London (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland): The Jewish Chronicle, June 9th, 1922, p. 1:
by Leopold Kessler {1]
Developments in Eretz Israel and the entire Middle East are coming thick and fast after the death of Emir Abdullah ibn Saud [2] two weeks ago. Syrian and Iraqi forces have seized the opportunity which the disunity among the Najdi [3] has presented them with, with renewed air raids on Rafha and attacks on scattered bases of Ikhwan forces in the lands of the Banu Ruwalla. Marches of jubilating Arab youths in Haifa, chanting the names of their “heroic princes of the air”, have degenerated into orgies of violence aimed against our brethren. As the self-defense is organising, fears of a renewed Gan Schmu’el [4] are rising. And while no definitive qualification has been made by His Majesty’s government with regards to the proposals of Mr Clayton [5] yet, the heated debates about it are already threatening to tear apart the unity in defense. Mr Yabotinsky [6] has announced that, should the organizations of the Yishuv agree to such a “caricature of a dwarf state”, he would not feel bound by agreements concluded by them, and should self-defense groups which the Empire supports [7] abandon settlers, then these settlers should organize themselves outside of such structures.
But Mr Yabotinsky is deluding himself if he thinks that the Yishuv can win this fight alone, and even less so if lacking in unity. If a secure foundation should be offered, then everyone should support it whole-heartedly. The Zionist endeavour has no better friend than the Empire, and it can only find security and grow if it is guaranteed by His Majesty’s government and by the Syrians, too. Syria has recovered and appears to be prepared to push back against its enemies. Those who may have hoped to win a state for the Yishuv by defeating the House of Hashim must realize the futility of their endeavour now. In this pivotal hour, we must stand together in concordance, or else the entire Zionist project might be lost for our generation.
[1] This is the most long-standing and prestigious Jewish newspaper of the world, and since 1906, it’s pursuing a Zionist course.
[2] Here is how Ibn Saud’s early death came about: The two remaining Hashemite kingdoms/emirates, Syria and Iraq, and especially the former, have slowly and under really difficult circumstances built up and diversified their military forces over the past year. This specifically included the creation of a serious Syrian air force. Unemployed German aircraft engineers have been hired by Faisal’s army to assemble parts brought to Syria on adventurous ways, and – privately hired – German, Austrian and Italian pilots and other specialists have been training Syrian pilots, mechanics etc. It all took a bit of time, and that has cost the Hashemites dearly, but now the force is slowly entering the fray, and for the past 2-3 months, Syrian planes have sortied, at first attacking only raiding parties, but lately also bombing entire key strategic oases like Sakaka, where Ikhwan forces of several thousands had assembled, into the ground. After the first crashes, the Syrians now also have their first glorified airborne heroes. The setbacks have caused some frictions between the various groups in Ibn Saud’s alliance, and the Emir of the Nejd, Protector of the Holy Sites, deemed it necessary to ride with the so-far largest Ikhwan force which, endowed with heavy guns by the British, headed North from Tabuk to attack Aqaba, the last Syrian Red Sea port, and perhaps raid into the Jordan valley. The Syrian forces marching against them were accompanied by Faisal’s air force which came out in their largest sortie so far. Although air-ground coordination was a nightmare at this point in time, the unprepared Ikhwan were still easy targets in the flat and clear territory, repeatedly suffering losses in both men and materiel, and although not all Syrian aircraft made it back to their base in Aqaba safely, either, the attacking force was in a much less integrated and mobile condition when they met their numerically superior enemy. Already, the first Ikhwan leaders suggested to call off the attack and retreat, but Khaled ibn Luway convinced the emir that what could be read as cowardice and defeat could endanger the course of the entire war now that time seemed to be playing into Hashemite hands, and the loyal desert warriors followed their glorious leader. Fighting did not last long, for after only a few hours, news that Emir Ibn Saud and various of his closest advisors had been killed in an explosion spread among the Saudi forces first, and then also those of their enemies. The remaining leaders took too long to come to the decision to try for an orderly retreat, for their forces had already begun to disintegrate, and now the retreat turned into rout, which turned into a bloodbath, as the Ikhwan often fled without their heavy guns and were mowed down by the machine guns of enthusiastic and elated Syrian pilots. The “Battle of Halat Ammar”, as it would come to be called, was not only where the Saudi emir found his death; it was also the single worst defeat suffered by the Saudis in the war so far.
[3] I can’t delve too much into the depths of these conflicts – just a very quick overview: ITTL, the “Spanish” Flu has killed a different son of Abdulaziz ibn Saud:
Faisal instead of
Turki . Therefore, Turki is the eldest living male descendant of the deceased Abdulaziz ibn Saud now. After the defeat at Halat Ammar, different Ikhwan factions with different regional powerbases now blame each other for the ill turn the war has taken. Turki ibn Abdulaziz ibn Saud is perceived to be close to the two Otaibi leaders
Eqab ibn Mohaya and Khaled ibn Luway, a perception also based on a marriage alliance which also isn’t OTL.
Faisal al-Duwaish , leader of Ikhwans from the Mutayr tribe, now blames Khaled ibn Luway for the colossal failure at Halat Ammar and sees it as Allah’s punishment for the other Otaibi Ikhwan leader's, Eqab ibn Mohaya’s, opportunistic behavior and his misconduct surrounding the conquest and administration of the Holy Sites. (BTW, Eqab ibn Mohaya had indeed already betrayed the Hashemite Sharif of Mecca before by joining Ibn Saud’s side with a group of Otaibi fighters, like IOTL. He is responsible IOTL and ITTL for the Massacre of Ta’if), and he supports
Saud ibn Abdulaziz, the second son, , as the new emir. Turki, who has acquired some education in Cairo – among the “infidels”, as the orthodox Wahhabi Ikhwan point out – is seen as unsuitable by them. The Otaibi leaders, on the other hand, stand by Turki as new emir and, for their part, blame the Mutayr for not having done enough to bind more Hashemite forces in the East, which in their eyes was the reason why the attack on Aqaba has failed. While no large-scale confrontations have emerged and Riyadh remains quiet for the moment, the rest of the world has, by now, realised that the Saudi alliance is somehow distracted and standing in their own way.
[4] The name of a kibbuz which has been the target of a devastating Syrian air raid in retaliation for attacks by the (continually British) Jewish Brigade on local Arab militia / police / security forces who, in their turn, had taken the side of local Muslims in an escalating dispute over land use rights.
This guy: who ITTL is responsible for British relations with the Jews in Palestine, has formulated one of the historically notorious “white papers” of British imperial policy for the Middle East and India was so full of, pointing in this and then in that direction and managing to antagonise almost everyone over time. The “Clayton White Paper” discusses various possible demarcations of an independent Jewish state protected by Britain and states “negotiations” with the Syrian King Faisal as an option to reach it. The borders proposed are similar to those of OTL’s
Peel Commission i.e. much smaller than the post-WW2 UN Partition Plan, but there are also WAY FEWER Jews in Palestine around at this point in time, and ITTL even less than IOTL because there is no Mandate and, more importantly, because there has not been much of a “Third Aliya” (in the absence of the Russian Civil War, Petlyurite pogroms, White Russian pogroms, Bolshevik executions etc.
Talking about negotiating a deal with Syria has made great waves – just like the proposed Jewish state, of course – because it has sparked rumours of whether the British are considering conditions under which they might desist in aiding and pushing the Saudis to attack the Hashemites, especially now that the Saudis are losing cohesion.
This guy.
[7] There is still a Jewish Brigade of the British, whose role is more important ITTL than under the Mandate IOTL, and beyond them, the Haganah has formed, like IOTL, also amply supported by the British.