I have a list of things I would most certainly do. I can't be bothered to make a full map of this, maybe I will soon.
- Northern US border would look like this.
https://www.alternatehistory.com/fo...-us-border.138050/#lg=attachment83179&slide=0 (won't work as an image)
- Partition New York like this. Ignore the numbers. As a New Yorker I feel no connection whatsoever to the city, it misrepresents the area in which I live so I have done what I feel is right.
- Partition California much like this
- Every large city, something like cities with a population over a million or something would become independent city states within the Union.
- Split Florida North and South, while taking away the coastlines of Alabama and Mississippi, combining them with the Florida panhandle to create the state of West Florida.
- The rest of the states would be much like this. Though Ohio here would keep its current name, my previous borders I listed would be in effect, states with names of current states in other locations would be changed. North Carolina and Virginia's borders would be as they are in our world, with West Virginia existing aswell. The 4 corner states would exist as OTL.
- The Philippines would be split into 3 different states and be a part of the US.
- Puerto Rico wouldn't be a state, it'd be sold back to Spain.
- US territories in the pacific become states.
- Kamchatka Peninsula to be American.
- Ryuku islands to be American.