"Fight and be Right"

Winston Churchill remains one of the most famous figures in modern history. His powerful oratory, love of controversy and charismatic charm make him one of the most revered- and admired- people of the 20th Century. Churchill has achieved the rarest of victories; he has become an archetype, a symbol of Britain and the British spirit.

But if you had asked about Churchill in the late nineteenth century, another political giant would come to mind, one almost entirely forgotten today. Like Winston, he had great gifts; the ability to coin a memorable phrase, and make a great speech; like Winston, he was a mercurial opportunist with a fondness for drink who delighted in irritating his more genteel colleagues. Lord Randolph Churchill, Winston's father, had all of his son's gifts, perhaps even more; but on the few occasions when history remembers him at all, it is as a tragic figure who died early and never quite fulfilled his vast potential.

So, what if....

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Incidentally, where's the title from? I assume it's a line from an OTL speech by Randolph...
Incidentally, where's the title from? I assume it's a line from an OTL speech by Randolph...

That's the one. Randolph first used the phrase 'Ulster will fight- and Ulster will be right' in a letter to a Liberal Unionist in May 1886; it soon became something of a slogan of his, and it was adopted as a catchphrase of the anti Home Rule movement.

I'll be posting the prologue tomorrow or tuesday btw, so stay tuned...
Sweet. :) I didn't get a chance to follow a Greater Britain, and now I'm really happy I can actually see one of your great TLs progress!
That's the one. Randolph first used the phrase 'Ulster will fight- and Ulster will be right' in a letter to a Liberal Unionist in May 1886; it soon became something of a slogan of his, and it was adopted as a catchphrase of the anti Home Rule movement.

I'll be posting the prologue tomorrow or tuesday btw, so stay tuned...

I'll be sure to.

Sounds very interesting. Not to mention potentially a big butterfly if you end up with major internal conflict over Home Rule. Looking forward to hearing more.

Can't wait.

Confidently assuming that A) Randolph gains power at some point and B) that he subsequently engages in demagogery regarding Irish Home Rule, then we may also see a strong role for Joseph Chamberlain in this TL - his notion of Social Reform allied to Nationalism would dovetail very well with Randolph's views of 'Tory Democracy'.

Mind you, that's dependent on when exactly the POD is. If the Liberal Unionists never form, (Unlikely, I would imagine, but still a possiblity) then I bes talkin' out o' my arse.