What’s the difference between the Christian Democrats and the Orthodox in Cuba and uhhh what happened in December 2022 to cut Cancun Ted’s term short…? 😬👀
The Orthodox form the major left-wing party, while the Christian Democrats are the right-wing one, with an evangelical trait.
President Rafael Cruz was compelled to resign due to his poor handling of the Wuchang Pneumonia pandemic and a major financial scandal.
Is there any civil rights and human rights activists that you wish to cover and/or mention in the future
@MaskedPickle? We already know that MLK keeps his original name and that Mandela died in prison, so is there anybody else of note that you plan on mentioning in the future?
Maybe TTL Ayn Rand, who became a famous cause célèbre. Or the destiny of Gandhi in this timeline.
On that note, any celebrities who had earlier deaths ITTL (including what the 27 Club or equivalent looks like ITTL) as we know Princess Diana has a longer life than OTL, for starters? And in other stuff, how is Marxism viewed ITTL with how Syndicalism ended in genocide and totalitarianism?
For starters, I can think of Bob Dylan, but also Tina Turner.
Marxism is still frowned upon, but had quite a makeover in European politics by turning to a brand of Eurocommunism and democratic socialism.
If it’s not a bother, here is a list of five nations that I hope and wish that we could possibly get some more coverage and focus and information about in the future:
- Azania
- Peru
- Iran
- China
- Bharatavasha
Interesting things are happening there by this time. I should devote time exclusively to them.