russian consent or inability to contest) enter to protect the region.
  • The daughters of the Tsar are marrying a bit early i think.
  • On Olga's case, she's engaged and married at 20 (not bad) but Dmitry had been discredited in the eyes of the Tsarina thanks to his disdain for Rasputin, i'm not sure i can see that changing so soon after his murder. The Tsarina may blame anyone that did not like him for his fate, etc. There is another Romanov, Prince Constantine Constantinovich of Russia, that could foot the bill. What you could do if you want Dmitry in the end is engage her to Constantine in September 1916 and have him fall during the war. Then in 1919-1920 is Dmitry to the rescue and now there is less opposition from the Tsarina and other concerns.
  • On Tatiana's case, she's marrying at 19, bit too young for what Nicholas and Alexandra especially would allow and before Olga, which was not well looked at the time. Older sisters marry first usually. Also there is a political crisis that would devolve in war with Bulgaria (which works even better when you have Bulgaria being a reason why Serbian plans on Albania got thwarted) soon and then the GEW, I don't think Nicky would send his 19 years old daughter to that powder keg in that situation. OTL Alexander waited till 1921/22 so there is time.
  • Also since Greece is a central component of the Great European War ITTL instead of what happened OTL, are German-Greek relations as bad as the German-Russian ones after the War? Or was Russia seen as the greatest instigator an oportunist here. If so, all/most of the Greek German marriages of the 1930's could not happen (Frederika of Hannover to Paul, Cecilie to Georg Donatus, etc.). It should be better by the 50's since you have Filippos marry a Saxon Princess but i would really like some insight into this.
  • On the topic of the GEW, how on earth does the Ottomans loose that badly (cede Constantinople and huge Armenia) and have an Arabian Revolt if the British are not (?) in the war? The Russians also loose horribly and have a Brest-Litovsk imposed on them. it seems weird how they got to enforce Armenia, Hejaz, etc.
Sorry for the essay. Thougts anyone?

I know haha, i have played the game. I meant how new is the mecha use ITTL on the armies if it happened in the 2000's or if there is a bit of Dieselpunk in there. And speaking of games, anything like the Starcraft Ghosts or similar? Militarized Airships?

Troublesome indeed. The interesting part is the new French King should be very german having been raised there and closely related to the Württembergs and the Oldenburgs. Knowing France and it's history with Monarchies, I give him 3 or 4 years before being deposed for another republic or in a perhaps not surprising twist of fate a Bonaparte haha :/
Wow, that's a lot to read ! Thanks for the remarks, but let's say that I never pretended to be that detailed and to be exactly on point, my focus is on making a good story. I see it. If you wish to devolve into this conversation, please send me a PM, whether you have queries about this timeline and suggestions.
If you asked someone ITTL with a vague interest in history who was the most evil person or regime in history, what kind of response would you usually get and how does it depend by region or political viewpoint?

Likely not good since they should be regional rivals.

I'm guessing horrible would be an understatement

In Europe at least i would guess CWR and Doriot would be very high on the list of possible names

And in Asia, the Japanese Empire would fill that role, especially as the Kodoha won out over the Toseiha.

RIght, them or the Indonesians that killed the Dutch Royal Family but the Japanese Empire does definitely take the medal, i think.

In Africa maybe Göring or the Afrikaner Volkstaat or even today's Azania.
Jacques Doriot mostly, it's this TL's equivalent of Hitler.
Who are the major terrorist organizations ITTL and which powers are the most usual targets? Any other important attacks like the Vladivostok one (don't remember the date) or the Paris 2007 and 2012? Major civil unrest cases like the LA riots, etc? Known criminal and international gangs like MS-13?
There are many maffias and terrorist groups in this world, can't detail them at all.
On that note, how has this TL handled natural disasters and climate change? Any natural disasters which are worse than OTL or were better handled?
Mostly the same, a butterfly effect can't modify natural disasters. Climate change is one of the same level that OTL.
What happened to the KKK, the Westboro Baptist Church, Neo-Nazis, and other infamous hate groups ITTL?
The American far right is still going strong.
Another question, is there any conflict or difference of recognition between the Ottoman and Hashemite Caliphates? The Ottomans technically have the legitimacy by matter of time but the Hashemites hold the Holy Sites and are unquestionably more influential ITTL in the 2000's. What are the positions of muslim leaders in this.

Also, did the Pahlavi's rise up in Iran ITTL or did the Qajar remained till the fall of the monarchy? What happened to the Senussi dynasty in Libya? Lastly, How did the Hashemites deal with the Rashidis and the Saudis since they should have been their biggest contenders for control over the Arabian Peninsula early on.

Edit: Almost forgot, what about the mighty General ZOG.
The Hashemites and the Ottomans are locked in a title dispute, and most Sunni scholars acknowledge the Hashemites as the rightful Caliphs, being Custodians of the Two Mosques. But still, they take their title as such.
The Qajars ruled until the end, the Senussis are the leaders of Cyrenaica and the Rashidis and Saudis have devolved to business and local rulings.
Jacques Doriot mostly, it's this TL's equivalent of Hitler.
What about people who would also be up there similar to Stalin, Mao, Tojo, Bagasora, Al-Baghdadi, and Enver Pasha IOTL?
Mostly the same, a butterfly effect can't modify natural disasters. Climate change is one of the same level that OTL.
Well, different governments and economic conditions could still affect natural disasters and their impact as a major reason for why the 2010 Haiti Earthquake killed so many people was due to the economic state of the country, for starters.
There are many maffias and terrorist groups in this world, can't detail them at all.
Any prominent examples of said groups, then, similar to how the most infamous terror groups are Al-Qaeda, ISIS, the ETA, and the IRA?
List of Presidents of India / Bharatavarsha
Great as always! Have a cousin living in canada! Love the country! Can't wait for the Biographies on Duarte II and III !Happy holidays btw
Thank you very much.
Wow. The balkanization of Canada.
Yeah, that's changed.
What about people who would also be up there similar to Stalin, Mao, Tojo, Bagasora, Al-Baghdadi, and Enver Pasha IOTL?

Well, different governments and economic conditions could still affect natural disasters and their impact as a major reason for why the 2010 Haiti Earthquake killed so many people was due to the economic state of the country, for starters.

Any prominent examples of said groups, then, similar to how the most infamous terror groups are Al-Qaeda, ISIS, the ETA, and the IRA?
Runner-ups could be Maciej Giertych, Abimael Guzman, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Yasuhiro Nakasone.
The 2010 Haiti earthquake was as violent but the country recuperated quickly. As of the big earthquakes in Mexico, however...
The most infamous would be the Islamic State of Ferghana, who committed the Vladivostok attack.
Runner-ups could be Maciej Giertych, Abimael Guzman, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Yasuhiro Nakasone.
Any details on their actions and crimes? Also, I'd also add Sadao Araki to the list, on that note. Finally, is bin Laden infamous for making comments which could be construed as apologism for al-Zawahiri as an allohistorical allusion to their relationship as top figures of Al-Qaeda IOTL?
The most infamous would be the Islamic State of Ferghana, who committed the Vladivostok attack.
Who was their leader ITTL and what flavor of Islamic ideology did they practice? I assume Deobandism or something like that?
The 2010 Haiti earthquake was as violent but the country recuperated quickly. As of the big earthquakes in Mexico, however...
Any more possible natural disasters whose impact could be changed due to different economic or political conditions than OTL mitigating or exacerbating the toll of said calamities, then?
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Pierre Trudeau assassinated, by Quebec nationalists I assume. Looks like that butterflies away Justin.

Sorry for Pierre Trudeau, I have a particular scenario in head for Quebec, so it will be covered.
Any details on their actions and crimes? Also, I'd also add Sadao Araki to the list, on that note. Finally, is bin Laden infamous for making comments which could be construed as apologism for al-Zawahiri as an allohistorical allusion to their relationship as top figures of Al-Qaeda IOTL?

Who was their leader ITTL and what flavor of Islamic ideology did they practice? I assume Deobandism or something like that?

Any more possible natural disasters whose impact could be changed due to different economic or political conditions than OTL mitigating or exacerbating the toll of said calamities, then?
Bin Laden is a billionnaire, a controversial one but focused on making money. Sort of Arabian Logan Roy.
The Islamic State of Ferghana was led by Sayid Abdulloh Nuri and was influenced by fringe islamist movements, such as Deobandism, but mostly by the Basmachi movement.
Not thinking of some. But still, the impact of TTL Covid-19 became worse.
Why did Bose run from Tamil Nadu and Jagjivan Ram feom WestBengal?
They were from West Bengal and Bihar respectively.
Errors from mine !
How is the World Council organized compared to the United Nations? Key differences in their organization?
Bin Laden is a billionnaire, a controversial one but focused on making money. Sort of Arabian Logan Roy.
And yeah, what did Nakasone do exactly to be seen ITTL as one of the worst people in this TL aside from Doriot? I get the others due to their OTL views and actions, but why him in particular?
Any plans for more year posts (like the ones from 1914-1916) around the World War or more recent years? Also when France fell after the GEW did Japan take advantage to invade Guangzhouwan if not nominally expand into Indochina Korea-style?
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