The Argentinian hated their own dictators (the whole war for the Falkland was an attempt to distract them and remain in power)
I thought it was similar to the Brazilian who had huge popular support.
and if the FAM's Brazil was somehow like ours (99% of pupulation poor and living in favelas, while the 1% has huge estates and live a rich lyfestyle) thn it was a very fertile ground for a communist revolution. The show did not say anything, but it could have happened like that...
And here to show that knowledge of the Brazilian dictatorship is little known. The nation had a gigantic economic and population growth, with health projects very popular. That gave greater legitimacy to the military government, so it's not 99 in the favela with 1 rich. In fact, the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew a lot during the military government. 1973 marked the height of the “economic miracle”, with GDP growing by 14%. Per capita GDP, which divides all the wealth accumulated during the period across the entire population of the country, went from US$261 in 1964 to US$1,643 in 1985.
If the lost decade does not occur (which was a very bad period for the economy), which is very likely considering the stability presented in the world. the military will remain in power or make a mix of military and civilian.
Stop imagining a group of people who are authoritarian, stupid and who just want to hurt the country (a half-American view of dictatorship, as group of people who just wants to destroy country) and start imagining that they are people who are authoritarian and competent that in their worldview, just want to improve the nation.
Areas of assistance policy driven by the military, food and nutrition programs.
They are:
Food supplementation for needy people, through the Health Nutrition Program (PNS), the School Meal Program (Pnae), the Food Complementation Program (PCA) and the Worker's Food Program (PAT), and the rationalization of the essential food production and marketing system, as an incentive for small rural producers, through programs such as the Food Acquisition Program in Low Income Rural Areas (Procab) and the Low Income Urban Areas Supply Program (Proab) (D'ARAUJO; SOARES, 1994, p.286).
This entire organizational and directive body, comprised of LBA, Funabem, Febem and the National Institute of Food and Nutrition (Inan), whose creation was responsible for the formulation, coordination and control of policy in the area, gave substance to the area of assistance policy, encompassing significant financial, bureaucratic and administrative resources, especially from the second half of the 1970s onwards.
Finally, the regime's innovation with regard to housing policy can be seen, which represents a formidable advance when the specific objectives and goals undertaken by the military are assessed.
In 1964, with the creation of the Federal Housing and Urbanism Service, the National Housing Bank (BNH) and the National Housing Plan, the foundations of the housing policy for the country were defined. The system's financial base would be backed by the balance of applications from the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS), which functioned as unemployment insurance, and deposits in savings accounts.
The creation of the BNH aimed to promote the market for access to home ownership, conceived according to income classes distributed into three segments: “the popular, made up of families with income up to three minimum wages; the economic one, with income between three and six; and the average, from six upwards”. (D'ARAUJO; SOARES, 1994).