For a Gore Prosperous Tomorrow

Can you have Longhorn be made as originally planned.

Took me a bit to figure this out as Windows Vista. In all likelihood, Vista will be better ITTL timeline than OTL.

Beyond that, hopefully I get better regarding what’s coming in terms of politics and so on.
Gore Presidency- January 2002
January 2002

2002... a new year... new possibilities. There was a renewed sense of optimism for the year. After all, the infamous terrorist group Al-Queda lost many leaders and key members, including 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden, thanks to the hard work of many brave men and women and master-minded by President Al Gore, who was currently enjoying massive favorable ratings for his accomplishments abroad, thus allowing him the political clout and capital to execute domestic decisions he had wanted to tackle. Having pushed more for gay rights since his time as presidency, he decided to go forward. After all, 73% of the people were in favor of protection for the LGBT against hate crimes back in November, and this was before the political clout gained by the reinforcements assisting them in Tora Bora. However, during a bit of the talk with the soldiers, President Gore realized he would need to broaden his scope for their protection. Discrimination took on many shapes and forms, the bitter scars of Jim Crow and segregation loomed over on both parties. Acts that were harassment, but not necessarily criminal, such as verbal abuse or the spread of material. Regardless, Al Gore would fight and get what he wanted with a little more. In the returning session of Congress, the Hate Crimes Prevention Act was passed successfully. To many people, it seemed cut and dry. It was a popular notion and given the boost from the victory, it seemed mroe than fair to protect. However, Al Gore's use of wording was key. In his time in office, he saw how it all grew and change. It was not just the gays and lesbians, but also the bisexuals. Then during his time talking to the soldiers, one was a Native American who introduced to the concept of "two-spirit" people. It was a reminder that the situation was more complex than he initially thought and it would only grow as such. His Hate Crimes Prevention Act was worded to include the various minorities within. It would be this act that would come into play more down the line, especially since the protection included from not just people, but also institutions, done to prevent discrimination. As such, it was the very basis of this act that he used to justify ending "Don't Ask Don't Tell", especially since the success of the soldiers meant the flimsy justifications could not hold up. However, Gore did omit the mention of marriage since he knew that it would draw too much ire. Plus, he would leave that up to the Supreme Court, one that he would plant more liberal judges on. For now though, 2002 saw the beginning of protections for the LGBT community and the end of DADT.


A 2 km long Pride Flag in Key West, celeberating the 25th anniversary of the flag itself along with the first anniversary of the passing of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act and the end of DADT in 2003.

Of course, many of them would not be able to enjoy said victory for a little while. Some of the soldiers remained in Afghanistan over the holidays to ensure a "thorough job" while also assisting in stablizing the new Afghan government with the fall of the Taliban. While some have questioned the necessity for this, others have noted the associated problems of the Taliban, namely the production of opium that was produced into heroin. Given how a rogue state was able to operate, some of Gore's advisors suggested they would need to change tactics in regards to dealing with the opiate crisis. One noted how hashesh or marijuana was produced in the region beforehand and while the substance was still viewed with harsh scrutiny, it was less maligant than heroin. Gore's recollections of taking the substance as a young man did make him a bit softer toward this idea. Alternately, there was the idea of producing morphine and codeine from legalizing poppy, but that would require a good deal of investment in infrastructure and development. After all, his statement in nation-building remained prominent. This was a long-term problem that needed to be solved and would require the cooperation of the United Nations. The solution would likely not be simple. The heroin trade was prosperous for the terrorists and it needed to be ended. However, the notes recovered and interviews done prompted one to recall moonshining durining the Prohibition. This and its similarity to the War on Drugs has been causing Gore to rethink some prior policies on dealing with drugs back at home.


Picture of Daniel Pearl

In the meanwhile, more urgent manners also justified the focus in Afghanistan. The kidnapping of Dainel Pearl, a prominent reporter who was in the area to report the successes in Afghanistan from Pakistan had caught the attention and thus some of the forces in Afghanistan were sent to try and find him from his last location alongside with intelligence agencies trying to find him. The hopes would be in trying to recover and find him. While some were confident to do so, others were not as sure as they were caught by surprise. Regardless, it seemed as attention to the Middle East would remain prominent for the foreign offices of the Gore Administration. Meanwhile, back domestically, the big issue dominating politics was that of Enron. After the fate of Micorsoft, it seemed that Enron would be in just as deep if not deeper trouble. The Justice Department began their criminal investigations of Enron, one that had a bit more of a vested interest than expected. Now Gore was trying to maintain the business friendly approaches that Clinton also had yet Enron was a fossil fuels company and thus, he had a stake to claim here. Plus, the precedent set by Microsoft meant that the government had a duty to deal with companies doing such acts to the full extent of the law to ensure such practices would not happen once more. Beyond that, the large issue was on education, namely with the "No Child Left Behind" Act, one that has been delayed due to concerns over financing the improvement of education.


A graph showing the decline of Enron
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That which saw Microsoft be broken up in October into two. The hardware and operating systems would become Microsoft Operations while the rest of the software development, such as that of what was Microsoft Office would end up becoming MS Applications. While the names were pending, it signaled the willingness of the government to maintain breaking up monopolies. MS Applications would soon began working on exporting Microsoft Office (now MSOffice) onto different operating systems and hope to bring the golden standard of their development into other systems.
Enjoy doing windows without the source code at times...that will be fun.

And who own each company? which is bill? which is paul, which is steve?

Nice the merger with Sega, that allow to save some money and okawa would have sold it very cheap too
Enjoy doing windows without the source code at times...that will be fun.

And who own each company? which is bill? which is paul, which is steve?

Nice the merger with Sega, that allow to save some money and okawa would have sold it very cheap too

I reckon there would still be communications between the two, but things will diverge over time. Not sure who would own what. Will have to look into that.

Yeah, that was actually some plans to be considered in OTL. Granted, SEGA has a lot of autonomy so it’s not like many changes would happen within the games themselves since Microsoft would see it as their in Japan.

Only influence would be Western releases and even then, the focus would likely be on Sonic the Hedgehog, given how is “dude with a ‘tude” appeal is likely greater there.

We will still have a few Sonic games on Nintendo consoles for a few reasons and also for interest. Pop culture will also obviously change so feel free to suggest stuff for this.
We will still have a few Sonic games on Nintendo consoles for a few reasons and also for interest. Pop culture will also obviously change so feel free to suggest stuff for this.
Exclusivity matter, meaning not ports, a loss but that is how butterflies work.

Yeah, that was actually some plans to be considered in OTL. Granted, SEGA has a lot of autonomy so it’s not like many changes would happen within the games themselves since Microsoft would see it as their in Japan.
I think Bill and Paul would keep sega autonomy as long not loss much money in reorganization and keep like their brand for japan, the rest would keep funded and expanded very welll..i think Balmer would have been a little strict with goals for the console...
Exclusivity matter, meaning not ports, a loss but that is how butterflies work.

I think Bill and Paul would keep sega autonomy as long not loss much money in reorganization and keep like their brand for japan, the rest would keep funded and expanded very welll..i think Balmer would have been a little strict with goals for the console...

A- there were prior commitments and developments done
B- the actual details and processes of the merger are in the air. Just because it’s been announced doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. Hence the transitional period.

Though beyond that, I’ve got other political things and so on to try and figure out
Gore Presidency- Febuary 2002
Guess I'll keep going on. I would like suggestions for the Supreme Court though given Al Gore would probably have to fill those spots in soon.

"No Child Left Behind represents a promise for a brighter tomorrow for our young people, ensuring they won't be left behind because of money issues."

"I was worried about getting rid of the arts and sciences though Feingold helped take care of that. Now I'm just worried that testing these kids all the same would not be the best idea."

"1910... Jesus Christ... it's looking more and more that President Gore was right about going green... Now I'm wondering why we didn't do anything before."

Febuary 2002

After additional weeks of debate and planning, the revised "No Child Left Behind Act" is finally accepted. Initially proposed as a bipartisan affair and believed to be quick and easy to pass, it met some surprising roadblocks when time was devoted to the skeptics who brought up certain questions regarding states' funding alongside allocation and responsability for the improvements. In part, the additional funding meanwhile would be added through a surprising tax increase on corporations along with the estate tax and other places. While udner normal circumstances, such tactics would be more argued against by more fiscal conservative groups and voters, the discoveries of the massive corrupt Enron scandal served as a powerful silencer to such complaints. After all, with just how large the bankrupcy is along with the corrupt accounting ethics and measures behind it, there was little sympathy added. Additionally, it would be for educational purposes. Other revisions added to NCLB included a requirement for states to produce non-English assessments (though given how a large majority of the non-English was Spanish, not as bad a fear) along with budget rules to prevent schools from axing programs such as the arts and humanities. Despite the improvements, there was still concerns on how NCLB could be exploited and not produce the results desired, but ultimately time would tell on the success or lacktherof the bill would have on improving education.


Symbol for No Child Left Behind

Additionally, the Winter Olympics of 2002 were held over in Salt Lake City, Utah. Cameroon, Hong Kong (China), Nepal, Tajikistan, and Thailand found these to be their first Olympics and were greeted warmly. Additionally, the Winter Olympics became notable for a couple reasons. First was for the reflection of the 9/11 Attacks though also with the success for the Gore Administration, the American Armed Forces and her allies in catching the terrorists and assisting in bringing order back to Afghanistan. However, it remained a call to be on alert to ensure a tragedy as such does not happen. Al Gore himself noted how the operations would now consist of rogue agents and with communications becoming more dependent on the Internet, so too shall the forces of justice. Not everything was good news though. The death of Daniel Pearl, the reporter captured in Pakistan, was also mourned for at the Olympics and Al Gore had made not to fight further extremist terrorism in the world.

The second major point was on Al Gore's call for the world to address climate concerns as a result of fossil fuels and additional pollution problems around the world. In a memorable moment, he had spoken some politicians from New Zealand and presented to him a copy indicating the danger of climate change and the cause linked to coal furnaces... back from 1910. While some found it a bit humorous that Al Gore would use the opportunity to mention the topic, others were mroe surprised that the evidence for phenomena existed earlier than they expected and perhaps it may have swayed a few skeptics. Overall, the Winter Olympics helped promote a greater sense of global unity and perhaps that things will turn out okay. The last note, albeit a minor one, was a bit of talk between the Gore Adminstration and Iran, symbolizing potential hope for repaired relationships between the nations.


Photograph of Salt Lake City, Utah during the 2002 Winter Olympics

However, things were looking bright though. The release of Windows XP from Microsoft before its partition brought on a greater experience for its users. SEGA meanwhile surprised more people with the release of several Sonic games planned in 2002 due to prior commitments as well as a method to gain some needed funds while the company worked on porting games to the XBox and completing their merger with Microsoft Operations. This included ports of Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 onto the new Nintendo GameCube alongside a compliation of classic Sonic games known as Sonic Mega Collection and two handheld games, Sonic Advance and Sonic Advance 2. They were scheduled out for the company to begin planning. Not much news was heard though Al Gore has gotten the Justice Department further into the investigation into the Enron scandal, especially when a prior issue of The Economist revealed the ties the founder, Kenneth Lay and former Presidential candidate, George W. Bush, including the supporting the candancy. Al Gore decided to explore these connotations, but in the broader sense of examining various companies for their potential ties to political parties. As for Bush himself, he has retired to the family ranch with rumors going of a potential surgery.
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Gore Administration- Spring 2002
Given how we're approaching a bit more a slowdown, I'll be progressing by seasons, least until the 2002 Election time... that's gonne be tough.

"I did not expect the drug war to be fought in Afghanistan in all places. Comparing it to moonshinin' though... is that really right?"

"This strategy embodies much on how we percieve President Al Gore... calm, methodical, rational, collected... he does what he needs to do to get the job done and do it right the first time. Bush would've bungled it up in my opinion."

"Corporations as the bad guys in media will become more commonplace with these scandals. I mean, who's gonna be next after Enron?"

Spring 2002

The beginning of spring in the United States begins with the traditional elements of spring... the growing of trees and the blooming of flowers. Perhaps it was this Al Gore had in mind with Afghanistan. The blooming of liberal principles over in Afghanistan with Operation Root. Initially called Operation Anaconda, the plan was renamed as part of some changes requested in by the Gore Administration, namely in greater assistance in the reestablishment of infrastructure. The hope was that in doing so, it would prevent long term problems and dent the opium boom that had gotten in the area. However, the research being brought indicated that since much of the opium turned into heroin is used abroad in Europe and the United States. The target is gradually being shifted into trying to dissuade buyers as by doing so, the financial propsects of the plant plummet. Some wonder where this growing shift in thinking could lead to over time. Al Gore was many things and being meticulous and calculating was one of them. The month of March was devoted to ensuring the complete disruption of the Taliban insurgency and remnants of Al-Queda within the region. Perhaps assisting this was Al Gore's own words to Osama Bin Laden in the trial, regarding the failures of the so-called calpihates in providing adequate care, infrastructure and so on for a proper civilization and their lack of commitment to doing so. As such, Operation Root took place mostly in March with some leftover forces left in the upcoming months to clean up and assist in the repair of infrastructure and hopefully gather more intel to end the chokehold of opium.


U.S. special forces help Northern Alliance troops away from a CIA-operated MI-17 Hip helicopter at Bagram Airbase

Beyond the military actions of the Gore administration, Between December 2001 and April 2002, the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and the House Committee on Financial Services held multiple hearings about the Enron scandal and related accounting and investor protection issues. These hearings and the corporate scandals that followed Enron along with potentially other companies have been leading into plans for further acts to combat this. In fact, the Gore Administration has been broaden the examinations into various other companies, notably fossil fuel companies for potentials of corruption. They were quite subtle and thus did not stir up much attention. However, one of the large targets within the line of sight for the Gore administration was ExxonMobil, who's head lobbyist to Washington had been long arguing against the United States' inclusion in the Kyoto Protocol. Various ExxonMobil former members and data was being gathered and in the current climate of distrust of corporations, the Gore administration was enjoying a fair amount of trust from the American public in regards to the investigation. The largest benefit was in Gore's quiet style of doing so. He was not a man characterizses for his grand claims. He just did what he needed to do quietly and this style was now becoming more respected, being portrayed as silent dignity and thorough work.


Political cartoon reflecting the growing problems of corporations

Perhaps one of the largest notes of political news was on the successful implementation of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, spearheaded by Senators McCain and Feingold. Signed proudly by Al Gore, it was touted as a successful bipartisan effort to restore demcoratic power to the people and focus on removing the interest of corporations into political affairs. The hope of reducing the influence of soft money on policial advancements was not without its detractors, such as Senator McConnell. Additionally, other problems were noted within the Act such as the various loopholes and potential problems. Despite, it was lauded as a major landmark into making sure that politicians were working for the people and not for special interest groups. Various politicians had their own reasons and motivations for doing so. While Al Gore maintained the fairness, he was no fool. He knew the Act could potentially lead to further developments. It was not much of a secret of how fossil fuel companies were pouring funds into the GOP and what the influence it was having. However, if he wanted to do that, Exxon-Mobil would need to be exposed. There has been some promising news though for them. All in all... it seems like everything is going well.


Political cartoon on the flaws of the McCain-Feingold Act




"Mr. President! Mr. President! There has been a coup in Venezuela!"
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Hope everyone is liking this so far!

"Chavez is as socialist as North Korea is democratic. Claiming it does not make it so. There's not many reasons why socialists would butt heads with the unions."

"And here we have Gore talking about his treehugging stuff again. Of course, he was right about a bunch of stuff before and my daddy lost his job in the mining town he grew up in when it ran out... crap, he's right about this too."

"This is not the last time I suspect Chavez will run into political trouble..."

The Venezuela Coup of 2002

In 2002, Latin America became shocked when the populist presidency of Hugo Chavez seemingly ended with his resignation after protests in regards to some poor policies. However, it went into a firestorm when it was revealed that Chavez never actually resigned from power and the coup was unsustainable because of the lack of unity between the coalition who tried to take charge in that time. That and the protests for Chavez to come back into power. The coup rumors had been around since Gore was Vice President under Clinton, but they had not done anything to provoke it. Indeed, when questioned, the Gore administration had made it clear that they supported the legitimate presidency. While rumors remained in regards to association to American involvement, said rumors ended up being dashed when President Al Gore ended up going to visit Hugo Chavez weeks after Chavez returned to power for talks regarding stability.


Chavez's supposed resignation letter

While most of the talks themselves were of the usual brand of diplomacy and policy, the major point was on the discussion of oil. Al Gore's commitment to green energy ansd movement away from fossil fuels had caught some of the Chavez administration offguard. While they did know of Gore's policies, they had perhapos underestimated how much he meant it. Additionally, Gore questioned Venezuela's stance on relying to much on petroleum for their source of income, especially with the volatility of the international market. Indeed, Al Gore came prepared here, showing Chavez some pictures of abandoned towns that were once booming in prosperity, until the resource ran out, such as gold, silver or diamonds. Gore's ultimate point to Chavez was on the instability of his regime based on oil. While Gore had his own opinions on Venezuela's social policies, the coup attemts from major corporations and Catholic groups was a stark reminder on how large groups can pose dangers on a democracy and turning it into oligarchy. Gore mentioned this in his speech up return to the Untied States and given the climate of the Enron scandal along with the subtle hints of other corporate problems that laid in the future, it helped to maintain the skepticism against corporation in the public's mind.


Hugo Chavez on a visit to the Untied States to have talks with President Al Gore

Meanwhile, while the Chavez regime continued to get control and get back on its feet, the discussions between Gore and Chavez made its way to the people and many began wondering on their future and on the reliance of oil. How it gave a lot of prosperity yet it went tumbling in the 80s before going back up again in the 2000s. Could such a system be sustainable? Additionally, after Gore's return to the USA, he mentioned in his talks the importance of having experts on the team, which was why Gore had a "Digital Cabinet", to adress the needs of the internet and pick people for their knowledge rather than their loyalty. Some took it as a comment to how the Chavez regime may have replaced many of those in charge of the oilfields with loyalists rather than experts, but nothing has been confirmed.

Ultimately, while the Chavez regime survived, Gore's words on the future being less dependent on fossil fuels has caused a growing stir in the nation, especially amongst some of the unions.
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Yup. Sowing the seeds for Venezuela's own changes. I try and always be cautious with my butterfly net, though the domino effect will spread and things will continue to change across the globe as a result of matters and how major nations influence one another.
Gore Administration- Summer 2002
Sorry ths took a while, but work was a hassle! Here we go!

Summer 2002

"The kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart serves as a warning to Americans that security comes first at home along with who can really be the dangers."

"The WorldCom bankrupcy follows the Enron scandal in a growing line of corporate skullduggery and incompetence, a pattern that is causing the people to prompt Congress to enact rules to hold the individuals and groups accountable."

The summer of 2002 began horrifically with the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart. The 14 year old taken from her home sparked a panic among famlies over the security and safety of their children. For the past few months, since the capture of many heads of Al-Queda along with their subsequent exeuction, the nation had been recovering mentally and there was a greater state of optimism. While there was a brief rise in hate crimes aimed at peoples of Middle Eastern descent, the photoshots of Afghani soldiers fighting alongside US soldiers helped bring order. That they were just a group of outliers. A case greater proven when several Pakistani Muslims gave their lives to successfully prevent a car bomb at a US consulate, likely the remnants fo Al-Queda. The kidnapping and sub-sequent search for Elizabeth Smart though tapped into the panic and families cancelled vacations or called for greater security along with investigations on the girl's whereabouts.


Missing Persons flyer for Elizabeth Smart

Meanwhile, the business world was rocked with the news of WorldCom declaring bankrupcy, especially with the news of Enron just fading from the public conscious. And of course this led to the investigation by the Justice Department into potential scandals or ties, given the past experience with Enron. Before long, it would be revealed the news of the largest accounting scandal within thus far in the history of the United States. The initial figures showed over $3 billion dollars worth of fruad convered with more investigations to be detailed within. For many, this additionally soured the view toward corporations. Microsoft being cut down, the fate of Enron and now this... there were growing rallying cries to try and prevent these sort of issues. The pop culture lexicon would grow to reflect this as white collar crime became a bit mroe common in television shows and the growing skepticism over the lack of regulations in companies. Of course, there was no real public discourse, but the growing signs of which politicians were covering which topic were sowing the seeds for future battlegrounds to be fought over in the political arena. Growing calls within the more leftist groups of the Democrts begin pushing their more right-leaning colleagues to get involved, and while there was a general consensus of something needed to be done, it was not as major a priority, though the upcoming elections did mean that the candidates were being pressured to addresss the issue. The fact that Qwest udnerwent something similar meant this growing distrust against corporations and high-ranking members of the businesses was spreading.


Political cartoon regarding Qwest and reflecting on what many are percieving the lack of proper punishment toward CEOs and other high-ranking corporate leaders.

Beyond the cavalcade of bad news though, good news continue to peer and go forward. One was such on the beloved television personality and minister, Fred Rogers. Having recieved his Presidental Medal of Freedom from President Al Gore, Mr. Rogers was enjoying some quiet retirement though he also spoke to President Al Gore in regards to the end of DADT along with the protection for the LGTBQ community from hate crimes. Gore even confided perhaps one day soon that they will be able to married within the United States. These talks gave Mr. Rogers ideas...
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Gore Administration- Autumn 2002
Since I have a couple days off, y'all get more of this. Sorry if this seems pretty light, but I'm still new at this and I would welcome input and some suggestions here. And to clarify, the LA Airport shooting of 2002 did not happen, due a combination of factors such as Bin Laden's capture as well as Gore's own speech on the failures of the terrorists' goals. The election stuff will be on another post.

Fall 2002

"It's been a year since that tragedy... But Gore got them before year's end and our brave men and women are cleaning up the stragglers over in Afghanistan. Thank you President Gore. You made America hope again."

"Not surprising the results though that close call with Senator Wellstone was a bit of a surprise, thank goodness he is all right. Unsurprisingly, Democrats have managed to gain a bit more holding in these elections."

"I don't think Gore will take us into Iraq. Not without a good reason. He ain't that sort of man and we all know that."

"We all knew President Gore was gonna support that Climate Change march. That's the new term they're gonna use."

September marked the first annviersary of the 9/11 Terrorist Attack. For the USA, it is a time of mourning the lives lost from the attacks, but also a time for celeberating the strength of the nation and for them to move forward. Osama Bin laden was long dead along with most of the members of Al-Queda's leadership, with the last "stronghold" being somewhere within Iraq. Despite calls for invasion of the nation, the administration refused. After all, whiel Saddam Hussein was a paranoid maniac, he was one whom suspected anything that was a threat, which included Al-Queda. There was a bit of hope that perhaps they would end up doing the job of ending Al-Queda's presence in Iraq for them. In the meanwhile, most of the repairs to the Twin Towers were done and a special monument to those who lost their lives to that was constructed in a new plaza, including a stone memorial with all the names of those who were lost on that day. However, for those in office, there was a darker leaning within the day of the attack. And that was the growing suspicion against their Saudi allies in regards to the attacks. The Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 began exploring more into the causes and while the final report may have been due over into the end of the year, the shadow looming over it becasue of the surviving members providing evidence meant that it became troublesome to confront. The 1976 Act would provide some protection, but it would ultimately all onto President Gore to decide on what to do. And Gore himself was conflicted. Saudi Arabia was a vital ally within the Middle East, but the list of controversey associated with the petrochemical dictatorship was growing and his own green nuances meant that he would wish to part ways from them. Evidence would be needed or at least a larger incident. The prelimnary reports suggested that if there was Saudi involvement, it was not from the highest echelons. The most likely explanation was that they acted independently of the Saudi Royal Family, but it was not much comfort to say the least. Fortunately, there was not much talks of it, but when they would release the report next year, they know there would be some coming to deal with. They would need to be ready.


9/11 Memorial Plaque found within the various buildings

While the elections were coming and going for the House, Senate and gubernationals, many politicians, talk show hosts and pundits were debating on what laid next for America. Rumors began speculating about Iraq, due to the calls of a coalition of certain conservatives, calling for more pre-empative actions against them. Others wanted to continue the tradition of sanctions and waiting for them to do the first move. While there was an agreement of something needing to be done about Iraq, Al Gore was not one to do so without the proper channels. There would not be much domestic support nor reason for doing so. He wished to maintain attention in Afghanistan for the time being. Most of the Al-Queda and Taliban insurgents had been dealt with and work was being done more to try and rebuild the nation. The main issue laid in the purchase of opium for that of heroin. Talks have led to within the European Union to try and de-criminalize it. The ultimate test meanwhile came with Portugal, who decided to decrminalize all the drugs. While more then a few decried this radical policy, after a year, the signs were showing it was working. The idea and calls for treating drug users as victims of sickness began spreading more across the nation and even Al Gore began taking note. If all of Europe decriminalized the drugs alongside the United States and even China, it would be a strong step. After all, if the value of opium for heroin was from its consumers, then attacking its value would de-incentivize Afghani farmers from farming it. Though at the same time, the idea of legalizing it for the purposes of medical properties was another possibility. However, the focus was also remaining at home. Elizabeth Smart remained missing and the Beltway Sniper Attacks was an unwelcome fear in October, though one that would be resolved with the capture of the culprits involved.


Picture of US Capital, 2002

Not everything was peachy-keen however. While the Snipers would be stopped and Elizabeth Smart rescued, there was still a growing bit of discontent. Rumors circulated that the potential for war in Iraq would be for oil companies and perhaps Al Gore's presence made those rumors spread more and be considered more than it otherwise would be. The Campaign Against Climate Change was founded when the rumors of certain interest groups trying to persaude Congress to have the US back off of the Kyoto Protocol and their march was held in late fall od 2002. President Al Gore addressed them and indeed the new term of "climate change" would replace the word of "global warming". While the usual calls for recycling and keeping air and water clean were pretty unified, the fossil fuel dilemna became one of a problem and Al Gore began planning a way to address it. His preliminary plan would be to cut the subsidies that fossil fuel companies received by 50%, namely as a test and to try and force them to play ball. The savings from those subsidies would be divided to be used for subsidies in the research and development of renewable energy along with serving as a general tax cut. However, these plans were hamstrug by the potential threat fo retaliation from fossil fuel companies through layoffs and politicizing, not to mention interest groups on behalf of said companies influencing both political parties. Nonetheless, the development continued, being proposed as a potential tax cut and provided by eliminating "certain miscellenous finances." It seemed like in the upcoming years, there would be an inevitable showdown between the Gore Administration and their environmentalist versus the fossil fuel industry and their lobbyists.


Logo of Campaign Against Climate Change
2002 Elections
2002 Voting Results

While the nation remained united in mourning and moving on through the anniversary of such a tragedy, political season was coming. Elections for the House of Representatives, the Senate and various governors. Now, no one was sure how it would go. The Dems held onto a slight advantage, but beyond that, there was a balance and deadlock. Many have predicted overall Democrat gains, mainly due to the efforts done by President Al Gore in assisting the nation alongside with tackling the needs of the nation though some bipartisan victories meant it was not as big a gain. However, growing friction against corporations meant that representatives that have been more outspoken against corporate chicanery got a little boost. As Election Night was rolling out, the news over the various districts, victories and losses were seen.


Senate 2002 results

The Democratic party had been dealing with several tight races. However, due to the postivie reception of Al Gore and the efforts made by them and his Administration pushed the Democrats to some more victories. The Louisiana run-off allowed the Democrats to keep hold up on that. Meanwhile, Georgia, Missouri and Minnesota were also close calls, but a combination of support of the Democrats along with some gaffs made by Republicans, especially over in Georgia. However, the various senators were able to maintain to their seats, albeit barely. Of course, this meant thatthey would still need to work with the GOP. The Democrats have suceeded in maintaining all of their holdings while getting some more. With 52 Democratic senators, the Dems have gotten a majority, if barely, in the Senate.
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Yeah, gonna put this up before going back to the work grind! Enjoy everyone! As for the House, good god, a pain in the ass and I wish there was a better way of simulating it cause it's just gonna get harder in the upcoming ones. I would really appreciate help with this one, guys.

Voting Results (cont)

Meanwhile, the results for the House were quite interesting. While the Republicans were able to gain 15 seats, the Democrats also managed to gain 15 seats overall, resulting in a tie of sorts. This was mainly due to the various restructuring and the growing satisification for Al Gore and the Democrats. However, despite this, the Republicans maintain a minor majority within the House. However, this does make 2004 harder to predict, especially wuth the overall track record of Al Gore. Some were more surprised by the results within the House, especially with Al Gore's success in finding and catching Osama Bin Laden.

Well, the governorships! I'm not sure if I will be able to go into much more detail with the Senate or especially the House in future updates, but I will try and include the governor stuff. If anyone wanna helps with the Senate and House, please let me know!

Voting Results (part III)

While the Senate shifted slightly to the Dems and the House remains under meager control of the GOP, the gubernationals saw the most Democratic victories. Many close states were able to hold onto their Democratic governors or elect new ones, which was a surprise over for the South, though many speculate this was due to Al Gore's victories in the "War on Terror". Jesse Ventura ran for re-election and managed a victory, hoping to leverage his indepedent status to work more with Al Gore and the Green Party, something which Al Gore was open to. The widespread gains meanwhile brought the Republicans some uneasiness over what could lay in the future, especially since they are aware their House and Senate holdings were more by luck than anything else.

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2002 in Reflection
2002 In Reflection

2002 brought about optimism to a nation after dealing with one of the great crisises that would define it in the new century. Bin Laden and many of the Al-Queda leadership is dead, the troops in Afghanistan have been thorough in finishing the job of the remnants of Al-Queda and of the Taliban and with clearn-up duty and infrastructure support, it seemed that the USA would leave Afghanistan within the next year if all went well. However, it was also a time of great challenges. The cautious optimism of the Clinton Era had began given away to a growing cynicism, but not at the government itself, on the contrary, the Gore Administration had been doing well and the GOP knew they only retained as many seats as they did now because of luck and putting more work into it. They knew the Gore Administration would step it up next term. No, the cynicism was toward corporation and perhaps, growing at the American Dream itself. The bankrupcies and financial fusterclucks of many companies such as Enron, Qwest and Worldcom alongside the partition of Microsoft signaled a change that the government should take a more active role in fighting corruption within the corporations. While some argue against more government invovlement in the economic sector and a few even saying that less restriction would avoid such things, the general atmosphere was that the corporations or rather those running it need to be reigned in before they could cause more problems. Additionally, many were surprised by the modest improvements sought by Gore and wondered if or when he would become more daring in his reach. Some said it fit his persona while others insisted he needed to do more. Unbeknowist to most, Gore was planning for the long run. While he was not absolute that he would win reelection, he was confident that he had more time for hsi greater goals and currently his plans were in the fold. The budget remained mostly the same as from Clinton, though with more money going into education and in renewable energies with some minor cuts to the military, though more through reorganizations and plans were also being made for some reforms on the military. More money going to soldiers themselves and the need for the military to evolve to face new threats. Others have called for the Pentagon to be audited as with the Cold War over, the military would need its finances analyzed and see how much has gone into it and what hasn't. The idea of auditing the Pentagon around the next year has been catching fire and attention.

Pop culture began reflecting the hope and optimism present. The highest-grossing films were flights of fantasy taken seriously. While the second Harry Potter film and the second Lord of the Rings film performed well as expected, it was the new Spider-Man film that surprised many people with redefining the superhero film for the modern era. While delayed to reshoot a few things, it also brought some new ideas. One of particular was on using the original animatronic mask Norman Osborn used. While the decision was supposedly canned for various reasons, it was brought back as a creative decision to make Osborn look more monstrous, a reflection of the growing focus on high-powered businessmen being portrayed as villainous and monstrous within the film. Other changes included Peter taking the wrestling job to assist his elderly Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Perhaps the largest one being on how Harry Osborne accepted that his father was in fact a monster. While plans were thought to have Harry be vengeful over the loss of his dad, the growing discontent toward powerful corporate figures had the writers decided to not give Norman Osborn any sympathy points.

Meanwhile, video games had been growing in popularity and appeal. The Nintendo GameCube garnered more support than expected thanks to the fact that it and the Gameboy Advance would have the only Sonic the Hedgehog games on Nintendo consoles while SEGA finalized its merger over with Microsoft Operations. Meanwhile, the Playstation 2 by Sony had been dominating the marketplace, but found an unexpected competitor with the Xbox. The Xbox, while primarily popular in the West, began growing over in Japan as beefed-up versions of the Dreamcast's greatest hits, including Shenmue, was being offered on the Xbox and indeed Shenmue was being promoted as a sleeper hit in the West as well. Overall, it was still potentially anyone who could win the console war of this year though many have ntoed the Micorsoft had been preparing to go big with SEGA and plenty of projects were in development there.

Other achievements by the Gore administration would be the construction of the Trianna satellite. It was designed to provide, from a distance of 930,000 miles, a continuous view of the sunlit side of the earth. His reason for its construction was so that Triana would measure global warming by measuring how much sunlight is reflected and emitted from the earth and would monitor weather systems. The hope was that it could assist in the prediction of powerful storms for emergancies.

In pop culture, Al Gore's successes have lead to growing popularity of the President's preferred works, such as the the president’s favorite book, Stendahl’s The Red and the Black and Gore’s favorite film, Local Hero, the Scots eco-comedy, becoming more popular and influencing more areas within the pop culture.

Overall, 2002 was viewed with optimism and hope and many wondered what next Al Gore would do when he finishes with Afghanistan. Others wondered what the future would hold and how the nation would respond it...


"Mr. President... your hunch was spot on. Our investigations are indeed turning up a lot from Exxon-Mobil. Within the next several months, we can finalize our results. I was surprised by what I found, but one of my co-workers, he compared it to the tobacco industry... what are your plans for this, sir?"


Yeah! 2002 is done and gone! Sorry if it seems short, but I'm still learning and I don't think much wold change pop culture wise except the 9/11 effect being much shorter and the focus going onto corporate chicanery. Things are coming into the future though and I'll be happy to answer any questiosn.
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Well, this is my first timeline! A timeline where Al Gore instead of George W. Bush became President of the United States in 2000. It's a bit of a classic, but there's alot of potential here and I am happy to take suggestions, criticisms and corrections since politics is not exactly my forte here.

In fact, I'll be happy to work with others when it comes to suggestions for House/Senate/Gov elections alongside staff picks! Along with some other potential interactions...

But it goes!

For A Gore Prosperous Tomorrow!

December 2000

"At the end of the day, the man with most votes wins and gets it. Anything otherwise would be a dentriment to our democracy."

"Alot of votes nearly lost at technicalities. This is inane."

No one knew how it happened or the details at the time. Some say it was a miracle or a stroke of misfortune. Others say it was the work of God. Some say it was a bunch of little things that came together. Perhaps it was Gore asking for a more thorough recount. Perhaps it was the Supreme Court of the US or Florida going by instinct or new decisions or lack thereof. The Florida recount had been one of the most tenseful periods in the election season, especially with everything looking so close.

However, the recounts went through and the entire ordeal went on too long. At the end of the day, political chicanery drove everyone to a wall and it just ended. The news said it out loud.


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George W. Bush would take the news as well as anyone could, but the stress and especially so near the holidays had just gotten to him. He would concede the Election over to Al Gore. Starting within 2001, the 43rd President of the United States would be none other than Albert Arnold Gore Jr.

It was one of the closest watched elections. While a minor few felt Bush got cheated, the general consensus showed that the man who gained the most votes would win. Additionally, for the gaffes aimed at Al Gore's expense, he still portrayed himself seriously and thus, seemed more like President material than George Bush Jr.

The new millenium began so contentiously and many people hoped that matters would improve over time. That the future would be prosperous after everything they had gone through.

Only time would tell. Al Gore meanwhile would get his congratulations from Bill Clinton and the Democrats secure themselves four more years. Yet, with the Senate tied and the House barely in the Republican camp, it was going to require plenty of compromises, though who knew what the future would hold.


So yeah, who would you recommend that Gore would take for his Cabinet?
I got Al Gore to beat dubya in Campaign Trail by campaigning in Tennessee and ignored Florida altogether